Chapter 617: Untimely Ninjutsu (Happy New Year to everyone!)

"You two are really amazing, you actually made such a big move."

In the office of the Security Department, Uchiha Kai looked at the two slightly embarrassed guys, Gui Sha and Man Yue, and shook his head helplessly.

These two people really look very embarrassed now, probably because they are in a hurry along the way, and there is no chance to cultivate well.

However, their mental state is okay, after all, Obito is basically responsible for things in the later stage.

They can be considered reluctant and get a little relief.

"Sorry, Master Qi, we made a mistake." Ghost Shark half-knelt on the ground and directly admitted his mistake.

He didn't care at all whether it was because of lack of information, or whether Obito didn't fit in with them, and made things so big.

He simply took this matter down. After all, they had already completed the task, and Kai Uchiha wouldn't deal with them.

In addition, the guy with Obito is really out of tune, but he belongs to the Uchiha clan, and his ability also plays a key role in the mission.

The ghost shark didn't want to cause any trouble, although Man Yue looked very upset.

"Okay, I don't mean to blame the two of you." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then he picked up the scroll in his hand: "I know the difficulty of this task myself, you have done this very well. With you The guy who executed the person together... caused you a lot of trouble, didn't it?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that Lord Qi still knows his own clan very well." Man Yue frowned: "That guy is not Anbu at all, right? Or, he is not very good at performing such infiltration tasks, right?"

"Yes, his mission is more special. In my opinion, there are two types of lurking personnel. One is the executive Anbu like you."

Although Uchiha Qi also knew that Obito might not cause less trouble, the platform still needs a platform.

"There is another kind of guy who is similar to the guy who was on the mission with you. Maybe he didn't perform so well at the execution level, but under the general layout and policy, he performed much better than you."

"But, to put it bluntly, does it mean that he is lurking in the management of a certain Shinobi village?" Man Yue rolled his eyes, and then he glanced at Uchiha Kai inexplicably: "Could it be Kirigakure?"

The words of the full moon made Uchiha Qi unexpectedly raise his brows. Was he just guessing or did he really notice something?

After thinking about it, he felt that the possibility of guessing would be greater.

But he really didn't guess at this point, that is, Obito is really in the fog hidden now, and he is the big water shadow of the entire Shinobi village.

Of course, this is not comprehensive, Shuiying is just inheriting the mantle of Madara Uchiha, or in other words, the chess game created by him is enlarged, and it is more suitable for his own actions.

The essence of Obito is actually the real head of the so-called Akatsuki organization.

"Yeah, it's still water shadow." Uchiha Qi thought for a while, then nodded: "Is this news good enough?"

"Cut, return the water shadow. Eighty percent of it is in a small ninja village, cooperate with your investigation, and collect information to list the cleanup list."

Man Yue didn't believe Uchiha Kai's words, he shook his head disdainfully: "Don't think I don't know your Konoha's plan, you guys have been provoking me."

Although many of Konoha's actions are secretive, some actions will be appropriately opened up.

For example, the disaster caused by this moon explosion caused immeasurable damage to the small country, which led them to ask for help, and Konoha also took the initiative to agree and undertake such a thing.

It's just that Konoha's approach has formed a huge difference between ordinary people and high-level Shinobi village.

Ordinary people think that Konoha represents the country of fire, showing the demeanor of a big country.

When there is no war, it will be hopeless if a big country is still aggressive.

Although Konoha is only a ninja village in the country of fire, it has experienced the incident of intimidating the daimyo, plus the chain effect caused by this incident.

I am afraid that all the major Ninja villages have imitated except for Sandyin, which leads to basically in the eyes of everyone, Ninja Village represents the will of a country.

What Konoha does is a good thing, it is helping the weak, and such an approach is naturally praised!

But at the top of Shinobi Village, this is not the case at all.

In their opinion, Konoha definitely has his own purpose in doing this, otherwise who would do such a laborious and not so good thing?

There must be a secret they don't know, and it definitely won't be a small secret.

It is a pity that it is not so easy for them to understand, after all, the country of tea and the country of waves are a little far away from them.

Moreover, these two countries do not have Ninja Village, so naturally they have no base.

What's more, even if there are no secrets in it, according to the simplest understanding, this is definitely Konoha's way of bribing people's hearts and enhancing his reputation in the ninja world.

All in all, Konoha is doing this purely out of no good intentions, and it is not sincere to help, and it is just for self-interest.

It has to be said that there is nothing wrong with their ideas, but they still know too little.

But the full moon is different. Although this guy is a prisoner, he and Uchiha Kai have negotiated a lot of things.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai did not engrave and hide him on some things that everyone will know in the future. Anyway, he can't pass these information out, right?

Knowing all this, the full moon will naturally have some misunderstandings. He really thought that Obito was placed in other small Ninja villages in advance, waiting for Konoha to provide the list of people when the handover was over.

Or the guy who played his role in Shinobu Village and led others towards Konoha.

"Okay, then we won't discuss this issue." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

Telling the truth is regarded as a lie. Although he knows that this will inevitably be the result, it still feels a little strange after all.

Glancing at Man Yue and Oni Shark, Uchiha Qi thought for a while and asked, "Those women, are you all placed in that camp?"

"Yes, my lord." The ghost shark nodded seriously: "I did exactly as the lord ordered, and also imposed a seal that would not let them leave."

"That's fine." Uchiha Qi nodded, and Orochimaru provided the places where Gui Sha and the others placed those people.

At that time, Whirlpool Fragrance Color and Whirlpool Fragrance Phosphorus were left by him in that place. Although the food stored there was updated, but this time the number of people who bought the ghost sharks is quite large, so I am afraid it will not work for at most two days.

Two days is enough. Uchiha Qi doesn't plan to delay for long, if there is no accident, he will set off tomorrow.

