Chapter 632: Super-strengthened Kakashi

"Orochimaru, what's the matter with you?"

Kakashi quickly appeared in front of Orochimaru, then took out a ninja knife and stared at the two strange men in red cloud robes on a black background.

Uchiha Itachi and Junmalu also took out their own ninja swords, and they stood behind Orochimaru one by one.

Obviously, while they were guarding against the two strange men, they were also guarding against the fellow Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru is Konoha's betrayal, and the two of them are very clear about this.

Although I don't know why, Kakashi will run over to protect this guy. Obviously, the two weird guys are planning to attack Orochimaru.

But the most subordinates, they know that some things should not be asked, all they have to do is to be honest and obedient.

"I didn't expect it to be the Minister of Anbu, Kakashi-sama." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "It's strange, why are you here?"

"Because I felt something, I'm still curious why you are here." Kakashi didn't look back, and seemed to trust Orochimaru: "So I came here, I didn't expect you to be in trouble, Master Orochimaru. Yes."

"I don't believe you will trust me so much, even if there is a Qijun factor in it." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and then he said indifferently: "But I don't care, Kakashi, you are also a big man, more It's natural to be prepared, but I don't think you should actually come here."

Kakashi glanced back at Orochimaru, but he didn't speak.

Orochimaru is actually right about one thing, that is, he did come here after some preparations were made.

For example, in the extreme distance that he can take Uchiha Itachi and Junmalu together, he left his own imprint of the God of Thunder.

Even if his Flying Thunder God has not participated in actual combat, he can still do it relatively easily with people moving.

As for how he found Orochimaru, it was because he noticed the mark of the God of Thunder on Orochimaru!

This seal is a bit weird, and the seal it uses is completely different from Kakashi and Minato Nami.

But the commonality of Flying Thunder God made Kakashi aware and felt it.

Although he knew that he might not be able to activate it, it didn't matter. The important thing was that he probably knew who left the mark.

Aside from the second Hokage, his teacher, and himself, the only person with such abilities is Kenta Imai!

"Oh? There are three more troublesome guys." Scorpion watched Kakashi silent for a while, and then continued in that hoarse voice: "In that case, I will kill these three guys. "

"We're not here to kill people." Payne turned his head and glanced at Scorpion, his expression was extremely indifferent: "Especially this guy, his status in Konoha is not low."

"Well, I know." Scorpion nodded, but the next moment his 'body' began to split.

Just like the armor of an organ, a huge gap was opened from the back, and a red-haired boy who seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old came out of the gap.

The young man's expression was also unusually indifferent. If it wasn't for the aura of a living person on his body, I'm afraid Orochimaru would be suspicious.

But even so, Orochimaru involuntarily raised his brows, and then showed a touch of disdain.

This guy has transformed his entire body into a puppet.

"But this guy and I have some personal grudges." Scorpion said indifferently: "I didn't have a chance to meet before, but today I met so unexpectedly. If I can't do something, then I will be very disappointed. "

"Is that so?" Payne nodded, then raised his head to look at the sky, and finally said slowly: "Hurry up, this is the Land of Fire after all, and it's not too far from Konoha. The movement is too quiet. A big impact is not good, especially since our plan has not been fully implemented."

Nagato knew that there seemed to be some grudges between Scorpion and Kakashi.

These grievances seem to go back to the previous generation, that is, Kakashi's father killed Scorpion's Scorpion's parents together.

War is always the root of hatred. Nagato himself is also a victim of war. He hates war, hates those who make war, he hates the five great powers, and he also hates Konoha!

Therefore, he did not mean to reject Scorpion, even though he knew that it would be troublesome, but he didn't care.

He is a god, he has the eye of reincarnation, a **** who can guide the world to the right track!

"I see." Scorpion nodded with no sorrow or joy: "The battle will be resolved soon."

"Um... do I know you?"

Kakashi looked at the red-haired boy inexplicably, he didn't understand what was going on at all.

