Chapter 641: extreme speed

"Really, why did you come here for a competition?"

Jiraiya stood aside and looked at the two people standing in the field, he couldn't help but complained: "Isn't it better to fight in Konoha? Damn, Konoha was pulled down here after a trip, I still think Go take a good bath in the hot spring."

"Lord Jiraiya, in Konoha, I am afraid that the movement caused by their fight will be too exaggerated, and it may even be difficult to let go." Kakashi thought for a while and quickly took up the topic.

Hyuga Aya obviously doesn't have a good impression of Jirai either, and thinking about it too, I am afraid that no female ninja will have a good impression on him for what Jirai is also doing in Konoha.

Respect him only because he is one of Konoha's three ninjas. If he does not have this identity, I am afraid that even a female ninja would like to teach him a good lesson, right?

And Imai Kenta, Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hizu, their relationship with Jiraiya can only be regarded as normal.

Although he also respects Jiraiya, in comparison, I am afraid that he, a disciple of Namikaze Minato, is closer.

"Can't let go?" Zilai also touched his chin: "Could it be that Minato is still planning to release Nine-Tails? No, I heard him say that he has a good relationship with Nine-Tails, but it's not that good. At that point. Forget it, just look at it, I don't think Kai will be a match for Watergate."

"Lord Jiraiya..." Kakashi touched his head embarrassedly, after thinking about it, he thought it was better not to speak.

After all, Jiraiya has been away from Konoha for a long time, and he doesn't know much about many things.

And even in Konoha, there are probably not many people who know the true strength of Uchiha Kai, right?

Kakashi knew all this, and was really surprised to the extreme.

If it weren't for the accidental discovery of Orochimaru's mark of the God of Thunder, and he chased after them and ran into them.

Then he fought with Kenta Imai and recognized his identity. I'm afraid he didn't even know how terrifying Uchiha Kai was.

The eye of reincarnation, that is the eye of creation in the legend of the ninja world, the user of those eyes was actually defeated by Uchiha Kai!

But think about it too, Uchiha Kai himself is a person with reincarnation eyes, and it seems that it is not so unusual to defeat another guy.

Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato's plan is to be implemented, so some information cannot be disclosed at this stage.

However, some information can indeed be revealed to attract the attention of others.

Just like Samsara Eye, Uchiha Kai didn't plan to hide this information completely.

In his and Minato's view, it's not a bad thing for some people to know, but this matter still needs to be gradually promoted.

Therefore, this battle is a very good promotion opportunity.

The purpose is to let the core power circle of Namikaze Minato, as well as some specific people, know some special things.

Whether it's the eye of reincarnation, or those big tube trees.

Jiraiya didn't know all this mess, when he was going to say something, the next moment his expression changed slightly, because Minato Namifeng had already moved!

Namikaze Minato is completely in a full-strength posture. Immortal lines have appeared on his face, and even the chakra of the nine tails has faintly appeared on his body.

This made Jiraiya suddenly not know what to say, but he knew that this battle was probably not an easy thing!

"come yet?"

Uchiha Qi watched calmly as he threw countless kunai Minato, and the next moment he appeared quietly behind Uchiha Kai!

Not only that, I don't know if it's a shadow clone, or because his speed is unbelievable, and there are multiple figures appearing together at the moment he appears!

However, Namikaze Minato obviously did not use his full strength, and he was still using Kunai, not Spiral Pill.

"However, this is also a wise choice, did Kyuubi tell him?"

If you use Chakra, it is very likely that it will be directly absorbed by Uchiha Kai.

Of course, this can only be absorbed by pure chakra, like spiral pills.

If it is the kind that has been transformed into a real object, such as the earth escape, the water escape, etc., even the immortal art can not be absorbed - the immortal art is also fine, as long as you are not afraid of your own body problems.

But even if Namikaze Minato used the Spiral Pill, he wouldn't absorb it now, because he planned to have fun.

