Chapter 606: Kai Uchiha's fairy mode

"This....what is this?"

Uchiha Qi looked at everything in front of him inexplicably, and now he feels like he has a big head.

It is true that he does have some ideas about Yin Yang Dun himself. The reason why he dares to follow the task of exploring the secrets of Yin Yang Dun is because of his previous life experience.

Although he didn't have any beliefs in his previous life, he really didn't read novels less often, and naturally he knew some more interesting things.

For example, although the definition of yin and yang is very broad, Tai Chi completely gives a perfect application plan.

Uchiha Kai decided from the very beginning that after he was completely familiar with Yin and Yang, he would try to use the Tai Chi map in his memory to try it out.

In fact, in this world, Taiji diagrams are not absent. Although they are not fully reflected, the Hyuga clan has a certain charm when using soft boxing.

In his previous life, when he watched anime, he didn't forget that Kishimoto specially drew the Tai Chi Bagua diagram. The so-called Bagua Palm Technique may have come from these.

Since he has such a foundation in this world, he naturally intends to make good use of it.

Although it would be better to leave it to Hyuga Aya to deal with it, but her current task is too heavy, especially for her own transformation, she cannot relax for a moment.

Therefore, this kind of thing is handed over to Uchiha Kai who has the memory of the past life. Although the effect may not be as good as Hyuga Aya, the progress will definitely not be slow.

Even if you are lucky, I am afraid that it will be better than Hinata Aya.

But these are just his assumptions, or his assumptions under perfect conditions, and he is completely afraid to do experiments in this area now.

What he didn't even dream of was that he didn't have time to do any experiments, but because he was dealing with the two violent forces in his body, he unexpectedly achieved his idea!

What made him laugh or cry in particular was that this was not done according to his own will at all.

It is purely a coincidence to the extreme, relying on Tensei and Immortal Chakra instinctively unwilling to be consumed like this, and inexplicably completed under their drive.

The result of this is that, apart from watching them complete the cycle of self, Uchiha Kai watched the yin and yang blending and birth according to this special principle, but he didn't know what was going on.

He has encountered too many coincidences, but this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

"However, after all, it's not nothing."

Feeling that these forces in his body somehow reached a stable balance, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but sigh.

"The power of Tenseigan and the power of immortal art have become complementary models, and the two sides are still relying on each other's strength to continuously multiply and grow, at least this way I don't lack the use of immortal art Chakra, right?"

Hyuga Aya's magic chakra is not the same as the magic seal. The real magic of the magic seal is that it can self-absorb the chakra from nature.

It does not need the host to do anything, and it can continuously provide power.

If you look at Sasuke, you can see that this guy has used the curse mark so many times, and it is no problem to cover Susanoo, so you can understand how valuable this thing is!

Although the power seems a bit 'crazy' to others, and after the incantation mode deepens, it will become inhuman and ghostly.

But the specific effect is still very good, at least Uchiha Qi thinks that the curse mark is actually very suitable for him.

It's a pity that he didn't intend to use that thing, he was already evil enough sometimes, and he didn't want to make himself look more evil.

Hyuga Aya's immortality is a bit troublesome, because Uchiha Qi didn't practice immortality in the first place.

According to his idea, it is to adapt to these forces first, and then modify it according to the information given by Orochimaru.

Orochimaru didn't know what was going on, but he actually handed over all the information about the curse seal, whether it was extraction or refining, to Kai Uchiha.

Although he was a little worried about whether there would be any problems, at least he didn't find any problems during the inspection.

But now, it seems that there is no need to engage in those things at all.

Because of the mutual compensation and refinement of Immortal Chakra and Tenseigan Chakra, he found that he didn't seem to need to worry about the consumption of Immortal Chakra, and then he would use Hyuga Aya as a charging treasure.

"Does this count as letting Aya escape?"

Uchiha Qi thought to himself, but soon he stopped thinking about it, and carefully felt the yin and yang that were constantly intersecting.

"As for the yin and yang escape, although there are some coincidences, even I can't figure out how it is done. But all of this is good, at least it's better than Hei Jue's method, I don't know how many times, but it still needs careful observation and Just understand."

The fusion of yin and yang, Uchiha Qi is completed, but completion is completion, it is not done voluntarily at all.

Therefore, there are too many things in it that he needs to understand and learn, which takes a lot of time.

But no matter how you look at it, this is also a huge improvement.

For Uchiha Kai, there is such an opportunity to observe, perceive and understand. If he still can't learn it, then he can really wipe his neck.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai slowly opened his eyes, looking at the two people with worried expressions on their faces, he couldn't help but smile.

It was only after he saw Hyuga Aya's slightly pale face that his smile disappeared.

At this time, Aya Hyuga doesn't seem to be in very good condition. Her purple eyeshadow, which represents the fairy mode, has disappeared.

Although the chakra is still full, this state really makes Uchiha Kai a little worried.

"Are you alright?" Uchiha asked, "Is it consuming too much?"

"It's okay, but this state is nothing to me." Hyuga Aya shook her head, and then looked at Uchiha Kai seriously: "What about you, how is your situation? Your chakra just now. It seems to have become..."

"Well, Tensei's Chakra." Uchiha Kai nodded: "They are hidden in our bodies, and they were left when I helped you untie the caged bird. But I am a little different from you, I am probably the leader. This power, so they appear to be a little more active in my body, while you are very quiet."

"Then why did the riots start again this time?" Imai Kenta looked at Uchiha Kei all right, and he was relieved: "The way it was just now was really scary."

"Because of Aya's Chakra." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly.

