Chapter 636: black sura

"I said before that the reincarnation eye is really a waste in your hands, especially... Forget it, let me teach you, this trick should be used like this... Vientiane Tianyin!"

Now that the eyes of reincarnation have been opened, it really doesn't fit the character of Kai Uchiha if you don't try it.

He gently raised his left hand, and a strong gravitational force appeared from his hand. In an instant, the rules of the world seemed to be written, and the gravity of the world itself was affected.

With a bang, the forest slowly floated upwards following the movements of his left hand.

Nagato's body also floated off the ground the moment he shot, and shot towards his palm like a cannonball.

Vientiane Tianyin, this power Uchiha Kai is really the first time to use it.

But the problem is that his own eyes and the eyes given by others, and whether bloodline or chakra are completely matched with the power of the eyes, even if he uses it for the first time, it is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

In the horrified eyes, Nagato has approached Uchiha Kai.

Before, he came up and wanted to push Kai Uchiha, but this time he was sucked in!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, his hands bluffed outward at the same time, the huge chakra erupted, and the repulsive force expanded around.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Nagato desperately controlled Payne to cast Shen Luo Tianzheng again, and blood was overflowing from the corner of his body's mouth, which caused Xiao Nan's incomparable concern.

But he has no time to manage these things at all, he still controls Payne to fight.

Tendo Payne has now lost a hand, which was destroyed by Uchiha Kai's Amaterasu's flame.

Although this won't affect his combat effectiveness, this body belongs to his best friend!

He now has infinite anger and panic intertwined in his heart. He is angry that Uchiha Kai destroyed his friend's body, and even if he can recover, he hates Uchiha Kai.

And the panic was because of the pair of reincarnation eyes, and he couldn't figure out how these eyes came from.

But he remembered the name, even though he guessed it was a pseudonym.

Besides, this is not the time to think about it, he still needs to deal with that guy, otherwise the body of his friend...

Under the invisible repulsion, a transparent aperture appeared beside Payne, and the ground beneath his feet collapsed slightly under this force.

At the moment of gravity and repulsion, an incredible resonance formed in this area, and everything around began to appear a little disordered, and began to shatter under these two forces.

It's just that Payne's body is getting closer and closer to Kai Uchiha, and his power is really no better than Kai Uchiha, who has mastered the eye of reincarnation!

"damn it!"

Nagato scolded secretly, and then he completely disregarded that his body was already a little too weak, and once again his hands formed a seal and began to condense chakra.

"I don't believe you can unlock this power at any time with such a strong Vientiane Heavenly Enchantment, so come and try this!"

"Earth Blast!"

With Nagato's control, Payne resisted the gravity of Uchiha Kai while condensing a highly concentrated chakra black ball in front of him.

After the appearance of this black ball, a more terrifying gravitational force erupted from the black ball for a while!

Earth blasting stars? Is it this technique? This guy Nagato seems to be desperate.

Uchiha Qi thought to himself, and he was also a little curious why Nagato didn't summon the other clones together.

After thinking about it, Uchiha Qi felt that 80% of the time it was this guy who felt that there was not much risk in this action.

Think about it too, an Orochimaru doesn't need the six paths to act together at all.

What's more, this guy is still using the Heavenly Dao with the strongest combat power. In his opinion, it is probably enough. Even if Minato Naikaze comes, he won't be too worried.

In addition, Yuren Village still needs someone to take care of it after all, and it is normal for other clones to stay behind.

"It seems that this guy's current abilities are not complete. It's just those three abilities, plus a reincarnation birth?"

Facing the threat of the Earth-Blasting Star, although Uchiha Kai was very vigilant, he didn't care too much.

In the original book, Naruto can rely on the nine tails to blow it up and then escape from it, not to mention himself?

Even if you don't use this technique, do you have no other way?

"Seriously, it's a bit boring. I thought Nagato could give me some challenges - although I did, relying on the ten-tailed body to display the nine seals of the magic dragon, I opened my eyes of reincarnation. But... "

Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, and immediately the dark Susanoo on his body strengthened again, and at the same time, he simply let the Earth Blast Star close to him.

