Chapter 604: The Power of Riot (Part 1)

"Yo, you two came so early?"

When the guy Kenta Imai finally came to the laboratory, he looked at the two people who were already in the laboratory, and he couldn't help showing a smirk on his face.

Hyuga Aya didn't dare to look at him at all, she knew this guy's character for a long time, and she couldn't make herself angry because of this kind of thing.

In fact, Hyuga Aya didn't come too early, maybe ten minutes earlier than Imai Kenta. When she came, she found that only Uchiha Kei was here alone.

However, they didn't have too many intimate actions, and the atmosphere was everything, especially since their task was still very heavy today.

After a few chats, she began to prepare all the materials needed for the experiment.

Her task today is very heavy, not only to provide the magic chakra needed by Uchiha Kai, but also to conduct her own experiments.

Fortunately, her experiment did not conflict with the fairy chakra, otherwise she would probably refuse this matter.

But just in case, for example, if it really has an impact at that time, it is very necessary to find a guy like Imai Kenta who also mastered the immortal mode.

This guy also has the magic chakra, and at critical moments, he can also provide some chakra to Uchiha Kai.

Imai Kenta saw that Uchiha Kai ignored him, and Hyuga Aya didn't bother to kill him. He shrugged indifferently, and then sat directly next to Uchiha Kai.

"Let's take a look at this." What he didn't expect was that just as he sat down, Uchiha Kai threw a document to him: "Aya, take a look at it too, you have to keep in mind the things on this. Find time to experiment and apply.”

"What is this?" Imai Kenta opened the document and glanced at it, and then his expression became solemn: "This... Where did you get it?"

"Take soil."

In this place, Uchiha Kei was not worried that what he said would be heard by anyone, he said directly: "I won't say what his organization is, and you should also remember that some secrets cannot be said casually. These are He gave it to me a long time ago, but I think there is something wrong in it, so I haven't used it."

"It seems that your idea is right. This is...incomplete, very incomplete." Imai Kenta nodded, and then he started to read carefully while holding the document, and asked: "Then Did you try, now?"

"I've tried it, and the effect is good. Although it's a bit rigid, but..." Uchiha Qi raised his right hand as he spoke.

In an instant, the power of white and black appeared in his hands, and such power also made Aya Hyuga stop and look over.

I saw that these two forces quickly rotated and merged according to a certain proportion, and finally completely condensed together!

The white light had disappeared, and a black thing like a substance appeared in his hand.

This thing seems very mundane, even ugly.

But whether it is Hyuga Aya or Imai Kenta, they can feel the special power contained in this thing.

This quality seems to have exceeded a certain limit, reaching another level of strength performance!

The fusion of yin and yang was really completed by Uchiha Qi?

Hyuga Aya looked a little surprised, while Imai Kenta watched all this carefully.

I have to say that all of this is indeed very rigid, and he doesn't even know how it is integrated.

Just based on the material, based on this information, doing so seems to be done.

"It looks good, but..." Imai Kenta said with a frown, but he was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"I know what you mean, this is my next task." Uchiha Qi took back these powers before continuing.

"Although it can only be regarded as a scripted thing now, I will study it in depth. The fusion of Yin and Yang is a very crucial thing. Although the summary of this document is not bad, but..."

Uchiha Qi stood up and said seriously: "But an inherent law will only fix our imagination, not to mention why I want such a ratio, and how to make them merge, we don't know.

Only by understanding these issues can we truly master these powers, rather than using them in a way that we simply do not know how to use them. Even, the way of our enemy. "

"I understand." Hyuga Aya nodded: "So, let's learn this method first, and get familiar with this power first, right?"

"Yes, first practice and master the power of yin and yang, and you can even integrate it into your own various powers." A smile appeared on Uchiha Qi's face: "It's stupid not to take advantage of such good conditions. Let's work hard, our tasks are a lot and tiring."

Both Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta nodded. It was true that their tasks were too many and too heavy, but the improvement brought to them by every little breakthrough was unbelievable.

To be honest, they have already passed the period of rapid improvement in the strength of ninjas.

In his twenties, although he can still grow significantly, that kind of situation is unpredictable.

During this period, it is basically the improvement of experience and ability to use.

When you are in your thirties, this can be regarded as a golden period for a person, whether it is physical or psychological, and that is the peak period for a person.

But unfortunately, at that age, there is almost no growth in strength, unless there is any special insight.

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Although Chakra is still growing, it is inevitable that physical fitness will slowly decline, and energy will also decline.

Of course, this is aimed at ordinary ninjas. The strong can extend their peak period to their fifties, and the most typical one is the three ninjas.

But how to continue, after reaching the age of sixty, only Chakra is really left.

Unless it is a person who specializes in physical skills, no matter who it is, it will quickly decline, but the relative chakra can accumulate to a strong point.

Uchiha Kai and the others are in their current situation, that is, they have passed the first and easiest stage to improve, and have reached the early stage of the peak of ninjas.

In fact, for them, the so-called peak period of ninjas is like that. They can be said to be people who broke the routine of ninjas.

The strength of the three of them is already very strong, so strong that it is very difficult for them to go further, so strong that as long as they advance a little bit, they are all terrifying to the extreme.

The elusive things like yin and yang escape originally thought it would involve a lot of their energy, but it was something they had to do.

Now it seems to be solved directly by Uchiha Qi's solution, and he has also taken down the follow-up research, and it is conceivable how much easier it will make them.

"Understood, then it's up to you." Imai Kenta nodded, and then he asked, "By the way, I have prepared the information you need for the reincarnation of the dirty earth for you. Besides that, Mu Dun Do you want the information?"

