Chapter 707: 1 swipe of azure blue

This time, Uchiha Kai has already felt the threat.

What is the difference between the current state of Namikaze Minato and the future Naruto, or who is stronger and who is weaker, Uchiha Kei does not know.

But he knew that in terms of feeling, Minato Naikaze at this time was very terrifying, and his terrifyingness had surpassed other opponents he usually faced.

He has never met Ren Zhuli, just like Rabbi Yatai Ren Zhuli, this guy has been working hard with himself for several years, but he has not been cleaned up by himself in the state of eternal eyes?

"Let's try the basic ability now. No matter how fast he is, it shouldn't be a problem with the insight of Samsara Eye."

Uchiha Qixin thought to himself: "But still, be careful with his Flying Thunder God. Now his strength and speed should be able to reach me, in this case..."

Thinking in his heart, the cut jade in his hand had already cut through the sky and slashed towards Minato Namifeng's neck.

Minato Namikaze's reaction speed is also unbelievably fast, especially in this state, his strength is even more powerful and unparalleled!

With a slight turn to the side, he avoided Uchiha Qiqieryu, and then the kunai in his hand stabbed towards Qi.

It's a pity that Qi has unparalleled insight and incredible physical coordination, and he didn't have any stagnation with a single strike.

He then moved forward to dodge this Minato's attack, and then hit Minato's stomach with his left fist.

Minato's left hand pressed down quickly, blocking Kai's fist, and at the same time he also left a curse mark.

These actions did not escape Kai's eyes at all, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, pretending that he didn't notice it at all.

Then he swung the knife again, and when Minato Namika dodged and jumped away, he directly pressed it forward and kicked Minato.

This kick was like a broken bamboo, and it seemed that Minato Namikaze was not in a hurry to dodge at all, and after this kick went out, it did not have any impact on Minato Namikaze!

Almost at the same time, a golden figure suddenly appeared behind Kai, and his Kuwu directly moved towards Kai's neck!

It is Namikaze Minato, with such speed and such ability, he is the only one.

It was just the next moment that his face changed, his Kunwu did touch Kai, but he was taken down by a jet of black chakra!

The most terrible thing is that the dark chakra quickly condensed into something like armor, and radiated a scorching heat!

"Susanoh? Is it paired with Amaterasu's flame?"

Minato has naturally seen the Yunyin front, Uchiha Fuyue's means of fighting against the fourth generation of Raikage, he really didn't expect Uchiha Kai to be like this.

And he also realized that Kai's actions were definitely not a temporary reaction, it was deliberately enticing him to attack.

"It seems that I can't avoid his eyes when I left the curse mark." Minato sighed slightly: "The eye of reincarnation, it's really scary."

"Just kidding, those are the eyes of the old man, Uchiha.... Inherited the power of Indra, and Indra inherited the power of the old man from the shadow."

The voice of the nine tails sounded in Minato's mind: "This boy is extremely lucky, but he is also extremely unlucky. He was actually targeted by that female lunatic..."

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Minato took a deep breath: "Kurama, the physical competition is probably over here, and I will continue to try our other powers, so be prepared."

"Don't worry, I'd be happy to teach this kid a lesson!" Jiuwei grinned in Minato's mind: "If you still maintain the fairy mode, and that kid is right, your seal will also affect our performance, But I will support you to the greatest extent possible!"

Jiuwei's character is also to do what he says, especially after he recognizes a person, he will definitely give him the greatest support.

In an instant, the chakra on Minato Minato became even thicker, and suddenly he turned into a golden light, and the whole person quickly wrapped around Uchiha, inspiring a storm-like attack.

After the previous test, he knew that he probably had nothing to do with Uchiha Kai, so he had the slightest reservation.

The scarlet reincarnation eye moved quickly in the eye socket, and Uchiha Kai's movements became faster.

With Minato's speed that surpassed the human limit and with the help of Flying Thunder God, he was able to handle it with ease.

The power they use is getting stronger and stronger, and the battle situation looks more and more anxious, especially the influence of the power they spilled out on the surrounding is beginning to show!

With the cooperation of the nine tails, Minato's power has increased sharply. Even if he doesn't know the reason, it means that he doesn't know how to use it!