"After all, it's not his own eyes, and other clones haven't come over. Since that's the case, it doesn't make much sense to fight again, but it's good to teach him a profound lesson, so that he can save him thinking that he is a **** for a day. You're a fool, it's disgusting to use that high-level attitude..."

With Uchiha Kai's thinking, this Earth-Blasting Star has fully exerted its power!

Endless rocks were torn down from the mountain, and an unknown number of trees attracted it in an instant.

A huge sphere centered on this black sphere, wrapped around Kai Uchiha and began to slowly form.

The ground is completely sunken, and the depth of more than 100 meters spreads along with the increase of this sphere.

Earth Blast Star, this is the technique that seals Kaguya twice.

The power of this technique is extremely terrifying, but it is a pity that even the most terrifying technique will change according to the user's situation and abilities.

But Nagato didn't know all of this. After he got out of Uchiha Kai's control, he raised only one arm left, and roared completely with his majestic Chakra roar.

Under his control, the black ball's appeal became even more terrifying.

The huge sphere began to slowly rise into the sky, with gravel, trees, energy, lakes, and everything above the earth vacated and quickly flew into the air.

Under the agitation of Chakra, the ninjutsu used by the Six Path Immortals to create the moon reappears in the world!

Nagato controlled Payne to raise his head, and Samsara clearly saw Uchiha Kai's figure with Susanoo on. As the starburst was completely sealed in this giant sphere, his eyes couldn't help but look a little excited. .

Did it work? Looks like a success!

In Nagato's consciousness, it seems that no one can escape the seal of Earthburst!

"Very well, it seems to be a success."

When everything was quiet, Payne stood on the ruins and looked at the giant sphere in the sky and nodded.

"Even if you have the eye of reincarnation, but obviously you are not qualified enough. This move is the ultimate ninjutsu used by the Six Path Immortals to create the moon, and even the former ten tails have not gotten rid of it!"

"Now, let him end it all! Drink!"

In the shouting, a powerful chakra erupted from Nagato's body again, his face became even paler, and even blood overflowed from his eyes and the corners of his mouth.

But he didn't care, his face was full of madness.

Under his control, the Earth-Blasting Star actually sent out a stronger gravitational force when it was impossible, and even the earth in the extreme distance was aroused.

Even Konoha, hundreds of kilometers away, can clearly feel all this.

A few minutes later, a huge ball appeared that surpassed the nine tails captured in the original book!

Like an asteroid appearing in mid-air, the earth has been hollowed out, leaving only a deep, dark abyss.

He wants to completely seal this guy and completely make the other pair of Samsara eyes disappear!

He is God, He is the only God in the world, and only He can bring peace to this sad world.

He doesn't allow, and definitely doesn't agree that there are other people who have the same eyes as him!

"It's really sad..."

Just when Nagato finished all this, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

This voice seemed to be far and near, and it sounded very soft, but for some reason, after Nagato heard this voice through Payne, cold sweat broke out behind him!

This voice was made by the guy who was sealed by him. Although the tone of voice has changed, it no longer sounds so hoarse and low, but he will never admit it wrong!

Suddenly, a vast chakra came out from that giant sphere, it was so dark and cold.

But in such a dark and cold Chakra, there is an unbelievable feeling that is very close to nature!

The world seems to have changed dramatically because of this chakra, and the originally clear sky suddenly fell into twilight.

In Nagato's eyes, the scorching sun in the sky seems to have turned into a silver moon at this moment, but this silver moon turned into a blood moon in just a moment!

"Illusion? Impossible, how could someone perform illusion on Samsara Eye?"

Nagato spurted out a mouthful of blood, and Xiao Nan immediately wanted to come over to help him wipe it, but he weakly pushed Xiao Nan's hand away.

Closing his eyes and looking through Payne's Samsara eyes again, he found that he was now exactly the same as what he had seen before.

The terrifying chakra continued, and in such chakra, Nagato suddenly felt an inexplicable aura.