"Mu Dun, didn't you want to come here for me before?" Uchiha Qi looked at this guy with some amusing, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded: "Yes, there are also swordsmanship and the like. Let me see, I need to adjust my normal fighting style."

"Returning to the basics? Tsk tsk, it's a bit interesting." Imai Kenta said with a smile: "Okay, I'll prepare some regular ninjutsu for you, you can decide when the time comes."

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Uchiha Qi glanced at the document and read it, and then put away Hyuga Aya, and said casually: "Aya is ready, you can be your tool person, promise. She'll be fine with me."

"You bastard..." Imai Kenta rolled his eyes, he didn't bother to pay attention to Uchiha Kai.

Of course, he knew that he was really a tool here, and that he was responsible for protecting Kai Uchiha when he absorbed the chakra of Hyuga Aya, and there would be no problems for both parties.

After all, he is also a person who can use Yang Dun, even if his medical ninjutsu basically has nothing to do, but those medical ninjutsu are probably not as good as using pure Yang Dun to save people.

But Uchiha Kai and this **** said so bluntly, is it really okay?

"Are you ready, Aya?" Uchiha Keicai was too lazy to care about this guy, he stared at the girl in front of him and asked softly.

Hyuga Aya didn't answer, she took a deep breath, and the next moment, purple eyeshadow appeared on her face, and at the same time, her breath and temperament took a qualitative leap!

Fairy mode, this is the best answer.

Looking at the girl in front of her whose appearance has not changed, but her temperament has become more noble and cold, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but feel a little fluctuated.

But he knew that now was not the time to think about it.

He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, a pair of eternal eyes had already appeared in his eye sockets.

In the face of such a thing, Uchiha Kai must show his best state.

But before that, he has one more thing to do.

He quickly took out a seal scroll from the ninja bag and placed it on the table. Then he quickly formed a complex set of marks with both hands. When the seal was completed, he pressed his hand on the scroll that was placed before.

"Curse Seal · Release!"

Following his movements, a burst of white smoke immediately appeared from his body, and a hot feeling appeared on his body.

It is very necessary to remove the mark of Orochimaru!

Imai Kenta also launched the immortal mode at this moment. He carefully observed the curse mark left from Uchiha Kai's neck and down his arm.

Regardless of whether Orochimaru left behind anything, Imai Kenta must make sure.

Orochimaru is too weird, this guy can't be easily believed!

"It seems that everything is going well." When the curse was completely reorganized and condensed on the scroll, a smile appeared on Uchiha Kai's face: "Then, the next thing is the main event."

"Would you like to take a break? Just now..." Hyuga Aya frowned, and she asked softly, "You should do it in advance to remove the curse mark. This guy Kenta can always be on call anyway."

"It's okay, after removing it, I am absorbing the power of Aya, which can just make up for the vacancy of this power I am going to."

Uchiha Qi took a deep breath and said seriously: "By the way, I can also explore the difference between these two forces that have the same essence but different sources."

After removing the curse, Kai Uchiha did feel a little discomfort.

Although the curse seal is not activated, it will not be aware of its terrible power, but this power actually exists in his body.

He was already used to this power, and it would naturally be uncomfortable to lose it suddenly.

But Hyuga Aya's power can completely make up for all this. If there is no accident, he can easily control this power!

Reaching out his hand, Uchiha Kai took Hyuga Aya's hand, removing the curse mark made his body temperature a little high, while Hyuga Aya's hand was icy cold, which made him feel extra comfortable.

But now is not the time to think about these things, concentrate on the energy, and the next moment he launches the secret technique that has been prepared for a long time.

Absorbing chakra is not an easy thing, Madara Uchiha wants to absorb chakra, I am afraid you have to do some homework.

Otherwise, if you want to **** the chakra of others, wouldn't it become some kind of star sucker?

Light blue rays of light appeared on the hands of the two of them, and the celestial chakra, which belonged to Aya Hyuga, slowly entered his body along the hands of Kai Uchiha.

It was fine at first, Hyuga Aya didn't feel anything, but as time passed, her brows couldn't help frowning.

Although only the magic Chakra was absorbed, it still had a little effect on her.

Fortunately, this situation will not affect the chakra she uses normally, and even this situation does not require Kenta Imai to do anything, she can recover herself.

But in the situation on Kai Uchiha's side, Aya Hyuga immediately noticed something was wrong.

Not only her, but even Kenta Imai also noticed that Kai Uchiha seemed to be.... the situation was a little unusual!

At this moment, there seems to be a very special chakra fluctuation in Uchiha Kai's body, and this fluctuation is not unfamiliar to them.

This is....

Once on the moon, that huge chakra of Tensei with a terrifying aura!

This chakra....was left in his body when the bird was released from the cage?

The two of them have not forgotten this, because they can actually perceive it themselves, and there seems to be such a chakra deep in their bodies.

It's just that these chakras have not made any movement, as if entering hibernation, there will be no change at all.

Plus the quality of this chakra is extraordinary so they didn't think of a way to get rid of it.

It's just now that this chakra has emerged in Uchiha Kai's body. What is this for?


Hyuga Aya pondered for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and planned to free Uchiha Kai's hand, but Imai Kenta stopped him.

"Don't move, Kai is fine, at least for now." Imai Kenta said calmly: "Although his condition is a little weird, his vital signs are all intact...even better, if you disconnect directly. ..."

"Then what do we do now? Just look at it like this?" Hyuga Aya frowned and asked, "That power is beyond our control!"

"Yes, it's really not something we can control." Imai Ken nodded too seriously, then he stared at Uchiha Kai and said slowly: "But this we are you and me..."

"Qi, he doesn't seem to be..."
