Chapter 608: never regret

After rejecting Kenta Imai, Kai Uchiha went back home directly.

Dinner has already been prepared at home and waiting for him to come back. Whether it is Keisuke, Ryoko, or Iori, they are all used to it and have to wait for Uchiha to come back before eating.

Unless he is away from the village on a mission or said hello in advance, he will also go home and enjoy dinner with his family every day.

After a simple dinner, he immediately returned to his room.

After locking the door, he quickly took off his clothes.

To be honest, what happened today really gave him some headaches.

In just one day, or so much time in one morning, even he would feel that he couldn't react.

Fortunately, everything is developing in a good direction, and it did not make him feel depressed.

However, his immortal mode really gave him a small surprise.

The reason for the surprise was because his immortal mode didn't make a face grow out of nowhere on his chest.

If that's the case, it's not a surprise, it's pure shock.

No one's face appeared on his chest. This is not bad news. He has white cells in his body, but he really doesn't want a face of a thousand hands to appear inexplicably.

Even if he wants to appear, he still hopes to be the person he likes like Madara Uchiha...

It's just that his fairy mode surprise is a surprise, and there are some serious problems here, that is, it does not form eye shadows.

Instead, six hook jade appeared on his body!

The arrangement of these six gouyu on his chest from top to bottom looks like the decoration on Otsutsuki Yuyi and Otsutsuki Yumura's clothes.

But to him, these gouyu are really not decorations!

There is no power in these six hook jades, but their appearance means that Uchiha Kai has really opened the immortal mode!

Such a special style really makes Uchiha Kai extremely incredible.

The reason why he didn't let Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta look at it was because he didn't want them to think about it.

On the moon, it's not that they haven't seen the portrait of Otsutsuki Hamura, especially this old man really got up from the corpse.

"Just, why did my fairy mode become like this?"

Uchiha Qi frowned, and the next moment, a special chakra in his body began to surge, and six gouyu quickly appeared on his body.

At the moment when the six gouyu appeared, Uchiha Qi clearly felt the changes in his whole body.

Although he has experienced such a feeling before, he has to say that he is in the immortal mode and the normal mode, they are really two different people!

Especially since his immortal Chakra is from Hyuga Aya, his physical increase seems to be particularly exaggerated.

It's just that this time when he turned on the fairy mode, he really didn't want to feel the changes, but to explore why his fairy mode would distinguish all those who had this ability in his memory.

After calming down, Uchiha Qi really found something interesting, which made him sit down and then touched his chin and started to think.

His fairy mode has become like this, in fact, there is a point that he has ignored.

That is, the 'source' power left by Otsutsuki Hamura!

"I didn't notice it before, but I clearly felt something wrong just now."

Uchiha Qi thought quietly.

"The power of the source seems to be exuding an invisible influence. When the immortal Chakra expanded, he was directly affected by those powers, or was infected."

Immortal Chakra replaces ordinary Chakra as the main combat power, which is the so-called fairy mode.

In this mode, the fairy chakra will occupy the whole body, making ordinary chakra its auxiliary power.

During this process, the power that was hidden in Kai's body, derived from the power endowed by Otsutsuki Hamura, was not known whether it was unintentional or intentional, and it was contaminated with his immortal chakra.

But even if it is only a slight contamination, just a slight touch, these Immortal Chakras have changed a lot.

Although there seems to be no difference in effect and performance, it is really completely different in terms of presentation.

It's just that Uchiha Qi doesn't know whether this effect is good or bad.

Because he didn't dare to make judgments easily on many things before he completely understood what that 'source' power was.

Although Otsutsuki Hamura does not seem to be malicious, and the help that this 'source' power has brought him is not small.

But it is his habit to be cautious, especially when facing people who are not much stronger than him.

"Although I don't have any clues yet, I have thought a lot about the possible situations of the Six Path Immortals."

Uchiha Kei thought silently, but soon he shook his head again.

I have thought about it, but I have not thought about it before it is determined.

He lowered his head and looked at the immortal mark on his body - let's call it that, and felt the two fast-moving forces in his body, and he quickly made a decision.

That is, try not to turn off your fairy mode as much as possible, and keep it like this!

Anyway, if the two forces maintain a sufficient balance, there will be a steady stream of new forces appearing.

And what Uchiha Qi needs is only the fairy chakra, and even if he can, he is thinking about whether to replace his own chakra with these fairy chakras?

But this matter can only be thought about for the time being, because the Chakra drawn from Hyuga Aya is not too much.

Madara Uchiha drew it from Senju Hashirama, and it can be used for so long and it is extremely filling.

In addition to the fact that Senju is a 'Chatonla', there is another very important reason, that is, this guy is reincarnated from the dirt!

"The Reincarnation of Dirty Earth has infinite chakra, which can't be compared at all. But the good thing is that these two forces are endless, and no one wants to break this balance. As long as you take your time, you can complete such a transformation."

Uchiha didn't turn off the immortal mode when he thought of it here.

It has to be said that this feeling of power is full of power, and he still likes it very much.

However, he also knows that the quality of the current Immortal Chakra may need to be constantly polished before it can reach a higher peak.

Moreover, Uchiha Qi also intends to mix his own chakra in these fairy chakras.

Although he belongs to Aya Hyuga, he can also use it, but he is not Madara Uchiha.

If Madara Uchiha has time, I am afraid that he will polish it well, so that those immortal chakras are not only 'very easy to control', but 'very suitable for him'!

Uchiha Qi has this time, he can polish these things well and make all his strengths suit him best.

"It seems that after solving one problem, the subsequent problems will follow." Uchiha Qi sighed faintly.

