Chapter 614: 3 Conjectures of Chakra Fusion

"I didn't expect that Iori was so powerful, and he has already dealt with this matter to this point?"

In the laboratory, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya looked at Iori seriously together, which made Iori a little embarrassed.

But the two of them didn't care that much, and they paid more attention to the documents in their hands.

When they went to work early this morning, Kai Uchiha told them to come to the laboratory at noon.

It's not clear what happened, but it was normal for them to come to the lab to report.

What they didn't expect was that when they came here, they found that Iori was also there.

Moreover, the reason why Uchiha Qi came to them has a huge relationship with Iori.

Iori, this little girl, she actually completed the follow-up of this experiment independently?

Although Hyuga Aya also knows that this type of experiment has crossed the threshold of 'zero to one', and the follow-up will be relatively easy.

But this is only relative, especially unlocking it step by step, exploring the mystery of the essence of blood, the difficulty of this kind of thing is unimaginable.

It seems now that Uchiha Kai came to deal with him back then, or a backup for him in case of separation from him.

In the end, she became his sister inexplicably, and Iori, who has a good relationship with herself, does have a very good talent.

Especially after this little girl has crossed the psychological barrier and became mature, even if she still maintains a kind nature, she will not have too much unnecessary sympathy for the enemy and people outside the village.

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"Iori is my younger sister. I took her home back then because she was very talented." Uchiha Qi leaned aside and said with a smile: "It turns out that my vision is still very good."

"Ah? Brother Qi, why did I hear Aunt Kyoko say that you are..." Iori couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Uchiha Kai's words, and then asked, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking. .

"You don't need to care so much, it's been so long, why should you care about these things?" Uchiha Qi stood up and said directly.

Of course he didn't forget what he did back then.

Back then, he first helped Kakashi solve some problems, using illusions to solve them, and then he intimidated the management of the orphanage at that time, as if he was called Jingzi?

Forcing her to hand over the best talent in the orphanage to herself, this is the story of Iori coming to his house.

But it doesn't matter anymore, so many years have passed, and many details no longer need to be so concerned.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya also didn't show any unexpected expressions. Even if Iori didn't finish speaking, how could they not guess?

In their view, this is what Uchiha Kai is most likely to do.

This guy sometimes behaves very domineering and inhumane, but even if he behaves like this, I am afraid he will make some compensation in other places intentionally or unintentionally.

Looking at the orphanages today, I am afraid that they are not comparable to seven years ago, right?

"It's really good news, I didn't expect that the fusion of three chakras can already be performed." Imai Kenta touched his chin and said, "So, does this mean that we can create our own bloodstains and eliminate them? ?"

"It should be like this, yes. But don't forget, although the fusion of the Yuyi family is very strong, in essence, it may be slightly weaker than the blood and bloodstains that are actually fused by yourself."

Hyuga Aya thought for a while before slowly saying, "Haven't we all integrated the two chakras? The actual effect is actually quite obvious."

Uchiha Kai did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Hyuga Aya's summary has already outlined the characteristics of the Yui clan Xueji, yes, this clan can indeed integrate Chakra with the development of Xueji.

But the key problem is that their fusion seems to always leave room, although there is indeed a new power after the fusion, or a special blood successor limit is born.

But in terms of power, it may still be a little weaker.

Uchiha Kai didn't think about this carefully before, until he fused a brand new bloodline limit himself, he didn't make a difference.

And he recalled his fight with Yui Zhengya. The technique used by that guy was indeed terrifying to a certain extent, but compared to Chen Dun, it seemed to be almost at a level!

However, these levels can be smoothed out or even stronger in other ways.

For example, what kind of Muhua Sakuya Ji Slash was used by that guy, this technique is very terrifying, and its lethality is not weaker than Chen Dun or even stronger!

It's just that Chen Dun's changing nature and continuous combat capability are better, and the strength of Muhua Sakuya Ji Zhan lies in its explosive power.

At that time, Masaya Yui used this trick to directly chop Uchiha Kai's complete body Susanoo to pieces. Strictly speaking, Ohnogi did not do this.

After all, at that time, this old man was stupid when he saw the complete body of Susanoo.

"Actually, it can be improved by tempering, otherwise why would the Yuyi family be so crazy during the Warring States Period."

After thinking about it for a while, Uchiha said, "However, apart from Kenta, I am afraid that among us, Aya and I don't need to focus on this. Of course, there is no problem in exercising, after all, it is a good way to cover up your identity. something."

"I just need to learn and try to integrate. For something as complicated as Shenkong Strike, I only have a few moves. This is far from it. I don't want to distract me."

Aya Hyuga thought for a while, then shook her head: "What's more, for the use of chakra after fusion, I feel that even if I don't do anything, I can get exercise. Because I intend to incorporate their power into soft fist."

"Yes, this is indeed more convenient for you." Uchiha Ki nodded, then looked at Imai Kenta: "The worst is you."

"That's not true, it doesn't matter if you are tired or not, but it doesn't matter." Imai Ken too spread his hands, and his expression was still so relaxed: "I would like to see how far the chakra fusion you value so much can achieve. ."

It definitely won't disappoint!

Uchiha thought to himself, knowing the result, he naturally knew that the fusion of Chakra would definitely not be a disappointing result.

The final destination of this road, but the blood follows the snare!

But if you want to really make achievements on this road, the energy you need to put in is absolutely unimaginable.

In particular, it is extremely difficult to train all chakras, and then let them all reach a level of mastery.

Fortunately, Imai Kenta is exceptionally talented in this regard.

Even Uchiha Kai is envious of him.

