Chapter 607: final experiment

"It's finally here."

In the Land of Winds, in an open space closest to the Sandyin Village fortress, Ghost Lantern Manyue couldn't help but let out a sigh.

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It has been almost a week since they set off, because this task is not too rushed, so they did not accelerate with all their strength, otherwise I am afraid that this distance will not take long.

When you cross the country of the river, you enter the territory of the country of the wind. Everyone is an excellent ninja, and naturally they will not let themselves be discovered when they cross the border.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Anyway, no ninjas from other countries have encountered them, even Konoha's ninjas.

But along the way, the three of them honestly didn't get along very well.

In particular, the guy wearing a mask and wearing a costume similar to Anbu made Man Yue feel very uncomfortable.

The first time we met, he kicked him away.

Even if he knew that he had a big problem, no one could stand this way of meeting.

It's just that the identity of the other party is too special. The scarlet eyes under the mask have already shown that this guy is a Uchiha.

A Uchiha participated in this task, apparently arranged by Uchiha Kai.

With such an identity here, even if Man Yue is upset, she doesn't dare to talk about it any more.

What's more, this Uchiha's ability seems to be a little too weird. The distorted space once made Man Yue think of something not very good.

Kakashi, the guy who defeated himself in swordsmanship, and finally came up with a guy who didn't know what it was and almost broke his neck.

It seems to be very similar to the way the mysterious Uchiha appeared in front of him.

However, Kakashi's writing wheel eye, the situation is special, the ghost knows how it is done, and it has turned into a kaleidoscope state.

Man Yue can't understand this, but he won't ask more if he doesn't understand.

As a ninja, who doesn't have a little secret of their own?

"Okay, now that you're here, shouldn't you also talk about your mission?" Obito looked at the yellow sand in the sky, and then he calmly turned his head to look at the two 'Mist hidden traitors': "Details Explain it."

"Wait, Uchiha didn't give you a mission statement when you set out on a mission?" The full moon, who was still sighing a moment ago, became extremely alert at this moment: "Impossible, either you just want to test us, or you are Others pretend. Not so boring and not so childish."

"I really didn't get a specific task instruction." Obito looked at the two indifferently, his voice was cold and flat: "I have only one task, to assist you in completing it. But I am very curious, what exactly does Minister Qi want to do? I'm here to help you two, guys I can't trust at all."

"Your Excellency, we may not be worthy of your trust, but Minister Qi does trust us." The ghost shark was also full of alertness, but his tone was much calmer than that of the full moon: "Maybe it's because Lord Qi doesn't want you to be too much. Go deep into this mission, because your characteristics are too obvious, and we..."

Obitu's icy writing wheel glanced over the ghost shark's body. He understood the ghost shark's words, but he didn't answer.

It is indeed easier to see that it is easier to see the fact that the mask can block the face but cannot block the eyes.

It's just that Obito is really not sure what the mission Uchiha Qi asked him to come to assist the two of them with.

But he didn't care so much. Although Uchiha Kai didn't tell him, as long as he wanted to, he could quietly hide in the Shenwei space, and then follow them all the way to see what they were doing.

What he said just now was indeed to test these two people, especially the ghost lamp full moon who would be put back.

But what makes Obito a little depressing is that this ghost lamp full moon doesn't look stupid, but rather shrewd.

The more shrewd a person is, the more complicated his judgment is.

Because he may help you keep a secret until death, or he may be in various considerations and sell you in an instant.

This guy Man Yue is obviously a guy with a criminal record, and it is normal for Obito to be worried.

"Okay, since it's Master Qi's arrangement, I won't ask any more questions, I'm just protecting your safety and retreating smoothly."

Obito said calmly, although his eyes fell on Man Yue: "Remember what you said, and don't forget my ability at the same time, your every move is in my eyes."

"Cut, boring." Man Yue shook his head unhappily, but he didn't bother to say anything.

Because he knew that although the people arranged by Uchiha Kai made him very unhappy, his ability seemed to be really strong!

