Chapter 649: The water-stopping kaleidoscope (on)

"Xiao, what are you waiting for?"

Uchiha Shisui felt dizzy, he didn't remember what happened to him, and he didn't remember everything else related.

It wasn't until he heard someone calling him that he suddenly woke up. Then he turned to look, and he was a little stunned to find that it was a ninja at the root.

He knows this guy, this guy is his captain, the most senior member of the family, and a member of the Sarutobi clan, this guy's code name is B.

Zhishui frowned, he didn't know what happened to him, but looking at the situation in front of him, he seemed to be on a mission.

It is a very serious thing to be distracted when performing a task. Zhishui is very clear about this, but he can't remember exactly what task he is going to perform.

This kind of situation rarely happens to him. As an extremely good ninja, it is impossible for him to have such a situation.

"Is it uncomfortable, or did you feel uncomfortable because of this task?"

Yi walked slowly in front of Zhi Shui, and he said in an unusually indifferent voice.

"Don't forget, the agreement between you and Danzo-sama! As long as you complete this task, your two younger brothers can survive. Do you want them to die with this family?"

"Complete this task... Can the two younger brothers survive?" Zhishui's head was in confusion, but he still grasped the key words: "A promise with Lord Danzo?"

Suddenly, Zhishui raised his head and looked forward, he finally saw clearly where the place in front of him was!

Here, is a forest in the back mountain of the Uchiha clan!

Looking around, he can overlook the entire Uchiha clan's clan.

At this time, he seemed to remember something, and his face became extremely pale in an instant.

The fourth Hokage died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and under the leadership of some people in the village, he believed that the appearance of the Nine-Tails was inseparable from Uchiha.

After a long period of fermentation, the relationship between the Uchiha family and Konoha is getting worse and worse.

In the fourth generation of Hokage, the third generation of Hokage once again took charge of Konoha, and he hopes to communicate and negotiate with Uchiha in a more peaceful way.

But unfortunately, Uchiha does not intend to negotiate, and under the leadership of Danzo, they will launch a genocide operation against Uchiha!

Uchiha Shisui is a ninja who has believed in Konoha since he was a child. His inner wish is to hope that the village and family will become better.

He hoped that the village and the family would reconcile, but obviously for now, it was impossible for the family and the village to coexist.

In order to keep his best brother and friend alive, he made a choice - join and cooperate with Danzo to complete the genocide mission, and then leave the village with all the charges!

A full-scale war between the village and the family will definitely bring about huge negative effects, so that other Ninja villages, who are eyeing them, will take advantage of it.

Moreover, Konoha's current situation is not good. The loss of the fourth generation of Hokage has made Konoha, who had suffered heavy losses in the third battle, even worse.

In addition, Yun Yin used the visiting group incident and stepped on Konoha's face fiercely, which made the current Konoha fall to the bottom.

If at this time, Uchiha's coup d'etat appears in Konoha again, the blow to Konoha, whether it is a success or a failure, is unimaginable!

Zhishui is unwilling to attack the clan, nor the village, but at this moment he has no choice!

"Just....why do I feel all this....all this..." Zhishui covered his head, he felt a splitting headache: "All this is not right? What the **** is going on? ?"

"Are you still hesitating?" B saw Zhishui's appearance, and shook his head disdainfully: "If that's the case, then let's do it ourselves!"

"Wait a minute... wait a minute..." Shishui quickly stopped this guy. If the people at the root were allowed to do it, it would be equivalent to a formal war.

Konoha, can't take such a blow now, especially...

.I am afraid that Itachi and Sasuke will be affected and die in such a war in the end, right?

"What the **** are you doing? Uchiha Shisui!"

B's voice became more and more indifferent, and he has slowly put his hand on his weapon.

"You know, everything we do is for the village, in order to make the village more stable and stable! Uchiha must be eliminated, this is our agreement, think about it carefully, you will have at least a few friends and brothers to cooperate with us. Still alive, if..."

