Chapter 651: Do you want to experience real fetal movement?

Shishui stood quietly on a hillside in the forest behind the Uchiha clan, from which he could overlook the entire Uchiha clan.

This position was also the position where he prepared to start when he started to attack the Uchiha clan in the illusion space.

Exactly the same, exactly the same!

This made him sigh with emotion, Uchiha Kai's illusion is really unrestrained and terrifying to the extreme.

As a user of Sharinyan, and still in the state of three hooks, he was completely pulled in by an illusion, and there was no way to break free.

Such terrifying strength really made him feel incredible.

But after being inconceivable, he felt that all this was taken for granted, after all, that was Kai Uchiha!

What is the purpose of this illusion, Shishui did not want to understand, but now he seems to have some answers.

On the one hand, I am afraid that it is a consideration of my own xinxing, and at the same time I intend to tell myself something, something I once fantasized about.

In the past, he joined the roots to follow Danzo and Sandaimu, and he really planned to try his best to reconcile the relationship between the village and the family.

Even though the fourth-generation Hokage-sama had come to power at that time, and he was also influenced by some elders in the family, he still preferred the third-generation eyes and others.

Especially, at that time, the battle between Uchiha Kai and Sandai Hokage and others was very terrifying, which was completely inconsistent with his inner thoughts.

If it wasn't for the Joinin reform plan, if it wasn't for the fact that Hokage III was completely against the side that was better for Konoha, I'm afraid I...

"Perhaps, all this is what would have happened without the influence of Lord Qi, and if I stood on the other side, right?"

Shishui looked at the vibrant Uchiha clan below, and when he thought about what he had done in the illusion, his inner shame was even stronger.

He didn't blame Uchiha Kai, why let him experience such cruel things.

Because he knew that according to Danzo's character, he would follow him before he did not have the absolute power, and this would definitely end like this!

And in the illusion space, he is not without the right to choose, but he chose the worst...

"If it wasn't for the kaleidoscope writing wheel at the last moment, I'm afraid..."

Shishui shook his head with a wry smile. He felt like he was a complete failure.

"Also, it would be better if I died inside... Standing here in the face of all the people I killed, even in the illusion space, the guilt in my heart can't be dissipated... "

Indeed, the guilt in Zhishui did not dissipate at all because he left the illusion world, on the contrary, it became more and more serious.

The illusion world created by Kai Uchiha is almost impossible to add.

After carrying out a killing that could be called the bottom line of inhumanity, he now wakes up and faces those who have been killed by himself.

Now, a person who is still passionate about himself, Zhishui has not completely collapsed or gone mad, it is already considered that his mind is abnormally firm!

With a helpless sigh, Zhishui felt that he was really stupid, and as expected, according to his character, he was really only suitable for being a chess piece.

Uchiha Qi once said to him, don't take yourself too seriously. Now Shishui understands this sentence again, and the answers and results obtained are even more profound.

I am really not a person who is good at planning, and sometimes I don't even know what choices I should make.

Fortunately, there is Uchiha Kai in this world. It is precisely because of this adult, such a clear-headed adult who knows what he should do, that Uchiha will not fall into that end.

"Brother Zhishui..." Just as Zhishui was thinking in his heart, a voice came from behind him.

Zhi Shui knew who was coming without turning his head, and he said softly, "It's Itachi, why are you here?"

Perhaps it was because of witnessing the death of Itachi and Sasuke in the illusion space, which made Shisui unwilling or afraid to face them directly.

He was afraid that when he looked at them, he would have the image in his mind when he killed them with his own hands.

This is a kind of torture, silent torture, even if Shishui knows these are fake, but he can't take these things as fake.

"I have some questions, I want to ask you..." Itachi looked at Zhishui's back and sighed slightly: "You and the three generations of Hokage...I remember when you came back, you were still wearing Anbu's clothes, But I'm also in Anbu..."

"I belong to the root." Shishui interrupted Itachi, he knew that itachi had understood, so he was not hiding anything: "I joined very early, at that time I thought.... Master Qi was wrong. of."

"What? You..." Even though Itachi had guessed the answer, he was still surprised when Shishui answered directly.

"Don't worry, wait for me to finish." Zhi Shui shook his head, and he continued: "But it turns out that it was me who was wrong. I was too naive, but unfortunately I can't leave the root, at least not now. There's a way..."

Shisui actually has doubts in his heart, that is why Uchiha Kai asked the three generations of Hokage to send him back.

The one who attacked the three generations of Hokage was obviously Uchiha Kai.

And having experienced the Hyuga incident, he who had an interview with Uchiha Ki and Sarutobi Hizan, naturally knew that the three generations of Hokage had actually made a vague choice.

This time his encounter, and the way he encountered the next three generations of Hokage, there are obviously many hidden secrets.

Zhishui is constantly maturing, and his thinking logic is also constantly strengthening.

The most important thing is that after experiencing this illusion, he knows that he must think more seriously about certain things.

In the illusion, although he is forced, it is not without the opportunity to seriously think about all this.

But he didn't, he was completely distraught, and in the end, he didn't really think about what all this was, he thought he was right, and put the butcher's knife on the neck of the tribe.

"If it's Lord Qi, I'll never be at the mercy of others, but I..." Zhi Shui smiled bitterly inwardly, he felt that he was really stupid and hopeless: "But now I can't be like this, escape It’s not the way, not knowing how to think is not the way, I have to change myself!”

It is with such an idea foundation that Zhishui can keenly perceive that the three generations of Hokage sent someone to send him back, and there are definitely some other elements hidden in it.

That's why he didn't want to explain so much to Itachi, he was waiting, waiting for the next instructions from Hokage III or Kai Uchiha.

In other words, a new round of arrangements.

