Chapter 656: You guys continue

"This.... that just now..."

Aya Hyuga looked at Kai Uchiha inexplicably. Just now, she saw a transparent, illusory figure suddenly appear with her own eyes.

Then this illusory figure entered Nohara Rin's body at a very fast speed!

This is the first time Aya Hyuga has seen such a strange situation, and one thing she can be sure of is that the illusory figure just now is definitely Rin Nohara.

Then, what she saw was the soul of Nohara Rin?

"If there is nothing wrong, it should be the soul of Nohara Rin." Uchiha Kai also frowned and said: "Although it is beyond imagination, it seems that it is not incomprehensible, right?"

"What's the matter with you?" Kenta Imai looked at the two of them inexplicably: "What happened just now? Soul? What soul?"

"Didn't you see it?" Hyuga Aya turned her head to look at Imai Kenta, but she soon realized something: "I mean, don't you even perceive it?"

"I didn't perceive anything, except that she started to have a heartbeat." Imai Kenta pointed to Nohara Rin, who was still lying there: "Speak, what the **** is going on?"

"It seems that Kenta can't see this kind of thing, and only the two of us can." Uchiha Kai said affirmatively: "However, how far the eyes can see is not sure."

From Kenta Imai's words, Kei Uchiha can basically be sure that this guy may not be able to see the weird figure just like himself and Aya Hyuga.

There is a soul in this world, there is no doubt about this, the ghoul seal is a technique that can summon the **** of death and then seal a person's soul.

When watching the animation before, Uchiha Qi thought that after this technique was performed, everyone should see it.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Imai Kenta has always been in immortal mode, but he didn't even perceive it, which means that the soul is probably not something that everyone can see.

He and Hyuga Aya could see all this, definitely because their eyes were so powerful that they were given such ability.

This feeling suddenly made him have the illusion of Uchiha Madara's ability to reincarnate, that is, the tomb of the wheel, the border prison.

"Although that is not a soul, it can be regarded as a spiritual body. With eyes like this, it is really..."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, Samsara and Tenseiyan still have a lot to explore.

Seeing souls is really incredible, but it doesn't make much of a shock to their hearts.

Most of all, he and Aya Hyuga couldn't help but start to think about what it was like in the Pure Land.

Through the bridge to the Pure Land built by Chakra, there is no way for them to understand everything in the Pure Land.

However, this question obviously doesn't make any sense when they think about it now.

"Well, it seems that I did miss something." Imai Kentai sighed helplessly: "What was that just now? The soul has returned? Back to her body?"

"Yes, if there was no accident, her soul did come back just now." Uchiha Ki nodded, then set his eyes on Nohara Rin: "What's her situation now? Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"How can this kind of thing wake up so quickly?" Hyuga Aya shook her head, her eyes were also looking at Nohara Rin's body: "She is still very weak now, and more deeply about yin and yang, I miss you. It can also be seen. The Yang Dun in her body is slowly recovering, but the Yin Dun is very messy and unstable. This probably has something to do with the soul returning to the body and still needing to adapt, right?"

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi thought for a while, this statement is a bit nonsense.

The body is still her body, and the soul is still her soul.

After leaving for a while and coming back, I still need to get used to it again, which Uchiha Kai doesn't quite understand.

But obviously, the chakra in Nohara Rin's body is obviously telling him that everything Hyuga Aya said is right.

Is it because they have a problem with the way they handled the corpse, which caused the current situation?

A messy shadow is not a good thing, because it shows that there is a serious problem with a person's mental state.

In other words, there is something wrong with this person's consciousness.

It is not easy to be aware that something is wrong, because such unstable awareness means one thing.

That is, I am afraid that it is difficult for this person to gather his own consciousness, and even there is no way to recover.

This also means that this person is likely to become a vegetative person!

This result was not what Uchiha Kai hoped, and the most important thing was that he didn't know what was going on at all.

"What should we do now?"

Although Kenta Imai couldn't perceive the soul in immortal mode, he could perceive the situation of Rin Nohara, which made him ask.

"I'm afraid her situation is not so optimistic, Kai, your skill seems to be a little worse."

"It's the first time I use it, and I still control other bodies to use it. The control is natural."

Uchiha Qi shook his head: "But I don't think there is any problem with my performance, and I performed well. I think the main reason is that the body has been stored for too long. After all, it has been seven or eight years, and something has happened. Not impossible. As for now..."

"Use yin and yang to recuperate." Hyuga Aya said directly at this moment: "But I think it's better to leave this to me and Kenta. This woman's problem is yin, although it is best to leave it to you. Yes. But I think it's also a training opportunity for us."

"Yin-yang escape?" Uchiha Qi thought for a moment, and finally nodded: "Indeed, now her condition can only be recuperated through yin-yang escape. As for leaving it to you, it's no problem, but don't let it go. Let her die once."

"It wouldn't be a big deal to die again, would it?"

Imai Kenta stood up, and he glanced at Shiro, who had been locked in the nutrition cabin, and his consciousness had been wiped out. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Aren't we going to be reincarnated with dirty soil anyway? If she is really unlucky and dies like this, then use your plan two, which is what we used to resurrect us."

Imai Kenta's words stunned Uchiha for a moment, and then he almost subconsciously began to think about the feasibility of this plan.

But soon he shook his head, and I have to say that Kenta Imai's opinions are indeed very informative.

But there are many things that are not very good in doing so. For example, he has to take into account the emotional factors of Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Obito, and even Kakashi.

If it was someone he didn't know, maybe he would directly agree with Imai Kenta's idea, but not this woman.

"Forget it, although the idea is good, you shouldn't say it in front of her." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly.

"Do it well, improve the proficiency of both of you in the use of yin and yang, especially yin. By the way, I still have some eyes on the fusion of yin and yang. I refer to some of the settings of soft boxing. When the time comes, I will will give them to you."

