Chapter 597: task arrangement

Although Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya didn't know exactly what the resurrection technique Uchiha said was, but they trusted this guy very much.

Although a little tired, but it is not a big deal.

It has to be said that after returning from the moon, the three of them have indeed had a lot of tasks, but no matter how much it is for themselves, they will not complain about it.

Imai Kenta's family is really solid, and their family has basically preserved all the information about the experiments done by Senju Tobirama.

Of course, all of this was probably left behind by Senju Tobirama himself.

It can be said that the book of seals treasured in Hokage's hands, I am afraid that Imai Kenta and the others may not look down on it.

After all, I have so many rich materials, why should I go to your place?

However, there is no shadow of them in the original work, and they did not dare to display it easily, probably because they were afraid.

"Every man is innocent, but he is guilty", this sentence may not be found in this world, but no one obviously understands the general meaning.

The three generations of Hokage may not ask them to ask them personally, after all, Hokage still wants face.

But this guy Danzo is like a mad dog, he doesn't need to have any scruples at all.

As long as he knows it, he can use any means.

The purpose is also very simple, that is, to obtain information that he believes is a threat to Konoha, but is also beneficial to Konoha.

For this reason, even killing yourself is not a big deal.

Fortunately, the fate of the Qianshou clan today is like Uchiha, and it can basically be seen as being completely changed.

Even Danzo was killed by him a few years ago, and even the Hyuga clan has changed completely recently!

It can be said that Kai Uchiha has made a mess of the world.

But he doesn't care about how messed up it is. Minato Namifeng has survived. Can all this continue as in the original book?

Obviously, this is impossible.

And the changes he caused, the Otsutsuki brothers didn't seem to say anything, so why did he care so much?

Although he knew there was something wrong with the two brothers, there was not much he could do, but at least he was doing it, not sitting still.

Experiments are always very tiring, especially when the three of them have no idea of ​​increasing the number of people, such an experimental combination is even bigger.

Uchiha Fuyue has always known that the basement is being used, but he has no interest in intervening in Uchiha Kai's affairs.

He has already obtained a pair of Eternal Kaleidoscope Shakers, and the rest he can do and what he has to do is to cover up this laboratory from being discovered, and to provide all kinds of things that Uchiha Kai needs.

It can be said that a partner like him is definitely Uchiha Kai's favorite type of partner.

However, the small number of people is tiring, but sometimes it is not necessarily a bad thing. You must know that their laboratory is still in Konoha.

Especially in the period after the Hinata incident, the whole Konoha was not very calm.

A root ninja attacked Mitomon and Koharu, and this root ninja was also a member of the previous Hyuga incident.

The most important thing is that none of the root ninjas who participated in the Hinata incident survived, and this root ninja died in Mito Gate Yan's room, posing a suicidal posture.

It is conceivable that the impact of this incident on Konoha and the interest groups of the three generations of Hokage is so violent!

Sarutobi Hizan knew that this matter had nothing to do with Kai Uchiha and the others, but he knew that he knew that he was completely silent on this matter.

He just quietly attended the funeral of the two of them, and then left silently, no one knew what he was thinking.

But according to the reports of Uchiha Shisui and Yakushitou, the old guy sat silently at the root for a day.

When I saw him the next day, I found that he looked a lot older, and he also began to investigate the internal conditions of the root, as well as looking for any clues about the matter.

Uchiha Qi was relieved after hearing such a report, this is what Sarutobi Hizan should do.

If he doesn't do anything at all, or comes to him directly, there will be some minor troubles.

Although this kind of trouble may not make him feel bad, trouble is still trouble, and Uchiha Kei doesn't like trouble.

"However, their investigation is still restrained, and it is also in line with the current style of the roots."

Uchiha Kei stood in the office of the Minister of Security, watching the gradually descending sunset outside, and a smile appeared on his face.

Sarutobi Hiizhan's cooperation is actually not so unexpected now.

Strictly speaking, this guy may have seen that the future of those of them can't be very good.

