Chapter 650: The water-stopping kaleidoscope (below)

Danzo didn't talk too much nonsense at all, as soon as he waved his hand, the other basic members rushed up.

Shisui barely blocked the root ninja who came to attack them, but he didn't have time to free up his hand to help Sasuke and Itachi.

Suddenly, he suddenly heard a scream, which made him involuntarily turn his head to look over, and the next moment he felt that his brain was even more blank.

Because Sasuke has been hit and lay in a pool of blood!

"Go to hell!"

At this moment, because of Zhishui's distraction, the ninja at the root in front of him slashed at Zhishui without hesitation.

Shishui didn't have time to take precautions, even if he quickly raised the ninja knife to resist, it was still slow after all, and a long wound was drawn on his chest!


Itachi immediately shouted when he saw this situation, and then ran towards Sasuke's place desperately.

But the next moment, countless kunai nailed him behind him, making him slumped to the ground.

But even though he was paralyzed on the ground, Itachi kept crawling towards Sasuke's position.

However, just as he was about to climb to Sasuke's position, a figure stepped on his hand.

"It's a good brotherhood, even the old man has some feelings for me."

It was Danzo, he looked at Uchiha Itachi under his feet indifferently, and then he raised his head and looked at Shishui with disdain.

"I have to thank you, if it wasn't for you, the old man would not have achieved his goal so easily! But you are too naive, why do you think..."

Speaking of this, Danzo's feet began to exert force, and then the harsh sound of bone cracks slowly sounded from under his feet.

When Zhishui saw this scene, the chakra in his body had begun to surge wildly, but the knife on his chest was obviously poisoned, and he couldn't use force at all now!

"What do you think, the old man will let you go?" Danzo showed a hideous expression: "Uchiha, you must perish, this is the answer of this old man! You must be the sinner of history, it is you who destroyed the Uchiha family, Not the old man!"

"Take the dead soul of your clan, take the guilt of slaughtering your own clan, and go to **** with all this!"

"No!" Zhi Shui let out a roar at this time, and the chakras all over his body burst out the same color.

His heart was full of resentment, and he wanted to rewrite it all, but it turned out that he was deceived by Danzo.

Danzo had no intention of negotiating conditions with him at all, and did not agree to his promise at all.

He blatantly tore everything up, he blatantly wanted to kill everyone, and made himself responsible for it all!

This is unacceptable to him, absolutely unacceptable!

"Nice eyes, but it's a pity that you don't have a kaleidoscope." Danzang shook his head disdainfully: "You have no power, why are you trying to negotiate with me?"

Without strength, there is no qualification to negotiate, and can only be reduced to this point?

The chakra in Zhishui is frantically restless, why is he so stupid when he hates himself?

Why trust this guy!

It is true that his starting point is to hope that the village and family will be well, but he does not know why he made such a choice.

Why does he want to stand on Danzo's side, why should he trust this guy whose mouth is full of doctrines and whose mind is all scheming!

The chakra in his body was constantly surging, and the vibration of his brain became more and more obvious. Unfortunately, he didn't think about such a change at all.

The word "kaleidoscope" has been born in his mind, he knows how terrible these eyes are, although he doesn't know how he only knows it.

But he knew that he longed for this power, and he was terrified of this terrible power that could destroy everything. He was going to kill Danzo!

At the same time, he wants to protect the village and the family. He needs such power to help himself!

Suddenly, a figure appeared in his mind unconsciously.

An arrogant figure exuding a cold to the extreme, full of black chakra.

This figure is so vague, but it is so clear.

He saw it, saw that figure Chakra condensed crazily, and finally turned into a giant that covered the sky.

This giant is invincible, this giant is infinitely powerful, it can kill all its enemies.

At the same time, this giant is strong and rigid, as long as it stands there, it is the best defense!

It integrates attack and defense, it is omnipotent, it is the power needed to stop water, the most perfect power!

Danzo walked towards Zhishui step by step. He had already taken a ninja sword from his subordinates. Obviously, he planned to kill the villain himself.

