Chapter 635: The duel of reincarnation eyes

"This **** guy!"

In a forest in the Land of Fire, Nagato suddenly scolded resentfully, and Xiao Nan on the side couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene.

She found that Nagato's performance today seemed a bit abnormal, and she hadn't seen such an expression on Nagato's body for a long time.

This time Nagato chose to go out in person, mainly because he wanted the guy named Orochimaru to see his own power.

And it is said that Orochimaru is very strong, if a single scorpion is sent over, I am afraid it will not be so easy to handle this matter.

But this abnormal performance now shows that they may have encountered someone, and this person is definitely not a good guy to deal with.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nan decided not to wait any longer. She asked directly, "What's wrong, Nagato? Did you encounter any trouble?"

"I did encounter some trouble." Nagato opened his eyes and hesitated before continuing: "Remember those two guys? The guy who claimed to be Madara Uchiha."

"Have you met them?" Xiao Nan frowned: "They are here too?"

"It's not them, do you remember some of the words they once said?" Nagato sighed: "Those who pretended to be us attacked the people of Kirigakushi and Yunyin."

"You met them?" Xiao Nan frowned, this news is really not good news.

Originally, she was wondering if Nagato had encountered Minato Namikata.

After all, Namikaze Minato's deterrent power in Konoha is not small, or.... Did he meet Uchiha Kai?

From that "Uchiha Madara", she knew something about Uchiha Kai, although not much, but she also knew how terrible this guy was.

But she never thought that Nagato would meet those who pretended to be them.

In particular, she knows how terrifying the strength of those who pretend to be them is!

"Retreat, Nagato." Sighing slightly, Xiao Nan said softly: "Those guys... are not easy to deal with, especially if your other clones are not here..."

"It's really hard to deal with. I really didn't expect that he could actually crack my Shenluo Tianzheng and Vientiane Tianyin."

Nagato didn't seem to notice the worry in Xiaonan's tone, he took a deep breath to ease his emotions before continuing.

"However, I'm not serious. Other clones still have tasks, so it's impossible to bring them all at once. But don't worry, I will fight these guys seriously next."

"Have you cracked Vientiane Tianyin and Shenluo Tianzheng?" Xiao Nan was stunned, although she said with a serious expression: "Nagato, don't continue, even if your body is still fine, but in case it attracts Nagato Minato and the others... ..."

"It doesn't matter, this guy dares to question the authority of God..." Nagato interrupted before Xiao Nan finished speaking: "Then, I will definitely make them punished by God!"


"If you want to find my body, it depends on whether you are qualified enough!"

It seems that after Nagato made up his mind, Payne's chakra suddenly began to erupt.

The huge chakra was madly instilled into Payne's body through the black stick condensed by yin and yang. Such a number of chakras really amazes Uchiha Kai.

As expected of the bloodline of the Uzumaki family, such a chakra body may not be available in a lifetime if it is replaced by a normally developed Uchiha.

Although he guessed that the reason why this guy has come this far is completely relying on the eye of reincarnation.

Samsara Eye does not belong to Nagato, it is the product of the evolution of Sharinyan.

However, there must be a part of the power belonging to Asura in the eyes of reincarnation, otherwise it would not be possible to open it.

This part of the power is probably stimulated to Nagato, so that his power began to continuously leap.

As for the part of the power that belongs to Indra, I am afraid it is madly devouring his vitality, right?

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't have to rely on the body of the ten tails, that is, the outsider golem to maintain his vitality, right?

"It's a little bit interesting." Uchiha Qi nodded secretly: "Although it is not a complete reincarnation eye ability, and the strength also disappointed me a little, but it is enough, take your time..."

Uchiha Qi was still thinking about whether to use the reincarnation eye to deal with Nagato's reincarnation eye.

But for now, Nagato's power, especially the power of the Heavenly Path Payne in front of him, really made him have no desire to use the Samsara Eye.

Expose this matter, I am afraid it will happen in the future, especially the ghost knows when those two Otsutsuki of the ninja world will come.

Also, the 'guardian' of Kaguya Ji who was stared at by Uchiha Kai and currently does not know where she is.

The battle at that time was probably something that could not be covered up even if you tried to cover it up, right?

Since exposure is a matter of time, then Uchiha Kai is naturally not so resistant to such a thing.

