Chapter 595: i need reincarnation

Time is always the best medicine to heal wounds.

There was no accident in the infighting of the Hyuga clan, and it ended with Hyuga Aya as the victor.

After Hyuga Aya directly exploded her most powerful power, used immortal art with Yang Dun, and finally showed the second style of Shenkong Strike, everything could be regarded as over.

Just performing such a move would consume a lot of money for her, especially since Shenkong Strike was the first time she used it.

This was a move that once fought with the power of Uchiha Kai in a battle state that was not at its peak and finally blew up the moon.

Even if there is no Tenseigan Chakra, incredible power erupts.

Perhaps because of the cooperation of Immortal Chakra and Yang Dun, it also exerted a lot of power!

With one blow, Hyuga Zonghyun was instantly killed, no matter how much he resisted, it was ultimately useless.

Even his corpse turned into powder at this moment, not even the white eyes were left behind!

This result gave Hyuga Aya some headaches, and what made her headache even more was that she felt a little weaker.

Such weakness, even if she possesses Immortal Technique and Yang Dun Chakra, she can't ask for help.

At this moment, she seemed to understand why on the moon, those big tube trees did not dare to use it easily.

When she was in good condition, she used Shenkong Strike, and she felt extreme discomfort in her body.

And those Otsutsuki who were already physically injured can basically be pronounced dead by using this trick.

According to her own judgment, it will take at least a week for her condition to recover, but she doesn't care about these things anymore.

Because for now, I'm afraid there is no need for her to do anything.

With her divine air strike, the entire battlefield was completely shattered, and a deep back ditch appeared in front of both sides of the battle.

Looking at such destructive power, and looking at Hyuga Aya, who was standing calmly in place, with purple eyeshadow on her face, and an indescribably noble temperament, the people in the Zong family were almost stunned.

The members of the branch family were all excited, even if they were affected by the caged bird, they could not exert their full strength at all.

But at this moment, they seemed to be greatly encouraged, and they broke out completely.

They tried their best to attack those clan members, and they didn't care about their own life or death.

As for those at the root, after the appearance of Shenkong Strike, they basically decided that this mission had failed.

Especially after Hyuga Sunzu recovered from the shock of Shenkong Strike and quickly resolved the elders coming towards them, they had already decided to activate the emergency mechanism.

Under normal circumstances, the root is not allowed to abandon the task.

But the mission they were going to perform this time was too special, and with some selfishness of Hiruzen Sarutobi, he reserved an emergency mechanism for the members of these roots.

That is 'when things can't be done, you can choose to give up the task without leaving too much evidence', and these root ninjas are obviously going to implement this mechanism now.

The damage caused by Hyuga Aya is too terrifying. They are not stupid. Although they know that they may have been exposed, they are not willing to stay here.

With their retreat, everything could be said to be over.

Although some of the members of the clan were eager to jump over the wall, they planned to use the caged birds directly to bring more funeral objects.

But Naichi Sunzu joined the final battle, and they didn't have the opportunity to do these things at all.

After this battle, there were only less than ten branches left in the Hyuga clan, including family members.

Everyone else was killed cleanly!

And the impact of this incident took a full month to calm down.

"It seems that you have been busy enough during this time." In the underground laboratory, Uchiha Qi tilted his head and looked a little tired, but Hyuga Aya, who was still in a very good state of mind, couldn't help but chuckle: "You are I haven't seen anyone for a month."

"No way. The casualties of the family need to be counted, the pension needs to be paid by ourselves, and we need to hold a meeting on how to go after that."

Hyuga Aya sighed slightly, but soon she raised her head and said with a slight smile: "Actually, I don't want to participate in it either, but after doing what you said, those who split up have decided that I can represent Their interests. But it doesn't matter, I decided that when everything is stable, I will tell them what you said."

Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, the current Hyuga clan, Hyuga Aya can almost be regarded as the dominant family.

Through the members of the branch that the caged bird has won over, you can imagine how terrifying their fanaticism is.