"Go back and have a good rest." Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "Remember to go to the finance department to get the money, the task is recorded, and the money to buy those women must not be less. You are the same as the full moon, but the full moon has no task record. ."

"I see, my lord."

The ghost shark nodded. Life requires money. If you don't have money, what you want to do is difficult, such as inviting people to dinner.

Although he has saved a lot of money in the past three years, this time he bought these slaves at his own expense, which is also a big investment for him.

"Cut, I don't care about your mission records." Man Yue relentlessly crooked his mouth: "It's fine if you have money, your Konoha prices are too expensive, by the way, there is no mission next, right?"

"No more for now, take a good rest, you don't need to worry for at least a month or two." Uchiha Qi smiled: "Go, take a good rest."

"Then let's say goodbye first." Ghost Shark bowed slightly, and then left with Man Yue.

When the two of them closed the door, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but fell into contemplation while looking at the scroll in his hand.

The actions of these two people this time were really beyond his expectations. They were so daring that they gave Sha Yin to a nest.

When they came back, the two of them also decrypted and classified these files, and there were ghost sharks who kept staring at them, so that the full moon would not be able to make any small moves.

Although Uchiha Kei doesn't mind giving them these materials when the time comes, this is his promise.

But anyway, I have to wait until I finish my research. This is also a rigid precondition.

"Except for the Resurrection Technique, it's good to have a look at the other materials. Keep the useful ones, and give the full moon to the useless ones. Anyway, if this guy wants to go back to Wuyin, he should give some other investments. "


"This is the resurrection technique? It's really... incredible."

Hyuga Aya looked at the scroll with a little disbelief on her face.

It's really incredible, because she really didn't expect someone to actually develop such a technique!

The very interesting thing about this technique is that it can condense the vitality of Chakra through the form of surgery, or condense the power belonging to Yang Dun in the body into Chakra.

It was then introduced into other deceased, but intact people.

In addition, it also has a very special structure, that is, it can evoke the power of yin escape!

The existence of the soul, strictly speaking, belongs to the category of spiritual power.

Probably because of the existence of yin escape, this world has the existence of soul, because that is the innate yin escape power that belongs to a person alone.

Use your own yin-escape power to fill the yin-escape power of the dead, and pull out the souls that have entered the pure land but haven't completely fallen asleep.

It can be said that this technique really belongs to the category of yin and yang escape.

Even the reincarnation of the filth is strictly speaking, it is only the scope of the use of the power of yin.

But the place where the reincarnation of the dirty earth is brilliant is that he does not have strict requirements on the caster's yin escape power, and it does not require the power to induce yang escape, nor does it require the deceased to have a complete body.

In general, these two techniques have their own merits, one is superior in that it can revive a person on the spot, but in contrast, one needs to sacrifice one's own life.

One is that you don't need to give your own life, but it is not a real resurrection, it can only be regarded as awakening a person.

"It's really incredible, but the price is a bit high." Imai Kenta touched his chin: "For life for life, it is considered to have followed certain rules, but..."

"So we have to prepare those complexes, they are very useful." Uchiha Qi shook his head and said directly: "I have already contacted Obito, he will help me prepare, but this requires Just a little time."

"But Fu**, how are you going to use it?" Imai Kenta raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to ask people from the mountain family to perform these techniques?"

"Is the response quite fast?" Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Except for the mountain family, if we don't want to expose ourselves, we can find a way to absorb chakra by ourselves, and come to the chakra of the expert experimental body to the caster. Of course. , there is another method, Spiritualization, you don’t know about this technique, right?”

"The technique that Tsunade's deceased lover was best at?" Aya Hyuga touched her chin: "You mean, enter the body of the experimental subject through spiritualization, and then use them to perform?"

Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya are both quick-witted people. As long as they open their heads a little, they can immediately think of a lot of things.

In fact, Uchiha Qi is a little confused. When the fifth and seventh classes in the original book rescued Gaara, why did they not consider the value of this technique after seeing Chiyo using the reincarnation after surgery?

Naruto and others may be simple and understandable, but Kakashi and Akai are both village elites, especially Kakashi is the future sixth generation.

He didn't even have any ideas, which made it difficult for Uchiha Kai to understand.

If you really get this technique, plus the secret technique of the mountain family, even if there is no spiritualization technique, you can completely resurrect many important people.

At least, the future Neji doesn't have to really die, right?

Could it be because he really cares about the interests of the village?

Don't be kidding, not many people agree with Gaara who just came to power, otherwise those Shayin wouldn't just send one Chiyo.

You know, Kankuro and Temari both ran out on their own.

He will not let Sand Ninja come to be an 'American policeman', wait until everything is settled and come to collect the corpse.

At this time, Konoha really wants to help Gaara stabilize his position, and the best way to deal with it is to create some chaos, major chaos.

Then Gaara can take the opportunity to clean up some people to stabilize his position.

By the way, can Konoha also take the opportunity to get what he wants?

But unfortunately, in the original novel, Tsunade didn't think about going to raise a hand to get close to Konoha's Gaara , nor did he think about getting what he wanted.

Kakashi and the others didn't seem to show any thought. In the end, this extremely powerful resurrection technique only appeared once.

"Okay, it seems that you really think a lot." Imai Kenta touched his chin, and then sighed helplessly: "Why do you always feel that I have become a storage warehouse for you to provide various techniques. "

"Don't doubt, that's what you can do." Uchiha Qi leaned back, and then said rudely: "You are not good at research, where do you just eat resources and do nothing?"

"You bastard, why don't you let me study Yang Dun?"

"Do I need you to study it? Don't be long-winded, I didn't give me the wooden escape and basic ninjutsu you promised me. Also, get ready, we're going."

"Go to the moon again?"

"Yes, still the moon."
