Chapter 600: why are you so skilled

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

On the topic of perverting or not, Uchiha Kai is just talking about it casually.

Probably being with Aya Hinata made him feel very relaxed, allowing him to let go of some of the things he usually needs to keep.

Otherwise, I am afraid that such a topic will never be said easily for a lifetime, right?

In the whole Konoha, there are not many people who can make him feel relaxed. Those former classmates count as a share, but it is not enough.

Kakashi and Namikaze Minato are pretty much the same. They are better than those classmates in the past, but they still can't reach the point where Kai Uchiha can really feel at ease.

Uchiha Fuyue can reassure him, but there is some lack of friendship in such reassurance, maybe there is a generation gap problem.

And there is no generation gap and enough friendship, and at the same time he can be completely relieved, only Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya are the two.

It's a bit sad to say, but to really go their way, this is something that must be carried.

At least, he is much better than Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha has only one friend, and this friend stabbed him in the back.

Since then he has no friends, some are just tools and subordinates.

However, he probably never dreamed that almost every one of his tools and subordinates had stabbed a knife in his back, and the worst thing was that he was even poked out of his heart to chat a few words.

Of course, his beliefs and aspirations were good, but his actions were not worthy of sympathy.

After the topic of perversion was revealed, the two walked towards a park together.

This time it was the road led by Aya Hyuga, and Kei Uchiha just followed, although he felt that they should find a place to sit and eat at this time.

But looking at this woman, she didn't seem to feel hungry for a while, and she was in high spirits, so he didn't care to follow.

The park where they are located is not remote, but this park seems to have been on the renovation list of Konoha due to various problems.

There are still many people in the park, but these people are basically older, and even many are ninjas with old scars on their bodies.

Although they were also very happy and excited after meeting Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya, they were not as fanatical as the others.

Maybe it's getting older, so they can maintain a better mentality.

After Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya greeted these people, they walked into the deepest part of the park.

"First time here?" Hinata Aya asked curiously, holding Uchiha Kai's hand, both of them were very slow.

"Yeah, this is my first time here." Uchiha Ki nodded, looking at the quiet environment around him and asked curiously, "I looked at the people who came to this park, and they all seemed to be... How old are you..."

"It's because the people who come here are all elderly, that's why I came here."

Hyuga Aya continued to walk forward, and when they came to a fountain that was no longer gushing out, she stopped and said slowly.

"Because it's quiet here, no one will disturb me."

Having said that, she let go of Uchiha Kai's hand, although she slowly walked towards the fountain.

Squatting down, she looked at a brick under the fountain table with a smile on her face.

"This park was established in Konoha around seven or eight years, and it has been more than forty years. It has always been located in the most prosperous place in Konoha, and many people used to like to come here. But... .."

Hyuga Aya reached out and poked the brick lightly, and soon the brick popped out, revealing the hidden space inside.

"With the advent of the war, the regulars here used to be rare.

And because of frequent wars, Konoha's funds often need to be spent in more important places, so this place has become a place that no one is managing.

Gradually, fewer people came. Even if some people came, they were just people with nostalgic thoughts. Young people, especially those of our generation, hardly ever came here. "

Uchiha Qi slowly walked to Hyuga Aya's side, and then squatted down with her.

It's true that this park has been in Konoha for a long time, but even Uchiha Kai doesn't seem to have been here.

He, who had no interest in parks or anything, was even more unlikely to have any interest in such a park with such neglected management, old facilities and even unusable facilities.

"So, is this your secret base?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head and asked curiously when he looked at the hidden space in front of him: "Even, you still hide a lot of your own little secrets here. ?"

"I also found this place by accident." Hyuga Aya smiled, then put her hand into the hidden compartment, as if she was looking for something.

It didn't take long for the smile on her cold face to become more solid, she stretched out her hand, and a small burden appeared on her hand.