In this case, Hyuga Hizu may feel a little uncomfortable, but Hyuga Aya obviously has no idea of ​​competing with him for control of the family.

Otherwise, this woman will not say it, and when everything settles down, she will say what Uchiha Kai once said.

Obviously, this sentence will be the sentence 'The patriarch has the final say on matters within the family'.

Although Hyuga Aya hasn't said it yet, she thinks that her attitude towards Hyuga Hizu will definitely not be frivolous, and will even become more serious and abide by the rules.

Some words have to be acted upon and then spoken to be more effective.

After all, Hyuga Aya also accompanied Uchiha Kai in the peak of Konoha's power for so long, and she is very familiar with all this.

"Don't worry, this sentence can be said, but I hope you'd better wait."

Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Wait a year or two, let your family get used to it, and I will let you get the Minister of the Medical Department, you can talk about it. But you You can go to the bottom with Hinata and tell him what you think."

"Minister of the Medical Department? You are still thinking about this." Hyuga Aya nodded, she did not refuse, but she thought of other things.

"But then again, I heard that you went to Hokage's house that day. What did he do to you? You didn't do it? Also, why did Asma Sarutobi go to the security department? What the **** is going on?"

"If you do it, then it will be really troublesome." Uchiha Qi shook his head with a smile: "Of course, I am not afraid of trouble, but I don't need it, but I have confirmed some things and got some good news. As for Ah Sma..."

The fact that Asma Sarubi went to the security department caused quite a stir in Konoha.

You must know that Asma is the son of the three generations of Hokage, and the boss of the security department is Uchiha Kai!

However, such a sensation did not last long, and it dissipated in less than half a month.

The reason is very simple, because after everyone knows about Asma's life, they feel that such a thing is not surprising.

Asma had left Konoha for a while, and this guy even had the idea of ​​going to the Fire Country Daimyo.

The reason for his departure is also very simple, that is, he has a general relationship with his father, and it can even be said that he does not understand or agree with his father's actions.

And now Konoha's Hokage is his father's political enemy, so he chose to leave Konoha neatly.

However, unfortunately, the fire country daimyo was taught a lesson by Uchiha Kai, all the guards were Konoha's ninjas, and he could not really become a monk in the fire temple.

So he simply came back, and it didn't take long for the Hyuga incident to break out.

After thinking for a while, Asma still couldn't identify with his father.

Therefore, he joined the security department without hesitation, and also brought a lot of family members.

Their addition just made up for the manpower lost by the Security Department due to the Konoha Incident, allowing the Security Department to return to normal almost immediately.

And this incident also made Hiruzen Sarutobi jump with anger, and there were even rumors that he was ready to cut off relations with Asma, and to drive them out of the Sarutobi clan.

In the end, it may be that Sarutobi Hizan still didn't do that, but it is said that their father-son relationship has cooled down.

This incident was once popular in Konoha, and many people were watching it with the attitude of watching a joke.

After all, at that time, the Sarutobi clan was one of the clans that refused to agree to the passage of the Shangnin reform.

And Sarutobi Hipsan's interest groups are also very dissatisfied with Asma, but compared to such dissatisfaction, they are more worried about Sarutobi Hipsan's attitude.

Since the identities of these people are somewhat sensitive, they were quickly suppressed by Konoha, and even if they wanted to talk, they would only talk about it in a low voice and covertly.

Uchiha Qi naturally knew about this, because it was completely planned by him!

After thinking about it for a while, he simply said everything he and Sarutobi Hizen was talking about.

His words immediately caught the attention of Hyuga Aya, and even Imai Kenta, who had been sitting on the sidelines and couldn't stand the two, turned his head.

It's just that with Kai Uchiha's narration, the expressions of both of them changed slightly, because they didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, this old man, is actually so different from the ideas of those behind him?

Moreover, he actually agreed to such a thing, and...

He also arranged his son under Uchiha Kai?

It can be seen that this old man is really determined!

Of course, it was also possible that his son would do the work of infiltrating the enemy.

