Chapter 603: Obito and complete yin and yang escape

"Yo yo yo, who is this? Isn't this our busy man, the persimmon ghost shark? Why, do you remember me, the poor liquid man who waited for you in the cold wind for three hours!"

When the dry persimmon ghost and the Tanaka family enjoyed dinner, he immediately said goodbye and returned home to pick up everything he needed for his mission.

It is now eleven o'clock in the evening. For the former him, it is unbelievable to squeeze the time for the task to this extent.

But this time, he did it, and there was nothing wrong in his heart.

He was very happy tonight, although he had always been happier in Konoha.

But everything tonight really made him have a very special feeling.

Raising his head slightly, looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, he couldn't help showing a smile.

When he was very young, he once heard the female classmates in the school say that the bright moonlight is a symbol of beautiful love.

Although this sentence had been thrown out of his mind for a long time, at this moment, he did not know why but it appeared so clearly in his mind.

After taking all the equipment and putting on clothes that did not belong to Konoha, the dried persimmon ghost shark took out a mask and put it on.

Walking out of the house and jumping up, he stayed on a wire pole and silently watched the Tanaka family who had also returned at this moment.

After they all entered the house, the dried persimmon ghost shark left the community and walked towards the gate of Konoha.

What he didn't expect was that when he just came here, a harsh and obviously yin and yang voice came over.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you." Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark said flatly: "Also, Lord Qi set us to leave tonight, and didn't say the exact time, it is now eleven fifty-eight, we There is no problem in leaving."

"Cut, this is the first time I've seen you make such a choice." Ghost Lantern Manyue shook his head disdainfully.

Then he sniffed, his face became a little weird, and finally he looked at the ghost shark with a smirk: "Yo, can't you see, you're pretty lucky."

"Shut up." The ghost shark replied indifferently, and walked out of the village without looking back: "Don't think that you have sharp teeth, plus a good sense of smell, you can be a dog, Ninja said. Maybe he doesn't even bother to be with you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't say anything, you are so excited, what are you doing?"

Man Yue Man followed up carelessly, but soon his face turned into a smirk again.

"How does she look? Pretty? I didn't expect that your shark face could find a woman? Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

The ghost shark raised his brows, and even his hands were out of control, shaking the ninja sword at his waist.

But after hesitating for a long time, he still didn't pull out to slash at Man Yue.

Not to mention whether he can beat him or not, even if this guy is slashed by himself, there is not necessarily any problem.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon, although this guy's final route is different from him, his choices and destiny are similar to him.

They were all captured by failure in the country of vortex, and they were all people who accepted the conditions of Uchiha Kai.

The difference is that one of them has enough ambition to return to Kiriyin and even change some things.

And one is completely disappointed with Kiriyin, and never intends to return to that sad place, and has already found his own place in Konoha.

Probably because of similar fates, similar choices, and people from Wuyin Village, the relationship between the two of them is not bad.

I am afraid that the only unlucky one is Terumi Mei, that woman was tricked by them, after all, they are not the same.

"You know, you're annoying sometimes." Ghost Shark sighed helplessly, and finally said quietly: "You can never find a woman you like."

"Fart, sir, is it difficult for me to find a woman? Do you think I am your shark face?" Man Yue glanced at the ghost shark disdainfully, and then said sarcastically, "I can't find it if it doesn't exist, only me. Want it or not."

"With your attitude, even if you like someone, others won't like you." The ghost shark mocked back unceremoniously.

"You know shit, that's not the way the strong think." Man Yue shook his head disdainfully, then looked around and said in a low voice, "You know, I heard something, Uchiha Kai's The matter. Although this matter is very secret, his remarks were still heard by some passers-by, which I think is very good."

"Lord Qi's remarks? What remarks?"

"Hyuga Aya asked him, if the person you like doesn't like you, what are you going to do? Guess what Uchiha Kai said?"

"Respect, and, what did Master Qi say?"

"He said, 'If the person I like doesn't like me, then I will directly use illusion. You don't even dare to use illusion. How dare you say that you like others?' Look, this is the means of the strong, right? Great, isn't it? This sentence is definitely my motto now!"

Uchiha Kai may have never dreamed that when he was shopping with Aya Hyuga, his casual jokes were actually overheard by passers-by, and then spread.

The ghost shark stared blankly at this guy Man Yue. To be honest, he didn't turn around for a while, Lord Qi... How could he actually say such a thing?

This must be a joke, definitely a joke with Miss Ling!

The ghost shark immediately recognized this matter, but he had seen how good the relationship between Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya was.

"Idiot." The ghost shark looked at the full moon coldly: "Is it still a motto? Don't be your epitaph in the end."

"Really? Anyway, it's not possible at the moment." Man Yue shrugged indifferently and said indifferently: "Women, it will only affect the speed of my sword drawing. I don't want to change the speed of my sword swing because of these things. slow."

Slower swing speed? You really make excuses.

The ghost shark glanced at the companion beside him, then shook his head disdainfully.

After thinking for a while, he did not intend to continue to entangle this topic, and his face became a lot more serious: "You say, who will the helper Qi found for us this time?"

"You ask me, how do I know?" Man Yue shook his head, but his face became a lot more serious: "However, it won't be a simple guy, after all, this task..."

After all, this task, no matter how you look at it, looks like a lunatic!

Letting the two water escape ninjas run to the desert really greatly weakened their combat effectiveness.

Even if they don't use water escape, they are powerful enough, but no matter how much they think about it, they will feel uncomfortable.