The way of breaking through the void and taking them away is really interesting. Is this a space ninjutsu?

It seems that there are only two people who master space ninjutsu in Konoha, and the people who master space ninjutsu in the entire ninja world seem to have nothing except for the suspected members of the mysterious organization.

I can fully believe how difficult it is, and the two Konoha are each very long and terrifying.

Needless to say, Nami Kaze Minato, the fourth-generation Hokage and the third battle left such a big reputation, relying on Fei Lei Shen!

Imai Kenta, who also defeated the dried persimmon ghost shark, is also an extremely exaggerated character.

This guy's Flying Thunder God is even weirder than Minato Minato, and no one seems to be aware of what happened to his Flying Thunder God.

But now it seems that Konoha is still hiding something. Isn't this guy in front of him a guy who also mastered space ninjutsu?

"We can't tell you our mission. This is a rule and a code. You don't need to do this to us. We will complete all this well, and then follow Uchiha Qi's instructions."

Man Yue still looked at Obito cautiously, but in the end he grabbed the ghost shark's hand: "Then, we've acted, by the way, how do I contact you after completing the mission?"

"You can launch a flare, black during the day and white at night." Obito said calmly: "As long as you use it, I will be by your side."

Flare bombs are generally equipped for ninjas who go out of the village.

However, in order to avoid revealing their identities, they will choose the color of the flares they use, and discuss it with the corresponding troops in advance.

After hearing this sentence, Ghost Lantern Manyue and Gan Persimmon Ghost Shark nodded and left the place simply.

They now know that the helper Uchiha Qi found is to ensure that they can evacuate safely, although this guy looks a little annoying.

Obito stayed on the spot and watched the two guys. After a long time, he touched his chin: "What is Qi doing, sending two misty hidden to the country of wind to perform a mission, is it a suicide mission?"

For a moment, Obito really felt that Uchiha Kai sent these two guys here to kill them.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible, because if he really wanted to kill them, he could easily do it with his own strength.

Even if you can't do it at will, you can do it yourself.

Obviously, this is not to kill them, but there is really something for them to do.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Obito was too lazy to think about it.

"The more you know, the more troublesome it will be. It's okay to pretend to be stupid."

Obito stretched his waist, and the next moment his body twisted, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived in Konoha Village, thousands of miles away!

Looking at the clean cemetery in front of him, looking at the fresh flowers on it, he walked over with soil.

He took off the mask to reveal his face, and then he gently touched the tombstone.

"Lin, I'm here again this month. But this time I'm here by myself, because I've been too busy recently to come with Kakashi.

However, it seems that he has come ahead of time, so that's fine, I can face you with my truest self. "

"There was a moment when I really wished I was the real Uchipolitan.

But I'm Obito, I can't lie to myself, and I can't lie to you and Kakashi.

Over the years, I've been doing pretty well, I think you've seen it too, right?

Kai had cryptically said that in the future he could find a way for me to use merit to offset my sins. "

"But I didn't answer. I pretended to be stupid and didn't understand. In fact, the teacher also expressed such a statement, and I didn't give a positive answer."

"Because to me, the world without you is horrible.

Although I'm very sorry for my friends, like Kakashi, like Akai, but fortunately, they don't know who I am. "

"Obito is dead, let him die in peace. Wait for me, Lin, when I finish everything, I will come to you."

"The one who will appear in front of you at that time will definitely be the hero Uchiha Obito..."

"It's not that karma-ridden man who is neither human nor ghost, Uchiha Obito!"


"Aya has fallen asleep, please two adults."

"Auntie, you don't need to be polite, you will make it difficult for us, especially this guy."

"Auntie, let's say goodbye first."

Within the Hyuga clan, Uchiha Kai gave Imai Kenta a stern look, and then bowed honestly to Hyuga Aya's mother.

Imai Kenta also bowed, but his face seemed indifferent, he didn't care about Uchiha Kai's attitude.

