Chapter 616: mission completed

"These guys are making too much noise, aren't they?"

In Konoha Village, Uchiha Kai looked at the report in his hand and rubbed his brows helplessly.

In this report, it details a series of events that happened in Sandyin Village a few days ago. This is the information submitted by Konoha's Anbu.

A few days ago, there was a terrible attack in Sandyin Village. No one knows who the attacker is, but according to the intelligence, the attacker is suspected to be Anbu of Wuyin Village.

Their methods and cleverness are also extremely destructive, and they have caused a lot of killings.

Forty-four sand-hidden ninjas were killed that night, ten of them were assassinated, and more than twenty were drowned in the underground secret room by water escape.

The rest is the casualties caused by the breakout of the two guys during the escape.

The two of them, under the heavy siege of Sandyin's army, even Fengying was dispatched, and they actually caused so many casualties.

It can be said that such political influence is not weaker than that of Konoha being attacked by the Nine Tails, and Kiriyuki and Yunyin being attacked by a mysterious organization!

And what's even more embarrassing is that the two guys also ran away.

Of course, this is the information that Uchiha Qi knew, and what Sandyin himself revealed to the outside world was that they killed two thieves.

One of them was even crushed into meat dregs by Luo Sha, using the blood he knew was Sha Dun or Magnetic Dun's blood.

After all, Ninja Village wants to save face, especially Da Ninja Village. Anyway, they also threw a corpse, and accused Kirigak that this was their handwriting, and this guy was Kirigaku Anbu Yunyun.

And also threatened Wuyin to make an explanation, or else go to war!

With such words, at the moment Obitoyao, the misty birds that Hei Jue masters are too lazy to kill them, and they are too lazy to even say "You come".

Sand Hidden and Mist Hidden, separated by a country of rivers and a kingdom of fire.

The country of the river is easy to deal with, can the country of fire let them in?

Unless they made a detour to the country of tea, and then took a boat to cross the sea to Wuyin, the biggest possibility is that the boat sank halfway.

Run to a place full of sea water and fight against Kirigakushi?

This is just as puzzling as the Kirigaze ninja going to the country of the wind to fight.

Indeed, the attack this time really puzzled the rest of the major Shinobi villages, including Kiriyuki, who felt that Sandyin was deliberately saying that the attackers belonged to them.

After all, it is too far apart to fight at all, and publishing some strong words is just to save face for oneself, other than that, it is useless at all.

Except for those who know the truth, such as Uchiha Kai, I am afraid that no one will believe that those who ran to Sandyin to make trouble are really ninjas from Kirigakura Village, even if they are former Kirigakushi ninjas.

"It's not your choice to make a big fuss?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai and shook her head: "However, they should have completed the task, right?"

"It should be completed, I received the report, and now they are on their way back to Konoha." Uchiha Qi dropped the report, twisted his stiff neck and said, "If it wasn't for escorting those slaves, I'm afraid they We have returned to Konoha."

"Is that so?" Hyuga Aya nodded, and a slight smile appeared on her face: "It seems that we are going to the moon for the second time."

Now they agreed that the conditions that the people in Otsutsuki would meet have basically been completed.

As the problems within the Hinata clan were resolved, Imai Kenta was used as a grave digger in an extravagant manner, and Baiyan had already obtained enough numbers.

In addition, with the completion of this mission, the problem of slaves has also been solved.

In this case, the second trip to the moon was naturally put on the agenda, and Aya Hyuga was looking forward to it.

Her physical condition is now getting better and better, after experiencing a severe negative reaction at the time, after having integrated all the messy forces inside her body.

Her body has begun to develop in a good direction, after all, all the genetic sequences are unlocked and activated, and her chakra is getting stronger and stronger.

The chakras in her body also began to move slightly, just like the original Uchiha Kai.

Their activity frequency and intensity are not large, more like guiding the power of Yang Dun to further supplement and strengthen her body.

It's just that no matter how much chakra she has and how well she recovers, her eyes are still sealed.

She still can't use the white eyes, and her eyes are still absorbing chakras, especially those chakras of Tensei Eyes.