"Incorporate your own Chakra, Immortal Chakra, Yang Dun and Kurama's Chakra together, then..."

Namikaze Minato, a flying thunder god, appeared beside Uchiha Kai.

"This is called 'Light Wheel Blast Spiral Flash Super Wheel Dance!'"


With the loud noise, Minato Naikaze's spiral pill was pressed to the ground.

Under the powerful force, the earth began to tremble wildly, and such tremors even caused the mountains not far away to pour down with boulders and floods.

Namikaze Minato did not expect that his destructive power would be so strong, which forced him to jump up and keep avoiding the broken boulders.

When everything calmed down, he quickly turned his head and looked at Kai Uchiha who was standing on a broken boulder not far away, still unscathed.

This made him heave a sigh of relief, and then his face became solemn again.

"It's really dangerous, I almost killed Captain Minato." Uchiha Kai said with a smile on his lips: "If I hadn't escaped fast enough, I'd probably suffer."

"I didn't expect that the power would be so great." Minato Namikaze swallowed and said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize, just keep going at this intensity, otherwise it will be meaningless." Uchiha Qi shook his head indifferently: "After all, I have to be serious..."

Uchiha Qi slowly restrained his smile, and the intensity of the test ended here. He knew that if he really didn't deal with it seriously, he would definitely not end up looking good!

Thinking of this, he suddenly left his left hand, and an imaginary gravitational force spread from his left hand, and Minato Namikaze suddenly felt an irresistible force pulling himself towards Kai Uchiha.

However, he was very calm, and when he noticed this scene, he immediately thought of a way to fight, but in an instant he gathered a spiral pill again.

However, at the moment when he finished condensing, Uchiha Kai showed a smile, and this smile suddenly made him feel a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next moment he felt an incredible repulsive force coming from Uchiha Kai, and the change in this repulsive force caught him off guard.

Without the slightest accident, he was pushed out instantly, but at the moment of being pushed out, he quickly gathered a nine-tailed arm, and then patted the spiral pill in his hand towards Qi.

Although the repulsion is still very strong, under the nine-tailed arm of Chakra, especially this arm can be extended, obviously it will not be affected by this!

Uchiha raised his brows and raised his eyebrows. Minato Minato has a really strong sense of fighting, but he is not a vegetarian either.

In the face of such a spiral pill, he did not use the means of absorbing it by Chak, after all, there is an immortal chakra belonging to Miaomu Mountain in it.

Thinking of this, he put down the cut jade in his right hand. At the same time, Yin Yang Escape and Immortal Technique Chakra gathered together, and the black arc flashed and shrank on his hand!

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"Yin Yang Escape Chidori!"

When the pitch-black electric arc burst into a sharp sound like a thousand birds chirping in unison, he did not hesitate to aim at the spiral pill sent by the nine-tailed arm!

At this moment, two huge forces converge, and the ultimate brilliance blooms at the intersection of these two forces.

Uchiha Kai couldn't help raising his brows when he saw this scene, and the next moment, black chakra appeared on his body.

In the same way, although the Nine-Tailed Chakra on Minato Naikaze, who was pushed away by the repulsion force, became thicker and thicker, obviously he also noticed how terrifying it was!


Sure enough, the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion rose up, and the aftermath swept endlessly in all directions, and the entire forest had been completely turned into ruins at this moment!

The mountain range that had been shaken in the distance had completely disappeared at this time. Under the earth, a bottomless abyss appeared. The sound of rushing water came, and there was a dark surge under the earth, forming at an extremely fast speed. a lake.

The huge thick smoke covered all this, but with the breeze blowing, the thick smoke slowly began to dissipate.

Namikaze Minato was standing on the top of Kyuubi's head in embarrassment. At the moment of the explosion just now, Kyuubi completely maximized his strength in sync with him. At this time, he had already condensed a huge chakra and nine-tailed state. .

At this time, he was on top of the ruins. Looking at everything around him, he suddenly showed a smile: "Cough, cough... so strong, it really deserves to be a light-wheel blast and spiral flash super-round dance."

