Chapter 652: real key man

Let a girl feel the taste of fetal movement, this sentence is no longer implied, it is purely explicit.

Obviously, Uchiha Kai's final result was not much better, and until now he still feels that his feet hurt so much.

The woman Hyuga Aya still seems unable to accept Uchiha Kei's words to such an extent, but this time her performance is "very friendly".

Especially after hearing Uchiha Kai's words, her cold face only had a little crimson, and then she gave Uchiha Kai a kick, and nothing happened.

"However, it still hurts a lot." Uchiha Qi glanced at Aya Hyuga who was on the side, and he couldn't help shaking his head slightly: "The home run has not been successful yet, Qi-kun still needs to work hard."

After thinking about such a sentence in his heart, he stopped putting too much energy on it.

The reason why he said that was just to tease the cold girl Hyuga Aya.

This is a habit of his, and a way of promoting feelings between him and Aya Hyuga.

Both are relatively indifferent people. If neither of them is willing to take the initiative, I am afraid that for them, their emotional route may be more terrifying than a marathon.

As a boy, Uchiha Qi naturally knows that sometimes he still needs to be more active and aggressive.

Facts have also proved that it is precisely because of some of his initiatives that they can reach this step relatively smoothly.

However, initiative does not mean coercion. If Hyuga Aya has no objection, he can try to go further.

If Hyuga Aya does not agree, then he will naturally not go against the girl's will, it is unnecessary and meaningless.

"By the way, how is your preparation for using Chakra mode?"

After thinking about these messy things, Uchiha Kai instantly returned to normal working condition.

"Although my reincarnation eye has not been opened for a long time, I feel that the power contained in my eyes is strong enough, and I plan to give it a try."

"It's ready." Hearing Uchiha Kai's words, Hyuga Aya's face also became calm, but the traces of crimson still left traces: "Actually, when I used Tenseisen Chakra mode, you were not Have you recorded it with the reincarnation eye?"

"The records are recorded, but a lot of things are related and not that clear, and I need more specific information to determine what I need."

Uchiha Qi said seriously: "The chakra pattern has never been a simple thing, just look at the Lei Dun chakra pattern.

This technique is very simple, and we can easily learn it even if we want to learn it.

But after learning, our performance is not as good as those of Yun Yin in many aspects. Even if we are better than them, our shortcomings still need to be acknowledged. "

Chakra mode has never been simple, and Uchiha Kai also fell into a misunderstanding at the beginning.

He felt that the chakra mode was not difficult, just like the fairy mode, he also entered one of the chakra modes.

But it wasn't until he mastered the immortal mode himself, and observed Aya Hyuga's Tenseigan chakra mode through the eye of reincarnation, that he didn't know how big the difference was.

But he also knew that even if he really came up with some kind of 'Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode', he probably wouldn't turn into Madara Uchiha and Obito like a big tube of wood.

After all, this thing has never appeared in the original work, and he is starting from scratch.

It was already difficult, and he had to start from scratch. If he hadn't been more serious and cautious, he would know if something bad would happen.

Hyuga Aya listened to Uchiha Kai's words and nodded earnestly. Indeed, the chakra mode is much more complicated than other modes.

The control of power and the control of Chakra need to be more precise here.

Thinking of this, she took out a scroll and handed it to Kai Uchiha: "Here, here is my summary. With what you have observed, I believe you can come up with what you need."

"Thank you." Uchiha Kai nodded with a smile, and after taking the scroll, he also put a scroll in Hyuga Aya's hand: "Here, I didn't give it to you last time on your twenty-first birthday. Sending gifts, this time is not enough."

Aya Hyuga's birthday is July 7th, which was a very special day in Kai Uchiha's previous life, so he can still remember it fairly firmly.

In fact, he really can't blame him for missing Aya Hyuga's birthday. At that time, they went to the moon, and only after they got down did they realize that the time had passed.

And they just came back with a lot of things, whether it was integrating their own strength or discussing future plans with Namifeng Minato, so they didn't have much time to deal with them properly.

Of course, it is equally tragic that Imai Kenta, who has a birthday in August, is already twenty-two years old without realizing it.

"Thank you." Hyuga Aya was not pretentious, she took the gift naturally: "What is this?"

"Otsutsuki Yaya's tin stick."

Uchiha opened the scroll and opened it directly, looking at him and said: "This thing can control the Tenseigan on the moon, although I also have the chakra of Tenseigan, but that power is not suitable for me. And you are the real People with Tenseigans, I think this power is more suitable for you, right?"

Masaya Otsutsuki's tin rod can control Tensei on the moon, and even if handled well, it can introduce its chakra into the user's body.

It can be said that the best user of this tin stick is Hyuga Aya.

Not to mention that the strength attributes are the same, but she has not yet reached the peak of Tenseigan, and the effect of these chakras on her is very objective.

On the other hand, Uchiha Kai, his Samsara eyes seems to be able to digest these powers, especially his Samsara eyes originally contained the power of Tenseikan.

But for him, this power may not be as easy to use as his own Chakra.

And forcibly using these chakras, the improvement is not really big, and the transformation alone may have a certain impact on him in the ever-changing battle.

Therefore, Uchiha Kicai decided to give this tin stick to Hyuga Aya. He was looking forward to this woman being able to become a perpetual motion machine by relying on that Tenseigan like a certain vest king in the future.

Well, maybe it would be better if you could summon those powers directly without relying on a tin rod?

"I understand..." Hyuga Aya hesitated, but she nodded after the hesitation did not last long: "I will use this tin stick well."

"Of course, I'm looking forward to the future when you can summon the Chakra of Tenseigan without relying on a tin stick." Uchiha Qi smiled: "By the way, I have a little bit of advice for you."

