Chapter 602: absorption preparation

" are Minister Qi's subordinate?"

After Kei Uchiha left, the Tanaka family couldn't bear it anymore, Yoshitake asked excitedly and quickly.

Masami and Tanaka's couple also looked over. He really didn't expect the strange-looking guy, Oni Shark, to be a subordinate of Uchiha Kai!

In Konoha, if you ask the civilian ninjas who they most want to be their direct subordinates, I am afraid Uchiha Kai will be the number one person!

Hokage's direct subordinate is Anbu, but unfortunately Anbu's work is not something that everyone can do.

Kakashi can also have his own direct subordinates, but Kakashi himself is the Minister of Anbu, so he can basically cut off this idea.

As for other ministers, either it is unnecessary, or they are not qualified enough, or they do not necessarily have any good benefits if they follow.

Therefore, Uchiha Kaito became the most popular person, not to mention that he also holds the security department in his hands. I don't know how many people in this department want to squeeze in when they break their scalps.

"So, you are from the Guard Department?" Ji Zhu's father's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have become somewhat respectful: "The Guard Department is a good place, although the former Guard Department was rotten to the core. It's inside. But since Minister Qi took over, everything has changed."

"Yeah, I still remember that seven years ago, we were often bullied by those people." Jizhu's mother couldn't help but sigh.

"But since Minister Qi came, he immediately reorganized the entire security department. It is said that he also threw two former sub-commanders into prison, and then boldly used ordinary ninjas.

Although I have also heard that Minister Qi has a tough wrist, many people were kicked away by him or even thrown into prison for disobedience.

But looking at the current security department, the idea of ​​Minister Qi is really not something that people like us can think about. "

It's really not, and you probably won't know that Master Qi killed a lot of people at that time.

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark thought to himself, but when he noticed that even Yami showed a look of reverence, a smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, he had decided in his heart long ago, and his intention to quit Anbu to join the Security Department in the future also became more determined.

The level of respect that the Guard is now in Konoha is unbelievably high.

But all of this is justified, because the security department is really working for the residents of Konoha.

The regulations set by Qi Uchiha seven years ago are still in use today. Although the regulations he formulated in those years have been constantly revised and improved during these seven years, the punishment regulations have become less severe and frightening.

However, the members of the security department, whether they are newcomers or former old people, are demanding themselves strictly according to the previous regulations, which obviously makes the security department more popular.

"Unfortunately, I'm not from the Security Department." Shaking his head slightly, the ghost said with a little regret: "Or, I haven't joined the Security Department yet. I'm...I'm a mission ninja."

"Hey? Why didn't you join the security department?" Yoshitake asked with some doubts: "Also, how did you and Minister Qi know each other?"

"Well... this is a bit complicated to explain. You can be Minister Qi and sometimes we need us to perform tasks, but it will not affect the operation of the security department."

After thinking about it for a long time, the ghost shark finally came up with a reason: "As for how to know Master Qi... We met on the battlefield."

Ghost shark didn't want to lie, especially he didn't want the Katana family, so he could only choose a relatively compromised statement.

He and Uchiha Kei did know each other on the battlefield, but it wasn't really a war when they met, and...

The two of them were still enemies at that time!

Even if the dry persimmon ghost shark trusts the family in front of him, it is impossible to forget Uchiha Qiming's order forbidding him to speak about his past.

"Battlefield?" Jizhu's eyes lit up again: "Which battlefield? The country of vortex? No, Minister Qi didn't seem to be there back then, so..."

"Okay, Jizhu, do you think the war is a family game?" Yami glanced at the ghost shark apologetically, then interrupted rudely and taught the kid a lesson: "How many people have lost their relatives and lost the war. Lost a comrade-in-arms, lost a friend? Don't you admire Lord Qi the most? Then do you remember what Lord Qi said?"

