Chapter 596: resurrection

Dirty reincarnation?

When Imai Kenta heard Uchiha Kai's words, the whole person's face became a little weird.

His first reaction was, did this friend of his have a neuropathy, or was he 'persecuted delusional'?

Reincarnation is indeed a technique that can resurrect the dead, but the problem is that this resurrection is not a resurrection in the true sense.

Imai Kenta must admit that he actually read these materials a long time ago, especially after he mastered the Thousand Hands Clan, these materials were completely open to him at all.

Therefore, his understanding of these techniques is really no less than that of others who know these techniques.

It's just that he understands it, and whether he wants to use it or not is another matter.

For him, understanding and learning about the reincarnation of the dirty earth is just to prevent some rats from resurrecting his corpse in the future, so he has countermeasures.

As for resurrection or something, in his opinion, it is simply impossible, and even summoning it does not necessarily have the strength before his death!

"I think, have you been deceived?" Imai Kenta touched his chin, and then asked, "Although I don't know where you heard it, the reincarnation of the dirty earth is not as simple as you think. Not so good either. You know…”

"Do you think the reason why I made this request was that I didn't actually think about it?" Before Imai Kenta finished speaking, Uchiha Kei interrupted him directly: "Please, I'm not that stupid. , If there is no actual consideration and planning, I will make such a decision?"

"Kenta, wait for Kai to finish talking." Hyuga Aya also tilted her head and looked at Imai Kenta: "I don't believe that Kai is talking about such a topic without the slightest thought. Although, I don't know what the reincarnation of the dirt is. nothing, but it still has value as a defensive solution."

"Do you really think it's easy? Also, we can really.... Okay." Imai Kenta actually wanted to ask, can someone really kill us?

But thinking of their encounter on the moon more than a month ago, he still shut up decisively.

After thinking for a while, he said helplessly: "Okay, okay, when will you two get married? There's almost no limit to favoritism. Also, do your children have red eyes or white eyes?"

Imai Kenta was actually a little moved, but he still felt that Uchiha Kai's words were not so reliable.

Still, it doesn't seem like a big deal to hear what this guy thinks.

As for the pair of dog and man who disgusted him one day, he did not hesitate to fight back, but just after he finished asking, the three of them were stunned.

Yes, Uchiha and Hinata are combined, what is the eye?

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"I don't know, maybe it's blue."

Uchiha Qi frowned, this question is really not easy to answer, but when he thinks of Tenseisen, he simply makes a random sentence.

Without waiting for Aya Hyuga's reaction, he quickly said: "I know what you mean, and I also learned some of the reincarnation of the dirty soil through some of my methods. For example, the choice of the body limits the strength, and this kind of resurrection. It's not really a resurrection, I understand all of this."

Strictly speaking, the technique of reincarnation from dirty soil is not very difficult.

How much power the dead person can exert has a certain relationship with the technique itself. Orochimaru will improve the technique to make the resurrected person stronger in the future.

This is the most extreme option in a situation where there is no way out.

But the technique invented by the second-generation Hokage may not actually be so simple.

To put it simply, even if it is the reincarnation of the dirty earth before it was improved by Orochimaru, it can still allow the resurrected person to perfectly exert the power in front of him.

If you want to do this, the choice of 'material' will become extremely harsh.

You can't expect that an ordinary ninja's body is used as a material, and then people like Uchiha Madara can be reincarnated through dirty soil to perfectly exert their power, right?

You must know that in the later stage, even the materials that were specially improved to contain the power of the first generation of eyes did not allow Madara Uchiha to fully bloom his own power perfectly.

Even the first and second generations were resurrected using Bai Jue's body, and the same was true!

Uchiha Qi remembered that it seemed that the second generation had said that their strength was about 80% of the previous one.

Eighty percent, it was already extremely terrifying.

But Uchiha Kai is even more greedy. What he hopes more is full strength, which is completely in line with the strength of his life!

In particular, he is not lacking in basic materials.

Besides, he still has this huge advantage, that is, he is still alive now!

Uchiha thought of this, and said very directly: "The first one is the materials used for resurrection. Do you remember those white tissue cells we used? "

"Oh? You mean..." Imai Kenta seemed to have thought of something, but soon he shook his head: "No, we need living things, not dead things. Although those things are full of vitality, but …”

"You know again, these are not real life forms." A light smile appeared on Uchiha Qi's face: "Although it's a bit troublesome, it's not really impossible to get it."

"Kai, are you scared to be so urgent?" Imai Kenta sighed helplessly.

"I have to admit that if there is such a life form, it will really help us a lot.

But if there is such a lifeform to let it exercise some ninja qualities a little, it won't be something simple, right?

And, what if you got it?

You are still dead when you come upon it, not really resurrected.

Art is art, regardless of the quality of the material. "

Uchiha was stunned for a moment, his own words were obviously not finished yet, why did this guy deny it again?

But after thinking about it for a while, Uchiha Kai understood what Imai Kenta meant with some humor.

First of all, he doesn't seem to believe that the white thing can be mass-produced.

Even if he used Bai Jue's cells himself, Bai Jue's thing was just too terrifying, and its potential was too terrifying.

As long as you cultivate it seriously, maybe you can really come up with a bunch of Qianshouzhuma!

In fact, Uchiha Kai himself felt that in the original work, whether it was Hei Jue, Uchiha Madara, or Obito and his like, they all thought about cultivating this thing.

However, their IQs are comparable to negative numbers, and there is no good way to cultivate them, right?

