Chapter 637: Embarrassed like a rat in the sewer

"There's such a big commotion, what about it?"

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai stood beside Kai Uchiha, and when they saw the scene in front of them that was comparable to destroying the world, Aya Hyuga couldn't help shaking her head.

"It's no big deal. To be honest, I haven't been completely serious." Uchiha Qi chuckled: "But the other party doesn't seem to have the ability to resist me at all, especially since he split the power of Samsara Eye. But even if In this way, the eye of reincarnation is still very scary, there is no doubt about that.”

"Then you let him go?" Imai Kenta shrugged: "I can sense where his body is, and I said to grab those eyes and play by myself."

After hearing Kenta Imai's words, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but smile.

This guy also talked at most, and if he really gave it to him, I'm afraid he would not accept it.

Otherwise, this guy would not have refused the cells provided by Uchiha Kai to him.

To be honest, Kai Uchiha is still a little curious. If this guy accepted the cells he provided him back then, would he have opened the wheel eye?

As for Nagato, Uchiha Kai really has no plans to kill him.

It's still useful to keep this guy, especially after Kaguya, a lunatic woman, made all these messes, and Uchiha Kai had to make some planned changes.

However, in terms of how to change, Nagato is a tool man, but he has no intention of changing.

In this regard, he is a bit like Madara Uchiha. Although Nagato is pitiful, no one can replace his role so far.

Unless there is a better substitute, Uchiha Qi would rather keep him and be a born magician of reincarnation at any time!

"Let it go, let it go, it's no big deal, even if you kill it and give it to you, will you put it on?"

Hyuga Aya obviously knew Kenta Imai very well. After she said something disdainfully, she asked with a serious look.

"By the way, what happened to that guy's reincarnation eye?"

"Actually, you have seen it too. You can say that you are the one who created the Samsara Eye." Uchiha Qi chuckled, and then slowly said: "The power required by the Samsara Eye is the combination of Uchiha and Chishou. But there's something else special about it..."

"You said, Kaguya Ji told you that you still lack something, the Chakra of Indra and Ashura?" Imai Kenta touched his chin: "It means that the strength of Qianshou and Uchiha is needed, In fact, it is the power of Indra and Asura that can activate the eye of reincarnation?"

"Is the response very fast?" Uchiha Kai glanced at Imai Kenta, and then he continued.

"We don't have these two powers, although it is said that these two are constantly reincarnated, and only chakra is left.

But unfortunately, neither of us are, nor do we have.

I evolved into the Eye of Samsara, relying on the original power of Otsutsuki, although I was forcibly advanced by that female lunatic Kaguya, but even if I take my time, I can evolve to this point.

But the predecessors..."

It is really hard to say whether the predecessors can achieve this step through the fusion of primitive power.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya both know what Uchiha Kai means. After the moon explosion, the affairs of Otsutsugi Yumura and Otsutsugi Kaguya, and through Uchiha Kai, they learned a lot of secrets.

The two of them are no longer ignorant people. Although the things they know are not as good as Uchiha Kai, they definitely surpass other ninjas in the entire ninja world.

"What do you mean, that guy's reincarnation eye is actually a certain Uchiha or Senju, and it happened to be the reincarnation of Indra and Asura, and finally evolved with the power of the other party?"

Aya Hyuga raised her brows: "This is a bit interesting, aren't Chisato and Uchiha sworn enemies? Besides, who can get the power of each other, and what is it that makes his eyes fall on this guy's hand? inside."

"I don't know about this, but it doesn't prevent us from making a bold assumption." Uchiha Kai smiled, and then said inexplicably: "Uchiha and Qianshou are indeed mortal enemies, but if someone tells one of them, Relying on the strength of the other party can obtain the power of all things, then you say..."

"Another Six Paths Immortal or Ancestor Aya?" Imai Kenta touched his chin and thought for a while before continuing to ask, "Speaking, what is the Chakra of Indra and Ashura like? Also, You should be able to see with your eyes now, right?"

