Chapter 634: completely crushed

"I said, what are you looking around for?"

When Uchiha Kai and Payne went to war and pushed everyone around because of Shinra Tensei's repulsion, Imai Kenta followed Kakashi and the others to a forest not far away.

With a mask made of Shirai's body, Kenta Imai was not worried at all that he would be exposed.

As long as he reveals something too iconic, it is enough to completely hide himself.

Therefore, Imai Kenta's current performance can be said to be very arrogant.

This guy Kakashi became friends with him for various reasons a few years ago.

Although he can't compare with Uchiha Keita, Kenta Imai likes the boy's sultry energy.

What's more, Kakashi's talent is also very good, with the teachings of Minato Namikaze and Kai Uchiha, and later he got the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

This made Kenta Imai very curious as to what the strength of this kid is now.

In particular, this guy has also learned to fly Thor, which makes Imai Kenta even more interested.

"If I said I was passing by, would you believe it?" Kakashi retracted his gaze that was about to observe the other side's battle situation, he thought for a while and said, "I just met Orochimaru by accident, and then came over to see the situation and said We're pretty innocent."

"I said, we also passed by by accident, do you believe it?" Imai Kenta also shrugged, but soon he knew what Kakashi meant, and he waved his hand indifferently: "I know what you mean, I'm just a little curious about the strength of Minister Konoha Anbu, after all, your Minister of Security has left a deep impression on us."

"Are you open?" Kakashi glanced at Uchiha Itachi, who was on guard, and thought for a moment before he said, "You and me? One-on-one?"

"It doesn't matter if you let Orochimaru together." Imai Kenta shrugged: "As for those two little devils, it's okay if you let them go. Uchiha's descendants, unfortunately not Uchiha's children. Catch him, or kill him. With him, the trouble is terrible. Besides, we didn't plan to be too high-profile, if we hadn't seen those eyes."

Sure enough, is it because of the reincarnation eye?

Kakashi carefully analyzed the words of the mysterious person in front of him, and he was a little surprised to find that this guy really didn't seem to need to lie.

Especially the guy Uchiha Itachi, whether he is caught or killed, is infinite trouble.

Because Uchiha Itachi is neither Kai's disciple nor Kai's son.

Caught can't threaten Qi, and killing them will only make Qi go crazy to retaliate against them, a very uneconomical business.

"I see." Kakashi nodded, and then the three hooked jade in his left eye directly condensed into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye: "However, I will not have any soft hands. After all, Your Excellency, you did what you did to Konoha. A lot of bad things."

"I like your attitude very much. So..." Imai Kenta showed a smile, and the next moment he held a knife in one hand and a seal in the other: "I'm welcome!"

The words 'You're welcome', with a thick vibrato, when the sentence was finished, he had already appeared behind Kakashi!

The blue chakra appeared on the ninja sword, but when he slashed, Kakashi's whole body was full of smoke.

Obviously this is a shadow clone, Imai Kenta glanced at the ground, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Withdrawing the ninja sword, Imai Kenta turned around and looked at a big tree, where there was Kakashi's breath.

Just the next moment, like a ghost, Kakashi suddenly appeared in the position where the shadow clone was cut off before.

The ninja sword in his hand was full of thunder, and his left eye had completely locked on the enemy in front of him. Without the slightest hesitation, the ninja sword stabbed the man in black fiercely!

But the next moment, Kakashi's expression changed slightly, because the guy in his left eye disappeared instantly.

This is space ninjutsu, Kakashi already knew it, but this space ninjutsu is too exaggerated, right?

What exactly is going on?

Kakashi, who didn't have time to think about it, completely ignored the fact that he was still a little uncomfortable with Flying Thunder God, and he used Flying Thunder God once again to teleport.

Only when he just landed, he was stunned to find that a ninja knife was already on his neck!

"Don't move, or I don't know what will happen." Imai Kenta said in a hoarse voice with some playfulness: "I can perceive the imprint you left, and I found that you have some lag when using Fei Lei Shen, which means that he Not yet skilled, your speed is not as fast as mine. I bite you, no matter where you appear, I will sense it, chase after you, and kill you!"

"You..." Kakashi's face was a little ugly when he heard Kenta Imai's words, but he also knew that it was all true.

My own flying thunder **** is really unskilled, and the other party is absolutely fine, but the ghost knows that he has encountered such a pervert!

He didn't have much time, and he didn't prepare in advance.

When the guy in front of him launched the first round of attacks, after relying on the shadow clone to dodge, he left some curse marks around Kunai.

In fact, he also knows that even if he uses a kaleidoscope to fight, I am afraid that he is not so good at dealing with this guy in front of him.

It's true that Uchiha Kai relied on the kaleidoscope to deal with Imai Kenta's Flying Thunder God, but Uchiha Kai's speed is actually comparable to him?

Moreover, Uchiha Kei also relies on Susanoo to resist Imai Kenta's attack before figuring out the law, otherwise...


Kakashi suddenly froze, as if he thought of something.

Kenta Imai?

Imai Kenta's Flying Thunder God is very strange, few people can find the location where he stored the curse mark, and his Flying Thunder God's coverage area is not large, but the density is suffocating to despair.

This guy's style and use of space ninjutsu are really similar to Imai Kentao!

Thinking of this, Kakashi took a deep breath, and then began to seriously perceive the surroundings.

In an instant, his expression changed completely!

"You... it's you!" Kakashi asked in a trembling voice, but soon regained his composure.

He completely ignored Imai Kenta's knife still resting on his neck, and turned around and stared at Imai Kenta.

"It seems that I guessed guys..."

