Chapter 655: resurrection!

After leaving the Uchiha clan, Obito walked slowly in Konoha by himself, and seeing everything in Konoha would make him feel unusually at ease.

Obito sometimes can't help thinking, if he didn't believe Uchiha Madara's nonsense at that time, he didn't feel grief and anger because he saw Kakashi kill Rin.

Instead, I can calm down and think about it, thinking about whether all these coincidences are really inexplicable encounters, or whether they are carefully designed and arranged by someone.

Then maybe, he won't be reduced to this point.

Having a home and not being able to go back, friends and relatives not being able to recognize each other at all, this kind of feeling is very bad for Obito.

"However, if I see Lin suffering like this, I can calm down and think, I'm afraid I'm not Uchiha Obito..."

Obito shook his head. He knew that he might come back 10,000 times. If no one helped him analyze these things, he would still go down this road.

Fortunately, there are still people in this world who can see through everything, and there are still people who can save him.

Even if it seems a little late now, he has made many unforgivable mistakes.

But doesn't he still have a chance to redeem it?

If there is no chance of redemption, that is the saddest thing.

"Lin? Sure enough, it's you!"

Just when Obito was thinking about something, a voice suddenly came over.

Turning his head to look, Obito couldn't help showing a smile on his face, it was Akai.

This guy is now wearing a green tights, but over the tights is a Konoha vest for the security department.

When this guy Akai came back for the first time a few years ago and pretended to be Uchibo Lin, he was almost recognized by him.

I have to say that this guy's beast-like intuition really makes people feel terrifying.

Fortunately, this guy didn't fully recognize it.

After that, he seems to have entered the security department to work, and it is not clear how he behaved with soil, but it is not bad to think about it.

Everything in Konoha is thriving now. He has been doing water shadows for a while, and he can naturally see that Konoha will lead the entire ninja world in a few years.

"Akai, it's you." Obito smiled: "Are you on patrol? It doesn't seem to be, you are the only one, do you rest today?"

"Almost." Akai said with a smile: "After all, I am preparing for the Shangnin assessment. After the assessment, I will temporarily leave the security department to take the students, so I need to prepare in advance."

Obito Wenyan couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, it was very difficult to become a Jōnin in Konoha, and there were also many responsibilities and obligations to be fulfilled.

For example, in the annual assessment, this will be the standard for assessing whether a Shangnin is qualified, and training students in this assessment is also an extremely important inspection point.

It can be said that once you become a Shangnin, unless you have important tasks, or you are the patriarch of a large family, you need to manage the entire family.

Otherwise, you have to follow these regulations honestly, or you will be dismissed if you fail the assessment.

Although the responsibilities and obligations of the jounin are so harsh, the benefits of becoming a jounin are obvious, and no one can refuse these benefits.

Joinin, this has almost become the common goal of all Konoha ninjas, and they are working hard for this.

Akai is obviously one of them. Although he likes the environment of working in the security department, he also hopes to become a member of the Jōnin like his old classmates!

"Come on, although you are only a physique, but after the reform of the Fourth Hokage, I think you have a chance." Obito couldn't help but smile when he thought of this: "Maybe you can teach a little concubine in the future. The eyebrows."

"Hahaha, maybe it is indeed possible!" Akai didn't care at all, then he quietly dragged Obito and asked, "By the way, do you want us to practice our hands?"

"Practice?" Obito looked at Akai inexplicably, then shook his head: "Forget it, I still have things to do, I'll talk about it later."

Obito really has no plans to practice against Akai, because now he does have something to do.

For example, walking around in Konoha to look for the memories of the year, or reporting directly to your teacher, asking about things and reporting some things.

Although this guy Akai looks good, especially after Konoha's reform, this guy looks even more terrible.

But after being stunned by one of his illusions a few years ago, and then kicked over with one kick, Obito really didn't have too many ideas to practice against him.

Is it possible that this guy can think of any way to avoid looking at the eye of the wheel?