And to participate in such a neurotic mission, no matter how you look at it, it will not be a useless guy.

Otherwise, follow them to die, or to be a hindrance?

The speed of the two is very fast, and they have left Konoha for more than ten kilometers in ten minutes.

In the document that Uchiha Kai gave, it told them where the meeting point was, and they naturally wouldn't miss it.

It's just that when they came to the meeting point, they couldn't help frowning because they found that there was no trace of anyone here!

"What's the situation?" Man Yue looked around and asked in a low voice, "We came late, so the other party left?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know." The ghost shark also frowned and looked around: "Maybe something went wrong, be careful."

"If I tell you, I'm afraid the other party doesn't want to come." Man Yue shook his head indifferently: "After all, this mission is so crazy, except for the two of us fools, who else would listen to Uchiha Kai's crazy words... oops! "

Before the full moon could finish speaking, he flew up the next moment.

The ghost shark quickly pulled out the ninja sword and stared behind Man Yue, because in that place, the space seemed to be distorted.

Man Yue quickly got up, and at the same time pulled out the ninja knife with a look of anger, only to see the cold sweat on his forehead also appeared in this scene.

What the **** is this?

This kind of distorted space, for some reason, he suddenly remembered how Kakashi almost broke his head when he was fighting with Kakashi.

"When you speak ill of others, remember that the walls have ears."

Just when the two of them were on alert, a slightly hoarse voice came out, and then a figure in Anbu costume, with a mask and a pair of scarlet eyes, walked out of the twisted void.

"Especially, remember this sentence when evaluating your boss."


Now that so many preparations have been made, Uchiha Kai will naturally not let time pass in vain.

Although it's a pity that Aya Hyuga's restraint kept them from finishing the long summer that night.

However, he wouldn't care so much. He was very clear about the principle of coming to Japan to grow.

The ghost sharks have already set off to carry out the mission, and as the matter of the Hinata clan was resolved, Konoha also sent two troops to the country of tea and the country of waves.

It can be said that everything is very stable. If it wasn't for the Hyuga clan, I'm afraid Konoha would still be singing and dancing.

There is neither work pressure nor messy things in the village to interfere, and even the three generations of Hokage still need to lick their wounds honestly.

In such a situation, Uchiha Kai naturally has no reason not to take good care of it.

The only thing that needs to wait now is the preparation work on the side of Aya, because Aya's experiments will also be carried out at the same time.

She had already obtained Otsutsuki Toto's cells, and she had also carried out extraction and in vitro experiments well some time ago.

Now that the preliminary preparations have been completed, she can also try to implant these things into her body to see what the specific benefits and reactions are.

They have gone through a lot of experiments like this, but every time this is exceptionally worth looking forward to.

What's more, Uchiha Kai is still thinking, I don't know if this experiment will completely activate the power of the turning eyes in Aya Hyuga!

"But whether it will be activated or not, this is an important process. After all this is done, I can also teach her and Kenta something."

In the underground laboratory, Uchiha Kai looked at the black substance condensed in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

These black substances are not completely solidified, and even continue to deform due to the instability of the force.

In fact, Uchiha Kai wanted to say that they condensed into a sphere, but unfortunately, his control was not very good, which led to the current situation.

However, it was a huge success!

Yin and Yang Dun, Uchiha Kai This is the first time in the real sense that the Yin Dun and Yang Dun are combined together to form a real Yin and Yang Dun!

Strictly speaking, Uchiha Kai's progress is quite slow. He has already obtained the information that Obito got from Hei Jue. He can make such an attempt very early.

But he couldn't believe Hei Jue at all, and he couldn't believe whether the so-called information had been manipulated.

Therefore, he basically watched and studied carefully, but never tried anything on his own.

Until he went to the moon and read the books left over from thousands of years ago in Otsutsuki's library, he was basically sure that Hei Jue had moved a lot of hands and feet in it.

Because Hei Jue gave things that bring soil, and did not say how to use these things at all.

This application is not a simple fusion of Yin and Yang through his method, condensing things like tin sticks, sticks and even chains.

Instead, it acts on itself, amplifying these powers and moves, and there is no explanation at all!

In other words, whether it was Kurojue or Madara Uchiha, they had no intention of bringing soil to these things.

Although Obito can escape yin and yang, he can only mobilize his own yin and yang escape power, and then fuse them together according to Hei Jue's 'formula'.

But I have to say that this guy, Hei Jue, has done two 'crash courses'.

Although the fusion method he gave is a very fixed one, it has to be said that it is the easiest and most practical fusion method.

It can be used in any actual combat, and it can even condense the power of Yin and Yang in any form according to its own thoughts.

It's just that such integration requires practice and time, which Uchiha Kai is already doing.

What's more, after combining the ways of using the yin and yang escapes in the library of Otsutsuki, he can basically be sure that he has obtained the complete inheritance of the yin and yang escapes.

But he never thought about what kind of weapon he would turn the power of yin and yang into, like Uchiha Obito.

He prefers to let Yin-Yang Escape become the power in his body. Whether he uses Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or illusion, he hopes that he will use this kind of power in the future.

No, it should be a fusion of yin and yang, and it contains the power of chakra, which is originally required by immortal art and art!

And he still has to figure out a lot of questions, a lot of questions about Yin-Yang escape.

"However, there is still a long way to go."

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He clenched his hand tightly, and directly wiped out the black substance in his hand, Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly.

He already felt someone was coming, and he knew he was about to start...  
