Chapter 631: How can the years be quiet

"Please, I've been with you all the time, how could I attack him?"

Uchiha Kai looked at the scroll in front of him, and his mind quickly deciphered the meaning of these code words, which made him feel a little funny.

The combined meaning of these code words is very concise, roughly meaning 'attacked by the owner of the eye of reincarnation, asking for help'.

This can't help but remind Uchiha Qi, it seems that the Xiao organization has always thought about absorbing Orochimaru into it.

A few years ago, Obito had talked to him about this.

Even Orochimaru himself knew about this.

It's just that Akatsuki's organization was not well-planned at that time, and the guy Orochimaru has always been secretive, and his strength is strong enough.

I'm afraid it's not really possible to settle him with someone else, and even if he settles it, it's hard to say that Orochimaru will run away.

In the original book, Nagato personally controlled Tiandao to arrest him. Although the world of ninja has been greatly changed by Uchiha Kai, many things will still happen.

"Yes, you have been with us all the time. It's just..." Hyuga Aya's face became a little serious: "Besides you, is there anyone else who can open the eye of reincarnation? Is this..."

"Open the eyes of reincarnation. Strictly speaking, someone has done it." Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, but soon he showed a smile: "Actually, I probably guessed who opened these eyes. .And, when we meet the current owner, you may understand."

"The current owner?" Imai Kenta raised his brows: "That means, the owner of these eyes is not the one who uses them now? Is the real owner already dead?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Uchiha Kai was not surprised Imai Kenta reacted so quickly.

If he can't react, then it proves that this guy has a problem with his brain.

Uchiha Qi didn't say anything. He looked down at the white snake. The white snake was very spiritual. He turned his head in one direction and started to spit out letters.

Uchiha Ki nodded, then set off directly in that direction.


Originally, I was still thinking about when I wanted to try it out to see the specific strength of this guy.

Unexpectedly, now you have delivered it to your door!


In the land of fire, in a huge forest, Orochimaru was looking at the two weirdos in front of him with a serious face.

That's right, it's a freak!

In front of these two guys, Orochimaru didn't even feel the breath of a living person.

The indifferent atmosphere and the unique charm of a dead person all show that this guy is actually dead!

But this guy just appeared in front of his eyes, and he also fought with him.

This makes Orochimaru somewhat unable to judge whether this guy is alive or dead.

Besides, there is another very interesting thing.

That is, Orochimaru clearly noticed that the eyes of one of the guys in front of him are definitely not ordinary eyes.

Those lavender eyes that spread out in circles, such eyes almost made him judge at the first time, this is the eye of reincarnation!

Although Orochimaru had never seen Samsara eyes, for some reason, the first time he saw these eyes, the name appeared in his mind.

Perhaps, this is the unique charm of these eyes, right?

Orochimaru has investigated this organization, and there is no way, because he has received some information from Uchiha Kai before this.

And looking at the posture of Uchiha Kai, it seems that he wants him to enter this organization and lurking within this organization.

Orochimaru doesn't matter, this guy Uchiha Kai is using others as a shield, obviously having malice towards this so-called organization.

Even, he has already inserted people in it, and it seems that it is not strange that he is being inserted.

But now, Orochimaru seems to know about Uchiha Kai, and the purpose is definitely not so simple.

Reincarnation Eye, is it because Uchiha Kai is staring at this, that he conspired to arrange people to enter that organization, and also wants to arrange himself in it?

If it was before, Orochimaru would probably have some other ideas, but now he doesn't.

After all, the guy in front of him who calls himself a **** is really the same gap between Firefly and Haoyue compared to the real **** he saw on the moon.

"Orochimaru, you're still not going to admit defeat?" Nagato - Payne to be precise, looked at Orochimaru indifferently: "Don't think I didn't see your little move, are you trying to rescue soldiers?"

"I've seen it all, tsk tsk, it's interesting." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and then he said indifferently: "Maybe there will be rescuers, and the guy who returns to Wheel Eye may also be very interested. Maybe there won't be rescues, after all this Who can say that clearly?"

"You basilisk, you really don't know what's wrong." Standing beside Payne, a guy with a hunchback said in a hoarse voice: "Are you satisfied if we have to kill you?"

"Ha, kill me? It's really arrogant." Orochimaru shook his head: "Are you from Sandyin Village? I think about it, you should be a scorpion, you are just hiding in a puppet now. Inside. Besides, I noticed that you seemed to have a magnetic shield just now that you took action. Maybe your the missing three generations of Kazekage, right?"

Orochimaru looked at Scorpion calmly, and quickly told the information he knew.

He didn't have any accident. The guy with the reincarnation eye saw his small movements. After all, it was the reincarnation eye.

As for the other short guy, it should be a scorpion if not mistaken.

The information that Orochimaru has accumulated in the past few years has given him some understanding of this mysterious organization, but this understanding is also very limited. He is only guessing who has joined this organization.

Scorpion was just one of the people he pretended to guess, so he thought a little bit about ways to collect information about this guy.

But today, this scorpion seems to be more troublesome than he thought.

One thing he really didn't lie about was that he just realized that this guy's technique had some magnetic shield power.

In coordination with the time when he disappeared with this guy in his memory, and what happened after that, he can now basically be sure that the so-called Strongest Fengying Eight Achievements died in the hands of this guy.

"Are you very sharp, Basilisk?" Scorpion's voice was still low: "I don't remember that I exposed too many things, after all, everyone who knew about this matter is already dead. I didn't expect you to just rely on analysis to judge. After so many things, I should say, are your Konoha ninjas really powerful, or should I blame you for knowing too much?"