On the other hand, Orochimaru nodded thoughtfully, but Kakashi didn't know that didn't mean he didn't know.

But he didn't say anything, instead he looked at all this with a play-watching attitude. For him, I'm afraid all this might really be a wonderful performance!

"You will know, and I will slowly help you remember." Scorpion said plainly, suddenly his pupils slightly enlarged.

At the same time, Fei Liuhu, who was lying on the side, quickly stabbed a steel thorn from the tail!


The metal symphony sounded in the sky for a while, and when I looked closely, I realized that Kakashi had come behind the scorpion at some point!

The blue chakra bloomed on his ninja knife, and the knife was only a few centimeters away from the scorpion!

If it weren't for the scorpion, he was also a top ninja, and his reaction speed was excellent. I'm afraid he would have separated at this moment.

"So fast."

Orochimaru also expressed a sincere sigh, he really didn't see clearly when Kakashi shot.

Uchiha Itachi and Junmalu didn't change much of their expressions, because they really knew how terrifying their teacher was.

Don't look at this guy's sloppy appearance, and occasionally take out a small yellow book to read-although the author of this book is Jiraiya-sama, and it seems that he wants to invite some big person to create it together.

But the yellow book is always the yellow book, and Kakashi is always the Minister of Konoha Anbu Kakashi, his strength is very terrifying!

"Is it interesting?" Scorpion said flatly, in fact, he was also taken aback, but he couldn't express his feelings at all.

If it wasn't for Kakashi's movements being a little stiff and pausing a little when he suddenly appeared behind him, I'm afraid he would have been killed!

"Really? Your reaction is also very fast. Judging from the way you operate the puppet, you are from Sandyin?"

Kakashi's expression at this time is not as condescending as before, he has already revealed his own writing wheel eyes, and the ecological indifference is like looking at the dead.

"Although I killed a lot of Sandyin's people, I don't seem to have killed the red-haired guy in my memory, or is your hair a disguise?"

"You'll know." Scorpion took out a scroll almost as quickly as possible, and then he unrolled the scroll as he retreated.

The puppet master is approached by a ninja who is good at taijutsu. This is simply the saddest thing.

Even though Scorpion's whole body has been transformed, Kakashi's speed just now really shocked him, and he knew that he must not have any luck.

Sure enough, on his way to retreat, Kakashi had already escaped the attack of Fei Liuhu, and rushed towards him at a rapid pace.

This forced him to control Fei Liuhu again and attacked Kakashi.

"Fei Liuhu · Needle Eight Waves!" Scorpion Chakra moved slightly, and the next moment Fei Liuhu opened his mouth, and the ultra-high-density Qianben spurted out of its mouth.

"Poisonous?" Kakashi sensed it immediately, and the speed of those thousand copies was extremely fast, and ordinary people had no way to resist.

But he is not an ordinary person, almost at the moment of making a judgment.

His writing wheel eyes turned slightly, and the next moment he was extremely dexterous but extremely exaggerated to continue to move forward within these poisonous needles.

The ultra-high insight of Sharinyan allows him to accurately determine the placement of each thousand books. If he can avoid him, he will hide directly. If he can't avoid it, he will block it with a knife.

In an instant, he had rushed to the front of the scorpion, but at this time the scorpion had already unrolled the scroll, and something like a ghost appeared!

"Magnetic Dun Sand Iron Wall!"

With a turbulent chakra, the black sand iron instantly condensed into a once-thick wall.

Kakashi's sharp blade slashed directly at this wall, and it felt like it was impossible to move even an inch!

"Magnetic shield?" Kakashi frowned: "Such a powerful magnetic shield, what is this? That shadow just now..."

"Magnetic Sand Iron Triangular Pyramid!"

Before Kakashi had time to think, he felt a chakra surging frantically, and a huge triangular cone was condensed in the black sand iron in front of him.

This triangular cone has a huge magnetic force, which makes Kakashi's ninja sword unable to withdraw for a while.