That's why they use the 100,000 Bai Jue as cannon fodder so extravagantly. Fortunately, these guys don't have any IQ, otherwise...

In addition to this, Kenta Imai is probably still a little confused, or this guy simply misunderstood.

He may think that Uchiha Kai intends to use the terrifying vitality in Bai Jue's body to complete his resurrection?

After all, Bai Jue's life force is really terrifying.

But Uchiha Qi didn't know that art is just art, and although Bai Jue has a terrifying vitality, he is not really immortal.

Qianshou Zhujian can die, and Bai Jue has been killed by an unknown amount, it is just that they are a little harder to die.

"You seem to have misunderstood me." Uchiha Kai shook his head, then he stood up and said seriously: "Remember, Uchiha Lin?"

"Of course I remember, and I may even know who he is." Imai Kenta said directly, suddenly he was stunned, and then his face became a little grim: "Who are you, those white substances...they... ..."

"Well, it's theirs, and they have cultivated a lot." Uchiha Kai nodded: "As for what you are worried about, you don't need to worry at all, I learned some interesting information from that guy, those white guy....

There are some problems with IQ, let's put it this way, you can completely treat them as idiots who have talent but have no learning ability at all. "

"Idiot...Idiot?" Kenta Imai looked at Kai Uchiha in a daze, and finally after confirming that this guy was very serious, he rubbed his head: "Okay, idiot, this is really ....even if they are idiots, but resurrected..."

"I know, art is art, unless there is another way." Uchiha Kai didn't wait for Imai Kenta to finish, he smiled slightly: "And this way, I really have it, and... These are all things we can get, it's just not necessary for the time being."


The art of resurrecting a person is really not rare in the world of Hokage.

For example, in addition to the reincarnation and reincarnation of Uchiha Kaixin's heart, there is also the reincarnation of dragon life and the like.

It's just that the dragon's life reincarnation is strictly a simplified version of the reincarnation. Its function is to rely on the nature of Yang Dun's chakra, and then give all of its own vitality to others.

Reincarnation can be used on the living or the dead. If it is used on the dead, the caster's chakra will convert the soul of the dead.

Techniques involving the soul are never simple techniques!

This is why, Uchiha Kai has always wanted to use this technique to resurrect Nohara Rin.

The same technique is also a technique he decided to use as a backup. In his opinion, there are only two situations for his own death.

One is that the body may be occupied, or it may die in outer space like the explosion of the moon, then this technique is useless, and it is natural to need to reincarnate in the dirt to summon oneself.

Reincarnation is the first step in his plan, and he will choose to make all the preparations whether it is needed or not.

The second situation is that he was killed, but nothing was done to his corpse, then in this case, the resurrection can be completed using the reincarnation.

Of course, in such a situation, it is natural to need those bodies that he has prepared.

Through the establishment of some special connection techniques, the pre-prepared chips of the original vitality of the body, and the magician as a medium, transfer the vitality and chakra of Bai Jue's body into the dead body!

However, Uchiha Qi doesn't know how the art of reincarnation has been developed.

He remembered that Chiyo, the old woman, had already researched it, but after this technique appeared, it was simply regarded as a forbidden technique.

What's even more tragic is that she discovered that after this operation, her son's body was completely turned into bones. There is no way for the deceased to grow flesh with this operation.

And Scorpion's defection hit her very hard, so she didn't refuse to let this spell be sealed.

Uchiha Kai didn't plan to go to Nagato directly, he didn't want Obito to be exposed, so that the black guy would hide again.

In addition, he experienced the moon this time, and there were too many doubts in his heart, and he had to figure out some things.

He always felt that all this was not very simple, and there were indeed too many hidden secrets, especially Otsutsuki Hamura's reluctance to say anything.

And in the anime of Hokage, it seems that no one is a pure villain-except Danzo.

In the original three generations of Hokage, it is still quite white, even if Kai Uchiha really hates him in this world.

But after that meeting, he had to admit that although the old man was not worthy of virtue in many times.

But in a high position, sometimes he really can't help himself, and sometimes the choices he makes are not necessarily in his heart.

There is also Uchiha Itachi who wiped out the whole family and was washed white, Uchiha Sasuke too, even Uchiha Madara, the guy who launched the fourth ninja war, he was also washed white.

Does the ghost know what the inside story is about Kaguya Otsutsuki? Could it be that she intends to protect the earth from being invaded by Otsutsuki?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi was too lazy to think about these issues, maybe he would know in the future.

When he came to this world, he learned one thing, that is, this world is very complicated, and one cannot just give a person a definition of "good or evil".

In fact, he did the same. The definitions he usually gave to the other party were basically beneficial to himself, or detrimental to himself!

"Hello? Kai, what are you thinking about?" Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking, Hyuga Aya's voice rang in his ear: "Why did you stop talking halfway through? What's the reaction?"

"It's okay I'm just thinking about something." Uchiha Qi came back to his senses, he shook his head and then continued.

"All in all, there is no need to worry so much, we are all still alive and the materials are available.

We can make enough corrections to our own 'alternate resurrection body', we don't need to worry about not being able to exert our strength, and I have other plans. I will make them into a plan for you. "

Having said that, Uchiha Kai paused for a while, and after taking a look at the reaction of the two, he sighed slowly.

"Be prepared, understand?

Maybe we might be a little tired, yin and yang escape, Aya's experiment, the blood of the Hamura clan, and the reincarnation and resurrection of the dirty earth.

But all of this is for our future, and I don't want anything wrong with our future. "