"Do you really think you can solve me?" Orochimaru lowered his body slightly, as if he was ready to fight.

It was only for a moment that he seemed to feel someone coming, which made a smile appear on the corner of his mouth.

It's just that when a handful of Kunwu flew over, and then a few figures jumped out, Orochimaru's face became a little stiff, and it took him a long time to sigh...


"Kakashi-sensei, after this mission is over, when is our next mission?"

On the other side of the country of fire, Junma Luzheng looked at Kakashi curiously and calmly, and Uchiha Itachi also showed a curious expression.

This time, Kakashi took these two little guys out to complete the task. To put it bluntly, it was to give the two of them a chance to exercise.

The opportunity to exercise like this, after he was forced to accept these two apprentices by Uchiha Kaihan, began to unfold frequently.

Of course, this kind of development only started in the past two years. After all, the two of them were too young before.

This time on the mission, Kakashi also thought about whether to try his own flying thunder **** technique.

After being told by Uchiha Qi a few years ago that he had completely obtained the full power of Obito Eyes, he also spent a lot of time polishing himself.

Now, he has basically mastered the power of his eyes, and because of the extension of the power of this eye, he has been improved and has more attempts.

Flying Thunder God is his new attempt, although in terms of technical use, he has reached the level that he should have.

But after all, this technique can only fully demonstrate its power in actual combat.

I am afraid that there are not many people in Konoha who are afraid of Flying Thunder God, and there are not many people who can practice hands.

Kakashi knew that Uchiha Kai would never be afraid, but the problem was that he wanted to practice his hand instead of being beaten. Imai Kenta was the best example, so he didn't go to Uchiha Kai.

His choice was to accept some missions and try it out in the face of some less troublesome enemies.

By the way, you can also exercise these two little guys well.

It's just that this mission really made him miscalculate completely. They were looking for a Konoha rebel, and this guy has many other village rebels with him.

This task is not an easy task, at least in Kakashi's view, it is definitely not easy at the age of Uchiha Itachi and Junmarou.

However, reality gave him a slap, he just did a reconnaissance, and when he came back, he found that the two little ghosts had already made a combat plan.

Then under his supervision, this task was easily solved without any need for him to take action!

Seeing this scene, Kakashi was really a little stunned. He felt that even when he was a child, he might not be that powerful, right?

Even Qi was indeed on the battlefield at their age, but Qi's performance at that time seemed.... not so good?

"This, let's take a look at the situation?" Kakashi touched his white hair, and one of the outside eyes was bent into a crescent moon: "The level of you two brats is already very good, and now you need to find a suitable one for you. I still need to think about it carefully.”

"Thank you for your compliment, Kakashi-sensei." Itachi was very respectful to Kakashi, but after he finished speaking, he thought for a while before continuing: "But, this level may not be enough for us now, right? After all , both Kakashi-sensei and Kai-sensei back then..."

"You are different from us. To be honest, I envy you even more, you know?" Kakashi shook his head, then took out a book from his backpack, and read it as he walked: "Peace is not easy to come by. , don't keep thinking about what we did in the past, what you should think about is how to maintain this hard-won peace."

"This is.... there is no so-called quiet time, but is there someone walking forward with a heavy load?" Junma Lu seemed to recall something, and couldn't help but sighed slightly and said: "Kakashi-sensei, Qi-sama are both The one who gave everything for our peace now. However, it might be better if Kakashi-sensei could read less bad books in his hand?"

There is no so-called quiet time, just someone walking forward with a heavy load?

Kakashi was stunned when he heard this.

Yes, there are really no quiet years in this world. It is all relying on the silent devotees of countless people to make these years look so beautiful.

Kakashi turned his head to look at Junmalu, he didn't think this kid could say such a thing.

It seems that only one person can understand everything so clearly and speak such philosophical words.

"Did Kai tell you?" Kakashi asked directly.

"Yes, Lord Qi told me." Junma Lu said very honestly and respectfully, and he didn't care who Kakashi was to whom he respected.

"It really is him, Kai has always been the best...when I met him on the battlefield." Kakashi sighed, but just as he was about to say something, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

This guy and Obito, both of them were poor students at school, and they were the best students However, what everyone did not expect was that everything seemed to be on the battlefield. have changed.

The war gave birth to three heroes of the wheel eye. In fact, in Kakashi's view, there should be only two, one is Obito and the other is Kai.

He himself is really not a hero. He was saved by two Uchihas, his inner conscience was awakened by these two Uchihas, and his will was strengthened by these two Uchihas.

They are the heroes!

"The quiet time is yours, and they are the ones who carry the burden." Kakashi said with a smile: "And I'm just a lost lost person who was rescued. Keep this in mind, maybe you will too in the future. Become a person who gives silently and moves forward with a heavy burden."

"We understand, Kakashi-sensei." Jun Maro and Uchiha Itachi immediately bowed slightly and answered honestly.

But after they got up, Uchiha Itachi continued: "However, Kakashi-sensei is also very powerful, you are also a hero, but why do you want to watch..."

"I'm not a hero, as I said, I'm just a lost person who was rescued." Kakashi shook his head: "As for why you read this book? It was written by Lord Jiraiya, And.... tell you a secret, Lord Jiraiya wanted to invite... eh?"

Kakashi didn't finish his words, and suddenly his face changed slightly.

He seemed to sense something, which made him put the book away immediately.

"What's the matter, Kakashi-sensei?" Itachi and Junmarou both became serious when they saw this scene.

"It seems that some people are in trouble." Kakashi said flatly: "Let's go over and take a look, you are all careful, understand!"

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei!"