After Uchiha Qi finished the experiment, Hyuga Aya also started her own experiment after a short rest. Her experiment was actually injecting the prepared serum into her body.

They have done this kind of experiment many times, and it can be said that they are familiar with it.

But before the experiment, both of them were very curious about what was under Uchiha Kai's clothes.

Because his immortal mode is too weird, there is no change in appearance at all.

Unless it is to feel Chakra, to feel his vigorous Chakra with a strong natural atmosphere, I am afraid that no one knows what state he is in.

In such a state, Uchiha Kai himself feels pretty good. Just like Uchiha Madara, as long as he doesn't take off his clothes, no one can see any difference.

However, after taking off the clothes, the situation became a little different.

Uchiha Kai's situation is a bit similar to Uchiha Madara, so when the two were curious to see what happened, he refused them without hesitation.

The two probably knew it was over, so they started the next experiment.

Although Hyuga Aya has lost a lot of chakra, it is nothing to her at all.

After recovering herself a little with the power of Yang Dun, she decisively started the second experiment.

It's just that the experiment this time is not as good as the previous experiment, and it can even be said that it is not a small situation!

When she completely injected the serum into her body, Hyuga Aya didn't respond at first.

But after a while, her body began to shake violently.

Even Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta were a little stunned when they saw this scene.

As an extremely good ninja, Hyuga Aya has always had a very high tolerance limit when fighting pain.

But at this moment, her performance has already shown that the pain she is facing has completely exceeded her tolerance!

Uchiha Qi hurried over, and then used his chakra, which fused immortality and yang escape, into her body.

Unfortunately, there is no effect, and Hyuga Aya's pain has not been relieved in any way.

Under the severe pain, the woman bit Uchiha Kai's arm in one bite in order to keep herself from shouting.

It hurts, this is the only thing Uchiha Kai can feel, but he doesn't push it away.

Seeing that her arm was being bitten and healed continuously, and she didn't know how many times she had repeated it, Aya Hyuga finally calmed down.

She passed out, slept very deeply, her breathing was very even, and the chakra in her body was abnormally full.

Apart from the sweat all over his body, he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

However, neither Uchiha Kai nor Imai Kenta felt relieved in such a situation. They took Hyuga Aya to the medical department for a thorough examination. Although the results were not bad, they were not bad.

The woman was so exhausted that she fell into a coma. She only needed a few days of rest to recover.

Facts have also proved that there is no problem with the medical ninja's words. During the examination, Aya Hyuga woke up once. She just briefly chatted with Uchiha Qi and then fell asleep again.

However, before she fell asleep, she asked Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta to bring her home, which is why the scene just now happened.

"Damn, how could this be." After walking out of the gate of the Hyuga clan, Uchiha Qi couldn't help but cursed: "If I had known that I would go and find Tsunade, at least I could get better treatment."

"You get Tsunade back, will Aya have a chance to get involved in the medical department in the future?"

Imai Kenta said indifferently, looking at Uchiha Kei's slightly gloomy face, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Okay, I know you care about her, but isn't she okay? Let her have a good rest. Don't forget that her physical fitness is probably the best among the three of us."

"Hey, although I know it's her own choice, even if she does it again..." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Forget it You are right, let She needs a good rest."

"At least, isn't she successful?" Imai Kenta showed a slight smile: "It's good, in fact, I think she wants us to wish her success, rather than showing someone else owes money."

"Yo? When did you become a psychological counselor, not to mention it's quite effective?"

"Cut, it's alright, you can skip the Aya thing. Let's go, I'll take you to the custom shop tonight, let's take a good bath in the hot spring!"

"Dream, don't think I don't know what you think, I'm going home."

Looking at Kenta Imai disdainfully, Kai Uchiha walked directly towards his house.

Imai Kenta took himself to the hot spring, didn't he just want to see his fairy mode?

Although he didn't care too much, he didn't want to say it so quickly, he had to go back and study it...