"It should be possible. After all, Samsara and Tenseigan have surpassed the general limit." Uchiha Kai nodded. Although he hadn't tried it yet, he felt that it should be fine.

In addition to these two pairs of eyes that can see the reincarnated Chakra, I am afraid there is another way to perceive it, and that is to rely on the perception ability of the tailed beast Chakra mode.

In other words, it is to force the fusion of the tailed beast Chakra, so that he has reached a limit state, so as to perceive the good and evil of human nature, as well as deeper things.

"Okay, it looks like you guys have something to do again. Fortunately, the scope is relatively small." Imai Kenta smacked his lips: "I'm curious, who is the reincarnation of those two guys."

"I thought you would be envious or jealous, after all, you are not some reincarnation."

Hyuga Aya's white eyes suddenly turned blue, and she said slowly after glancing at Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta.

"Please, didn't Kai say it? We're not, what's the use of seeing me?" Kenta Imai shrugged.

"As for jealousy? Why should I be jealous?

The reincarnation may be very strong, even if the reincarnated person has only chakra left, but the chakra must carry the will of the other party.

Even living is guided by the will of the other party, and then a bunch of fate is imposed, or it is not for oneself, what's the point? "

"You see it very clearly. Even your own thoughts and will are controlled and guided by others. Is this really what you want?"

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "As for this guy's eyes, I think someone should have put them on when he was a child.

Claiming to be gods, he has probably had them since he was a child, and has been adapting to them all the time. Plus Indra and Asura reincarnated.....

I suddenly thought of an interesting person. "

Although Uchiha Qi knew the answer, he did not say it all at once.

After all, whether it is the original book or the information given by the soil, he has it in his hands.

It's just that some things are too straightforward and not very good. It is the most correct way to slowly guide them to realize the truth.

What's more, he has already prompted to this point, there is really no reason why the two of them can't guess.

Sure enough, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya seemed to have thought of something.

"You mean Madara Uchiha and Senju Hasuma?" Imai Kenta frowned, "They are the reincarnations of Indra and Asura from the previous generation? Isn't that right? My ancestors died long ago, and yours The one in my family died earlier than mine, did you do something wrong?"

"Is it really dead? Where's the corpse?" Uchiha Kai shook his head and asked rhetorically, "When a person dies, there is a corpse, but I didn't see anything about this in the notes you gave me.

This means that the corpse probably doesn't exist at all, right?

Don't forget, Uchiha has some very interesting techniques.

All we can imagine is that Madara Uchiha didn't die at all, he deceived everyone through some special techniques, and through that battle..."

"Obtaining the power of Qianshouzhuma, he also obtained the power of Samsara Eye."


"Cough cough cough cough..."

In a cave in the land of fire near the land of rain, Nagato was coughing wildly in a container, and he seemed to have reached his limit.

If it wasn't behind him, the outsider golem was still providing vitality to Ti, I'm afraid he would have turned into a mummified corpse at this time!

It's just that even if the outsider golem provides him with vitality, his condition looks extremely bad. After all, his eyes are not his eyes, and his running-in degree has not reached the state of ten years later.

"Are you alright?" Xiao Nan patted Nagato's back lightly, her eyes revealed worry, but there was a trace of fear in addition to worry.

That guy just now, that guy who was like a god, really left an indelible impression on her heart!

The chakra that spreads all over the sky, the chakra that is cold and dark but close to nature, and the slashing sword that seems to cut off the whole world.

All of this has left Xiaonan with a figure in the depths of his heart, which cannot be erased at all, and is full of fear!

She still remembers that after the guy deliberately slashed, it was full of disdain and ridicule, just like the tone of the prey when he wanted to play with his prey.

The phrase 'Cry, cry, and run away desperately' seems to still be echoing in her ears.

Compared to Nagato who claimed to be a god, Xiao Nan suddenly felt that that guy might be the real god!

Aren't the two of them just crying, screaming, and running away desperately?