In other words, when the people in their interest groups firmly opposed the proposal of the Joinin reform, they were already on the opposite side of the vast majority of Konoha.

Under such circumstances, they still have a fart future to speak of!

For at least part of my family to develop steadily or even rise, and for my children to get good treatment in the new era.

No matter what happened to Hinzaki Sarutobi, he had to do something.

There was no way he could get out, because he had gotten too deep into it.

Even his eldest son, the father of Konoha Maru, this guy who had joined the roots couldn't get out.

Then, Asma became the only person he could look forward to, especially in the eyes of outsiders, Asma was a discordant and deviant guy.

Turn other people's affairs into things that are closely related to oneself, then no matter how difficult these things are, this person will help to complete them in detail.

While maintaining his title of "Three Hokage", and the style that he should have as the leader of his interest group.

He will find a way not to continue to worsen many of the excessive things he would have done before, and he will not provoke Kai Uchiha.

"Master Kai."

Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking, there was a knock on the door of his office.

When the knocker got his permission to come in, the two of them immediately bowed slightly to Kei Uchiha.

There were three people in total, one of them was Asma, and the other two were Ghost Lantern Moon Moon and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark.

The three of them looked very respectful, but Asma glanced at the two guys beside him from the corner of his eyes with some doubts.

He just met in the corridor, but he didn't have time to think too much, but now he came into this office and realized it.

These two guys, one is Anbu?

another one....

Like a ghost full moon?

Konoha has three arrested geniuses from Kiriyin Village, one was arrested by Hyuga Aya, one was arrested by Kakashi, and the other was arrested by Imai Kentagan.

It's just that Kenta Imai caught who, only those who participated in the mission know.

But those guys have signed nondisclosure agreements and they won't reveal a word at all.

And those who were caught were thrown into Anbu's prison, and it's safe to say that few people knew who they were until two of them were released.

"They're all here?" Uchiha Qi looked at the three in front of him, then nodded casually before slowly opening his mouth and said, "You two sit first, Asma come over."

"Yes, Minister Qi." Both Guidengmanyue and Dried Persimmon Guisha nodded, and then they found a seat by themselves and sat down.

Asma also nodded. He didn't bother about who the two were, and walked directly to Kai Uchiha's side.

It's been almost a month since he came to the Security Department, and honestly, he still thinks it's all a little dreamy.

He is not a fool, he knows very well how bad his relationship is with the current Hokage and the old classmate in front of him.

Even he was slightly influenced back then, and he didn't show much kindness to his old classmate, the war hero who can be said to be an old classmate in Konoha who covered the sky with one hand.

But now, good luck makes people, he actually turned his head and came to work under his old classmate, this is probably the ending he never expected.

He still remembers that the old classmate came to his house to meet his father more than a month ago.

He once thought that the most terrible thing was about to happen, and even he really wanted to leave there quickly with Konoha Maru.

But unexpectedly, the battle didn't start, and he, who had been eavesdropping all the time, was stunned to find that the two were still talking happily.

They were drinking tea and playing chess, and they couldn't see how bad the relationship between them was.

Asma knows that after being in a high position, a person always puts on various masks for himself.

But he felt that it was a limit to wear a mask to the extent of these two people.

However, what he never expected was that after that, Uchiha Qi gave his father a funeral speech, and what made her even more astonished was that her father actually listened to it!

In fact, Asma, who had been listening all the time, fell silent after listening carefully.

It was the first time he had seen such a side of his father, and it was the first time he knew how entangled and helpless his father was in his heart.

He wasn't stupid, he certainly knew what the decision meant.

This is his father's belief that their family is afraid that there is no hope for the future. This is to protect their family, but also to protect him!

Sure enough, after Uchiha Kai left, Sarutobi Hizen called him over.

They talked secretly all night, and when the next day dawned, Sarutobi Hizan started to lose his temper at him, and his attitude towards him, which was not good at first, became even worse.