All of a sudden, Minato Minato Namikaze's speed suddenly dropped, at least in Uchiha Kai's eyes, his speed slowed down!

At this time, Uchiha Kai's eyes are still in the state of eternal eyes, and Namikaze Minato has not completely erupted, and naturally he will not.

But he didn't use Susanoo either. After all, he still wanted to see if the big fox came out.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to use the 'Retrospect of Time' of his right eye!

After his eyes have reached the point of reincarnation, he has been able to perceive that his three pupil techniques have once again evolved...

No, it should be said that his mastery of his pupil technique has once again improved!

Even Uchiha Kai is thinking about it now, after he studies the 'Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode'.

Is it possible to consider studying it, and analyze the 'retrospect of time' and 'the station of time' in my pupil surgery.

If you are lucky, you can research to "stop the flow of your own time" or "slow down the flow of your own time", wouldn't it be equivalent to...

"These are things for the future."

Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, turned around slightly, he faced Minato Minato, his scarlet eyes turned slightly and he knew what was going on in front of him.

The Namifeng Minato in front of him is really not his fault, but he is not himself.

It's just that his speed is so fast that afterimages are left behind, and these afterimages are formed entirely because his transfer speed is too fast.

What's more interesting is that time seems to have stopped a little because of his speed, and it seems that these attacks are completed at the same time.

"Is it the way to deal with Yanyin back then? If it was someone else, there might be no way to resist it, but my words..."

While thinking, Uchiha Kai has already grasped the position of Namikaze Minato.

His eyes have the power of time, and he is really restrained to deal with such fast ninjas, or ninjas who like to use space teleportation!

In an instant, he had an insight into Minato Minato Minato Minato's subsequent attack, slightly deflected the angle where he avoided all attacks, and then he grabbed Minato Minato Minato Minato's right hand!

"Caught you!" Uchiha Kai smiled slightly, but soon his smile disappeared.

Glancing in front of him, he couldn't help shrugging: "As expected of Captain Watergate, you can react faster than Kenta."

"I've seen your test with Kenta." Minato Namikaze's voice came from a treetop not far away: "Your reaction speed is really suffocating, but I think it may be the ability of your eyes. ?"

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows." Uchiha Kai shrugged: "Captain Minato, it's up to you whether your speed can catch up with my reaction."

"I won't let you down!" Minato Namikaze showed a smile, and his figure disappeared again after the voice.

Like a golden streamer, he instantly appeared beside Kai Uchiha!

Uchiha Qi watched all of this calmly and seriously, turning around and dodging the attack from Minato from behind, and then his cut jade unsheathed to block Minato's attack from his side.

However, his movements did not stop for a moment. From different angles and directions, the figure of Namifeng Minato appeared.

His offense is so sharp, so fast, and there is no trace of it.

However, Uchiha Kai easily blocked all his attacks!

However, this only seems to be easy, because he has improved the blessing of pupil power to pupil technique, so that he can continue to maintain this situation.

Such an increase in pupil strength didn't put any pressure on him, but he had to praise the power of Minato Namikaze.

This guy's ninja literacy is superb. He knows that a one-time attack may not work at all, and even multiple attacks may not be useful.

Therefore, he chose the most simple and practical method, but it was the most troublesome method - induced attack, or the continuation of the second stage of Flying Thunder God!

His figure appeared in front of Uchiha Kai and suddenly launched an attack. After inducing Kai to defend, he quickly appeared behind him and launched a stronger attack.

This is not over yet, he knows how fast Kai's reaction is, or how terrifying his ability is, so he still has a third turning point, and when Kai reacts, he transfers again and completes the final attack.

But unfortunately, all his actions were seen through, no matter how many times he moved, there was no way to escape Uchiha Kai's eyes!

"Come on... are you kidding me?"

Looking at the golden figure filling the sky, and the dazzling but incomparably elegant movements of Uchiha Kai, everyone present, except Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya, were completely dumbfounded!