"A truly powerful ninja is not a powerful person, but a person who can carry the will of his dead comrade and move forward alone and bravely." Yoshitake also quieted down, and then he took a deep breath and stood up to face the ghost shark Bowing slightly: "Sorry, Big Brother Ghost Shark, I shouldn't have asked this."

"It's all right, it's all over, the people who should be remembered by me will always be there." Gui Sha smiled indifferently, then he raised his glass and said with a smile: "Okay, don't talk about this, cheers everyone, Lord Qi also said that now is the time to enjoy it."

"Cheers, I wish Mr. Ghost Shark a successful completion of his mission!"

"I wish Mr. Ghost Shark a successful mission!"


"Hey, hey, what's the matter with you?" Uchiha Kai took Hyuga Aya into the private room specially prepared for them by the Qiu Dao family, Uchiha Kai said helplessly: "Didn't I explain it, you are all there What are you thinking about?"

"Hmph, what did you explain?" Hyuga Aya looked at Kai Uchiha with a cold face: "Does that count as an explanation? What I'm asking you is, why do you treat this kind of thing... and those love words, why do you So skilled!"

"Please, I really don't have it." Uchiha Kai really has a headache now.

He didn't seem to say anything, didn't he just ask something similar to 'can take you into autumn'?

As for?

As for proficiency....

Uchiha Qi was not a fledgling in his previous life, otherwise he would not have been so calm when they followed Jiraiya to the Customs Museum.

Look at the two guys Kakashi and Obito, one is more shy than the other.

On the contrary, Imai Kenta was a bit beyond his expectations, and that guy was also calm.

But that guy can be ignored, that guy is simply an outlier, he is two years older than Uchiha Kai, and he has a much stronger control over the family than Uchiha Kai.

Maybe, this guy has played all kinds of tricks.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about Imai Kenta, Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Aya in front of him and couldn't help rubbing his brows.

It was impossible for him to tell Hyuga Aya about his past life, and it was almost as if he was considered a lunatic.

And he also explained that the Uchiha family is indeed not bad, especially he himself is very handsome.

Therefore, when he was at school, he did have some little girls to chase after him, but he didn't have the slightest thought at all at that time.

After entering the battlefield, some of his original thoughts were also erased with the constant killing.

In particular, there are really a lot of beautiful female ninjas who died in his hands, and this kind of environment created a cold and **** Uchiha Kai.

"Okay, don't make such an expression." Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai's frowning look, and finally she seemed to feel that she had gone too far: "I believe you are."

"Believe?" Uchiha raised his brows, and his face turned dark in an instant.

Aya Hyuga didn't say anything. After all, he had experience in this area in his previous life, so he really thought he was acting too much.

As a result, she speaks now, and Uchiha Qi suddenly realizes that this woman is actually looking for an excuse to avoid the environment just now, right?

The environment just now, everything just now, I am afraid that Hyuga Aya is a little weaker, I am afraid that she will really end the 'summer' tonight.

It's just that the girl's reserved Uchiha Qi understands, but is it too much for her to fry Hu like this?

"Excessive?" Uchiha Qi sat down helplessly: "Are you still worried that I will force you to fail?"

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of myself." A slight smile appeared on Hyuga Aya's cold face: "You underestimate your own charm, and I also overestimate my resistance to you. But just now The reaction seems to be a bit extreme, is it possible..."

"I'm too lazy to care about you." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then said seriously: "But don't worry about one thing, I will respect your meaning."

"Well, of course you will, you always will." Hyuga Aya closed her eyes and nodded, and it took a long time for her to open her eyes and asked: "That person just now, the dry persimmon ghost, I remember him. It seems that his transformation did Is it good? He also participated in the Hinata incident, do you trust him very much?"

The dried persimmon ghost, Hiyaka Aya, is naturally no stranger, she had seen it when she went to the country of vortex.

Uchiha Kai seems to be very interested in this ugly looking shark-like guy.

After this guy was caught by Imai Kenta and brought back, Uchiha Kei did not hesitate at all, and directly carried out insurgent activities.