But unfortunately, Hyuga Aya didn't let her eyes absorb those powers.

At first, she could clearly feel that those strengths were simply not enough.

Secondly, those forces can play a great role, which is much more useful than stuffing them into the eyes.

What she has to do now is to wait silently, wait for the ghost sharks to complete the task completely, collect those slaves thoroughly, and then go to the moon together.

She still remembers the promise of the Otsutsugi clan. She hopes that this time, she will completely rely on the giant Tenseigan to help her eyes complete the final evolution!

"Well, it's time to prepare." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then touched his chin in distress: "Sometimes I think it's not a good thing to have too much status."

"Indeed, it's not easy for a guy like you to go out of the village casually." Of course Aya Hyuga understood what Uchiha Kai meant, she couldn't help but smile and said, "What reason do you plan to use this time? Orochimaru? Or what?"

"Let's try to learn Xianshu." Uchiha Qi touched his chin and said, "Anyway, I have already learned Xianshu. If I use this method to get out of the village, even if I plan to learn this art."

"You seem to have overlooked one thing, Captain Watergate can also do magic."

Hyuga Aya frowned and said with some doubts: "Perhaps you just got the power of the immortal mode, you may not know this very well, but whether it is me or Kenta, I have clearly felt that he left behind. trace.

Maybe it's just finished practice, I'm worried that he will take the initiative to let you learn Miaomushan, this is..."

In fact, there was no need for Hyuga Aya to tell him about the fact that Namikaze Minato learned magic.

In the original book, the fourth-generation Hokage said, "The magic of immortality can't be used", but the actual operation of the blind guy, Uchiha Kai, is very clear.

However, he was too lazy to explain such a thing. It was very possible that Minato Namifeng let him learn the magic of Miaomu Mountain.

But the problem is, those toads in Miaomushan don't necessarily like him.

Look at Kenta Imai, this kid is disgusted by those 'slugs', if he could, I'm afraid he wouldn't learn those magic arts.

Uchiha thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid, those toads in Miaomushan won't like me, don't forget what happened to Kenta."

"So?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head and looked at him: "What are you going to say? Where is Orochimaru?"

"Well, I can only say that I plan to go to the Dilong Cave and try it out." Uchiha Qi said directly: "Anyway, the Dilong Cave is so hard to find, so it is also a very good choice to use it as an excuse. It will not be a problem for us to go out for a long time. It's enough to show off your fairy mode when you come back."

Hinata Aya tilted her head and thought about it, and it took a long time for her to nod her head in recognition of Uchiha Kai's idea.

It’s really not easy to find Dilong Dao, and it’s really normal to spend some time. As long as you show your immortal mode at that time, everything can pass the level, and it’s still a high score pass!

However, when Hyuga Aya thought of this, the corners of her mouth couldn't help showing a radian. She looked at Uchiha Kai with her eyes slightly empty, and this appearance suddenly made him feel a bad feeling.

"What's the matter? You look like this?" Uchiha Qi leaned back a little: "If you have something to say, then you always make me feel that you have bad intentions."

"How is that possible, I'm just a little curious." Hyuga Aya walked to Kai Uchiha's side, and then said softly, "Until now, I still don't know what your immortal mode logo looks like."

"So what? Isn't this pretty good, enough concealment." Uchiha Qi shook his head, then stood up abruptly: "It's no big deal, you'll know later."

"In the future? When will it be in the future?"

"This question is beyond the scope of my knowledge and points to my blind spot of knowledge, so I'll talk about it later..."


In the land of fire, in a forest a few kilometers away from Konoha Village, the dried persimmon ghost shark and the ghost lamp full moon came here with a group of women a little tired.

They don't just look tired, they all feel tired to death now.

From a battle in Shayin and more or less left a lot of wounds, and then he was taken to a small town dozens of kilometers away to buy slaves.

In the end, they have to take these slaves to avoid Sandyin's patrol force through the country of the river, and finally be careful that Konoha's frontier troops finally enter the land of fire.

It can be said that this journey really made them feel that their heads were about to explode.