Staring at the Uchiha clan ahead, Shisui closed his eyes.

Although in his mind there was still blood all over the ground and corpses scattered everywhere, their faces even had expressions of horror, disbelief, and anger that were distorted.

But Shishui knew that this was bound to be endured and faced.

He made the stupidest decision in the illusion space, so now he has to make a thoughtful and also the best decision!

When he opened his eyes, Shishui's eyes had already turned into a kaleidoscope, and a pair of pitch-black kaleidoscopes in the shape of a dead angle slowly revolved in his eye sockets.

"I will definitely protect all of this, even if I risk my life!"


"You really have a big heart to ask Sarutobi Hizan to send Uchiha Shisui back."

In the office of the Security Department, Aya Hyuga said jokingly while processing the report: "And don't you have more uses for this kid? Don't you feel a pity to expose him like this?"

"Why is it a pity, this was originally part of my plan, or it was a plan that had been arranged for a long time, and now it is going to be implemented."

Uchiha Qi sat in his seat and smiled indifferently: "The potential plan, this is what I used to infiltrate that organization and cultivate people in the family who may open the kaleidoscope, Shisui is one, Itachi is one, and One is Sasuke."

"Oh? If you say that, I'm afraid Chuan and Ryuying will feel uncomfortable." Hyuga Aya turned her head after finishing the documents.

"I know about your infiltration of that organization, although I don't think it's any use, but since you have done it, you definitely have your own ideas. But I'm a little curious about you and Sarutobi Hizan, and you swaggeringly rolled into the root. , does no one really know?"

"You know, it's probably from Hyuga, right?" Uchiha Qi stood up, then turned to look at Hokageyan: "With you here, why should I worry about these things? What if I saw it? Even if those people saw it I wouldn't care, except that I wouldn't be afraid of them at all, but I asked Hiruzen Sarutobi to send Shisui back."

Asking Sarutobi Hiizan to send Uchiha Shisui back, in addition to conveying some information to the Uchiha clan, especially Uchiha Fugaku, Itachi and Sasuke.

It is also a qualified reason for Uchiha to plan and design this action.

To the outside world, he can fully claim that he discovered the existence of Uchiha ninjas in the root, so that he chose to use the most "violent" method.

After all, in this place, no matter which family it is, it will not easily agree to let the children of its own family in.

Even if Kei Uchiha did it too much—for example, killing the other ninjas in it, it was not impossible.

But doing so will bring down the handle, because they are all ninjas affiliated with Konoha anyway.

Both belong to the Konoha Ninja, Uchiha Qizhen kills them, I am afraid they will fall into the limelight, although I don't care what I can do with him, but it is more troublesome to deal with.

His approach is enough, and it can even be regarded as very restrained.

"I said before that there are still many things that have not been completely resolved, both inside and outside the village, and this time I will resolve some things inside Konoha."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "Although they are no longer a threat to us.

But since I decided to work within the rules, I naturally wouldn't do it myself.

Shisui is a good choice, and using the influence of this incident, I can also give Sarubi Asma a favor, and at the same time, I can try to let Itachi open the kaleidoscope after this incident.

Of course, the most important thing is to give Shishui a chance to leave Konoha and enter that organization. "

"As far as I know, there is Obito in that organization, and you also plan to send Orochimaru in." Hyuga Aya walked behind him and said calmly, "Of course, there are also ghost sharks, who sent four people in. , plus one of them is already the leader, you want to completely control that organization."

"Of course, this organization outside Konoha has good strength. Why don't I try something that you think is so good."

Uchiha Qi turned around and held Hyuga Aya's hand: "Not to mention that they still have their own important tasks. I will wait for them to attack and make the whole ninja world chaotic, so that I can fish in troubled waters."

"After the chaos, it's time to coordinate the Five Shadows Conference and fight against Otsutsuki?" Hyuga Aya glanced out the window and looked at the bustling Konoha, she couldn't help but sighed slightly: "I didn't expect, step by step, It wasn't until I reached the top that I realized that there is a mountain after the top. Are you really sure that we can deal with them?"

Uchiha Kai did not speak, but took Hyuga Aya into his arms and hugged her from behind.

It's hard to say whether they can deal with those Otsutsuki, but what is certain is that If they don't deal with them, they will suffer so much.

There is a big difference between resisting and not resisting. In order to survive, Uchiha Kai had to resist.

As for whether or not he can deal with them, he won't think much about it. If it is based on the performance of the Datongmu Peach Style and the Datongmu Jin Style in the original work, then his answer is definitely yes!

"Don't worry, no one will know if you don't try it. And..." Uchiha Kei put his head on Hyuga Aya's shoulder, and said slowly into her ear: "Maybe, they don't have any. It's as strong as we imagined. By the way, how are your eyes?"

"I just got it, what else can I do? I can only take it slowly." Hyuga Aya withdrew her head a little to the side. She didn't object to being intimate with Uchiha Kai, but she couldn't stand this guy blowing into her ear: "Also, take your head away, it's not very comfortable."

"No, I'm very comfortable like this." Uchiha Qi wouldn't listen to Hyuga Aya's words, he still held the girl in his arms: "Come on, maybe when your eyes fully mature, you will be the strongest among the three of us. One of them. By the way, your state... is called fetal movement, right?"

"Well, fetal movement." Hyuga Aya struggled for a while and found that she couldn't break free from this guy's arms, she could only nodded helplessly: "I don't like this name very much, but these eyes really need to go through three times.. .. fetal movement, can be regarded as the real completion."

"What's not to like, it's normal to have children. And you're still a girl with a great mission. By the way, didn't you say you haven't experienced fetal movement?"

"What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just want to make an opinion, do you want to experience the real fetal movement?"