"This is probably the case, and basically it can be regarded as a foregone conclusion." After Uchiha Qi finished speaking, he gave a definition of the matter: "No matter how Sarutobi Hizuchi thinks, it doesn't matter what Aspen thinks. What the **** is Ma thinking, anyway, we have already got what we want, let's not talk about that, by the way, have those corpses been disposed of?"

"It's all dealt with, don't worry." Imai Kenta, who was sitting beside him, stretched his waist: "Although it's a little shocking, we can all trust you to handle things, but the news is a little too unexpected. Well, let's not talk about this, This is for you."

Saying that, Imai Kenta took out a scroll from his arms and threw it to Kai Uchiha.

Seeing that Uchiha Qi caught the scroll accurately, Imai Kenta continued: "A thirty-six pair of eyes should have been thirty-seven, but one guy was blasted into scum.

The rest are all here, and the bodies of those at the root have been cleaned up, including that Hyuga Motoji.

However, in the future, can someone else do the work of cleaning and digging graves? The subordinates that your Wuyin Village captured can do it! "

Imai Kenta looked very upset, but his upset was completely understandable.

After all, he has done a lot in this month.

Before the Hinata Incident began, he attacked a clan member of the clan, which unexpectedly caused some fluctuations.

But he didn't care, and killed an old man casually - later he knew that the old man was the fourth elder, and he left the seed of his Flying Thunder God on a surviving clan.

After everything was over, before the corpses of the Zong family were ready to be disposed of, he found the location of the corpses through this seed.

Digging graves and digging eyes, he divided a lot of wooden clones to complete this one night.

However, according to his own words, even if it was done by the wooden clone, he felt the stench of corpse all over him.

As for that Hyuga Motoji, this guy is the Nightingale at the root.

His identity was guessed by Hyuga Aya through the Hyuga Kaoru incident, so Hyuga Aya did not intend to let him go.

When this guy removed all the equipment from the roots and returned to the clan, he saw the unconscious Hyuga Kaoru and Hyuga Aohiko who was strangled by Hyuga Aya in his home.

It is conceivable how broken this guy is, but Hyuga Aya has no intention of letting him go.

She gave this guy a task, and that was to kill Koharu and Mito Kazuya.

As long as these two are killed, their family has a chance to survive, at least Hyuga Qingyan has a chance to survive and be treated!

Hyuga Yuanji has no choice, he can only choose to carry out this task.

Even when he noticed that Aya Hyuga had quietly dropped Imai Kenta's seeds, he pretended not to notice.

Hyuga Motoji carefully planned for several days, and finally he silently entered the door of the two of them one after another on a darker and windier night, and finally killed them!

It's just that when he finally killed Mito Menyan, Imai Kenta quietly appeared behind him, severing his throat.

Hyuga Motochi died peacefully, as if he himself knew what would happen to him.

After all, he is a true family betrayal, even with his wife and children.

The reason why he did these things was not for redemption at all, but simply for his own children.

His body was left in this room, and was found by members of the Mitomon family a day later, and was eventually collected and taken away by the members of the Genbu family.

As for those who participated in the Hinata incident, Imai Kenta did not let them go when they launched the emergency plan.

The infighting of the Hyuga clan cannot be implicated in the village, and at the same time, it is necessary to retaliate against the interest groups behind Sarutobi Hizan.

Therefore, these people at the root have never thought about letting them go from the very beginning.

Their end is doomed, they must die!

"Well done, it seems that the task at this stage has been completely completed." Uchiha Kai shook the scroll in his hand with a smile, and finally looked at Imai Kenta with a serious face: "Yes, I still I need you to do me a favor."

"What's the matter?" Imai Kenta suddenly looked a little wary: "Let's talk about it first, I won't help you assassinate anyone, why did someone from your subordinate come to me?"

"No, I'm going to do a prevention plan."

"Prevention program? What prevention program?"

"In case we die, this prevention plan is our lifesaver!

Therefore, I need to reincarnate in the dirt..."