They know that Uchiha Kai is very strong, and even Uchiha Fuyue has played against him, but they really didn't expect to be so strong.

Is that kind of speed really something a person can have?

If it is any of them in such a battle, I am afraid that except for Uchiha Fuyue, it is difficult for others to resist Namikaze Minato?

After all, Uchiha Fugaku also has Susanoo!

And when it comes to Susanoo, they seem to realize one thing, that is, Uchiha Kai is not serious at all!

Because Uchiha Kai's strongest power seems to be that black Susanoo.

But by now, his fight with Minato Namikaze looks like a game.

Purely relying on his own eyes and reflecting speed and physical skills, other abilities are completely without any display.

Such a result is really unexpected, what would this Uchiha Kai be like if he fired with all his strength?

But just when they were surprised, Zilai also suddenly noticed something, and then his face became a little incredible.

" is this possible?" Zilai also exclaimed: "Immortal mode!"

"Fairy Mode?"

Everyone present knew this technique. After all, Kai Uchiha's excuse for leaving was to learn the immortal mode.

However, they really didn't understand whether the immortal mode that Jiraiya said was from Uchiha Kai or Naikaze Minato.

Uchiha Fuyue frowned, and he asked, "Lord Jiraiya, we all know about the immortal mode, but.... whose immortal mode is it?"

"The two of them..." Jiraiya swallowed his saliva: "Both of them are in immortal mode! God, both of them have a very high grasp of immortal mode. What's the situation, I remember Watergate. Didn't I say that his fairy mode is not very good? And Qi, when did he learn the fairy mode?"

"Both are immortal models?" Jiraiya's words made Uchiha Fuyue stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Jiraiya with surprise.

Not only him, but several others as well.

They don't know how difficult the immortal mode is, but they are not stupid, because there is no art in the ninja world that is really easy to learn.

Jiraiya also seemed to know the doubts of these people, so he simply explained the difficulty of learning the characteristics of the immortal mode.

Following his remarks, these people immediately realized how strong this so-called immortal mode was and how difficult it was to learn!

"Lord Jiraiya, do you mean that Hokage-sama and Minister Qi are both in immortal mode?"

Hyuga Hizu couldn't help swallowing when he heard these words, and then he glanced at Hyuga Aya inadvertently.

"Is such chakra fluctuations the performance of immortal mode?"

"Yes This is the chakra of the immortal mode." Jiraiya nodded affirmatively, he didn't know what Hyuga Hizu was thinking, and continued to say to himself.

"It's incredible that they've all mastered fairy mode. Especially....

Kai, his immortal mode can't see any difference in appearance at all. If it wasn't for the chakra overflowing because of his shot, I'm afraid it would be really hard to believe that he actually learned immortal mode! "

Uchiha Kai's immortal mode looks the same as normal, and it is completely invisible to this guy.

On the other hand, Namikaze Minato was different. Orange eyeshadow appeared on his face, and even his pupils changed slightly.

This can be said to be the standard Miaomushan immortal mode, and it can be described at a glance.

Jirai is also very happy that his disciples can use the fairy mode so quickly, instead of needing to hand-paint fairy eyeshadows like myself.

However, the state of Uchiha Kai made him a little inexplicable. He remembered a sentence, that is, the better the immortal mode mastered, the less he could see the difference from people.

Could it be that Kai Uchiha has mastered the immortal mode to this point?

Unlike Jiraiya, Hyuga Hizu was already stunned at this time, but he did not forget this chakra, this similar chakra.

At that time, when the Hyuga clan was in civil strife, Hyuga Aya bombarded Hyuga Zonghyun with her own power, and she had a similar chakra in her power!

Could it be....Has Aya Hyuga also mastered the immortal mode?

Just as everyone kept guessing in their hearts, Uchiha Ki and Namikaze Minato, who were fighting, suddenly separated...


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