Chapter 657: Naruto, do you know Obito?

Obito was sitting at Minato Minato Namikaze's house, his face looked a little dazed.

Minato Namikaze was sitting beside him, watching him silently without speaking.

Just now, the two of them have already exchanged information. They have confirmed a lot of things with each other, and they also know a lot of things.

Minato was okay, after all, there was a reminder from Uchiha Kai, and Obito did send back a lot of information, so he was mentally prepared for the information provided by Obito.

But the situation with soil is obviously very different.

Because he was really not mentally prepared, he became like this after learning that Uchiha Kai had opened his eyes of reincarnation, and that there were so many terrible things behind this world.

Otsutsuki, this strange surname was imprinted in his mind like a nightmare.

The purpose of those guys is to use tailed beasts to synthesize the divine tree and destroy the world?

Also, collecting tailed beasts is what their organization has to do. Is there any other necessary connection?

Obito suddenly felt as if he didn't know anything, and one thing he could be sure of was that Madara Uchiha's purpose was to come back to life.

In addition, he has to become the ten-tailed man Zhuli to cast the moon eye plan, dragging the entire ninja world into illusion, that is, the infinite moon reading.

But this Infinite Moon Reading, why is it so similar to what Kaguya Otsutsuki is doing in the intelligence?

In the information given by Namikaze Minato, it was obvious that the thoughts of Kaguya Hime described by Kai Uchiha were mentioned.

The purpose of that female madman is to let the world at that time fall into illusion, and use their bodies to cultivate the best battle and.

As for consciousness?

Completely indulging in that happy illusion, there is no consciousness at all!

Frowning his brows, Obito seemed to have thought of something. Could it be that their organization, Madara Uchiha, is actually Kaguya Otsutsuki?

It's possible, but not quite right.

Suddenly, Obito recalled that Uchiha Kai had given him a separate mission.

That mission was about the Uchiha clan, which has a long history and recorded a lot of information, and must be seen with strong eyes.

He seemed to recall that Uchiha Kai told him that he should pay more attention and investigate more about this stele.

Because Uchiha Qi said, he seems to feel that someone has vaguely moved his hands and feet in it, and some people may even be induced and confused!

"Is it possible that such a guy really exists. Its purpose is to continue to satisfy the female lunatic Otsutsuki Kaguya, who has been thinking about her whole life?"

Obito thought to himself, but soon he felt that his idea was not very reliable.

It should not be enough just to satisfy what I have thought and thought in my life. There should be more things worth thinking about, or more incredible things.

Just like...

Are you planning to let this female lunatic leave the seal?

Thinking of this, Obito's face became even more ugly. If it wasn't for the fact that he hadn't figured out how this thing would work, and how to completely lift the seal, I'm afraid he couldn't help but go to Uchiha Qi. .

"What's the matter, Obito?" Just as Obito was thinking, Minato Namifeng suddenly came to him: "What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing, teacher." Obito forced himself to calm down, and he smiled slightly at Minato Namifeng: "It's just that this incident had a big impact on me, I really didn't expect the development of things to come this way. step."

Obito hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still didn't express his inner thoughts.

These are just his conjectures, and even if he talks to Namikaze Minato, it probably doesn't have much reference value.

It's true that Namikaze Minato is his own teacher, but this matter is most deeply implicated, and the one who knows the most inside story is Uchiha Kai.

Therefore, he is more willing to talk to Uchiha Qi to see if Qi will have more ideas, or have any answers or the like.

"It's really a big impact, because I didn't expect it before." Minato also nodded, and he rubbed his eyebrows: "But this matter is not without a chance of recovery, after all, Qi already has a plan. And we want to What we do is to assist in the completion of the plan and at the same time improve our own strength to face everything that may happen in the future."

"Indeed." Obito thought for a while, then nodded: "I will complete my mission, integrate the ninja world, and let the ninja world understand that we can't resist alone, we can only... "

Before Obito finished speaking, the door of Minato's house was suddenly opened, and then a yellow-haired boy walked in quickly.

Obviously this kid is the son of Minato Namikaze, Naruto.

Obito's words were also interrupted by the appearance of this kid, but he was not angry at all, but looked at the little guy in front of him with interest.

Although it wasn't the first time I saw Naruto, it was definitely the closest.

"I am back."

Naruto let out a cry as he walked, but soon he noticed that besides his father, there was a strange man here.

"Ah? There are still people at home, Dad, this is... eh? Uchiha? Hello, uncle!"

"Hello, Naruto, right?" Obito smiled: "How do you know I'm from Uchiha?"

"The clan emblem behind you." Naruto smiled and pointed to Obito's green vest, which was placed behind the red and white fan, and said with a smile.

"Although I just glanced at it, I remembered it. Besides, I often go to your house to find Sasuke, and Uncle Qi too. Although he doesn't wear a vest, he also has such a sign on his back."

"Not bad, the observation ability is very sharp, I really belong to the Uchiha family." Obito knew without looking back that his clothes definitely had the Uchiha logo on them.

After all, this is the costume of the security department that Uchiha Kai got.

In this day and age, few blood step families continue to print the clan on their clothes.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles on the surface of their own identity, there are still many families who will print their own family emblems, large or small, on their clothing.

This kind of thing has always been done in the second generation, so it is not a strange thing that the clothes of the security department belonging to the Uchiha clan have the family emblem logo.

What made Obito interesting was how long it took for Naruto to come in, and how long it took to look at his back.

It only took a few seconds to add up, but in just a few seconds, he had already figured out a lot of things.