"Aya is a user of Baiyan, and her Baiyan is no longer restricted by a caged bird, even the fairy chakra has her own power in it.

This power detonated the power of Tenseigan, they confronted each other in my body, and even Tenseisen's Chakra wanted to swallow the magic Chakra. "

Recalling everything just now, Uchiha Kai couldn't help shaking his head.

Everything just now is really so dangerous, and even forced him to want to destroy these two forces together.

But somehow, these two forces formed such a cycle inexplicably and reached a special balance, which made him temporarily no longer have the idea of ​​driving these two forces out of his body.

These two forces maintained the current balance, and gave him the immortal chakra to use, which seemed to be pretty good.

"Meaning, only the chakra in your body will change, and ours may not be?" Imai Kenta refined Uchiha Kai's words and said, "Even Aya?"

"Yes, even Aya will have no problem." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Actually, Aya used her chakra so many times before, and even used immortality and Yang Dun, isn't it just as good? This shows that the Chakras in your body are not active, so you don't need to worry so much for the time being."

The two of them really don't need to worry about what Hyuga Aya is doing in the Hyuga clan, anyone can feel it any day.

Such a powerful chakra burst out, obviously it will not be a simple matter.

And she didn't have any problems like this, so naturally Kenta Imai wouldn't either.

In fact, Uchiha Kei didn't tell them one thing, that is, something was left in his body by Otsutsuki Hamura.

He has always wondered if the Tensei Eye is so active in his body, whether it has something to do with that 'Origin' power.

"You really don't need to worry. When those two guys complete the task, I'm afraid everything can be solved." Hyuga Aya took over the topic, she looked at Uchiha Kai seriously, and then asked with some doubts: "Then now What? Problem solved?"

"It's solved, although I'm not sure if there will be a problem in the future, but at least there won't be a problem now." Said this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing a smile.

"Successful, then hurry up and take a look!" Imai Kenta heard this sentence, and a smile appeared on his face: "Before you used the curse mark of Orochimaru, it looked really weird. Now you use Aya's, I don't know what will happen."

"You want to see, will he have purple eyeshadow, right?" Hyuga Aya seemed to understand Imai Kenta's thoughts, but her face also looked full of anticipation: "Try it, see yours Immortal mode, what will it be like!"

Purple eyeshadow?

When Uchiha Qi heard this, he couldn't help but raise his brows.

He seemed to have been forgetting one thing, that it seemed that Aya Hyuga's eyeshadow was purple.

If such a thing appeared on his face as a big man, it seemed to be rather strange no matter how he looked at it?

He is not Orochimaru, and he always feels strange when such a thing appears.

But it seems that now is not the time to think about this kind of thing. Everything depends on what the actual effect is.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha opened and closed his eyes, and the power in his body began to surge wildly.

In his body, the cycle of yin and yang escape was perfectly combined, and a special power began to be channeled in a moment.

This is the power of the celestial chakra, which quickly and massively gathered into the body of Uchiha Kai.

When the guidance of these forces was completely completed, he did not forget to carefully check the previous cycle.

It was perfect, although the Immortal Chakra was not extracted, but under the guidance of Yin-Yang Escape, the Chakra of Tenseigan did not devour the Immortal Chakra.

On the contrary, it also provided a certain amount of feedback, allowing the Immortal Chakra to quickly make up for its own losses, once again reaching the previous state of balance.

What just surprised him was that he felt that his body seemed to be a little hot, and this heat was caused by being covered by other forces.

This feeling is a bit like when I used the spell seal myself before!

This situation makes Kai Uchiha a little strange. Could it be that his body is used to the power of the previous curse mark, which caused Aya Hyuga's immortality to spread like that?

"However, there is nothing wrong with my own strength. And as I thought before, the spell seal is very balanced, but the flaws are obvious. Hyuga Aya's immortal chakra is very good in terms of body, or in other words, the power of Yang Dun's power is very good. Well, and without that flaw."

Thinking of this, Uchiha opened his eyes, he felt that his body was full of power, full of the power of immortality!

His speed, chakra quality, and perception all seem to have been greatly improved.

Especially the perception ability, he has always been lacking in this regard, even if he has obtained the curse seal, his performance in this regard is actually quite average.

This question once troubled him a little, and he even wondered if he had no talent for perception at all.

But now, he found that he still has a good perception ability, even if such perception ability is completed by immortal chakra!

Raised his head and looked at Imai Kenta Hyuga Aya, the expressions of the two seemed a little strange.

It seems that he is looking for something, which makes Uchiha Qi immediately realize that I am afraid that there is really no purple eye shadow on his face, right?

So, where are the things that should appear in the fairy mode?

"You... turned on the immortal mode?" Imai Kenta asked with a twitch in the corner of his mouth: "However, you don't seem to have changed."

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"Indeed, you can see for yourself." Hyuga Aya casually picked up a mirror on the table and threw it to Kai Uchiha: "There is really no change, it seems that your disguise effect is very good."

"It seems, it's really good." Uchiha Kai took a look at his face, which made him relieved.

The face is very clean There are no traces.

And looking down his body, at least where his clothes cover, there is no covering like a curse mark.

However, he didn't completely relax, he had clearly felt an inexplicable heat in himself before.

Although that hot feeling has completely disappeared, he will not forget it, which means that the fairy rune should have appeared somewhere else.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai put down the mirror in his hand, then pulled off his collar and looked down.

His face instantly became a lot more exciting, and before Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai could look over, he let go of his hand and returned his clothes to their original state.

After thinking quickly in his mind for a long time, he finally sighed and thought silently.

"It's okay, it's okay, there is no face..."