Asma knew the reason for all this, even if he looked at his father who had a very bad attitude towards him, he didn't have any disgust in his heart, but a deep sense of guilt and deep love.

But he didn't reject it either, he knew what to do.

All he has to do is not let his father down, he has to take more responsibility!

"Master Minister." Asma took a deep breath, and then called out respectfully.

He didn't resent Uchiha Kai in his heart, at least Uchiha Kai didn't kill him.

At least everything he has now, the mission he has to undertake, and the fact that he now understands his father, are all given by Uchiha Kai.

In addition, he himself works under Uchiha Kai, not only him, but also many of his clansmen who "follow" him have entered the security department.

He's accountable to these people, he's accountable to his own father, and he knows how to do it.

"It's been a month, are you still used to it?" Uchiha Qi smiled and said to Asma: "You have helped me a lot, if you didn't bring someone to join us, I'm afraid it would be the Hyuga one. It's... hey, it's going to make us short-staffed anyway."

"Master Minister..." Asma opened his mouth, but he realized that he didn't know what to say, and finally closed it again.

The matter of Hyuga, please, this is your leadership, okay, boss!

Asma scolded silently in his mind, he felt that he was really unsuitable to be these so-called bigwigs, these people could really talk nonsense with their eyes open.

How the **** did this come out, such a face is too scary, isn't it?

"Okay, let's not talk about this problem." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then his face became a lot more serious: "I have read your inspection report, it was given to me by Liuying Brigade, and your performance is still good. good."

"Thank you, Minister." Asma bowed slightly again.

This month can be regarded as an investigation period, and he was assigned to Uchiha Liuying.

Asma still knows about Uchiha Liuying, and even knows that this guy participated in the Third War and the Yunyin War, and he performed very well.

Of course, he is more aware that this captain is completely a die-hard Uchiha Kai, and he is a character who was excavated by Uchiha Kai and has been promoted all the time.

In fact, for Asma, it is the same under everyone, he is here to work hard.

"By the way, this document is for you." Uchiha Kai opened the drawer, took a document from it and handed it to Asma: "Let's take a look."

Asma was a little surprised by the result document, but he still said respectfully, "Yes, Mr. Minister."

Without any hesitation, Asma quickly opened the document.

What he didn't expect was that this document was actually a transfer plan, and he was going to be transferred to the hands of Risei Hyuga!

This decision immediately caused Asma's heart to tremble slightly.

He doesn't care who his brigade captain and division captain are, because everyone is the same.

But he knew one thing, and that was Hong, the woman who had already entered the security department for a long time, the woman who made him think about it day and night, is in this brigade!

Asma looked at the document in her hand with mixed feelings.

He didn't know when he was, but he had already silently fell in love with this woman with red pupils.

But it's a pity that this woman has never been interested in him, but seems to be very fond of Uchiha Kai.


Taking a deep breath, Asma made a decision in his heart. He shook his head slightly and handed the document in his hand to Kai Uchiha.

"Lord Minister, thank you for your love." Asma said calmly, "However, I think I have a good time in the hands of Captain Liuying, and I have no plans to transfer to another team."

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment. He didn't take the document immediately but asked curiously, "Why, Hong and Akai are both there, you..."

"Master Minister, I know what the purpose of my coming to the Security Department is." Asma interrupted Uchiha before he could finish speaking, and said with a serious face: "Thank you Minister for giving me, This opportunity for my family..."

"What I have on my shoulders, and what I have to do, doesn't have time for me to put my energy elsewhere."


Looking at the back of Asma's departure, Uchiha Kai was also a little puzzled.

What's wrong with going to Risei Hyuga, where are all the old classmates of their class?

Just like Akai, and red...

Well, Uchiha Kai seemed to have reacted at this moment, and then he was a little dumbfounded.

Did Asma misunderstand something?

Although to him, whether there will be any Sarutobi in the future will not make any difference at all, after all, he will not care whether this kid and Hong will still get together.

But since this guy refused, Uchiha Qi didn't bother to bother about it.

