Chapter 615: Who are the pig teammates?

"Damn, why haven't you come yet?"

Man Yue panted and said to the ghost shark behind him, then he turned around to avoid the attack of a sand hidden, and then hacked him to death with a knife.

However, after being hacked to death, a pile of sand hidden behind him emerged, which made him have to quickly shift his position to avoid being attacked by these ninjas.

The only thing that made him feel a little at ease was that this was a residential area, and these guys didn't dare to use ninjutsu casually, otherwise the trouble would be really big.

"Ghost knows, deal with the problems in front of you first!"

The ghost shark responded simply, and then held an Anbu sword in front of him, but the next moment he heard the sound of breaking the sky behind him.

But he couldn't move, the Anbu in front of him had already blocked his movements.

But soon, he heard other voices coming together, and it was just a momentary crunch that collided in the sky and rang out.

Hearing this voice, the ghost shark immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but his back was already soaked.

It was too dangerous just now. If Kuwu hadn't come over to help him block those sneak attacks, I'm afraid he would have been injured even if he didn't die!

Looking at this Anbu, who was also wearing a mask, the ghost shark's expression became cruel. He pressed his strength forward fiercely, and the Anbu suddenly held the knife on his chest.

Without waiting for other Anbu rescues, the knife in the ghost shark's hand adjusted the angle slightly, then turned the direction of the force to one side, and then passed him sideways.

Only this time, the ghost shark's ninja knife accidentally slashed across the neck of this Anbu.

Because the power of the ghost shark is too great, the blade brought by this knife even slashed the head of this Anbu!

The blood spilled out like rain, and the ghost shark also took up a lot of it. Sandyin around was obviously taken aback by this scene. Is this guy so powerful?

Luo Sha also raised his brows, his face has become ugly.

The supervisor in charge of guarding the underground secret room just now reported that the guy used a powerful water escape, causing many of them to drown in it.

After all, no matter how breathable the underground secret room is, in order to keep the files stored in it without problems, it must be dry, strong, and airtight.

As a result, it became a nightmare for those Shayin Anbu. When the huge water escape broke out, many Shayin did not have time to run, and were completely locked inside, and then drowned alive!

Losing so many ninjas at one time, Luo Sha's face is not ugly, that's hell, especially now that Sha Yin's situation is still so badWelfare] I will send you a cash red envelope! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to get it!

"Thank you for saving me." The ghost shark quickly ran behind Man Yue, and then the two of them stuck together back to back again in a defensive posture.

"Saved you? What the hell?" Man Yue greeted him with a look on his face, but his expression soon changed: "Hey hey hey, is your back wet and full of blood? You bastard!"

"It's not you? Who is that?" The ghost shark didn't care about his blood at all. He looked around vigilantly and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that guy?"

"I don't know, but it should be." Man Yue was no longer complaining, he glanced around before replying with laughter: "In the situation just now, I can't take care of you, you said that someone saved you, it should be that guy Right. By the way, can you tell where Kunai came from?"

"No need to judge, they are already looking for someone." Ghost Shark replied flatly, his eyes on those Sha Yin.

Obviously, those kunai just now not only caught his attention, but also those of Sha Yin.

Even if they didn't say anything, they had already started to search silently for the direction where Kuna could fly.

No matter how bad Shayin is, their ninjas still have basic literacy. It is impossible for them to have no judgment in the situation just now.

Maybe it's because I don't want to scare the snakes, so there's no big movement.

"Southeast?" Man Yue glanced at it and asked curiously, "Damn, I'm afraid we're not as fast as them."

"Normal ninjas don't do this, especially at this time." The ghost shark whispered: "The opposite of the southeast direction, what is it?"

"That, Wuyin's Anbu secret base?" Man Yue was naturally not stupid, he sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, Shayin also went there."

"Indeed, they went, maybe Sandyin also thought of it, but they didn't know one thing." The ghost shark took a deep breath, and the chakra began to surge: "I'm afraid they don't know the existence of that underground room, so …”

Having said that, the ghost shark didn't say much, his chakra burst out violently, and then he made a mark on his hands again.

