Chapter 601: fellow villagers in different situations

"Damn it! Why haven't you come yet!"

On a bench not far from the Konoha gate, Ghost Lantern Manyue sat there alone, swearing.

As for who he was scolding, it was self-evident, naturally it was the dry persimmon ghost shark who wanted to go on a mission with him.

After coming out of Kai Uchiha's office, he quickly returned home and began to prepare all the things needed for the mission.

This time the mission is probably not easy, and Ghost Lanman Moon is also very clear. Although he looks down on the people in Shayin Village, he also thinks that Uchiha Kai is a lunatic, and actually believes that there is such a thing as resurrection.

But since he took up this task, whether it was voluntary or forced, he planned to go.

Konoha is a good place, both the environment and the policy make people feel comfortable.

But this kind of comfort is not good news for him, who has a water shadow dream in his mind.

The longer I stay, the more I can feel how big the gap between Kiriyin and Konoha is, and the more I have the idea of ​​'just stay here'.

Ghost Lantern Manyue will not accept this idea, since he already knows the gap, and he has also cooperated with Konoha to a certain extent.

So why not take what you have seen and learned in Konoha, plus this kind of cooperation, and bring all this back to the fog hidden?

The hatred between Kiriyuki and Konoha is largely due to the fact that their ancestors were driven out of the sea by Madara Uchiha one by one.

It's been so long now, why should I keep those hatreds in my heart?

Anyway, the ghost lamp full moon doesn't think it's any use to hold grudges, look at the staffing of Konoha, and look at the benefits that other ninjas get.

Think about the past wars, especially the Third Ninja World War, where Konoha won a one-on-one battle against four villages.

What is this hatred for?

Block yourself?

Are you going to bring those lunatic Uchiha Kai and attract Kirikin to sabotage?

"However, I think so, that Terumi Mei may not think so."

Since the ghost shark didn't come for a long time, I was waiting for it. I might as well take advantage of some thoughts in my heart now and think about my future path carefully.

This woman Terumi Mei is indeed talented, and she seems to trust herself very much now, but Man Yue knows that this woman may be full of hatred for Konoha in her heart.

After learning about this kind of hatred Man Yue, she was suddenly speechless.

Feelings, this woman also met Uchiha Kai at the beginning.

It seems to have been seven years. At that time, Uchiha Qi was not as high as he is now, but his strength seems to be extraordinary.

A team of them killed Terumi Mei's team, and she and Ao were the only ones who survived.

This incident made Terumi hate Kai Uchiha, and only a terrible attack broke out in Kirigakura Village.

Coincidentally, the attacker at that time was also a person with a wheel eye, which made Terumi Mei recall the fear once again.

Hundreds of ninjas were lost in that attack on Kirigakushi. The most important thing is that most of these ninjas belonged to Yuanshi, including this guy Ao!

It is said that the blue death was very tragic, and even the body was not left behind.

To be honest, Man Yue didn't care too much about this kind of thing. Ninjas are a high-risk profession, and death is normal.

Besides, this guy Qing is not a good person, but Man Yue knows that one of the eyes of that guy is sealed with a white eye.

"Take Konoha's things, and finally die in the hands of Konoha's rebellion, this ending is not bad, right?"

That's what Man Yue's psychology thinks, maybe because he doesn't have any deep bonds, or maybe he thinks that this guy Qing deserves to die for taking other people's things.

Anyway, he couldn't understand Terumi Mei's emotions, knowing that his patriarch died in the hands of Uchiha Kai.

But he won't say much, and he has gradually understood a lot of things in Konoha for so long.

And now, he seems to miss his younger brother who was once disliked by him.

It seems....that kid is called Shuiyue?

Man Yue touched his chin in embarrassment. He didn't seem to remember what his brother was called.

Shaking his head, Man Yue was too lazy to think so much. Anyway, when he completed this mission and then looked at the specific situation of Wuyin Village, then he might have to be 'traded' back.

After I go back, I can naturally take a good look at my brother and do a good fight to get the position of the water shadow.


Man Yue's eyes were a little vacant, and then it was a complete transformation of Wu Hidden.