He wants to go according to his own established route, and Uchiha Kai is not his nanny.

After Asma left, Kei Uchiha turned his attention to the dried persimmon ghost shark and the ghost lamp full moon. These two guys have also been waiting here for a while.

Compared to the ghost shark sitting very calmly by the side, the ghost lamp full moon seemed a little curious, he really didn't know what his "investor" was looking for them.

Ghost Lamp Full Moon has been in Konoha for more than three years. Since he agreed to Uchiha Kai's request, he has been waiting here honestly.

However, his identity allows him to come into contact with very few things, which is similar to Terumi Mei.

It's just that he is much better than Terumi Mei. Terumi Mei is something he can't touch at all, and he can quietly get some through the security department.

Just like the current situation of Kiriyuki, at the same time, he will also help Uchiha Kai do some things.

In the process, he basically knew that the dried persimmon ghost shark had completely taken refuge in Konoha.

But he didn't bother to care about it, although it was impossible for him to say "everyone has their own aspirations".

But he also knew that this member of the dried persimmon family was too disappointed with the entire Kiriyin, right?

In addition, he himself is considered a betrayal in the strict sense.

But what's more interesting is that the woman Terumi Mei has absolutely no idea about the situation of the two of them.

Especially the dried persimmon ghost shark, the woman thought this guy was dead.

Therefore, this woman often ran to contact him, which made Ghost Lanman Moon very speechless.

But he wasn't stupid, he couldn't expose his situation, so he simply played with this woman.

He has heard the evaluation of Uchiha Kai, this woman may be his biggest competitor on the water shadow road.

But he didn't bother to worry about these issues. This woman trusted him very much. It could be said that he was tricked by him, and that was enough.

"Okay, you two, come here." After Asma left completely, Uchiha Qi turned his head and said to the remaining two: "There is a task for you two, after staying in Konoha for so long, you two It's time for an event."

"Please, Minister Qi, are you serious about what you said?" Gui Dengmanyue and Gan Persimmon Ghost Shark walked over together, and he said with a bit of dissatisfaction as he walked, "How do I remember, the two of us have been together over the years. Do you have a lot of help? Especially the ghost, this guy is still from Anbu, and he has a lot of activities, right?"

"He's him, you're you. Strictly speaking, what the ghost shark does is Anbu's work, not helping me. What about you, do you need me to elaborate?"

Uchiha Qi looked at the ghost lamp full moon calmly, and then said directly: "There are two tasks in total, you will perform together, and someone will assist you."

"Okay, okay, I'll just talk about it." Ghost Lantern Manyue spread his hands: "Tell me, what task, the specific details."

Uchiha Kai did not speak, but took out two reports and gave them to the two of them.

Having decided to explore the resurrection technique, he naturally wanted to attack the Kingdom of Wind. The only pity was that he could not leave Konoha casually.

Since he can't do it himself, and there are not many people he can use, he decisively chooses to let the ghost lamp full moon and the dried persimmon ghost shark complete this task!

Dried persimmon ghost shark and ghost lamp full moon were once the elites of Mist Hidden Anbu, and both of them were very familiar with the task of stealing intelligence.

Although it is said that the ghost place in the Land of Winds is full of yellow sand, this will have extremely serious restrictions on their ability to use water escape.

But the fighting style of these two is not limited to using water escape, and neither of them is joking.

It can be said that as long as they are careful enough, even if they don't use water escape, they can complete this task.

And in order to ensure the success rate of the mission, Uchiha Kai specially found some helpers.

This helper is really none other than Uchiha Obito!

Obito has rarely returned to Konoha in the past three years, and every time he came back to relax, Uchiha Keiko heard him complain a lot about his confrontation with Kiriyin Village.

He has planned to assassinate the old ghost Yuanshi directly several times, but in order to avoid becoming the target of public criticism in the ninja world and exposing some not-so-good things, he still endured it.

Of course, there is also Hei Jue's credit here. Hei Jue is doing everything possible to not want them to be exposed.

