Chapter 642: 9 tail chakra pattern

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Namikaze Minato took the initiative to open the distance from Uchiha Kai, he stared at Uchiha Kai not far away, and he couldn't help thinking frantically in his mind.

The speed just now really surpassed his imagination. It can be said that he has used the Flying Thunder God to the extreme, but he still has no way to use Uchiha Kai.

Without being able to touch the opponent's body to leave a curse mark, he can barely perform the second or even third stage of Flying Thunder God, which can be said to have reached the limit.

After all, he had been able to use the second stage of Flying Thunder God seven or eight years ago, not to mention that he has made unimaginable progress now.

But unfortunately, this is still useless, because the speed of Uchiha Kai, or his reaction speed really surpasses human imagination!

With his high-speed movement and space-shifting attack method, Uchiha Kai was still able to keep evading lightly and constantly resisting his offensive.

It's just that this guy has never fought back, or for him, a counterattack may mean the end of this competition, right?

"It seems... in this state, there is no way to pose any threat to Kai at all." Minato Namikaze took a deep breath: "Also, his speed... doesn't seem to be that simple."

"Of course it's not easy, that's probably his pupil technique." The voice of the nine tails suddenly resounded in Minato's mind: "In addition to the enhancement of basic abilities, every pair of kaleidoscopes will have a special pupil technique. His pupil technique , I am afraid it is the ultimate reaction speed and ultimate speed. Otherwise, no one should be able to resist the attack of your mode!"

Minato Namikaze thought for a moment, then nodded involuntarily.

Indeed, such a speed is too exaggerated, and Namikaze Minato had indeed felt the power bursting out of Uchiha Kai's eyes in the previous battle.

Immortal mode Immortal has also greatly improved his perception, but he also knows that now is not the time to think about these things.

I am afraid that his flying thunder **** can't threaten Kai Uchiha, so what about adding the 'nine-tailed chakra mode'?

"Please, Kurama." Namikaze Minato took a deep breath: "Although it is the first time to use it, and the opponent is too strong, but at least in this state, it should be able to force him to use the Samsara Eye!"

"Don't be so discouraged, Minato." The voice of the nine tails sounded again: "You continue to maintain the immortal mode, I will cooperate with you, we are not just as simple as letting him use the eye of reincarnation."

"Immortal mode?" Minato was stunned, and then asked hesitantly, "Didn't you say that if I were like that....our synchronization would become more difficult."

"What if it's difficult? This uncle is already angry, I just want to teach this **** a good lesson!"

The voice fell, and the nine-tailed chakra in the water gate consciousness space radiated frantically, and at the same time, its two claws folded and maintained a posture of a knot.

"Just exercise, hurry up!"

"This.... I understand." Minato Minato Minato nods his head, and then said slightly embarrassedly, "Ki is not a bastard, he is my friend."

After all, Minato Namikaze folded his hands together, and his chakra began to surge.

Uchiha Kei stood in place and did not launch an attack. When he saw the appearance of Minato Namikaze, he knew that this was a big move to hold back, right?

After thinking about it, his first reaction was the nine-tailed chakra mode.

In the original work, the fourth generation does not need to face any dark self at all to be able to use such a mode!

Perhaps for Watergate, his experience and his past, especially his involvement in wars, knew the good and evil of human nature, and at the same time he was able to objectively distinguish who he really was.

Probably this is how he can face the tailed beast, understand the tailed beast and identify with the tailed beast, and finally got the approval of the nine tails in his body, and used the nine-tailed chakra mode.

Now that he is not dead, and has been further tempered, it does not seem strange that he is in this state!

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Kai Uchiha stared at Minato Namikaze, at his chakra fluctuations, at the change in all this.

"Still still maintaining the immortal mode? It can only be said that he is indeed Naruto's father. If there is a father, there must be a son. Naruto's future is so outstanding, I am afraid that in addition to Indra's power, there are also credits to his parents, right? It seems that you must be serious..."

Nine-tailed chakra mode, if Minato Namikaze really opens this mode, then Uchiha Kai really doesn't dare to be careless.

In particular, this guy is still in the state of being turned on in the immortal mode. This is how Naruto in the original faced Obito. At that time, Obito was at the level of Six Paths!

Even if it is not complete, it has obviously reached that point.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi slowly took a deep breath, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes had begun to rotate rapidly.

"This....this is? Nine-tailed Chakra?"

Everyone watched the abnormality of Namikaze Minato carefully. They didn't know what was going on, but they knew who the owner of this chakra was!

That's the Nine-Tails, that's the Nine-Tails that attacked Konoha in the first place!

what's going on?

Could it be that Hokage-sama can already use the nine-tailed chakra?

Jiraiya's face was full of incredulity. He really hadn't returned to the village for a while, so he really didn't know what his disciples had grown up to.

But now it seems that his disciple has completely surpassed his master!

The disciple surpassed the master, this is also a little bit of disappointment in his heart, but more joy.

What makes him dissatisfied when his disciple is so ambitious?

But he was still a little worried, after all, the impression the tailed beast left on people was a little too bad.

Especially in Konoha, nine tails also attacked this village, bringing the war into this village for the first time!

"I hope there won't be any problems, but in such a state, how should that little guy deal with it?"

Jirai also touched his chin, he still likes Uchiha Kai, although this guy's methods are **** and dark.

But he had to admit that what this guy did most of the time was for Konoha.

This is completely different from the guy in Danzo who's mouth is full of doctrine and his heart is business.

Even if this guy simply improved Konoha's strength and influence, but as Minato said, Konoha has strengthened other Shinobi villages to copy their model, isn't it just as harmonious and peaceful?

Thinking of this, Jiraiya turned his head slightly to look at Kai Uchiha, and the next moment he was dumbfounded!