He is now more about considering whether it has value in use, and the meaning of using this ability.

Just when he was thinking, Nagato was already close to him, and when he gritted his teeth, Nagato bluffed out with both hands at the same time, the huge chakra erupted, and the repulsive force expanded all around.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Under the invisible repulsion, a transparent aperture appeared beside him, and the ground beneath his feet collapsed slightly under this force.

This power is stronger than before, I don't know how much!

But Uchiha Kai still stood still, although he also felt the pressure, but such pressure was still acceptable to him.

In particular, he has already opened the eternal eye and fairy mode at this time!

"It really disappoints me, the Samsara Eye is really a waste in your hands." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "You, a 'god', are really worthless in my eyes. Forget it, let me teach you You, what is power!"

With a soft drink, a pitch-black Susanoo suddenly appeared on Kai Uchiha's body!

In an instant, the terrifying repulsion completely disappeared without a trace, no, it didn't disappear, it was just that such repulsion seemed to have changed the rules.

It still has a terrifying effect on everyone around him, but it has no effect on the Susanoo in front of him at all!

Although the dark Susanoo is only the second stage, this power has surpassed the imagination of many ninjas!

Payne's eyes changed, but he didn't expect that he had become serious, but he still didn't have any effect on the guy in front of him?

But Nagato didn't mean to give up at all. Looking at Susanoo's actions, he controlled Payne and planned to gamble.

Chakra condensed, Payne continued to move forward under the control of Nagato, and at the same time, strange runes had appeared on his right hand.

The next moment his hand was directly on Susanoo, and the surging Chakra was launched brazenly.

"Illusory Dragon Nine Seals!"


When Payne's right hand was completely pressed on Uchiha Kai's Susanoo, a fearful force suddenly burst out, and an illusory long dragon suddenly appeared through Payne's right hand.

It roared and wrapped around Susanoo, and the dragon's mouth opened as if it was swallowing Susanoo, and with its movements, Uchiha Kai seemed to feel that his soul was pulling!

"Illusory Dragon Nine Seals Exhausted?" Uchiha Qi frowned: "The technique of sealing the tailed beast? It can be performed through the clone of Heavenly Dao alone? No, it can really be performed, after all, his main body is not far away. "

The magic dragon nine seals do this sealing technique, in fact, it appeared more than once in the original book, and the most memorable one may be the time when Gaara was sealed.

But the time when it really exploded its power was when Nagato faced Danzo and Hanzo, as well as the chakra dragon that Yahiko performed after Yahiko committed suicide when they led Rain Ninja and Genbu Ninja.

The long dragon condensed by this chakra devoured the chakra of all the ninjas present, and even sealed their souls.

"However, this technique is not so easy to perform. If you don't have the body of the ten tails, the guy Nagato really can't do it."

Uchiha Kai thought silently, but his movements did not stagnate in the slightest, and flames suddenly appeared on the dark Susanoo.

These flames seemed to have been dyed black by Susanoo, and the hot questions bloomed in an instant, and the surrounding earth seemed to be ignited at this moment!

Payne, who was originally pressing on Susanoo with one hand, with a side face, he quickly withdrew back, but unfortunately, his arm was still stained by the dark flame.

Uchiha Qi was too lazy to pay attention to Payne, he had already raised his head and looked at the chakra dragon.

This dragon was transformed by the sealing technique, especially the unique sealing technique contained in this dragon. Strictly speaking, it really has such a terrifying taste.

But unfortunately, Uchiha Qi also has the eye of reincarnation, and he also knows this technique.

Even if he didn't summon the ten-tailed body, this technique was engraved in his mind with the appearance of the eye of reincarnation.

"There's really some trouble, if that's the case..."

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, he was a little puzzled why he also gave Naruto a shot in the original book.

After thinking about it, he felt that firstly, there were some problems with the distance, and secondly, Nagato's body couldn't take it anymore, right?

Although he can completely fight this Chakra dragon with his current strength, why is it so troublesome?

Seeing that this giant dragon still seems to be attacking his own Susanoo, it is obvious that Payne was attacked by his own Amaterasu and did not affect Nagato.

"Then don't make so much trouble."

Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly, fearful chakra rippling from his body, and the kaleidoscope icon in his eyes had begun to rotate.