Obito is now in a relatively weak position, and they still had the initiative at that time.

Uchiha Kai contacted him through some special methods and told him the mission.

Obito didn't mean to refuse in the slightest, and it just so happened that he was going to come out recently to see the situation of Ichitoto Zhuri.

Although they have no plans to formally start, the organization is gathering funds to expand its strength, but it is helpful for them to investigate and understand the information and intelligence of good people and Zhuli in advance.

It is said that Shidai Kazekage is a complete lunatic, and he is cruel to his children.

He was so indifferent that he kept sending people to assassinate his own son.

And that person Zhu Li is not in a good condition now, but he is still cold enough, bloodthirsty and world-weary.

It is actually easy to deal with such a person, it is enough to deceive him.

If you really can't do it, you can directly attack him. Anyway, this guy is not so powerful now.

But it's a pity, it's not time yet, otherwise Obito can help Uchiha Kai get the chakra of the tail.

"The Land of Wind, tsk tsk, that place is not easy to use water escape." Ghost Dengmanyue glanced at the mission report, then picked up the lighter on the table and lit the document: "Also, you bought so many female slaves. What are you doing? You want to be pretty? Tsk tsk tsk, Minister Qi..."

"Shut up, just do your job well." Uchiha Qi didn't bother to pay attention to him, he sat down and put his hands on his nose, "This time the mission is very important, the one who has been reincarnated is not. The legendary resurrection technique, after I get it, I will consider giving it to you in the future, but..."

"I see, Mr. Minister."

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark didn't talk nonsense at all. He snatched the lighter from Ghost Dengmanyue's hand. Although he lit the document in his hand, he bowed slightly.

"I'll go back and prepare, I'll leave tonight."

"Okay okay, I see." Ghost Lantern Manyue was also a little helpless: "Damn resurrection, how could there be such a thing? Even if there is, it shouldn't be the country of wind... Forget it, anyway. It is also one of the five great ninja villages."

This guy, Ghost Lantern Manyue, can be said to be full of disdain for Sandyin in his tone.

In fact, for the Five Great Ninja Villages, there is still a certain chain of contempt.

And in this contempt chain, Sandyin is almost despised by all Shinobi villages.

This kind of contempt actually exists in all aspects. Although most people won't say anything, there is still that special sense of superiority.

Although Ghost Lantern Full Moon is from Wuyin Village, he is actually in the lower reaches of the chain of contempt, but he is really qualified to look down on the sandy village where the whole country is full of sandstorms and its economic strength is weak enough.

"Let's stop complaining so much, by the way, just a friendly reminder, I'm afraid you will be able to go back to Kirigin soon." Uchiha Qi was too lazy to care about him so much, and continued to say: "It is said that you and Terumi Mei The relationship is good? Keep it, maybe a year, maybe two years, and you can almost return to Wuyin."

"Can I go back?" Ghost Lantern Manyue froze for a moment, and then his face became a lot more serious: "I see, it seems that there is a problem with Shuiying, right?"

"It's not a problem, it should be said to be at a disadvantage." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "And the interesting thing is.... Forget it, you will know later, go ahead."

"I understand." Ghost Lantern Manyue nodded, then turned to leave.

Are you going to leave Konoha and return to Mist?

Ghost Lantern Manyue took a deep breath, he had no idea of ​​running away in advance.

Uchiha Kai has never been a kind-hearted guy, but he has some curse marks left on his body.

If he runs ahead of time, the final result is 80% dead on the way to escape.

The dry persimmon ghost shark will not let him go, and the person who left the curse mark will not let him go.

And for him, it's not bad to cooperate with Uchiha Kai, he has no intention of breaking the contract.

Walking out of the office, Ghost Lantern Manyue looked at the slowly setting sunset, a smile appeared on his face, and then he went straight back to his residence to get ready.

Going out of the village to do the task, he is no stranger to Konoha, this time the task seems to be more interesting...


The dry persimmon ghost shark returned to his residence in his daily clothes. He had already gone to Anbu to report his situation to Kakashi.