"I.... I understand..." Zhi Shui almost agreed with gritted teeth. His eyes were scarlet and he raised his head to look at B: "Child.... Children also..."

"You can do it lightly so that they don't feel the pain. I think they will appreciate you." B's voice was still cold and indifferent, but at this moment his voice was a little teasing.

Shishuitou suffered even more. There was a strong sense of self in his brain telling him that none of this was true.

But in the scene before him, all of this is very real and told to him by him.

Shishui's eyes were scarlet, especially when he heard what this guy named B said, he was even more angry in his heart.

thank me?

What is this?

At this moment, Shishui's brain is still fighting fiercely, but he seems to realize the darkness of this world, which is beyond imagination!

"I...I know, I'll be light."

Shishui, his hands trembled a little, his eyes seemed to be fighting himself after all, it took a long time for him to open his eyes and say.

With his words closed, Zhishui lowered his head and jumped downwards. At this time, he still had severe pain in his brain.

There was a voice telling him that 'everything is fake' and it continued.

But he can't think about these messy things at all now, relying on the cooperation of the root staff by himself, the village can be stable and Itachi and Sasuke survive.

If you don't do it yourself, those guys do it, directly and quickly expanding the conflict, causing the village to be forced to participate in the war and finally being greatly affected, and both Itachi and Sasuke will die.

With such a result, he can no longer hesitate, he can only make the best choice he can think of at this moment.

Soon, he entered the edge of the clan, and the Uchiha clan was still the same as before.

Although the atmosphere feels an indescribable depression, this place is really familiar.

Walking in quietly, Zhi Shui slowly took off his mask and then hid it. Looking at everything he was familiar with, the voice in his heart became louder and he felt more and more pain.

"Chuan, I heard that your wife is about to give birth, congratulations in advance." At this moment, the two clansmen walked towards Zhishui's position while talking and laughing.

"Thank you, although I don't know if it's a male or a female, but I also hope that he will become a powerful ninja like... adults." A young man named Chuan responded with a smile.

Shishui heard all this and felt even more pain in his brain.

grown ups?

Which adult?

However, without giving Zhi Shui much thought, the two clansmen seemed to have discovered his existence: "Zhi Shui? Why are you here? It's so late, so go back quickly."

"Yes, I know..." Zhi Shui took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

However, the next moment, Kuwu slid past, and the two corpses fell softly to the ground, leaving nothing but stunned and terrified faces.

Asking Shisui to carry out this task has a significant effect besides requiring a responsible person to keep Konoha clean of feathers.

That is, Uchiha Shisui belongs to the Uchiha clan, and the clansmen rarely guard against him!

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, Zhishui's hand began to shake, and the voice in his mind began to weaken.

This....maybe a good sign?

Looking at the root members who came to help him dispose of the corpse, Zhishui was silent, he lowered his head and continued to walk towards the clan.

Are you going to be a father...


He gently opened the curtains and walked into a room.

A man was sitting in the living room watching TV, and there was also the sound of rushing water in the bathroom.

The man was quite fascinated, and he didn't notice that there was an uninvited guest in the room.

It wasn't until he walked behind the man that the man took out Kunwu, only to see that it was him before he asked strangely, "Zhishui, why is it you?"

Zhishui didn't speak, and when the man put down his kunai, his kunai had already slit the man's throat.


Ignoring the stunned expression on the man's face, Shishui caught his body, and then the knot with one hand turned into a man and walked into the bathroom...

"What are you doing in here, I hate it..." The woman with a large piece of soap foam on her body shyly blocked her chest.

The next moment, the woman had a shocking wound on her neck, and then fell to the floor.

'Feel sorry.....'

Shishui walked out of the bathroom and closed the door with his backhand, the sound of rushing water was still ringing...

Under the dim light, a pregnant woman is wearing a sweater. It is not yet summer, and she has started to prepare clothes for autumn and winter, very diligent.

"Go to rest early, staying up late is not good for your health." The old lady said in the next room, the sound insulation of the room was not very good.