In just a moment, the pupils have turned into the pattern of reincarnation eyes, and the chakra dragon seems to feel threatened, and it roars to speed up to solve the human in front of it.

But the next moment, it let out a wailing, and the dragon's body began to spin involuntarily.

Its rotation is getting faster and faster, and it is getting more and more intense, but its figure is getting smaller and smaller in a moment, and finally completely disappeared above Susanoo!

Absorbing chakra is one of the basic abilities of the eye of reincarnation.

Even if Uchiha Kai has never used Samsara Eye for combat training, these abilities are like instincts, allowing him to use them easily.

Raising his head slightly, his eyes turned to Nagato, whose arm was broken but his face was like a ghost, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Looks like you're more unbearable than I thought." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "If it wasn't for this corpse, he might have suffered by now. Who taught you the basics of ninja, or say Do you really think you are a god?"

"Who are you!" Although Payne's expression was still indifferent, his voice and his eyes had completely changed: "Your eyes....what are they!"

Although Payne is not the body, and he was cutting off his arm just now, to prevent Yahiko's body from being completely burned by the flames of Amaterasu.

But his eyes were still fixed on this Uchiha Kai, and he clearly saw that the guy's eyes instantly turned into a pair of scarlet reincarnation eyes under the attack of the Chakra attack from the Nine Seals of Magic Dragon.

Then this guy relied on these reincarnation eyes, and completely absorbed the Chakra of the Nine Seals of the Magic Dragon!

how can that be?

Why is this happening?

This guy....isn't this guy a Uchiha?

Why does he have reincarnation eyes?

Why does he also have reincarnation eyes?

Even if this guy's reincarnation eye is purple, but with that kind of chakra fluctuations, such a power performance, this is definitely the reincarnation eye!

No wonder why the guy is not afraid of Shen Luo Tianzheng and Vientiane Tianyin. It turns out that he himself has such power.

But why?

"Me, I'm just a member of the Uchiha clan." Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly, thought for a moment before he said leisurely: "If you have to have a name, you can call me Uchiha Izanna. "

"Uchiha Quanna?" Nagato didn't believe Uchiha Kai's nonsense at all, the chakra on his body had become so huge that it was suffocating: "It's none of your business, I'll kill you! I.... ."

"Have you said enough?" Uchiha Qi interrupted Nagato indifferently: "I didn't intend to show the eye of reincarnation, because you really don't have this qualification, but I don't like trouble either. The previous state can be completely solved. You, and it's not too hard, but it's a bit of a waste of time after all, so..."

"Let's show you what the real reincarnation eye is, and by the way, let you know how mentally retarded your **** is..."


"The battle is over?"

Imai Kenta, a flying thunder god, appeared directly beside Hyuga Aya.

He glanced curiously at the puppet fragments all over the floor, as well as the three-generation Kazekage puppet with perseverance beside Hyuga Aya Yes, it's over. "Hyuga Aya nodded:" Tenseigan controls puppets, even if that guy is a rare and powerful puppet master, there has already been a huge difference in essence. He is not my opponent, it should be a normal thing. "

"You didn't use your full strength anyway, did you?" Imai Kenta shrugged: "On my side, there were some minor accidents..."

"Recognized by Kakashi?" Hyuga Aya shook her head: "I saw it, and I don't blame you. That guy learned to fly Thor, it's really interesting."

Tenseisen originally evolved from Baiyan. These eyes not only possess terrifying power, but also possess Baiyan's remote observation ability.

Just like the Samsara Eye, Uchiha Kai's Samsara Eye has the same but also further gains unimaginable insight.

"What about that guy? The guy who provoked the third ninja war, seems to be called Scorpion, right?" Imai Ken too tilted his head and glanced around: "You let him go?"

"Yes, let him go. I didn't even think about killing him anyway." Hyuga Aya nodded: "If I really want to kill him, I would have done it a long time ago."

"What about Kai?" Imai Kenta nodded, "Isn't this guy's battle over yet?"

"Come on." Hyuga Aya smiled, her azure blue eyes were already fixed on the battlefield not far away: "It looks like it's coming soon, Kai seems to be planning to have a good time, so let's not disturb his nature, at most It will be over in a few minutes."

As Hyuga Aya's voice fell, suddenly the earth began to vibrate frantically, and the terrifying power instantly overflowed towards the surroundings...


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