The idea of ​​getting rid of Uchiha Kai is unrealistic, and he has seen Konoha so powerful, and he has to admit that I am afraid that there is no way to defeat Konoha.

That being the case, then find a way to use Konoha and make use of the cooperation between him and Uchiha Kai to make him stronger, and put his brand on him completely!

He doesn't plan to be Konoha's Uchiha Kai, he is the one who completely controls Kiriyin!

"Hey! The goal is a bit high." With a faint sigh, Ghost Lantern Manyue then smiled wryly: "Damn, I've been thinking about the future even before I go back. If this mission is unlucky, I will directly If you die in the Land of Wind, then everything is not ruined."

Borely bowed his head, looked at his shadow, and suddenly he became angry again.

Ninjas can judge the current time by their reflections, and Man Yue just glanced at it and immediately knew that he had been sitting here for a long time.

What is this **** ghost shark doing, why hasn't it come yet!

Could it be that they forgot that they are going to be on a mission tonight?

With a helpless sigh, Man Yue rested her head on her hands and inadvertently looked at the moon in the sky.

"It's so bright, it's a....a day suitable for confession..."

"But, what's the matter with me?

Cut, the woman will only affect the speed of my swing..."



In the yakiniku restaurant opened by the Akimichi family, the dried persimmon and the Tanaka family raise a glass for a drink.

This barbecue restaurant is very famous in Konoha, and almost all ninjas, especially the lower ninja team led by the upper ninja, like to come here for dinner after completing the task.

The same is true for Jizhu. He chose here without exception for this dinner.

Putting down the cup, he glanced at the ghost shark sitting opposite, especially seeing the juice in the ghost shark's cup, which made him a little baffled.

"Brother Ghost Shark, you didn't drink?" Ji Zhu asked curiously, "Is there any other tasks at night?"

As a result, he naturally chose juice, and finally was seen by Yoshitake, who had become a ninja and taught a lot of things himself.

While this made the ghost shark a little embarrassed, it also inexplicably raised a little gratification.

This kid Jizhu can be regarded as his own teaching, although he does not teach much, after all, he and Jizhu don't really spend much time together.

But this is also his disciple. The disciple has grown and performed well, and there is a sense of pride in his heart.

This was the first time he had felt this way, and it was such a good feeling.

"Well, there are indeed some things." After thinking about the wording quickly in his mind, the ghost shark said with a smile: "It's not a big deal, you all know that I am a Chunin, and sometimes I have to do tasks."

"Is that so?" Masami Tanaka asked worriedly: "Is it dangerous? I'm sorry we didn't dare to invite Mr. Oni Shark to come, and it would disturb your preparation time..."

"It's alright, everything is ready." Ghost shark smiled indifferently, he smiled at Yami: "As you all know, I'm a ninja who doesn't make jokes about missions, since I came out, it means that I'm confident and ready."

"Yeah, Yami, Mr. Ghost Shark is very powerful, he won't joke." Yoshitake and Yami's parents also persuaded.

Although the two of them were also a little worried about the ghost shark, they also believed in the strength of the ghost shark.

For Gui Shark, they still like and respect him very much in their hearts, not only because Gui Sha is a ninja, but also because he is very practical in life and work.

Although the ghost shark looks a little ugly, it looks like a shark, even if he laughs, it's a little intimidating.

However, the Tanaka family is not an existence that judges people by their appearance.

In fact, most people in Konoha will not judge people by their appearance. After all, the war has been so long, and there are still quite a few disfigured ninjas who have survived.

People living in Konoha have long been used to it, and they will not look at these people in any strange way.

After all, these people have fought for Konoha and the home they live in, and they became like this.

If you still have such a mentality towards such people, I am afraid that the entire Konoha group of ninjas will make you not have a good life.

Although the ghost shark is not disfigured, his origins are also somewhat mysterious.

But he has the help of the Thousand Hands clan, and it is said that he has a good relationship with the security department. Such a person is likely to be a war hero.

It's just that the tasks performed are too confidential, so no information is disclosed.

Of course, they don't care whether they are heroes or not, and they are also sincere to ghosts.