It can be seen that his teacher's teaching to the child is very good, especially this little guy is only seven or eight years old now.

But when I think back to the time when this little guy was born, he was picked up by himself to threaten his teacher, and Obito's expression became somewhat inexplicable.

Naruto didn't know that he had such an experience with Obito when he was a child. He was looking at Obito excitedly: "By the way, this... um, uncle..."

"Call me Lin." Obito smiled indifferently: "Is there something wrong, Naruto?"

"Do you know Uncle Kai?" Naruto nodded decisively: "Also, I don't seem to have seen Uncle you in Uchiha."

"Uchiha is so big, how could you have seen all of them." Obito shook his head: "As for Lord Kai.... I know Lord Kai, strictly speaking, I am his subordinate, oh yes, I I also know Kakashi and the others, and I once performed a mission with Kakashi."

While talking, Obito turned to look at his teacher.

As a result, he found that his teacher didn't seem to care, but quietly looked at the two of them with a smile, which made Obito heave a sigh of relief.

He was also worried that if he said too much, Naruto would notice something, and finally made it difficult for Minato-sensei.

But now, it seems that all this is not important. I am afraid that the name Uchiha Obito is very unfamiliar to Naruto, right?

Thinking of this, Obito couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Naruto with hesitation, but soon he seemed to have made a decision.

He asked softly: "By the way, Naruto, I don't know if you know someone... No, I should say have you heard of someone?"

"Huh?" Naruto was stunned for a moment, and then his mouth was shriveled, looking a little dissatisfied: "What, I want to ask what it feels like to be Uncle Qi's subordinate. Well... Let's talk about it. , maybe I still know."

"Do you know....know someone?" Obito pursed his lips, and finally he continued seriously: "A member of the Uchiha family, his name is...Uchiha Obi. earth."

"Uchiha Obito?" Naruto was stunned when he heard the name, then he turned to look at Minato, and then a hearty smile appeared on his face: "I thought you wanted to ask something, it turned out to be him. "

Naruto was indeed a little surprised, but at the same time he was a little complacent.

Because he knew the name Uchiha Obito, not only he knew but he was quite familiar with it.

After all, this guy is his father's disciple, and this guy is also a member of the Uchiha clan.

Most importantly, this guy is a hero!

Naruto knew about the Kamubi Bridge mission that his father had participated in.

And this time, there are three heroes of Sharinyan, one is Uchiha Kai, one is Hatake Kakashi, and the other is Uchiha Obito!

"Of course I know, he's a war hero."

Naruto's face showed a little longing: "He is my father's disciple, although he is a Uchiha, but I heard that he has always been a crane tail.

But even at the end of the crane, he has always maintained a hard-working and optimistic attitude.

According to Big Brother Kakashi, he not only saved his teammates, but also woke Big Brother Kakashi.

In the end, he even gave his life to protect Kakashi-san. and....

In the end, he gave one of his eyes to Kakashi-san. "

"Are you familiar with Obito's information?" Obito was stunned for a moment, listening to these past events, he also had a feeling of 'time flies quickly'.

What he didn't expect was that Naruto was very familiar with his information, and his tone seemed to be quite respectful, which gave Obito an indescribable feeling.

After a long time, he slowly said: "Indeed, it seems that you have a good sense of him."

"Of course, he's my dad's disciple, and..." Naruto smiled: "He's Konoha's hero! Kakashi-san once said, Obito told him: Those who don't follow the rules People are trash, but those who don't cherish their companions are even worse than trash! It was this sentence that woke Kakashi up. This sentence is very similar to what Big Brother Qi... Uncle said. They are all people who cherish their companions. They are all heroes!"


Obito took a deep breath, now he...

Some really don't deserve the title of hero.

Especially as those who attacked Konoha, those who were killed by Nine Tails, his heart became very uneasy when he thought of this.

Minato watched Obito's mood change, and apparently guessed what he was thinking, which made him shake his head.

"Okay, Lin, and Naruto, don't talk about that." Minato immediately interrupted the conversation between the two, talking about Obito was considered taboo, especially in front of this guy.

Looking at Naruto, Minato said directly: "Your mother has something to do today, so you won't go home either."

"Don't go home?" Naruto said in surprise, and the next moment he had a bad smile on his face: "So, let's continue going tonight..."

"Don't go." Minato shook his head decisively, but before Naruto showed a disappointed expression, he smiled and said, "Go and bring it back, three of you will serve a delicious ramen, do you understand?"

"Okay!" Naruto jumped up immediately: "I'll go right now."

"Also, don't let Kushina know that you are so happy, or I believe your **** will definitely bloom."

"I know, I know!"


"Come on, Jizhu, you can't do this."

In a forest in Konoha, the ghost shark couldn't help shaking his head when he saw Yoshitake's panting appearance.

He's training for Jizhu but apparently this little guy can't make him feel satisfied right now.

Ghost shark doesn't have much time now. He counts that within a year or two of staying in Konoha, he will give everything he knows to this little guy.

Although I learned quickly from this little guy, it was really slow for the ghost shark.

"I see, Big Brother Ghost Shark." Jizhu quickly stood up, although he was very tired and even a little unsteady, he still overcame everything: "Let's continue!"

"Very good, you must do your best, Jizhu." Ghost Shark nodded, and then he sighed slightly: "You know, I can't take care of you all the time, you have to rely on yourself in the future."

"Of course I know!" Ji Zhu said with a smile: "And I will never embarrass Big Brother Ghost Shark!"


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