"I didn't expect that they are still here after so many years." Hyuga Aya looked at the small bag in her hand and couldn't help laughing: "There are a lot of souvenirs in it."

"Really?" Uchiha Kai showed a slight smile: "What's in it?"

"Isn't it enough to see? Actually, I almost forgot what was in it." Hyuga Aya didn't hesitate at all, and she quickly opened the bag.

Presented in front of them were a forehead guard, a handful of kunai, a doll, and some completely indecipherable paper.

These things are very old, there is even rust on the Kunai and the forehead, and the doll is even more worn, and the dust has been covered on its body.

However, Hyuga Aya didn't mean to dislike it at all. Seeing all this in front of her, she seemed a little lost, as if she was caught in a memory.

Uchiha Kai stared at everything in front of him. Those bits and pieces are probably transcripts or something?

Because it is too old, it is impossible to see what is written on it.

Of course, it is also possible to write "your own future dreams" on a note, or "who do you most want to be with at the end of the world".

Kei Uchiha also wrote it back then, but he doesn't remember the specifics. Probably he wrote something "correct" in order to cater to Konoha's environment at that time.

"What are these?" Although there were already some speculations in his mind, Kai Uchiha asked with a little curiosity.

"I think, in fact, you have already guessed, haven't you?" Hyuga Aya came back to her senses and said with a smile: "Okay, since you are so cooperative, I will give you an answer. ."

As she said that, she glanced at the paper with a little pity, and the writing was completely unclear.

"Unfortunately, I was inexperienced at the time and ignored many details, which made these things completely invisible to what they looked like at the time.

These are my transcripts. I remember when I got my six-year-old, second grade, I was still a hopeful kid, very simple and very motivated.

These transcripts are the results of my hard work, I still remember that I got the first place in the physical examination at the end of the semester, it's a pity..."

"It's really a pity." Uchiha Qi also said with a little regret: "I was in school back then, and I was ordinary. I wasn't a top student or the tail of a crane. Maybe it was because I was not used to the way of education in the school, or maybe it was because of me. His talent is really poor. Just a little bit, I will soon become the 'Shame of Uchiha' duo with that kid Obito."

"Poor talent? This is probably the coldest joke I've ever heard." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai: "You and Obito, these two 'Shame of Uchiha' are now the Minister of the Security Department and the other don't have an easy one."

"It can be said that we have broken our own destiny by ourselves." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, and then laughed: "You are the same, also the icebreaker of destiny, how do you feel?"

"Very good, it has never been better than this." Hyuga Aya smiled and shook her head: "Before my memory was frozen in the afternoon when I was six years old, I still remember that I also felt very good at that time, and I had hope and goals. . Until that afternoon..."

Uchiha Qimo's shoulders rested on Hyuga Aya's shoulders. Although she didn't say much, he could understand.

Six years old is the limit for a child of the Hinata family. At this age, they will be put into caged birds in batches.

I am afraid that Hyuga Aya only found this park after that, and finally buried these things that were once proud and had her dreams, because she felt that there was no hope for her future, right?

"Stop talking about that." Hyuga Aya took a deep breath, then picked up the doll: "Her name is Sadako..."

"Uh, why did you choose this name?" Uchiha Qi couldn't help but stunned when he heard the name. He seemed to think of a guy who crawled out of the TV.

"Is this name strange?" Hyuga Aya didn't know what Uchiha Kei was thinking, she didn't look back but continued: "This is a gift that my mother bought me when I ended my second grade at the first grade, It's a pity...she used to be pretty."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi nodded silently: "I never got the first place in the exam, so I don't have such a gift. But my first gift, the official gift for me, should be It's a kunai. It's a pity that I stabbed the kunai on a certain sand ninja, and I probably can't get it back."

Uchiha Kei's first gift was given to him by Keisuke Uchiha on the eve of his "graduation" when he was seven years old and was about to enter the battlefield.

It was a kunai, a very ordinary kunai, and Uchiha Kai, who was full of despair at that time, didn't think about anything at all.