But fortunately, they have completed the task that they should complete. Not only did they empty the place where the forbidden arts were stored in Shayin Village, but they also bought all the slaves back.

It's just that the eyes of the two of them looking at Obito are still a little weird.

For nothing else, they were really scared by the soil pit along the way.

Maybe Konoha Kiriyuki's code of conduct is different, they were dumbfounded in Sandyin Village.

When they were escorting these slaves, they were once again shocked by the operation of bringing the soil.

In other words, they are Wuyin, and they will definitely keep a low profile all the way back, and will never easily conflict with the enemy.

But what about this guy Obito?

Whenever you encounter the Shayin team, as long as you come to check them, this guy will kill you all at once!

Does this mean that as long as you are all dead, it means that my whereabouts have not been found?

Fortunately, this guy was quick and neat, and the corpses were cleaned up, making them both feel that this guy is a high-level ninja.

Otherwise, they may doubt life even more.

Of course, they also had some misunderstandings, because the real Konoha Anbu does not behave like this.

After all, Obito had never joined Anbu, and even if he had played against them, he still didn't know how these guys behaved.

Even if he is equivalent to the water shadow of Wuyin Village, his real purpose in going to Wuyin Village is to destroy the village, not to understand these messy things.

Therefore, he is not familiar with and does not understand the thinking of the Anbu people. There is no problem with his normal thinking.

In addition to this, there is another very important point, that is, his power is strong enough, so powerful that he doesn't need to care about so many details at all.

Even if surrounded, he can still use his ability to kill the target, or leave calmly.

Different strengths and different past experiences have created different ways of doing things.

"Okay, you guys are here too, I'm leaving." Obito stared at Konoha in the distance, and finally he shook his head and said, "Remind you, forget my existence, or Minister Qi will find you. Trouble."

"Really, you are so weird that you haven't appeared in Konoha's ninja sequence. You can guess that you are definitely performing a secret mission outside."

Man Yue replied angrily, and he was threatened by Obito along the way: "Don't worry, although you are unreliable, we are still reliable, talk, who are you? Why are you here? "

Obito silently looked at Man Yue, at his suspicious look, at his slightly wary eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face hidden under the mask.

Although this guy's mouth is disgusting, he understands one thing after getting along with him during this period of time.

The ninja qualities of these two guys are all much more than their own.

However, Obito didn't take this kind of thing to heart. The two of them could be said to be his former subordinates, and Obito knew their information, which made him secretly make a decision in his heart.

That is to go back and take a good look at Anbu's guidelines. Strictly speaking, what he is doing now is Anbu's business.

It's just that he is even more crazy. He is the leader of a reactionary organization.

Such an undercover plan, I am afraid no one can imagine it?

Although the real boss of this organization is not him, but for now it is definitely.

And what he wants to do is to destroy this organization.

"The speed of entering the state is very good, I like it." Obito laughed: "Okay, I will leave it to you next. I have informed Minister Qi, and he will come over later or tomorrow."

"Thank you for taking care of us during this time." The ghost shark also walked forward, and then bowed slightly: "Then, there will be a period in the future, Your Excellency."

"I'll see you again, I believe." Obito nodded casually, and the next moment he twisted and disappeared completely in place.

Man Yue and Ghost Shark looked at the disappearing figure and then wiped off the nonexistent cold sweat on their foreheads.

That guy is really a terrorist, a terrorist with terrifying strength and a speechless behavior.

"Really, I don't want to see this guy again, it really **** me!" After a long time, Man Yue suddenly scolded.

"It's hard to say this kind of thing, but.... I hope next time he.... Forget it, let's try to cooperate with him." Gui Sha sighed faintly, although he fell into silence.

After a long time, Man Yue suddenly raised her head to look at the ghost shark: "Speaking, what are we doing here? Who are we going to see?"

"Oh? I don't know, is there anyone other than the two of us?" The ghost shark also raised his head and asked strangely.

Then the two of them nodded at the same time: "Ah, it must be too tired and hallucinations."

"There's no one else here but the two of us..."