"Fortunately, you only need to take your own chakra to mix it up. For example, from now on, the places where the four forces circulate in my body will be integrated into my own chakra.

Let them slowly get acquainted with each other, slowly condense, and in the end, they will naturally accept and integrate with each other. "

Think of it and do it. Anyway, it's not difficult to do this, especially since the yin and yang escapes in it are all his own.

It's really not a hassle for him to merge in, and then wait slowly, and he is not in a hurry to get any achievements immediately.

The matter of immortal mode is temporarily closed, and the solution of this matter is of great significance to him.

In addition to the real increase in strength, he also has enough time to deal with other things!

"The exploration of Yin-Yang Escape, the experimental subjects, and the waiting for Iori's research, the fusion of chakras..." Uchiha Qi took advantage of the situation and lay on the ground, muttering silently: "Until now, I have only merged. If there are two kinds, we can only wait for the new results of Yu Yi Zhengya's bloodline research. However, take your time, there is still relatively enough time..."

The fusion of chakra has always been the weakest link of Uchiha Kai, but no matter how weak, he has surpassed more than 90% of the ninjas.

The essence of chakra fusion is to form the bloodline boundary, even if the things he fuses are useless and garbage, that is the bloodline boundary.

However, he didn't plan to use the power of these blood-based boundaries at all. If he merged three or four kinds of blood, he might consider it.

"If I do get those things, I can put on a vest and play."

Uchiha Kai thought a little funny: "Anyway, the power system used is different. If you really run out and do something, others won't recognize it. But it's still early, take your time..."


"That little guy is really interesting, he doesn't seem to trust you at all."

In the Pure Land, in a small manor that is different from endless time stagnation, Otsutsugi Yumura and Otsutsuki Yui are sitting there, and Yui is looking at Yumura with a smile on her face.

Their little thatched hut looks like a cluster of flowers. The flowers they planted at the beginning have already bloomed, and you can even vaguely see butterflies flying on these flowers.

But unfortunately, these butterflies are illusory. In the pure land, I am afraid that only the two of them can survive in some sense, and the others are dead.

"This kid is really helpless." Yumura shook his head helplessly: "I'm afraid even if you go, according to his character, you will never believe it easily. It's really a waste of the power I gave him."

"Be vigilant and be suspicious enough that we're uncomfortable getting along with someone like that, but it has to be said that someone like him is very fit for survival."

Immortal Liudao Yuyi shook his head gently, and then he sighed slightly: "However, his methods are too cruel, too cruel..."

Hearing this sentence, Hamura couldn't help shaking his head, this was not the first time he heard his brother complain.

Uchiha Kai's methods are indeed cruel enough, especially in the ninja world seven or eight years ago, what he did to his own people can really be said to be **** to the extreme.

But what's the use of complaining?

Everything that happened in the ninja world, or everything that happened in the ninja world since they left thousands of years ago to the present, is the result of their indulgence.

"It's no use complaining. I persuaded you at the time, but you think this is the right thing to do, and I believe you too."

Yumura turned his head to look at the flowerbeds, and finally said slowly: "So, it's really not surprising that such a person appears, even if he doesn't have such a mysterious origin."

"Indeed, this can't be blamed on him." Yu Yi sighed slightly: "Sometimes, I also wonder if my decision is correct, but I have come this far, and there is nothing to doubt it. The experience of a child can be regarded as the experience of the entire ninja world."

"Don't talk about this topic, didn't you predict that your two children should really understand some things in this generation, and be reconciled as before?" Hamura obviously didn't want to discuss the past again, he was a little curious. Asked: "What is the result? Especially with the appearance of this kid, has there been any change?"

"My prediction should still be correct, although everything has changed with the appearance of this kid. It has become so that I can't see the future at all, and even Toad Maru can't dream. But..."

Speaking of her child, Yu Yi also showed a slight smile on her face: "But now the two children are getting along well, I think this child will be an extremely crucial role."

Hamura nodded, unable to predict the future, which is unacceptable for people with a strong desire to control.

But even if you predict the future, you can see things that are very blurry or even impossible to see.

These predictions can only be used as a reference, not a basis, but some people prefer to let what they see fully appear, and not let it leave the scope of their understanding.

Fortunately, his brother is not such a person. He prefers to let things develop naturally, otherwise they would not be here.

"But has this kid been progressing very fast recently?" Hamura thought for a while before continuing: "He seems to have misunderstood something about the source power I gave him, but he didn't stop himself despite the misunderstanding, immortal mode, He really knows how to use this little brat."

"Is your descendant very good? Without the help of any holy land, I realized the natural chakra." Yu Yi also said with a smile: "That girl, I have to say that it is really powerful. Even I rely on toads. It was only with Maru's help that he discovered this special natural power, and that's why he has the capital to fight against his mother."

"Yeah, immortal art is really powerful." Yumura nodded, but then he turned his head to look at Yuyi: "However, do you regret it?"

"Regret?" Yu Yi was stunned for a moment Then he understood what his brother was asking.

His face suddenly became serious: "I don't regret it, even if a thousand years have passed, I don't regret it..."

Having said this, Yu Yi stood up, and a huge chakra suddenly appeared in front of him.

The next moment, these chakras turned into pictures, pictures from the outside world.

Looking at the face in the picture that was full of joy or despair, Yu Yi showed a smileReceive a red envelope] Follow the public.. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp The highest draw 888 cash red envelopes!

"Everyone in the world has to live out their own self. Let them get illusory happiness, but in fact they use their bodies as nourishment and as a weapon in battle. They have no self, no consciousness, or even life."

"I absolutely don't agree with this, and I will never regret it, never!"