His body was a little stiff, his right hand trembled slightly, and he pointed at Kai Uchiha with a stunned face: "How is that possible?"


Jiraiya's reaction naturally caught the attention of the others, and when they looked over, all of them were dumbfounded.

Because at this moment, the eyes in Uchiha Kai's eyes were still scarlet, but the sign that belonged to the kaleidoscope had disappeared.

Instead, there are ripples that go round and round, like reincarnation.

Looking directly at these eyes, a word appeared naturally in their brains, they already knew what these eyes were.

"Reincarnation Eye!"


"This.... what the hell..."

Uchiha Fuyue now feels that his brain is a little suffocated. He never thought that Uchiha Kai's eyes have evolved again!

Moreover, this time the evolution has actually reached a stage that he has never thought about, this guy has actually been promoted to the eye of reincarnation?

This....does this mean....the final state of the wheel-writing eye is actually the eye of reincarnation, the eye of creation?

Not only Uchiha Fuyue felt that his brain was suffocating, but other people also felt the same way.

Whether it's Hyuga Hizu or Kakashi, they are both.

However, Kakashi was a little better. Although it was the first time he saw it, he knew that Uchiha Kai had defeated a user of Samsara Eye, and Namikaze Minato didn't hide it from him.

And Hyuga Hizu was completely dumbfounded. Uchiha Kai was already too strong to make people desperate before.

And now, who else can this guy check and balance him?

If he really wants the power of the Hyuga clan...

No, with his strength, how could he still be greedy for ordinary power?

Even if he is really greedy, Hyuga Hizu feels that he has no resistance at all.

what should I do now? How can this be done?

Hyuga Hizu completely didn't know what to say, but Jiraiya was more exaggerated than him, and Jiraiya at this time was definitely the most stunned among the people present.

In his memory, there is indeed a user of the eye of reincarnation in this world, and he also met that person very early and accepted him as a disciple.

But why does this Uchiha Kai, he also have this pair of eyes?

What exactly is going on?

However, although Jiraiya is a little confused now, he is not impulsive.

He could naturally see that there was a huge difference between the pair of reincarnation eyes and the pair of disciples he remembered.

These eyes are red, while his disciple's pair is lavender.

"Actually, there are probably more than this pair of Samsara eyes."

Just when everyone was full of question marks, Kakashi suddenly said: "Not long ago, when I was carrying my disciples on a mission, I met on the way back...

Lord Orochimaru, and at that time Lord Orochimaru was facing two rebels wearing red cloud robes with a black background. One of them was a guy with a rain forehead guard, and he also had a pair of reincarnation eyes. "

"What? And a pair of reincarnation eyes?"

"Rainbow's betrayal?"

The faces of Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu became even more inexplicable. With such terrifying eyes, does this ninja world actually have a pair?

what is happening? And these eyes are actually in Yuyin Village?

Why haven't they heard of it before? And how did you get this reincarnation eye? What the **** is going on with these eyes?

Countless questions are circling in their minds, and they are really at a loss now.

And Jiraiya's face instantly became ugly, Yu Ren betrayed Ren Ren, reincarnation eyes, which made him involuntarily think of his own disciple.

But just when he was about to say something, the chakra on the side of Namikaze Minato was completely condensed!

At this moment, his whole body was emitting a golden luster, and strange runes with apparently special rules began to appear on him.

Especially on his neck, there is a black hook jade photo similar to Uchiha Kai.

His eyes showed the appearance of ten, and the majestic power surged wildly in his body.

"This state... as expected..."

Uchiha Kai frowned and looked at the scene in front of him. The power that Minato Namikaze showed at this time was really beyond his expectations.

"If my memory is correct, the current Watergate should be in the middle of the first and second stages of Nine-Tails Chakra, right?"

The first stage of the nine-tailed chakra mode used by Naruto in the original book is to forcefully extract the power of the nine-tailed.

Therefore, the curse mark on his body is particularly obvious, and the chakra is also very messy.

But in the second stage, he and Nine-Tails completely reached a consensus and mutual understanding, and offered to provide Chakra to him, so that the rune on his body disappeared, Chakra stabilized and transformed into a royal robe.

The curse mark on Minato Namikaze is obvious now, indicating that there are still some problems with the chakra synchronization of the two of them.

But the chakra of the nine tails is not completely messy, I am afraid that the relationship between the two of them is still good.

"Is it because of the influence of the immortal mode that his synchronization rate has not reached the extreme?"

Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and then adjusted the direction of Qiyu's holding.

"Is there something wrong with his seal? But even so, the improvement is still exaggerated. It seems that the power of Yang Dun has been unknowingly merged into his power. Is it because of the Nine Tails? Although Yin Dun is a little weaker, it is still stronger than before. Well, I don't know how much Sure enough, it is not without reason that you can rely on this state to fight against the six-level Obito."

"Kai, please wait for a long time." Just as Uchiha Qi was thinking, Minato Namikaze took a deep breath and said slowly, "I'm ready."

"Does it look good?" Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he smiled slightly: "Then, I will be serious next time."

"Indeed, I can feel it in the previous battle, and even you don't even want to use the Samsara Eye." Minato Namikaze smiled: "But now, you have opened the Samsara Eye, which means that I and Kurama are still working together. Not bad. I don't know how long this state will last, but I think at least it won't disappoint you."

"Indeed, I'm very shocked." Uchiha Kai nodded: "But give me a small suggestion, try to modify your seal after you go back, this seal is not suitable for you to play now. There is still more exercise and running in your current state. , I think it's definitely going to be one of our winning formulas. Okay, let's get started."

When the voice fell, Uchiha Kai's body chakra surged, and the next moment his figure disappeared...
