Chapter 609: 2 cruel men

Remember for a second【】

Exchange good books, pay attention to the vx public account. []. Follow now and get cash red envelopes!

"Hey, how's the inquiries going?"

In a small room in Shayin Village, Ghost Lantern Manyue looked at the dried persimmon ghost shark who had just returned from outside, and couldn't help but immediately asked in a low voice.

After the two of them separated from Obito, they tried their best to infiltrate the Sandyin Village.

To be honest, a village like Shayin Village, which is so poor and not very large, is more difficult to get in than Konoha.

But that is in the past, and now it is really difficult for Konoha to get in. After all, the security department is not a dry eater.

Both of them are elite ninjas, and they are also elite ninjas from Anbu. They all have a way to sneak in.

Even how to connect after sneaking in, they have already figured out a way.

Everything went well, and the two of them came in as a passenger, while the other acted as a slave trader.

It's just that you're coming in. Stealing intelligence and inquiring about information is really not that simple.

Even if they are strong and ninja literacy is superb, it is impossible to do all this easily, they still need some time.

"No, those guys are either very strict, or they don't know anything." Ghost Shark shook his head helplessly: "Where is your side? How is the situation?"

"It's about the same, it's not good, but it's not bad." Man Yue said helplessly leaning against the wall: "I have already inquired about the slaves, after all, am I a slave trader? Those Sha Yin are really poor and crazy. He actually took the initiative to provide me with a lot of middlemen, I'm afraid I plan to take a cut of it."

"You're not sure about such a good opportunity?" Ghost shark frowned: "How to inquire about information, don't you need me to teach you?"

"Are you an idiot, of course I know, but the people I contact are not even good at being a jounin!" Man Yue shouted dissatisfiedly: "Damn, otherwise I wouldn't say that they are poor and crazy, a chunnin. It actually stopped me from continuing to look for more advanced ninjas, and this half month's time is simply wasted!"

That's right, they have been in Sandyin for half a month.

It's a pity that the progress of these half of them is a disaster, because they either can't get in touch with more advanced ninjas, or they can't find out any news at all.

For them, this is simply unimaginable.

But they have no choice but to do anything, the ghost place Shayin is really poor and crazy.

Those low-level ninjas are all trying to make money, and even they have the courage to hide some things and do not want to report it to seek personal interests.

"Okay, it seems that we still underestimated the current Sha Yin, how desolate has been." The ghost shark sat down helplessly, then took a bottle of water and poured it into his mouth: "First, the strongest wind died. Shadow, and then took the initiative to cause the three wars and was taught by Konoha, they are really a bunch of people who don’t know how to live or die.”

"Please, so you can only be a mission ninja. They are here to divert the conflict, but it's a pity that they picked the wrong opponent." Man Yue said indifferently: "Although it's a bit worse, we still hide it in general. Good, they can't catch us."

"Then what's the use?" The ghost shark threw the empty bottle into the trash can accurately: "If we can't complete the task, we are waste, and for Mr. Qi, waste is useless garbage, I don't want it to be difficult. Seeing hope and dashing it with this **** mission."

"That's for you, not for me, but I have other values." Man Yue gave a strange laugh.

But soon he realized that he was laughing at a hundred paces, so he immediately restrained his smile.

Touching his chin, Man-won thinks it's really not a big deal for them to do it now.

Indeed, Uchiha Qi could arrange such a large-scale task, if the two of them fail to complete this task, I am afraid that they will lose points in the eyes of that guy, right?

Even if Man Yue Miku's plan is to return to Kiriyuki, and he has to become a water shadow, to a certain extent, he has nothing to do with Uchiha Kai.

But the problem is, now Uchiha Kai is his sponsor!

He performed so badly, I am afraid Uchiha Kai will be disappointed, so he can find better partners and investment partners, right?

Moreover, he who is determined to be a water shadow, if he can't even complete this kind of task, he will be a shit!

Man Yue, who was thinking seriously, was still very flexible, but in just a moment, he thought of a plan that would make his eyes light up!

However, this plan seems a bit inappropriate?

But it doesn't seem that he needs to care about whether it is suitable or not. If he is not cruel to himself and his own people, he will be a shit!

"I thought of a way." Man Yue touched her chin and said, "Maybe it will have a good effect."

"Then say it straight." The ghost shark raised his head and looked at the full moon: "It's this time, why are you hesitating?"

"This method..." Man Yue hesitated, but soon his face became serious: "Okay, no matter that much. You should still remember Anbu's seal and password, right?"

"Of course I remember." The ghost shark nodded, but the next moment he was stunned, and then suddenly realized: "You mean... Let's go to the fog hidden Anbu stronghold in Sandyin Village?"

In every big country Ninja Village, in fact, there will definitely be spies from other Ninja Villages inside.

This is simply an open secret, even for Konoha.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Moreover, not all Shinobi villages are the same as Konoha, in addition to the roots, they also come up with a root, such a messy system.

In other Shinobi villages, Anbu is a complete system that integrates the roots.

Although the words of the full moon are not so obvious, but the meaning has been fully expressed.

Since they have no way to reach the high-level Sandyin, it is difficult for even some high-level ninjas.

So why not just use what they know to get the intelligence they need?

Strictly speaking, neither of them are considered Kiriyin now, they are just hired ninjas affiliated to Konoha!

Even the ghost shark was more straightforward. He admitted in his heart that he was now a Kirikin Rebellion and a Konoha Ninja.

"Yes, we can't do anything about it. If we can't get the information, they won't be able to do it." Man Yue said with a grim expression: "I have read the information, and they have stayed in Sandyin for more than ten years, and they are completely rooted here. And there's fresh blood coming in every year."