"Mother-in-law, I'm going to sleep in a while. The weather is slowly entering autumn, and it will be cold at Chuan Station. I'll prepare some clothes for him." The woman replied gently, while she was weaving the sweater in her hand.

"It's okay, Chuan's health is very good. But you, I don't think Chuan wants his own children..." The old lady stopped abruptly before she could finish her words.

"Mother-in-law? Mother-in-law? What's wrong?" This situation immediately made the woman a little alert, and she quickly ran away regardless of her pregnant body.

Zhi Shui stood on the roof beam and watched this scene with trembling hands, but in the end he raised his head, the three hook jade in his eyes kept spinning, as if he had made his own decision.



"You're finally here..."

In the room of the head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fuyue sat in it, not only him, but also his wife.

Zhishui silently walked in front of them, his hands were still trembling, and scarlet blood was dripping from time to time on the Shinobi knife.

These blood belonged to the members of the Uchiha clan. Shisui was already numb, and even his heart was shocked unbelievably!

Regardless of whether he was young or old, whether he knew each other or not, he did not hold back.

With the special identity of the Uchiha clan, he easily killed the opponent without the slightest precaution.

Breaking the moral bottom line in his heart is never a good thing, even if Zhishui has already done such a thing, but this time he is facing his own family!

He is really questioning in his heart now, and is frantically questioning why he agrees with Danzo's opinion?

If given the choice, he would rather kill himself than do these things!

This kind of guilt that he thought he was a beast was almost as unacceptable to him as death!

"You did this for the sake of the village, right?" Uchiha Fugaku said flatly, "I want to know what will happen to Sasuke and Itachi after we die."

"They.... will survive." Zhi Shui's voice was also trembling, and tears were already flowing from his eyes: "This is part of the agreement... For the sake of the village, I..."

"For the sake of the village, you have to make such a choice, right?" Uchiha Fuyue looked at Uchiha Shisui indifferently, and finally he shook his head: "Keep your promise, you must make sure that Itachi and Sasuke will be okay. !"

"I see..." Shishui closed his eyes tightly, he walked in front of Uchiha Fuyue with some difficulty, and then he raised the ninja sword in his hand: "I'm sorry..."

The ninja sword fell, and Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku were already paralyzed on the ground.

The two of them still held hands together, looking so tragic and so moving.

It's just that Uchiha Fuyue seems to be more resistant, and he didn't die directly.

He raised his head slightly, looked at Shisui whose eyes were a little broken, and said in a calm voice, "Shisui... Itachi and Sasuke, I'll leave it to you."

"You don't need to be uncomfortable, what you have to bear is much heavier than ours... Remember one sentence, great ninjas are not powerful beings, but those who can carry the will of their dead companions and endure humiliation and go forward alone... ..."

"You...would be a's..."

Great ninja?

A person who bears the will of a lost companion, bears the humiliation and bears the burden and moves forward alone?

Suddenly, Zhishui's brain began to madly hurt again.

It was something someone who was very important to him once said to him, but at this moment he couldn't remember it at all.

Moreover, the patriarch in front of him has completely closed his breath. How can such a shock and shock make Zhi Shui calm down and think about it?

"Father! Mother!"

At this moment, the door of the house was suddenly opened, and two figures quickly rushed in and hugged the one who had fallen in a pool of blood.

It's Itachi and Sasuke, just....

Zhishui suddenly raised his head and looked at the densely packed black-clothed men at the door, his heart was sinking constantly.

"Uchiha Shisui..." At this moment, an old voice suddenly remembered, and then an old man with a bandage came in.

This old man Zhishui knew that it was the root he recruited himself into, this is Danzo!

"As a member of the root group, slaughtering the ninjas from the same village, who are you instructed to do!" Danzang looked at the scene in front of him, nodded slightly, and the next moment he said with a serious face and a loud voice: "What the **** are you? !"

"I..." Zhishui looked at Danzang in astonishment, and he felt a sense of turmoil.

"What are you? You killed an entire family, no matter men, women or children. You are such a demon who has no bottom line. How can I keep you!"


"Kill them!"