When he stood in front of Zhishui, the ninja sword in his hand had already appeared a touch of green.

"It's a pity, although I didn't get the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye from you, but it's enough for me to kill you all."

Danzo's expression was unusually indifferent, as if he was facing a dead person.

"You who slaughtered the whole family are really worthless, you have thought that they are all Konoha ninjas, so..."

"go to hell!"

The voice fell, and Danzo returned to Shishui without hesitation.

Shishui clenched his teeth and stared at Danzo, the hatred that seemed to fill his mind, and the chakra in his body chose even more powerfully!

It was getting closer, it was getting closer, time seemed to slow down at this moment, Shishui stared at Danzo's ninja sword, as if he had seen through everything at this moment.

The terrifying chakra was brewing in his body, and the extreme emotion brought this terrifying chakra into his mind and gathered in his eyes.



When Danzo's ninja knife slashed at Shishui's body, his face froze slightly at the next moment, because he was stunned to find that a trace of green chakra also appeared on Shisui's body.

These chakras feel so oppressive, so ominous.

Especially with some unknown powers born with this chakra, it makes people feel deeply disturbed!

"This is..." Tuanzang froze for a moment, and seemed to think of something for a moment: "Impossible! Kill him, kill him!"

Hearing the words, the ninjas at the root did not hesitate at all. They immediately launched a deadly offensive against Shishui!

However, Shishui was unmoved, but the brewing of Chakra in his body seemed to have reached its peak.

The Sangou jade in his eyes is spinning frantically, and a little bloodstain has been left in the corner of his eyes inadvertently!

When the three hook jades were completely condensed into a quadrangular shuriken-like pattern, Shishui's aura completely changed.


Zhishui let out a furious roar, the chakra in his whole body stirred wildly, and the giant on him became more and more terrifying.

As if feeling the anger in the heart of the person he wanted to protect, the giant actually let out a roar, and under this crazy chakra condensation, the giant suddenly raised his body crazily.

Obviously, the house could no longer bear his height, and it was burst in an instant. Along with Shishui's roar, armor and weapons also appeared on this giant!

It's really hard to believe that the first time I opened the water stop of Susanoo, I actually opened it directly to the third stage!

"Go to hell! Danzo! Go to hell!"

Shishui let out a roar, the green giant suddenly pulled out his weapon, and then it slammed out at Danzo!

The space seemed to be affected, and with Susanoo's attack, distortions appeared all around.

With one blow, Danzo and the others didn't even have room to fight back. They were directly cut into pieces by the terrifying explosive power of this terrifying Susanoo!

The blood all over the ground was scattered on the ground, and along with the corpse that it was impossible to tell who it was, everything looked like hell!


After Shishui finished all this, he couldn't help but gasped violently.

His eyes were already stained with blood, and he did not have the slightest scruples about the ability of his body to forcibly run his own pupil power.

Although the effect seems to be very good now, his body is also a little bit overwhelmed.

Zhishui didn't care, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and what was even more strange was that while the smile bloomed, a tear also flowed down his eyes.

"I was wrong.... I've always been wrong..." Shisui leaned against the wall, looking at the bodies of Fuyue, Mikoto, Itachi and Sasuke on the ground, he muttered to himself : "Family.... Village.... I was wrong from the beginning.... If I.... If I..."

Suddenly, the water stopped, and he suddenly felt that the strange pain in his brain began to disappear.

At the same time, he seemed to 'remember' something, and turned his head to look at Uchiha Fugaku in astonishment. He remembered what this guy once said.

The definition of "great ninja" seems to be...

It was said by someone else!

He even remembered the ninja named Chuan before, and he expected his child to be as powerful as a certain adult.

Also, the figure that appeared in my mind, the powerful and suffocating figure that was extremely important to me...

he is... he is...

The one who saved the Uchiha family completely improved the relationship between Uchiha and the village, killed those who attempted a coup d'etat bloodily, and also mercilessly killed all those who had delusions about the family.

He is the savior of Uchiha, and he is one of the most powerful people in the village.

In the same way, he still changed the internal environment of the village and truly realized the peaceful coexistence of people in the village!