The huge chakra, which is no less than the tailed beast, completely bloomed at this moment.

Sandy's ninjas care about residential areas, but he doesn't care about them at all!

As his chakra erupted, he completed the seal covertly and quickly, and the incredible water escape broke out again!

"Water Escape·Blast Water Rush!"

He sprayed out the water that was enough to form a lake, and the huge water wave looked like it was going to drown everything!

Luo Sha couldn't bear it any longer at this moment. The Land of Wind is a land of sandstorms, and the most important thing is the large amount of sand.

I saw Luo Sha put his hands together, and huge sand waves spread out overwhelmingly. Under his command, these sands quickly blocked the flood of the waves!

The sand is neutralized with the water, instantly making the sand heavier and solidifying.

But in front of this massive amount of sand, the water slowly lost its activity, and it was obviously impossible for them to cause any damage to everything around them!

"damn it!"

However, there was not the slightest joy on Luo Sha's face, and that gloomy face looked particularly terrifying.

At the moment when the water escape broke out, he clearly noticed that the two mice had already run away.

Although he was very sure how these two guys were running, it was impossible to escape the encirclement he arranged, and it was impossible to escape the elite Anbu encirclement.

But their actions obviously angered Luo Sha completely.

What Luo Sha hated the most was the Anbu of other Shinobi villages. If they were exposed, they would definitely not cooperate in the slightest. Even the torture of information did not necessarily bring out anything.

The most important thing is that they are not afraid of death, and they don't care about the lives of others!

"Come up and kill!"

Since 80% of the time there is no chance to obtain information, and the other party has already done things to this point, Luo Sha gave an order decisively.

"The other party didn't know it was Anbu in that place, so kill them as soon as possible to prevent them from committing suicide."

Suicide is likely to activate the seal in the head, causing the body and the brain to die together, unable to get anything.

If you don't give them this chance, you can still have the chance to cut off your head and explore intelligence from it.

Anbu's style is the same no matter where he is. As Anbu's direct boss, Kazekage of Sandyin Village, his requirements for Anbu will only be more stringent!

All the Anbu and Sandy ninjas got the order, and then swarmed up and chased after them.

The movement these two damned guys made in Sandyin Village was like a slap in the face.

Just now, because of the huge water escape, they couldn't catch up in the first time, and someone passed by when they fled, and they didn't worry about the two families running away.

Now that the flood has been controlled, and they have received such an order, it is naturally impossible for them to let these **** bed bugs go!

Ghost Shark and Man Yue didn't know what was going on behind them. They only knew that if they ran slower, they would be shot into a hornet's nest.

They ran directly towards Wuyin's base. There were quite a few people in Shayin along the way, but all this was dealt with by the two of them.

Although the ghost shark has used such a huge water escape in a place where there is basically no water source, it has a great impact on his chakra.

But he has long been mentally prepared, not to mention that his Chakra recovery is very fast, which is also the characteristic of their dried persimmon family.

Running all the way, they didn't know how many ninjas who came to intercept them were beaten back, how many people were killed or injured, and how many wounds they were caused by the other party.

If it was a normal situation, they would never be so reckless, but now they can't control so much.

Finally, they finally arrived in front of the bungalow, and then rushed in completely ignoring those Sha Yin's interceptions.

One slammed the door shut, and then they opened the hidden cellar door and jumped straight down.

When they locked the cellar door, they clearly heard the sound of an explosion coming from above.

The iron plate covering the cellar even shook for a long time, and an unknown amount of dust fell from the top of their heads and sprinkled on their wounds.

But they didn't care either, and looked at each other, both of them were lucky to have escaped from death.

One-on-one secret missions, they really don't have to be afraid of anything.

But surrounded by a large group of ninjas, especially in such a ghost place, they really have no good way.

Simply, they are safe, at least for now, they are safe.

"It's.... exciting enough!"

Man Yue took off her mask, then sat on the ground and gasped for breath: "Those **** are really chasing after him, I don't know if we thought we killed Fengying. Damn, it hurts me to death, run He was too fierce to use the hydration technique, and he was cut several times."