"Don't be kidding, well, if it wasn't for this uncle who gave you power, would you also want to create such power?" Nine tails' voice sounded again: "And... you still lost, that kid is better than you. To exaggerate, he has already mastered the power of yin and yang escape. It's really abominable, no wonder he can get the eye of reincarnation."

"Yin-yang escape?" Minato Namifeng was stunned, although he suddenly realized something: "Wait, cause such a big damage, my teacher, are Kakashi and the others okay? And Kai..."

"Don't you know how to perceive it yourself? Forget it, they're all fine." Kyuubi said with a little disdain, and then his voice became unusually serious: "As for that kid....I think you should worry about it. You're better yourself, because he's going to get real."

Really moving?

When Namikaze Minato heard the word, he couldn't help but restrain his smile.

Very strong, indeed his current state is stronger than he himself thought.

But Uchiha Kai never seemed to be weak, especially in the previous battles, he didn't seem to use his strongest power.

Wei Wei sensed the surroundings, and after Minato Minato made sure that his teacher and the others were all right, he looked ahead with a serious expression.

"Is this the strongest state of Captain Minato?" But the smoke basically dissipated, Uchiha Kai stood on top of the ruins and raised his head, looking at the huge Nine Tails in front of him, he couldn't help but nodded: "It's really scary, that just now. The power of Yang Dun really makes people feel incredible, and now.... in our eyes, your chakra synchronization has really reached the pinnacle."

Standing within the head of the Nine-Tails, Minato said with a little gratitude: "Battle... It is indeed the best way to improve, but if there is no qualified and powerful opponent, I am afraid I can't... Thank you. You, Kai, but are you going to show off your strength next?"

"Ah, of course, otherwise..."

While speaking, the black chakra on Uchiha Kai's body began to jump.

The eyes of Samsara's eyes burst out with great power, Susa's skeleton rib appeared beside him, and in an instant, a mature body of more than ten meters high Susa appeared.

This is not the end, the gloomy chakra has no tendency to end, Suzuo expands even more, the armor is attached, the ninja sword appears, and in the blink of an eye, Shura, who is more than 200 meters high, appeared on the ruins, shocking the world!

"It's too boring."

"I really didn't expect to see such a Susanoo again..." Nine tails' voice resounded in Minato's mind: "Friendly reminder, this Susanoo may be better than Uchiha decades ago. Madara's is even more powerful, even...on par with Indra in ancient times."

"Is this the power of Kai?" Minato Namikaze nodded, and then a little excitement flashed on his face: "Very good, Kurama, let's go!"

"Of course, but before that..." The Nine Tails' voice seemed to carry a slight smile.

The yin and yang chakra that belonged to the nine-tailed chakra frantically injected, and suddenly the nine-tailed phantom with a height of 100 meters appeared, standing on both feet, and completely transformed into an existence equivalent to the complete body Susa.

"Okay, you can only last three minutes in this state. If you can win, you can solve the problem within three minutes. If you can't, you will admit defeat after three minutes."

"Three minutes..." The smile on Minato's face became more and more sunny: "Thank you, we will do our best for three minutes!"


"This....what is this?"

On the ruins not far away, Jiraiya and others kept coughing. The explosion just now was completely beyond their imagination. The strength of the two fighting people was really suffocating.

For a moment, they even thought, what would happen if these two went to attack other villages together?

Of course, more, what they thought at the time was whether they were going to die.

However, at this moment, rows of giant trees suddenly rose from the ground to block the first wave of the explosion.

That is Mu Dun, UU reading www.uukanshu. They all know that Imai Kenta, the heir of the Thousand Hands Clan, is the one who truly masters Mu Dun.

However, these wooden dungeons could not resist the shock wave formed by the terrifying explosion at all. Just as Uchiha Fugaku was about to use Susanoo, Hyuga Aya suddenly stood in front of them.

Emerald green chakra emerged from her body, and the suffocating breath instantly permeated all around them.

This woman didn't do much, she just turned a black ball behind her into a shield.

And this shield completely turned all the shocks to nothing!

Such a terrifying defensive power has completely exceeded their imagination.

What was even more beyond their imagination was that when they carefully observed the chakra state of Hyuga Aya, they were stunned to discover...

This girl from the Hyuga clan has bright blue eyes...