This kind of feeling seems to be a kind of closeness from the soul, but this kind of closeness is very sparse, more of a silent oppression!

"Earth Burst, it's really not bad." The soft voice continued, and it sounded a little playful: "But, you are too weak, so weak that I don't even want to kill you."

When the voice fell, the world shook!

The huge ball seemed to be under an unbearable attack, and it shook frantically in mid-air.

Countless rock fragments that had completely condensed on top began to fall off quickly at this moment.

Seeing this, Nagato immediately gritted his teeth and sealed his seal. His chakra had bottomed out, but he didn't care, he still had an outsider golem, and he could rely on the power of an outsider golem to continue!

But the next moment, Nagato spat out a mouthful of blood again.

His body was completely unable to move, if it weren't for the fact that he was connected to the outsider golem, relying on the vitality provided by the golem to keep him alive.

I am afraid that just now, he has completely died!

His face was incredulous. He couldn't understand why the outsider golem didn't provide him with chakra at this time?

Could it be because that guy controlled the outsider golem?

He is not reconciled, what is the situation?

Why can't the earthburst star trap that guy? Why is his heretic golem not obedient at this time?

Unfortunately, no one answered him, and no one in this world who could answer him could appear in front of him.

The cold and majestic chakra exploded completely, and the giant ball could no longer withstand such pressure at this moment.


The dazzling brilliance erupted, and with a deafening explosion in the center of the Earth Blast Star, this giant sphere completely exploded!

Endless gravel flew in all directions, like a torrential rain falling, and it kept hitting the ground with a loud bang.

The earth, which had been hollowed out, suffered such heavy damage again at this time, and this area completely collapsed for a while.

Nagato's eyes widened, and an unbelievable light flashed. He really never dreamed that his Earth-Blasting Star could be cracked so easily and quickly.

"Damn, what the **** is going on, why..."

Nagato tried again, but the outsider golem still did not provide other powers other than vitality.

He originally wanted to use techniques such as Super Shinra Tianzheng to fight, but now he can't use it at all!

Controlling Payne to raise his head slightly, he saw that in the center of the broken Earth Blast Star, a huge black figure with wings stood in the sky!

The black figure is like Shura, and in the crystal warehouse above Shura's head, the guy who calls himself Uchiha Quanna is standing inside!

Even if the distance is a little far, he still sees clearly, that guy is unscathed!

"It's over."

Uchiha Kai put his hands around his chest, he didn't even look at Payne below, his eyes stared at the unspoiled forest in the distance.

"Then now, let you have a good look at what real power is!"

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha Kai shot without hesitation!

The pitch-black Susanoo slowly drew out the long sword, and a terrifying black flame ignited on the long sword at the next moment, and the natural breath accompanied the long sword to slowly raise When it fell in the next instant, In an instant, the sky and the earth tilted, and the black blade looked particularly dreary under the reflection of the blood moon!

The power of the complete body Susa is already shocking, and Uchiha Kai, who is in the state of eternal eyes, does not know how many terrible enemies he has killed by relying on it.

But now, he has not only grown his eyes to the point of reincarnation, but also obtained the Immortal Chakra.

The power that he burst out at this time has far exceeded the original countless times!


A loud noise came out, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and the chakra like a storm surged out.

The originally rewritten landform has been completely wiped out in one blow, leaving only the abyss where you can faintly see the magma!

The endless blades spread wildly, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the destructive blades ignited with the darkness of fire, and the entire forest and mountain range were instantly destroyed.

In the face of such a terrifying attack, even if the attack did not come directly towards Nagato's position, the wanton spilled power still made Nagato and Xiaonan feel that they had faced death!

I don't know how long it took before the wind stopped and the earth stopped shaking.

The blood moon also disappeared, the sky was clear again, and that round of bright sunshine hung in the sky again.

But the landscape that has been completely rewritten still remains there!

Nagato stared blankly at all this, his eyes were full of confusion, and at this moment the soft voice rang again.

"Are you the so-called god? Give you a little advice, or give you a little hint..."

"Cry, cry, and... run away!"


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