"Shut up, you're so loud, you're sick." Imai Kenta interrupted Kakashi before he finished speaking, "What an idiot, you will kill him."

"You.... who are you?" Kakashi frowned, he was a little confused: "Are you here to save Orochimaru?"

"Almost, because I received a signal from him asking for advice on the way." Imai Kenta nodded, and then continued: "As for other questions, I suggest you go back and ask Lord Shidaimu, but it seems that you already have some ideas. thought, didn't it?"


"Speaking of which, this guy is really interesting." Hyuga Aya looked at Scorpion with an indifferent expression: "A dozen years ago, those guys in Sandyin Village attacked Konoha on the grounds of the disappearance of the third generation of Kazekage, and opened it up. The prelude to the third ninja war. And you, the mastermind behind the initiator, do you feel very proud?"

"Proud? Why do I have such emotions?" Scorpion's expression was also extremely indifferent, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him: "They attacked Konoha just for their own benefit. Other villages attacked Konoha just because Konoha got too much. Speaking of which, you seem to care about Konoha, are you a Konoha ninja?"

"Yes, I'm Konoha Ninja." Hyuga Aya chuckled: "So, should I seek revenge on you?"

"Boring to repeat, boring guy." Scorpio didn't believe any of what Hyuga Aya said, and he shook his head indifferently: "Whether there is a war or no war, in the end, the ending is the same, nothing more than Just walking into death. Life is short, death is the end, this is not the art I pursue, the art I pursue..."

Before the scorpion finished speaking, the three generations of Fengying puppets under his control suddenly attacked, and several giant blades appeared in its hands, which looked unusually cold under the reflection of the sun!

The blade pierced through the sky and slashed fiercely towards the place where Hyuga Aya was.

"It's eternity!"

"It's really boring."

Hyuga Aya didn't even look at Scorpion, her eyes had turned blue under the mask!

She doesn't have the mentality of playing slowly like Uchiha Kai, maybe there is, but she prefers to try her own power, the latest power.

A surging repulsive force appeared in an instant, and the puppet of the three generations of Fengying didn't even have time to rush to her side, and was directly bounced off by this repulsive force!

There is no struggle, no ability to resist, even the scorpion is a little stunned at this time!

"This...this is..." Scorpion's expression was still flat, but his tone was so out of tune with his expression.

"I said you're boring, and can puppets really be compared to humans?" Hyuga Aya shook her head indifferently: "In my eyes, you're actually no longer human, such eternity, such art, It's pretty boring."

"Hmph, what do you know!" Scorpion's tone seemed to become a little angry, but his expression was still so indifferent: "Although I don't know why, you will use Payne's tricks, but..."

"You have no chance."

Hyuga Aya interrupted him without waiting for him to finish speaking. The next moment, Hyuga Aya raised her hand slightly, but in an instant, Scorpion realized that her puppet was actually disobedient!

He was robbed of control!

how can that be?

Why does this happen?

It is necessary to know the design of each puppet, the mechanism contained in it, and the specific precision of the chakra required to control it, all of which are completely different.

This is to prevent other puppet masters from accidentally robbing their own puppets and attacking themselves when they are fighting with themselves.

Similarly, the puppets designed by themselves can only exert their powerful power.

In the original work, Kankuro got the knockout items made by Scorpion in his early years, and it took so long to be considered basic.

The reason is that simple, because those puppets are set according to Scorpion's own thoughts and habits, and Kankuro needs more energy to use these than to make a puppet himself.

But now this weirdo seems to have broken all of this.

She didn't care about so many messy things at all, and she directly robbed the control of her puppet, which made Scorpion feel unbelievable.

" is that possible!" Scorpion tried to regain control, but he was stunned to find that he couldn't do it at all!

"As I said, you have no chance. Puppets are just toys, and even you are just toys."

Hyuga Aya shook her head, she didn't do anything, the puppet of the three generations of Kazekage had already drifted to her side obediently.

"I want to kill you, but in a single thought, your whole body is already a puppet, but the chest is different. I just need to control you and stab you in the chest, and you will die. However, I don't want to kill yet. You, take out your toys and play with me..."

"If you can please me, I'll let you go. Oh, by the way, don't expect your 'god' companion he also deserves to be called a god?"


"Do you really think you are a god?"

Uchiha Qi looked at the cooperation in front of him indifferently, then released the black stick in his hand and pulled out his cut jade.

Payne stood up with a dull expression, Qiyu and the black stick did pierce him, and some jet-black blood even flowed out of the wound caused by Qiyu.

But he was fine. After all, Tiandao Payne's body was just a corpse, the corpse of Nagato's best friend Yahiko.

"You are indeed very powerful. This is the first time I have seen someone who can ignore Shenluo Tianzheng and Wanxiang Tianyin." Payne shook his head indifferently: "Perhaps only showing such power is indeed very different from God. .So....."

"Summon other stinking corpses?" Uchiha Qi interrupted Payne before he could finish speaking: "Forget it, your power is worthless in my eyes, and your existence is strictly speaking. Not much value."

Having said this, Uchiha stopped and turned his head to look at a dense forest in the distance.

After a while, he continued to say faintly: "These eyes are a great burden on you, right?"

"What do you mean?" Payne's eyes were already a bit stern, because the direction Uchiha Qi just looked at was where his body was hidden!

"It's nothing, after all, your existence still has some value."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, then he stared at Payne, the three hook jade in his eyes spun rapidly, but for a moment the eternal eye had completely bloomed in his eyes.

"Let me see how much reincarnation power you can exert."

"Don't let me down, or I'll go to your body and find you..."