"But the problem is, we can't verify their identities when we find them." The ghost shark seemed to think of something and shook his head helplessly: "Every year we change the seals and passwords to identify our identity, how long have we left Wuyin? "

"That's inside the village, it's different outside the village." Man Yue laughed, and the fangs in his mouth looked a little terrifying.

"Because of the problem of information channels, unless there is a task in the village, the information will be sent over. Usually, the information is sent back regularly every year.

The purpose of this is to reduce exposure, and foreign letter eagles are always the most dangerous, so they all rely on people to deliver the latest passwords and seals. "

"This rule is generally not spread, it was made by the water shadow in my family, it's normal if you don't know. The last time new personnel were placed was more than three years ago, and each time was once every four years, so... ."

"I understand." The ghost shark nodded, and he took a deep breath: "Meaning, we probably still have a certain gap, and the seals and passwords they used were before we left Wuyin."

"Yes." Man Yue nodded: "So?"

"There is no reason!" The ghost shark was also full of killing intent at this moment: "The target is them!"


"feel better now?"

When the ghost shark and the others decided to act, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya were sitting by a river in Konoha.

Looking at the continuous rush of the river, Hyuga Aya leaned on Uchiha Kai's body and watched all this quietly.

Her face is still a little pale, perhaps because the last experiment caused her too many problems, and she has not fully recovered now.

You know, she has been lying in bed for a week.

"It's much better. It's more comfortable than staying at home every day." Hyuga Aya said calmly and lazily: "Also, you can also avoid Hyuga Hizu and the others."

"Let's go out more if you like, it's not a good thing to lie at home all day." Uchiha Qi smiled, and then asked, "How are you recovering?"

"It's still the same, probably because the cells of Totoro Otsutsuki are too strong?" Saying this, Aya Hyuga couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

Strictly speaking, her current situation is really bad!

After using the serum extracted from Toto Otsutsuki, Aya Hyuga's negative reaction was really serious.

To be precise, this is already a high-intensity negative reaction!

This kind of reaction is just for her, and it is completely beyond imagination. Such a biting pain, I am afraid she has never experienced it in her life.

Even at that moment, Hyuga Aya herself felt that she might not be able to resist.

But her luck is still good, after all, because her foundation is too good, not only has the serum base of the Kaguya clan, but she even got the way to use Yang Dun.

With these two foundations, she has actually reached the physical quality and level of those big tube trees on the moon, strictly speaking.

In addition to these foundations she has, there is only one group of her gene sequences left that has not been fully activated. It can be said that she is already in a very peak state.

It's not the first time that Kai Uchiha has said that Aya Hyuga is definitely the one with the best physical fitness among the three of them.

This is not a compliment, but a real one!

It's just that with such an excellent foundation as a guarantee, Hyuga Aya has suffered so much pain, one can imagine how difficult all this is.

Even if she wakes up now, her negative state continues.

In particular, her white eyes seemed to be sealed and could not be used at all.

The white eyes were sealed, which is simply unbelievable.

But this thing really happened to Hyuga Aya, and after she woke up, she felt that something was wrong.

Therefore, even if she was weak, she asked Uchiha Kai to take Iori to her house, and brought her a lot of things for easy inspection.

As a result, she was stunned to find that her white eyes seemed to be sealed. Although it did not affect her vision, she could not open her white eyes at all.

"Isn't it possible to use it until now?" Uchiha put his hand on her shoulder and asked curiously.

"Yes, there is no way to use it until now." Hyuga Aya nodded helplessly: "I can feel that some of my chakras, Yin Dun and Yang Dun are all moving towards my eyes.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Eyes are gathering, but.... the progress is too slow, and even my body has been disturbed by Chakra because of this experiment, which affects all this even more. "

"But at least there is good news, isn't it?" Uchiha Kai looked at the river ahead and said slowly, "Your genes are completely unlocked."

If you want to say the biggest gain of this experiment, it is that all the blocked gene sequences in Hyuga Aya's body have been completely unlocked!

Fully unlocking the gene sequence, even the current Uchiha Kai, strictly speaking, has not fully achieved it.

His genes were broken due to historical reasons, since the generation of Indra and Asura, and relying on instruments to check them may not have any effect.

Fortunately, he knew how to go in the future, so he didn't care about it that much.

It's just that Aya Hyuga's current reaction is really beyond his expectations.

The vest king in his memory was almost gone when he unlocked all his genes.

But people were lucky and fainted directly, and Hyuga Aya, a silly girl, didn't choose to be unconscious at all, but kept carrying it hard.

Whether there was her instinctive reaction here, which led to the current high-intensity performance, Uchiha Qi didn't know.

But he does know that the vest king is not so bad after unlocking.

"Well, it's unlocked, but the benefits have not been obtained, but I have encountered a lot of problems." Hyuga Aya leaned on Uchiha Kai's body and whispered: "Hope, there are no problems."

"I think there should be no problem Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and then answered: "After unlocking all the genes, your physical skills and chakra need to be constantly adapted. . Although you said that your chakra is very messy now, and even the eyes are sealed, but this is probably a benign process. "

"Benevolent process? Hope." Hyuga Aya smiled weakly: "But this benign process is really unbearable."

"Don't worry, if we don't have the strength, we will not have enough strength." Uchiha Qi stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead lightly: "Don't forget, there is something on the moon that is very suitable for your strength, Waiting for you. By the way, what about those chakras in your body? Are they still safe?"

"They? I don't feel anything. The chakras in the main body are so chaotic that they can't move at all, but when it comes to them..."

"What's wrong?"

"I found that their activity seems to have become a lot bigger..."


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^