They really like this guy who is honest, capable and very good.

"Is that so?" Yami hesitated a bit, and finally couldn't help nodding. Then he raised the cup and said to the ghost shark: "If that's the case, then I wish Mr. Ghost shark a successful task."

"Thank you, Yami." The ghost shark also raised the cup: "Don't worry, I am fully prepared, there will be no problem, I will be back."

"It's natural, Mr. Ghost Shark." Yami said with a smile, and then she looked at Ghost Shark with a slightly drunken expression: "I... I will continue to help Mr. Ghost Shark clean the room."

After speaking, Yami immediately finished the drink in the cup, and then lowered her head to see that she was no longer like a ghost shark.

The ghost shark was a little silent, or he had never encountered such a thing at all. He glanced at the Tanaka couple and Yoshitake who was giggling beside him, and he slowly drank the drink in the cup.

It's very sweet. In his eyes, this kind of drink is basically a child-friendly drink. At this moment, it seems to be the sweetest thing in the world.

in the end....

Is it the sweetness of the drink, or is it something else that arouses the sweetness in my heart?

Ghost shark doesn't know, but he really likes this feeling.

He really never dreamed that he was defeated by the Qianshou Patriarch named Imai Kenta, who was also the head of the Konoha task department. It was the beginning of the dream.

He was forced to come to Konoha by Uchiha Kai, and gave him a new identity, which actually made him truly feel that he was still alive, that he was living in this world as a person.

It is not a cold and dark world, but a colorful world full of warmth.

"Thank you, thank you...Master Qi, even if you want my life, I will promise you without hesitation!"

The dry persimmon ghost swears silently in his heart, but when he just put the cup down, his eyes widened.

He seemed to have seen something terrifying, and then coughed wildly there.

His move immediately startled the Tanaka family, and Masami even stood up and patted the ghost shark's back lightly.

Her face was full of anxiety, she didn't know what was going on.

And the ghost shark immediately stood up and looked at the front respectfully after feeling a lot better.

His move also caught the attention of the Tanaka family. Following his gaze, they suddenly showed inexplicable expressions.

They saw that Hyuga Ayasaka walked in with a cold face. She seemed to have a special charm in her kimono, noble and elegant.

There was another person behind her, the head of the Konoha Security Department, Uchiha Kai!

The two of them are lovers, and the whole Konoha knows that, and the fact that the two of them were in the same team has become a legend.

There were two ministers from that team, and the Minato class who performed the mission with them even came out with a Hokage and Anbu ministers.

It's just....Why does Minister Qi seem a little.... helpless?

"Master Kai." When Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya passed by the dining table of the Tanaka family, the ghost shark immediately knelt on one knee and shouted respectfully.

His move surprised the Tanaka family a bit. Generally, ninjas are respectful when they see Kai Uchiha, but they don't salut like this on informal occasions.

Will do this....often this person's subordinates, the most loyal subordinates.

"Uh, ghost shark, so coincidental..." Uchiha Qi actually saw the ghost shark long ago, but he didn't expect this guy to make such a move.

But after all, he was also someone who had seen the big scene. Seeing that Hyuga Aya also stopped, he immediately smiled and said.

"Please, this is a restaurant. If you do this, Mr. Ding Zuo will trouble me."

"Sorry, my lord." The ghost shark stood up slowly, but kept his head down.

"Have a dinner party? Hello Uchiha Kai nodded to the ghost shark and the Tanaka family behind him, then quickly took Aya Hyuga's hand, and continued without giving her a chance to struggle.

"Since it's a dinner party, it's delicious. Also, when I came here just now, I heard that someone was sitting on a bench waiting for people at the entrance of the village, while cursing."

"Then I'll go there now, my lord." The ghost shark heard the words and immediately turned to leave.

"No, enjoy it. The task is done with peace of mind. The task hasn't started yet." Uchiha Qi put one hand on his shoulder, and then looked at the Tanaka family: "Thank you for taking care of him, and I will also do it in the future. I'm going to trouble you."

"Okay, I won't bother, after all, I'm still hungry..."


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