And the triangular cone was unusually sharp, which made Kakashi dare not stop at all.

When this triangular cone was launched, Kakashi could only helplessly put down his ninja sword, and then left the place with a flash.

"this is...."

Kakashi When the black sand iron was loaded into the ground along with the giant triangular cone, bringing up countless dust, Kakashi seemed to see clearly what the black shadow was.

"Three generations of wind shadows? This..."

"Surprised?" Scorpion's expression was still indifferent: "Did you not expect or didn't expect it? Or, did you feel death?"

"No, I just didn't expect that those sad guys from Sandyin attacked Konoha and kicked off the third ninja war, because of you."

Kakashi shook his head slightly, his face had become infinitely cold, and the writing wheel in his left eye began to turn quickly.

"You bastard, you really deserve to die."

"Oh?" Scorpion shook his head disdainfully: "I deserve to die for my sins? It also depends on whether you have this ability. On the contrary, I saw your death. After you die, you will definitely be my most perfect puppet! "

"Really?" The kaleidoscope in Kakashi's left eye has been completely condensed, and the strange space shock has begun to spread: "I don't know why, what I saw is your death!"

As soon as Kakashi's voice fell, a terrifying spatial vortex appeared at the neck of the scorpion.

The moment this vortex appeared, the scorpion felt an irresistible illusion, it could even be said to be facing death!

Orochimaru's eyes were slightly empty. It was the first time he saw this. The space visible to the naked eye seemed to be manipulated, which was very terrifying.

This power actually belongs to Kakashi?

No, this is a Shaker, this guy Kakashi has mastered the kaleidoscope Shaker!

Payne also found that the situation was not right at this time. What is going on with such a terrifying power?

But he is not stupid, the power of heaven is in this body, and he is confident that he can deal with it all.

Samsara glanced at him, and the next moment he let out a cold snort, raised his hand slightly to aim at Kakashi, and a strange power burst out quickly.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"


Kakashi suddenly felt a strong gravitational force on his body, and then he flew in another direction uncontrollably.

In fact, Kakashi has always been on guard against these guys, whether it is Orochimaru or these two guys in red cloud robes with black background.

He knew that his use of divine might might attract another person's attack, but he really didn't know that this guy's attack would be so weird!

The body flew towards Payne quickly, and Payne had a black iron bar in his hand at this time. He placed the iron bar flat in front of him, as if waiting for Kakashi to hit him.

When the iron rod came out, Kakashi had already noticed that this iron rod was unusual.

Therefore, there is no longer any hesitation, although being pulled by a very special technique, this does not mean that Kakashi has no way.


Suddenly Kakashi disappeared in front of his eyes, and when he turned his eyes to Orochimaru, he clearly saw Kakashi standing there.

"I see. Is it space ninjutsu? I know that the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village is best at this. You are his disciple, and it is not surprising that you have learned it."

"What was that.... just now?" Kakashi didn't pay attention to the strange guy in front of him, he just frowned and thought.

In particular, this strange guy's eyes made him feel a little uneasy!

"I didn't expect that you actually learned how to fly the Thunder God." Orochimaru stood beside Kakashi and licked his tongue, with an unusually strange expression on his face: "Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes, Flying Thunder God Technique, and White Fang's Swordsmanship, Kakashi, you are growing fast."

"These words will be discussed later, and now we are in trouble." Kakashi didn't care about Orochimaru, he said after thinking for a while: "My queen, you take the two of them to move towards Konoha, the distance is enough for me to know. appeared by your side."

"I'm afraid it's a little troublesome, I'm afraid we can't run away at all, especially when the other party has a puppet master." Orochimaru shook his head, his face still had a smile on his face: "Also, I don't think we actually don't. need to go."

"What's the meaning?"

"Because, someone came here."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, then he raised his head slightly and looked at a tree not far away.

Others seemed to feel something, they immediately looked over, and they all felt something incredible in an instant.

Because on that tree, stood three people wearing black robes and masks!

The most important thing is that no one has noticed them before...