And that kunai was considered to have saved his life. In another desperate battle, he stabbed the kunai into the body of a sand ninja, and then hurriedly fled away from the place.

But he didn't have the slightest regret, and even his life was about to die. Who cares about this?

"You guy, really..." Hyuga Aya shook her head, then picked up the forehead guard.

"This forehead guard was obtained after I graduated. Seven years old, it seems to be about the same as you.

Maybe it's because I'm too talented, or maybe it's because Konoha really lacks personnel, so I go to the battlefield.

But now it seems that Konoha at that time lacked the status and status of us, and at the same time there were some powerful people to be cannon fodder.

When I was about twelve years old, two years before I met you, in another mission, a misty Hidden stabbed me in the head. I tried to hide and didn't hit me, but suddenly it was chopped to pieces. , so I changed a forehead guard. "

"No wonder, it looks like there are some traces." Uchiha Qi nodded faintly: "My forehead protector is still obtained on the day of graduation, although I have thought more than once whether I want to leave a trace on it, But in the end..."

"It's not surprising, you are your style." The smile on Hyuga Aya's face was still the same, and finally she put down her forehead and picked up the last Kunai placed there: "This Kunai, I am the first The last time I killed my opponent. I still remember the desperate look she looked like before she died..."

Having said that, Hyuga Aya paused for a while, she raised her head slightly and looked at Uchiha Kai who was close at hand, and then said softly.

"You know what? Looking at her, I seem to see myself.

I don't know who she is or why she is involved in such a war. I only know that she is from the enemy Shinobi Village, and I only know that she is my enemy.

Looking at her is like seeing me in the future, with such despair, such fear in the face of death, I also swore to myself at that moment, I want to break my destiny, I want to break all this! "

"And you, you have done it now, Aya." Uchiha Kai held Hyuga Aya's cheeks with both hands, and said in a gentle voice: "You have already done it, you have broken your own destiny, you are not the one who pursues freedom in the cage. Bird, you are now a true free-flying bird."

"Thank you, Kai..." Hyuga Aya's voice was a little shaky, although it was not the first time she heard this, but every time she heard it, she would have a special feeling.

Yes, she is no longer a bird in a cage, no longer a bird that longs for freedom but is bound by fate, and cannot see hope and sinks into despair.

And her freedom comes from one person, the person in front of her.

Raising her head slightly, looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, Hyuga Aya seemed to summon up some courage.

Although her face was a little red, she said seriously and softly: "The moonlight tonight is so beautiful..."

Uchiha Kai was stunned for a moment, then he put his head close to Hyuga Aya, as if to stick together completely: "Yeah, the wind tonight is also very gentle..."

After saying this, Uchiha Qi didn't hesitate, he directly kissed the woman in front of him.

The woman in front of her did not resist in the slightest. Although she was not as active as the one on the moon, she had a different feeling.

It is not the first time that Kai Uchiha has said the moonlight is beautiful to Aya Hyuga, but this is the first time he has received an official response.

It was sweet and beautiful, and when the two of them parted, the silver moonlight brought their shadows together.

However, what makes Uchiha Kai a little strange is that Hyuga Aya seems to have a strange face.

But he didn't care about that, and at this time, he should pursue the victory.

Putting his forehead in front of Hyuga Aya's forehead, Uchiha Qi asked softly, "I think summer should be over, what do you think?"

"I don't think so." To Uchiha Kai's inexplicable surprise, Hyuga Aya's face suddenly changed a lot.

She pushed Uchiha Qi to the ground, then stood up directly, her voice became cold again: "Summer is over, do you think I can't hear what you are saying?"

"Uh, you can consider..."

"I could have considered....have your dreams! I'm not going to think about it, especially since you are dishonest! Should you explain it better now?"

"Explain what?"

"Explain, why are you so skilled? Have you lied to a lot of girls?"