"Don't be long-winded, where's that Uchiha?" The ghost shark also looked a little embarrassed, but his physical fitness was excellent, and now he has begun to slowly heal: "Let him take us away."

"Well, yes, we..." Man Yue nodded, then stood up and looked forward, he was stunned: "What about people? Strange? What about people?"

"This..." Ghost shark also quickly stood up, looking at the empty basement, he was a little suffocated.

The entire basement was very empty, and there seemed to be no one else except a dead body.

Such a terrifying scene made them both stunned, how could this be possible?

Wasn't the angle of Kunai shot just now deliberately distracting the enemy to pursue, and pointed out a direction, telling them to come here to gather?

Could it be that they were expected to get out on their own?

Or, is it the position where he shot the Kunai, is that guy's position?

At this moment, the two elite ninjas of Anbu were a little overwhelmed, and they didn't expect things to turn out like this.

But God didn't seem to abandon them. Just when they were most at a loss, the space in front of them suddenly distorted, and then a figure strode in.

The guy seemed to be in a hurry, and he didn't seem to be in the right mood.

At first, Gui Sha and Man Yue didn't care, but the next moment, both of them were completely stunned.

"You two wastes, why are you so stupid!"

Obito's angry voice came from under the mask: "I helped you get rid of the fish that slipped through the net, although I knew that you would still be found, but why did you make such a big noise?

Also, I shot Kunai to make you run in that direction, I can pick you up, why did you run in the opposite direction? ah? Do you have this quality? "

Obito's scolding was loud, and it sounded like he was facing a scammer, and even revealed a posture of "I have done so much, why are you still so good".

However, the expressions of Gui Sha and Man Yue were extremely wonderful at this time. They never dreamed that the development of things would actually be... so jaw-dropping?

Is there something wrong with this man?

Man Yue and Gui Sha, the same words came out of their minds by coincidence.

After a long time, after Obito finished scolding, Man Yue asked incredulously: "You mean, that **** was deliberately let go by us to create chaos, so as to cover up our identity, so that we won't have to create another chaos below. The guy, were you killed?"

"Huh?" Obito froze for a moment, but before he had time to speak, the ghost shark spoke again.

"You said that the position to meet us is the position where you shot the Kunai? But the problem is that we were targeted, and those guys all ran past."

The voice of the ghost shark also sighed a little: "Your plan is perfect, but also consider that the two of us are in the country of wind, and we can't do our best.

Also, are you just coincidentally throwing Kunai in this direction? The base of the Hidden Mist? "

"Ah, this..." Obito's face was a little blank, and he seemed to have reacted.

After all this....I actually became a pig teammate?

This conclusion made Obito blushed. He wasn't really stupid. After some explanation, he seemed to understand what he had done!

Is this the so-called, good intentions to do bad things?

Thinking of this, Obito became even more depressed, he simply ignored the strange eyes of these two guys and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"It seems that I have some misunderstandings." Obito Shi Shiran said: "Well, but these are small things, have you all survived?"

"But, we almost died, okay?" Man Yue grinned, obviously he didn't want to eat Obito: "Uchiha Qi actually found you an unreliable guy, and at the same time didn't tell you the details of the mission and feelings Just let you run errands. If that's the case, why are you..."

"Enough, one more word I'll kill you immediately!" Obito roared angrily, and when he saw the full moon was quiet, he nodded with satisfaction: "Have you completed your mission?"

"It's done." The ghost shark glanced at the full moon, and then said, "Everything that Master Qi wants is with us."

"Very well, I'll take you back to Konoha."

"No, we're going to a small town next door. Lord Qi wants us to buy slaves, which is only available in that place. Moreover, the next task of escorting may be handed over to you."

"Slave? Okay, I get it, you guys should cultivate well. And you, liquid man, shut up for me, or I'll put you in a bottle!"

The voice fell, and Obito didn't wait for the full moon to say something, and began to activate his divine might.

The space was completely distorted at this moment, and the three of them disappeared completely in place in just a moment.

And after they disappeared, the iron door covering the basement was smashed open...