Thinking of this, Obito couldn't help but shook his head amusingly, he felt that there was really no such guy in the ninja world.

The fact that Taijutsu ninjas are restrained by Sharonyan is basically impossible to change.

No matter how strong Akai is, there is no way to change all this, unless this guy also has a wheel eye.

But this kind of thing can basically be ignored, Akai is just an ordinary person.

"Well, since you still have something to do, forget it." Akai touched his head, then he smiled: "So, next time we wait for you to come back, shall we try?"

"No problem." Obito said with a smile: "Next time definitely!"

Obito doesn't know when the next time will be, but that doesn't stop him from saying that.

Smiling and waving Akai, Obito walked forward slowly.

But what surprised him was that he had just met Akai, and it didn't take long for him to see the brothers Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi passing by him.

Everything in Konoha was so harmonious, which made Obito feel very comfortable, but he was still calm, and he knew that he couldn't completely indulge in it.

Because he still has very important tasks, he still has a lot of obsessions in his heart.

Shaking his head, Obito raised his head to look at the scorching sun in the sky, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

Especially when looking at the mountain that stands behind Konoha and goes up the mountain with this huge head carved in the sunlight, Obito feels that his heart is full of urgency.

Once upon a time, he also dreamed that he, too, could have his own head carved on it.

"Unfortunately..." Obito took a deep breath, and then locked his eyes on the Hokage office: "I'm afraid I can only enjoy these temporarily, as for the future..."

As for the future, Obito is still more willing to go to the Pure Land to accompany Lin.

After all, there is nothing in the pure land, and Lin is so lonely in it alone...


"Are you all ready?"

Looking at Rin, who had been simply put on a dress belonging to Iori in front of him, Kai Uchiha turned his head and glanced at Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga.

There are not many things that need to be prepared for reincarnation, but the trouble is that the people they want to resurrect have died for too long.

Even though Nohara Rin has been maintained by Hyuga Aya since her death, especially after she was frozen.

But thawing takes some time, and the inspection after thawing also takes time.

There are also necessary state investigations, and the activity of revitalizing the body, etc.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also a good check of the blood in the woman's body.

All in all, such a check is very troublesome, but very necessary.

If a person just died, everything would be easy like Gaara.

But unfortunately, even if they came into contact with this technique for the first time, the trouble they faced was obviously not small.

"Basically, it's been dealt with." Hyuga Aya finally checked Nohara Rin's body, her eyes had already changed to a azure blue: "Although something may go wrong, for now, there should be no problem."

"I checked it here." Imai Kenta also nodded: "The physical activity of this housework is very impressive, and the chakra contained in the body is also very sufficient, although it is controlled by illusion, but I think such illusion It's not difficult for you to unravel. At that time, you just need to control him, and then cast that reincarnation is enough."

Uchiha Kai nodded, and Nohara Rin's situation was expected.

Whether the experiment is successful or not at one time has a certain impact, for example, it will make them one less experimental subject.

But accumulating experience is a good process, not to mention that such an experiment might bring some good improvements to Nohara Rin's body.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi didn't concentrate on thinking so much, although he knew that there was some self-comforting situation in it.

But anyway, let's finish the experiment in front of you first.

Closing his eyes slightly, he opened his eyes again, which had become scarlet reincarnation eyes.

His eyes were locked on Bai Jue's body. The next moment Bai Jue seemed to feel something, and his body trembled slightly.

However, such tremors soon disappeared, and he stood up slowly. Although his expression was a little demented, his eyes were the same as Uchiha Kai, showing a state of scarlet reincarnation.

"Manipulating a self-conscious life is really not an easy task."

Uchiha Qi silently felt the changes and thought to himself.

"If it is an illusion, I am afraid the effect will be better, but using illusion to make it reincarnate, I am afraid the effect will be greatly reduced. Especially this technique seems to involve the soul, it is difficult to say that it will be cast under the influence of the shadow. The person woke up, so it's better to control it directly!"