In three years, it seems that this guy has completely integrated into Konoha, and he has not unexpectedly won the trust of Uchiha Kai.

It's just that Aya Hyuga can't figure it out, that is why the person she likes thinks that this guy can rebel, and he can be trusted after he rebels?

This is what Hyuga Aya finds the most elusive.

It is true that the performance of the dry persimmon ghost shark is very good. She has read all the reports in Anbu over the years, and she still read it behind the back of Uchiha Kai.

She didn't want someone to lie to Uchiha Kai, there were some things she had to figure out.

But unfortunately, the assessment above in the report seems to show that Kai Uchiha's judgment is as accurate as ever.

"Natural trust, because he is the kind of person who, after the collapse of his belief, has been re-implanted with the 'meaning of being alive' and truly recognized the existence of the definition of 'person'."

Uchiha Qi's words were very convoluted, but he didn't care too much: "Thanks to Kiriyin Village for what he did, otherwise I really couldn't find it so serious, ninja literacy and its excellent subordinates."

"You just need to trust him. He also has Kenta's seeds on him anyway. I just don't want to see you look lost after being betrayed." Hyuga Aya shook her head slightly, then lowered her head to look at the menu.


Uchiha Kai couldn't help laughing when he heard the word. He was no stranger to the word betrayal, although he was lucky and had never encountered such a disgusting thing.

Even in the future, he doesn't want to meet him, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how painful the feeling of being betrayed is.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the hand of the girl sitting across from him, and he didn't let go even when the waiter came in.

However, the waiters here are still very professional. They basically bow their heads and don't look at anything.

"It's time to let go." After they got it and left, Hyuga Aya looked at Kai Uchiha with a little helplessness: "Are you going to hold my hand and roast meat?"

"Would you like me to sit over?" Uchiha Kai smiled, but he still let go: "I didn't expect that this guy's integration progress would be so high. The family seemed to be very friendly to him, This is really not arranged by me, I can only say that his luck is really good, and my luck is also good."

"Your luck has always been good, but there is one thing you don't seem to think about doing." This time, Aya Hyuga took the initiative to hold Kai Uchiha's hand and raised it slightly, then gently shook it twice: "The Immortal Mode, are you going to use Orochimaru's spell all the time?"

"Is it immortal mode?" Uchiha Qi frowned, but soon he showed a smile: "How is it possible, simple and convenient, but I don't plan to use this thing."

The curse has also been on Uchiha Kai's body for more than two months, and he will open the curse every day to feel the power of the fairy chakra.

For such a long time, he has been 100% sure that he can master the power of Immortal Chakra.

What's more, for the power of Xianju Chakra, he really did not miss the materials left by Aya Hyuga, Kenta Imai, and the materials left by Senju Hashima.

And recently, he has read all of Orochimaru's thoughts, speculations, and experiments on the immortal chakra.

No matter in theory or practical test, he can be considered completely ready, and he can deal with all kinds of troubles that may arise relatively calmly.

It's just that Aya Hyuga was a little busy during this time, and Kenta Imai's chakra, Kai Uchiha, didn't plan to use it.

It's not that he's really like what he joked before, he won't let a man's chakra enter his body.

But because of Imai Kenta, his immortal mode is not strictly a pure immortal mode with no attribution.

After he got the grudging approval of those slugs, he quickly learned the fairy mode of those guys.

Therefore, his fairy chakra actually has the smell of those slugs.

Although such a situation may really have no effect, he still hopes that the chakra he uses does not carry any chakra that has the slightest connection with the three holy places.

Orochimaru's spell seal and Hyuga Aya's immortal mode are the ones most in line with Uchiha Kai.

Now that the curse seal has been eliminated, what he can choose, and what he can accept the most, is only Hyuga Aya.

"It's coming soon." Uchiha Qi clenched Aya Hyuga's hand: "You should also prepare these few days, before you experiment..."

"I'll start my experiment."


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