Kakashi naturally knows this guy, and Kakashi will not be embarrassed after learning that Uchiha Kai has a task for him.

He directly gave the dried persimmon ghost shark a month-long fake note, so that the dried persimmon ghost shark had time and energy to complete his task.

After the dried persimmon ghost returned his Anbu equipment to the logistics department of Anbu, he came back directly to prepare, and set off with the ghost lamp full moon later.

He didn't find it difficult to go to the Land of Wind to perform a mission.

Although the Land of Wind is indeed a harsh environment, especially for a water ninja like him, it is simply a nightmarish combat environment.

But this is not a big problem. During his time in Konoha Anbu, he was more used to using a knife to solve battles.

Especially their minister Kakashi, this guy's swordsmanship is even more terrifying to the extreme, and the ghost shark has also learned a lot.

What's more, they still have helpers this time. Although they don't know who they are, the people Uchiha Qi gave will not be mediocre no matter how they think. He is very confident in this task.

"Big Brother Ghost Shark, Big Brother Ghost Shark!"

Just when the dried persimmon ghost shark was about to enter the house, a kid who looked like twelve or thirteen years old ran over, and he looked very excited.

This kid is called Tanaka Yoshitake, a little guy who just graduated from school and is now considered a genin.

He is the neighbor of the ghost shark. When the ghost shark first came here, their family was quite curious about the ghost shark. After all, this guy looks a bit strange.

But over time, their family has given a lot of help to the ghost sharks who obviously have many deficiencies in life.

For example, after they know that the ghost shark is a ninja, they will take the initiative to help his house clean.

The little devil's sister would often bring him some food after returning from his mission in the middle of the night.

This kind of family-like care made the ghost shark very moved and very fond of it.

When he was free, he would drink or fish with the kid's father, and even when he learned that the kid was studying at a ninja school, he secretly opened a small stove for the kid.

Once he learned that this little guy was bullied by senior students at school, and he took the initiative to drag this little guy to school to find someone to settle accounts.

Although it is not easy for adults to interfere in matters between students.

But the ghost shark has already regarded this kid as his younger brother, and he will never watch his younger brother be bullied.

However, he was more restrained anyway, and asked those little guys to call their parents.

If it's in the fog, I'm afraid he'll be fine with it.

After the parents of the children knew about this (especially when they noticed that Oni Shark was wearing Anbu's uniform), they immediately took their children to apologize and make guarantees.

Of course, the result of what he did was to be severely reprimanded by Kakashi, who was then thrown into prison for a month to guard a repeat offender.

Ghost shark didn't care about this. After he came out, he had a better relationship with the Tanaka family, and the Tanaka family even came to visit him to thank him after he returned home.

But after they left, the ghost shark noticed that during his absence, the room was always being cleaned by someone.

It seems that the only one who has the key to his own house is the Tanaka house next door, and the only one who can help him clean the room is this little devil's sister, Masami Tanaka.

"Slow down, Jizhu." A smile appeared on the ghost shark's face. Although it looked a little scary, it also seemed very gentle: "What's the matter, I remember that you didn't go on a mission?"

"Mission completed!" Ji Zhu gave the ghost shark a thumbs up: "I also got the first task reward in my life, amazing!"

"Awesome Of course it's amazing!" The ghost shark rubbed Jizhu's head, and then said seriously: "However, if you have money, remember to save it well, and give it to your family. You are different from me, you There are also parents and sisters, I won't talk about too heavy topics, save money for future plans, understand?"

"Well, I know!" Jizhu smirked and touched his head, although he didn't understand what the 'heavy topic' was in Gui Shark's mouth, he didn't bother to care now, he continued to say excitedly: "But this time I'm not going to save it. ."


"Because, I'm going to invite my family to dinner today."

"That's it, then go back early and have fun."

"Of course, but Big Brother Ghost Shark is coming too!"

"Ah? I'm going too? Why?"

"Because, isn't Big Brother Ghost Shark also my family?"