Thinking of this, the yin and yang escape in Uchiha Kai's body combined with his pupil power burst out even more powerfully, and Bai Jue completely turned into his puppet at this moment.

Although Bai Jue has been transformed by Uchiha Madara, he has the cells of Qianshouzhuma, but his low IQ is really worrying.

On the other hand, the inferior IQ is actually a manifestation of soul integrity and self-awareness. His self-awareness is too weak.

Such a weak self-awareness, even if he has the cells of Senjuzhuma, is also difficult to resist the control of Uchiha Kai.

After feeling that he had completely controlled Bai Jue, Uchiha Qi decisively began to control Bai Jue to go to Nohara Rin's side.

Crouching down, Bai Jue began to slowly seal the knot. This speed is not fast, and it may have something to do with the control of Uchiha Kai himself.

After all, this was the first time he had manipulated a living creature to do these things, and it was normal that he was not very skilled.

If it is a real puppet, or a dead thing, I am afraid his control will definitely not be too weak.


Uchiha Kai, who was controlling Bai Jue's knot, suddenly felt something, as if a special force was passing through Bai Jue's knot and penetrated into this guy's body.

This kind of power is very special, at least Uchiha Kai has never felt it.

And this power seems to carry a natural, decaying aura, and there is a feeling of death in this kind of aura.

At this moment, he seemed to think of something, so he quickly controlled Bai Jue's consciousness to connect with Chakra and this power!

"If I don't feel wrong, I'm afraid this is the breath from the Pure Land?" Uchiha Qi thought to himself: "Reincarnated can allow the caster's Chakra to convert the soul of the deceased, but the soul of the deceased is in the Pure Land, then this The technique is to link the pure land through chakra, so as to build a bridge to return the soul, it is incredible, Chiyo..."

To be honest, when he got the scroll of this technique and watched the content of this technique, Kai Uchiha already felt admiration in his heart.

When he actually performed this technique, he realized that his admiration was really far from the achievement of this technique.

It's hard to believe how a puppet master like Chiyo can create such a technique, especially such a technique that can connect to the Pure Land.

You know, Chiyo is a puppet master, and later a senior advisor to Sandyin Village.

One can imagine how difficult it is for a puppet master to study the life forbidden technique.

And in this status, how much time can she have?

Although she has the motivation to create this technique - for her own children, Scorpion's parents.

But such a technique is really not something you can create just by thinking about it.

The old woman Chiyo is really a person of peerless elegance. If someone like her is placed in Konoha, I am afraid her achievements will not be lower than Orochimaru!

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai began to control Bai Jue in front of him more attentively.

When the power from the Pure Land was completely linked with Bai Jue's chakra, a cloud of blue chakra appeared in Bai Jue's hands.

Controlling Bai Jue's upper hand on Nohara Rin's chest, these chakras began to be quickly introduced into her body.

Almost visible to the naked eye, Bai Jue's vitality began to flow rapidly along with his chakra, and Nohara Rin's body seemed to be active.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya watched this scene seriously. Although this was just an experiment, they both knew the importance of this experiment.

Especially now that they also want to witness some things, some things that are impossible to see at ordinary times!

With the continuous introduction of Bai Jue's chakra, the breath of Bai Jue controlled by Uchiha Qi became weaker and weaker.

When the last trace of chakra belonging to Bai Jue entered Nohara Rin's body, this Bai Jue completely fell to the ground and could no longer move.

It's a pity that Nohara Lin didn't make any movement.

Uchiha Qi stopped controlling Bai Jue, and the guy under his control was completely dead, but what he couldn't figure out was why Nohara Rin did this?

Because the body has been stored for too long?

What's wrong with the body?

Or did the soul not enter the Pure Land at all?

Uchiha Kai thought silently in his mind, but the next moment the sound of his heart beating came from Lin, which made Uchiha Kai's three eyes widen.

After a while, both Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya could see clearly, as if a transparent figure suddenly appeared from the void, and then slowly entered Nohara Rin's body...


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