Even now, Uchiha Kai's Feng Dun still has some regrets.

But fortunately, at least he has gotten started, and he also needs to thank Naruto in the animation. In the animation, Naruto provided him with an excellent idea, and also provided him with the wind attribute chakra training before and after.

In this case, Uchiha Kai now plans to imitate and learn.

The fusion of the three attributes, he has already made a choice, the third attribute he wants to integrate is Feng Dun!

He is not very good at Feng Dun, and as for the use of it, I am afraid it will not have much effect.

It's better to integrate it into the blood that has been integrated before, and exercise in that way, maybe you can reach a better level!

"Although I know that I may not be able to come up with any dust escape, after all, the proportion of fusion is slightly different, and the result is extremely different. But I remember that dust escape is the fusion of the three attributes of fire, earth, and wind. It's absolutely fine to give it a try."

Uchiha Kei thought silently: "Even if it doesn't reach that level, imitating Muhua Sakuya Ji Zhan to make a similar move, the power is not bad. Besides, Muhua Sakuya Ji Zhan is a fusion of wind, water and fire. When Iori has a new harvest again, I will choose to incorporate the water attribute into it.

At that time, I can also relax a little and save the time that some research needs to waste. "


"Damn, this is a big trouble!"

On the streets of Kiriyin Village, the ghost shark and the full moon were back to back, and they stared at the sandy ninja who surrounded them.

Especially the guy with the fine sand spreading on his body made the two of them even more nervous.

Four generations of Fengying Luosha, no matter how disdainful this guy is, even when facing this guy alone, they probably have nothing to be too afraid of.

But at this moment, they really have a headache, because they are really not one-on-one now!

"Who the **** are you?" Luo Sha looked at the ghost shark and the full moon with a cold expression, and his voice also seemed indifferent: "Hand over the stolen things and tell me who made you do this, I will consider it. Let go of you."

"What a joke, do you think we'll believe you?" Although Man Yue was nervous, he didn't mean to let go: "It's okay to lie to the children, lie to us, are you thinking too much? Believe it or not? I burned them all!"

Man Yue and Gui Sha obviously won't believe Luo Sha's nonsense, especially when they used to be Anbu, they won't have any luck in their hearts.

If they really want to believe it, then they will be insane.

Of course, Man Yue's counter-threat is nothing more than disgusting people. After all, there must be a backup of the forbidden arts they are holding. Maybe what they have in their hands is the backup!

But if you can disgust your enemy, why not do it?

After Oni Shark and Man Yue entered the basement, in order to get what they wanted, they could only attack again.

They used shadow clones to attack Anbu, who was left behind, and set a torch to set the body on fire.

This suddenly caught the attention of all the Anbu in the basement. It can be said that the basement became extremely chaotic at this moment.

Many Anbu directly chased after the two shadow clones, but they didn't have time to do it, and the two disappeared without a trace.

No matter how stupid you are in such a situation, you can understand that you may have fallen for a trick.

Even if the head of the basement guesses, does the other party have a more important purpose, such as stealing the information in the basement.

But looking at the spreading fire and the chaotic crowd, the supervisor finally decided to guard the important places first, and then check them one by one.

And he didn't forget to let his subordinates notify the four generations of Fengying, and let him bring his people to block the entire area.

As long as this area is blocked, unless these people intend to destroy the information in this area and perish together, they will never be able to escape!

In fact, even with that kind of mentality, the data here is backed up, but if it were to be destroyed, there would be a lot of trouble.

Oni Shark and Man Yue could probably guess such a situation, but they didn't have a retreat plan either.

After spending some time and quickly sorting out the files that were not named at all, they were very lucky to find a place to hide those secret techniques.

It's just that these **** spells don't have names at all, and they don't have time to find the roster, so they just don't do it.

Forcibly violent, after killing their fellow Anbu ninjas in one fell swoop, they blocked the gate, and then sealed all the forbidden techniques that could be taken away into the scroll!

It's just that even if the number of forbidden techniques is small, it is not easy to take them all away.

Sealing these things does not count, and taking it down has to break the seal on the scroll, lest they be destroyed.

As for whether there will be anything left after opening, it is not something that Man Yue cares about.

It took nearly half an hour to deal with all this, and they had already been surrounded by water for half an hour.

In such an extremely narrow place, the ghost shark unceremoniously used a large-scale water escape, and then rushed out with the full moon.

They knew that their successful breakthrough this time was only temporary, and the other party didn't know their situation, and they didn't really want to kill them completely.

Maybe he wanted to catch a living, or maybe he had other concerns.

It's just that this kind of consumption is not low for ghost sharks. The land of wind is still full of yellow sand, so the consumption of such water escape is still huge.

And it did not exceed their expectations. When they ran outside, as expected, they were completely surrounded, and even the four generations of Kazekage came.

Besides there were quite a few Anbu ninjas crawling out of the basement, but the head of the basement also crawled out, his face looked extremely gloomy.

"Well, I did intend to give you a chance, but it seems that you don't cherish it."

Luo Sha said indifferently: "Then we will catch you, and then torture you, I can get what I want. You can be honest and obedient, and you will suffer less, but you have chosen the worst thing to do. choice, since that's the case..."

"If that's the case, what's up?" Man Yue said disdainfully, "Do you think we'll come here, and we'll be backed up? Do you think we're that stupid?"

Speaking of which, the full moon quickly took out a flare, and then fired it directly.

The white light illuminated the night sky, and at this moment Luo Sha launched an attack without hesitation.

Ghost Shark and Man Moon didn't know when that guy would arrive, so they made desperate preparations right away...