He is.....Uchiha Kai!

The world was in violent turmoil at this moment, and it began to shatter like a glass shattered by a stone.

Darkness and emptiness appeared in his eyes, and at the same time his 'memory' began to return!

He remembered, he remembered everything, he remembered how he got into this 'world', what they were doing before he remembered.

He remembered how naive he used to be, and some unrealistic thoughts he once had.

"If it wasn't for Master Qi...maybe...maybe..."

Zhishui didn't dare to think about it anymore, he had already realized that he had been in an illusion before, and it was so real that if he recalled it a little, he would feel incomparably painful.

He is real, holding some illusions in this illusion world, one by one, killing all the members of the Uchiha clan one by one!

Even though his heart was full of sadness, he did not hesitate at all, he was a sinner, a real sinner, if there was no Uchiha Kai!

"Brother Zhishui? Great!"

Just when Zhishui was still immersed in this dark and empty world, he suddenly thought of a voice, this voice...

Is it Sasuke?

"Sasuke, let me take a look.... That's great! Sure enough, Brother Shisui moved."

Another young voice, this voice seems to be Itachi, right?

"It seems to be all right. I didn't expect Zhishui to encounter such a situation. It's too dangerous."

This is a gentle it Aunt Meiqin Welfare] Follow the public.. No. [Book Friends Base Camp], and draw cash/point coins every day for reading books!

"He's fine, although I don't know why he was sent back by the three generations of Hokage... Forget it, he is a member of our Uchiha clan anyway. Look at him, I'll contact Kai, And ask the ninja from the medical department to come and check."

Is this... the voice of the patriarch?

Yes, the patriarch!

He still cares about the people so much, just like in illusion...

Did the three generations of Hokage send me back?

Then I... am I exposed?

Forget it...can't think any more....

I was wrong....I must make it up....

It's great that you're all still alive...


one day ago....

"Are you finally going to attack them?" Sarutobi Hizan looked at Uchiha Kai calmly: "Cleaning up these interest groups that follow me is really not a good thing for the village!"

"But sooner or later I will do it."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, and he looked at Sarutobi Hiizan calmly.

"Shishui attacked them and was intercepted by Asma, this kind of credit is hard to refuse for your family and for Asma.

Moreover, after Shisui leaves Konoha, it will lurk into an extremely dangerous organization. This organization is the organization that attacked a big ninja village and intends to capture the tailed beast.

Would you like to see them come to Konoha again to make trouble? "

"I feel more that you want to completely clear the entire Konoha of all those who are hindering you." Sarutobi Hizan closed his eyes: "You are already under one person, and I am afraid that to a large extent you are both It's all on an equal footing, why are you..."

"You have a big misunderstanding of me, so please recall what we said before." Uchiha Qi interrupted Sarutobi Hizan: "I said, I will not let Minato Naikaze follow in your footsteps, Hokage. It's Hokage, not the puppet that is tied. This sentence is my promise to you, and do you think it will be difficult for me to really be Hokage?"

Will it be difficult?

Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help but fell silent when he heard the words, it was difficult, it was really difficult for other people to ascend to the sky.

But it is really not difficult for Uchiha Kai, he has prestige and foundation, and he has that strength!

If he wanted to, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a difficult thing!

Thinking of this Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help but sigh deeply, he raised his head and stared at Uchiha Kai, and it took him a long time before he nodded.

"I have a condition that this matter can't be too big." Sarutobi Hizan said calmly: "I will give you a list of people who are strongly opposed to reform, and who are still proposing to obstruct it even today."

"Only they will die, others won't." Uchiha Qi nodded: "I'm not a butcher, Shishui... I don't want him to be either. Of course, you need to take some responsibility for this."

"I will cooperate with you, just... leave a good prospect for Asma. Is he the captain of the squad now? He has to take a step forward."

"The sub-commander, even if you think he can get into an administrative position in the Guard Building, and his judgment is the same as everyone else, there will be no favoritism."

"Fine, now what do you want me to do?"

"You send someone to send Zhishui home."