"Rouquan?" Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai unexpectedly: "Wouldn't it be better to do this for me?"

"Your task is very heavy, and I don't want to tire you. These things are not difficult, just leave them to me."

"I understand, thanks for your hard work, Kai..."


The words of hard work were said from Hyuga Aya's mouth, and Uchiha Kai felt that it was very useful.

Therefore, he did not explain. In fact, he had already mastered a part of the fusion of yin and yang, and had already completed it as early as the extraction of the immortal chakra.

Especially when Kaguya Otsutsuki forcibly opened the Samsara Eye, after the Immortal Technique Chakra and Tenseigan Chakra, which were originally wrapped in Yin-Yang Escape, were pulled away.

Yin Dun and Yang Dun are more unhindered, and the unusually natural fusion produces new powers. He can also perceive the changes and fusions of these powers more intuitively and profoundly.

There are some coincidences, but I have to say that such coincidences are very in line with Uchiha Kai's own needs.

After leaving the place where Rin Nohara's body was stored—no, it should be said that it was the body now, Kai Uchiha casually found a room and sat down.

He was thinking about Rin Nohara's current state, whether he needed to say hello to Minato Namikaze.

After all, the medical facilities he has here are, strictly speaking, no way to compare with the medical department.

Even if he can get all the resources he needs through various means.

But the manpower problem is also a big trouble. After all, it is impossible for Aya Hyuga to cover all the nursing work, right?

But the current medical department is not the territory of Minato Namikaze. After so many years, this department is still in the hands of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Even if Uchiha Qi and this old man reached some agreement, there are many people, and he can't and won't help Uchiha Qi hide some things on the bright side.

In addition, Uchiha Kai never thought of exposing his laboratory.

Not to mention that Uchiha Kai already has feelings for this place. Since he was the weakest, he secretly dug a basement in this place by himself.

And hiding in it, through the illusion that he has learned, he conducts various illusion experiments to help him open the wheel eye.

Later, some of his own affairs were discovered by Uchiha Fuyue, and the two of them reached a reconciliation because of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

This place has also become an important area for their experiments, especially in this place where two people have died, one is Uchiha Yu and the other is Uchiha Yu.

Now recalling the deaths of those two people, Kai Uchiha was still quite emotional.

Especially the guy Uchiha Yu, and the Kirigage Anbu whose name he didn't know until now...

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi was reluctant to recall these things too much.

No matter the past or the present, his behavior and methods have not changed.

Although the environment they are in is constantly getting better, especially with the end of the war, the new generation has begun to rise, and everything is full of vitality.

But this does not mean that the past can be so easily forgotten.

Uchiha Kai has come from darkness and blood, and this laboratory is also accompanied by his constant change and strengthening.

There are his best and worst memories here, as well as Kazuya Aya's memories, he naturally wouldn't want this place to be known by others.

"It seems that I have to find a way to find some ninjas to come over and help with some of these things." Uchiha Kai shook his head and sighed slightly.

"What's wrong?" At this moment, Hyuga Aya suddenly walked in: "Recruiting female ninjas? Are you recruiting in your clan?"

"Yes, Nohara Rin's nursing work must be done by someone." Uchiha Kai nodded without any concealment: "I don't want this to waste your and Iori's time, so I can only find a way to find a way to do it. Some other people to deal with."

"It's really a bit troublesome, especially the medical department can't be sent there casually." Hyuga Aya instantly understood what Uchiha Kai meant, and walked slowly to him, she showed a slight smile: "So, you want to recruit who?"

"I don't know either. Let's see if there are any female dead servants in Uchiha Fuyue." After thinking for a while, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but sigh.

This thing is really annoying, but in trouble, they have to find a way to solve it.

He stretched out his hand and held Hyuga Aya, then slowly pulled her to his front, then took her from behind and let her sit on his lap.

During the whole process, Kai Uchiha's technique was exceptionally proficient, and Aya Hyuga didn't resist at all, and even more or less meant to cooperate.

Holding the girl in front of him, Kai Uchiha closed his eyes slightly, as if enjoying himself.

"It feels so good," he said softly.

"I felt you were thinking just now, I'm afraid it's not just these things." Hyuga Aya put his hand on the hand he wrapped around his waist: "What's the matter, let's talk about it?"

"No big deal, it just feels like the place is full of memories."

Uchiha Kai smiled, and then changed the position of the **** him, making her face him sideways.

"Sometimes I'm thinking about a problem. People like us, who are covered in blood, seem to be a little too unique in this world full of peace."

"If it weren't for the darkness and blood that we once carried, where would all this be now?"

Hyuga Aya also sighed slightly, and then she looked at Uchiha Kai carefully.

"I heard you say a word, there are no quiet times, but there are people who carry their burdens. We are these people, and this place also records our darkness. Sometimes wearing a mask is really tiring, but here I think we do not need."

"Maybe all we need is a place where we can feel relaxed."

"Obviously, here it is."

Yes, this place recorded all the **** methods of Uchiha Kai, but I have to say that this place is indeed the most suitable for him and the most relaxing place for him.

Here, UU reading he may not need to face all kinds of people and wear all kinds of masks as in the village.

Raising his head slightly, he couldn't help showing a smile when he looked at Hyuga Aya's cold face.

"I have to say, in this place, I have a lot of common memories with you, and it is a good experience." Uchiha put his hand on the back of Hyuga Aya's neck, and then raised his head higher: "In the future , we may have more memories, common memories."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Kai closed his eyes slightly, and Hyuga Aya seemed to feel something, and she didn't resist, not even today.

But just when they were about to touch everything...

"Hey, hey, why are you two silent... um, sorry, sorry, you continue..."


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