"What advice?" Hyuga Aya asked directly without thinking too much.

"Well, I suggest you learn from me...." Uchiha raised his head and said seriously: "Use the immortal mode more, it is best to use it stably for a long time.... I mean, if you can always maintain Immortal mode, maybe better?"

"Keep the immortal mode at all times?" Hyuga Aya frowned, as if thinking seriously. I have to say that this proposal is very tempting. Keep the fairy mode at all times. Maybe her chakra can be completely converted into fairy chakra in the future.

It's just that she always felt that when Uchiha Qi told her about this, there might have been other plans.

Especially, this **** really likes the way he looks in fairy mode...


In the basement of the root, Shishui stood silently in front of the three generations of Hokage, especially after he read the document in his hand, his silence was even more depressing.

After a long time, Zhi Shui took the document in his hand to the candle fire next to him, and the document soon burned under the candle fire.

Silently watching this document turn to ashes little by little, Zhishui slowly raised his head to look at the three generations of Hokage in front of him, his heart was a little complicated at this time.

"I really didn't expect that the three generations of Hokage-sama actually made such a decision." Zhishui said indifferently: "But I know, I only have one question, is this an order from Lord Qi?"

"Yes." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded, he took a deep breath with the cigarette stick in his mouth, and said calmly while slowly exhaling smoke: "This is Uchiha Kai's plan, you can ask for more details. Him. Although I hate him as a person, I believe in his character."

"I understand, I will execute the order." Zhi Shui nodded, he didn't seem to have any excess emotions.

Through this document, he has learned a lot.

Sure enough, as he thought, there is indeed a new action, but what he did not expect was that three generations of Hokage actually participated in this action.

Shisui didn't care too much about the interest groups behind the three generations of Hokage, but he knew that it was because of the obstruction of these people that the Shangnin reform plan that benefited the entire Konoha Village was almost bankrupt.

Uchiha Kai has never been a person who has revenge and will not take revenge. Obviously, this is the time to take revenge!

And his means of revenge is to use Shisui to complete it, and he wants Shisui to play a disgraceful role in it - to attack and kill the ninja of the same village of Konoha!

It can be said that as long as Shishui is done, then there are only two ends for him, the first is to be a traitor, and the second is to be killed by the Konoha ninja.

Obviously, according to Uchiha Kai's plan, his choice is only the first, that is to become a rebel and leave Konoha, and then enter that mysterious organization to lurch!

And the reason why the three generations of Hokage agreed, Shisui also wanted to understand a lot.

The first point is that the three generations of Hokage also hate those guys and ignore the interests of Konoha Village as a whole for their own interests.

The second point is probably the most important point, that is, to accumulate some merits for Sarutobi Asma, let him stop himself, so that Asma can also develop better in the future!

It can be said that this plan is one link after another, and all aspects can get what they want!

The most important thing is that Shishui does not actually resist such a plan in his heart.

After experiencing such torture by illusion, he now faces all the members of the Uchiha clan, and his heart is full of guilt.

That illusion is so real, so real that he can't forget it now, so real that as soon as he closes his eyes, the entire Uchiha falls into a sea of ​​flames, and it is full of clansmen killed by himself!

Leaving Konoha may be a better approach for him.

He can deal with his psychological problems more calmly and rationally.


"Lord Naruto, after I leave, when I finish the task, am I still a Konoha ninja?" Shisui looked at the three generations of Hokage seriously, and asked in a calm voice.

"It's not me who has the final say, because I don't know how long your mission will last..." Sarutobi Hizan shook his head: "You know, I'm afraid I will die in a few years. .But Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato, I'm afraid they won't give up on you, they are not such people."

"I understand..." Zhishui nodded, and then his face became a little dignified: "The second question, if there is no Uchiha Kai in this world, Danzo is not dead, and the Nine-Tails Incident Fourth Generation Your Excellency died in battle to protect the village. Under the instigation of some people, the village felt that the Nine-Tails Incident was related to Uchiha, what would you do?"

"Why are you asking such a question?" Sarutobi Hijian frowned: "Your question is meaningless at all, because nothing can happen."

Sandai Hokage shook his head, he had never thought about this question.

But looking at Shisui's serious face, who would never give up if he couldn't get an answer, Hiizan Sarutobi couldn't help but pick up the cigarette stick and started to think.

Without Uchiha Kai, Danzo will naturally not die. If there is a Danzo in the Nine Tails, Uchiha will not be dispatched. Without Uchiha Fuyue's help, the fourth generation is likely to die!

In just an instant, he figured out a lot of things.

And according to his own practice and the practice of his old friend, he began to think seriously, but his expression changed slightly in a moment.

"I understand what you mean....."

Sarutobi Hizan slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and his voice became a little low.

"According to the conditions you said, without Kai Uchiha, I'm afraid those radical guys will dominate.

As for the consequences of the Nine Tails Incident, Konoha's situation will be extremely difficult, and Uchiha will also be very difficult.

It really got to the point where I might choose to negotiate with Uchiha. "

"But Danzo won't He always thinks Uchiha is a disaster, especially under the assumptions you gave me, Uchiha's coup is very likely.

There will even be families and villages and large-scale riots, allowing other villages to take advantage of the opportunity.

Therefore, he may find a Uchiha clan with my acquiescence and implement the most extreme way.... Let Uchiha be removed from the Ninja world. "

"Sure enough..." Uchiha Shisui nodded, his eyes fell on Sarutobi Hiizan: "If... if it really happened to that point, would this Uchiha be me? ?"

"Or it could be you, or someone else." Sarutobi Hizan shook his head: "This is the assumption you want, and I will give you the cruelest answer.

But none of this is possible, because.... Uchiha Kei is the real key. "

"Yeah.... Master Qi, is the real key..."


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