"It's okay.... I can't die..." Payne breathed heavily, and then he raised his head when his body was almost recovered: "That **** guy...that **** guy ....why, why, why would he..."

"Nagato..." Xiao Nan looked at Nagato worriedly, but she couldn't understand what Nagato was talking about.

After thinking about it, she felt that Nagato might not be able to accept it at all. Why would there be such an irresistible monster in this world?

Indeed, if she hadn't followed Nagato to the country of fire today to "visit" Orochimaru, I'm afraid she wouldn't believe that there are such terrifying people in this world.

Thinking that the guy was a Uchiha, Xiao Nan couldn't help but think of the guy named Madara Uchiha who contacted them and has been guiding them.

She was thinking, what is the relationship between this Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Quanna?

Although he thinks that these two people are probably fake names, or that they are real and fake, but these two people probably know each other, right?

The direction of Xiao Nan's thinking was still towards Uchiha, she didn't think about other places at all, such as the reincarnation eye.

If Nagato didn't say it, I'm afraid Xiaonan would never have thought that there are other people in this world who have mastered the eye of reincarnation.

"What will he do?"

Just as Nagato was about to open, a voice suddenly reached his ears.

With this sound, a ripple appeared in the space in front of Nagato, and a masked figure slowly walked out of the distorted space.

In addition to this figure, a black and white guy suddenly appeared on the ground.

Nagato's eyes were faint, and he naturally knew who these two guys were.

One is a man who calls himself Madara Uchiha, and the other is even more bizarre, his name is Jue.

"Really, Madara, why can't you be patient and wait for him to finish speaking before coming out?" Hei Jue glanced at Obito with some dissatisfaction, but his tone was full of jokes: "However, even if you haven't finished speaking, big The probability is also why it is so strong? Tsk tsk, this guy looks like he is going to die."

"I can't die, this guy has reincarnation eyes." Obito said in a hoarse voice with a mask: "Of course, if he dies, then I don't mind taking his eyes."

"You two, what do you mean!" When Xiao Nan saw this scene, he immediately stepped on Nagato's body.

There seemed to be some changes on her face, as if peeling, and square pieces of paper began to emerge.

"It's nothing interesting, I'm just considering whether to change the owner of these eyes." Obito didn't care about it at all, Xiao Nan put his voice cold and indifferent.

"Remember what I said to you? I said that the organization should not take too much action now. We can only proceed to the second stage after we have completed our preliminary collection work. But look at what you have done before, I Shouldn't it be nice to say it's well done?"

Obito looked very angry, but to be honest, he had no such thoughts at all, especially looking at this guy's miserable appearance, his heart was even more amused than shocked.

But he was really shocked. This guy was holding the Samsara Eye and was beaten like this. What happened?

However, he also had a certain answer in his heart. The fluctuation of power just now was obviously the action of Kai Uchiha.

This guy seems to be facing Kai, then everything makes sense.

"I don't want this either, but..." Nagato regained some strength, and he reluctantly placed his hand on Xiao Nan's shoulder before slowly saying, "I met those who pretended to be us. "

"Those guys?" Hei Jue nodded thoughtfully when he heard these words.

He also had the same perception as Obito. To be honest, he had been worrying about whether Nagato would get his eyes closed when he met that guy.

Although Nagato's progress is good, but if Uchiha Kai breaks out completely, Kuro definitely can conclude that Nagato must be dead!

But now it seems that Nagato has lost, but his eyes are preserved.

"Yes, those guys." Nagato nodded, and then he raised his head and said indifferently: "It's very strong, but that's all. If it wasn't for the outsider golem suddenly not providing me with chakra, I wouldn't meeting...."

"Don't say these are useless. If you lose, you lose. You should be thankful that the other party didn't goug out your eyes."

Hei Jue ignored Nagato, and he interrupted the guy directly before continuing: "Your training is not enough, far from enough. Calm down, you will definitely kill this guy in the future."

"Hmph, let me ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Uchiha Quanna, who is it?"


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