Chapter 662: Hikari's policy

Kirigakura was indeed pitted by Uchiha Qi, but obviously he didn't care about that.

And it was impossible for Kirikin to know that it would be two guys from Konoha Uchiha who made him suffer such a blood loss.

It's also fortunate that they don't know about harmony, otherwise they might really go crazy.

And I am afraid that not only they will go crazy, but the entire ninja world will go crazy.

After all, two Uchihas can have so much destructive power on the entire ninja world. If these guys come out in full force, the ghost knows what kind of destructive power it will cause to the ninja world.

In fact, even Uchiha Kai himself doesn't know this, but there is one thing he knows.

To achieve this step with him and Obito, there are at least two prerequisites.

The first is to have a kaleidoscope writing wheel, and the degree of development cannot be low. The second is to either understand the plot or have someone help.

Otherwise, even if you have a kaleidoscope, it does not mean you are invincible.

Think about Shishui in the original work, what happened to being taught by Danzo?

There is also a relatively long time ago, Uchiha Izuna, who was used as a vest by Uchiha Kai, was not killed by Qianshou Tobirama.

The negotiation this time was relatively smooth. After all, the current situation of Kirigakushi was really bad.

This guy Obito made the village of Kiriyin into trouble. The family ninjas suspected the high-level villagers, and the ordinary ninjas and the family ninjas formed a substantial confrontation.

Uchiha Kai had seen this scene in Konoha, but Konoha's situation was actually not that serious, and the control of the three generations of Hokage was not too bad.

At least, the contradiction between the family ninja and the commoner ninja is not so sharp that the two sides can directly fight.

But in the fog hidden, all this may really happen in front of your eyes.

In order to restore Kirigakura's credibility, the fourth generation of Mizukage Gotachibana Yakura, who had completely sobered up, had to make some negotiations and concessions.

For example, on Konoha's side, he had to exchange Terumi Mei and Oniteng Mantsuki.

Terumi Mei is a person who was carefully cultivated by Yuanshi, and Yuanshi has a huge reputation among the civilian ninjas.

Needless to say, the ghost lamp full moon, this guy is a genius member of the ghost lamp family.

Moreover, his talent and strength are completely worthy of recognition. If such a person is replaced, it will definitely greatly improve the delicate and fragile relationship between the senior management and the family ninja.

There is no doubt about the influence of the ghost lamp clan, even now the family has obviously weakened. At that time, when the ghost lamp and the moon was used as a water shadow, it really brought great changes to Wuyin Village.

Even now, many of the systems in Wuyin Village still use what he formulated at that time.

If it is said that the second generation of Hokage changed the future of Konoha and laid a solid foundation for the development of Konoha.

Then this second-generation Mesue Kage is the Senju Tobirama of Kiriyin Village. Although he did not make Kiriyin Village and Konoha the number one in the ninja world, what he left behind has benefited Kiriyin to this day.

So even though the Ghost Lantern family is obviously not as strong as before, their influence is still terrifying.

However, it is obviously impossible for such a negotiation to happen overnight, after all, these two are extremely important to the current Kiriyin.

The more important things are, the more important chips are needed in exchange, and even if Konoha can be cheap, Kirigakushi will refuse.

This is a display of attitude. If only some materials can be used to make a perfect attitude display to the village, Yutachi Yakura will definitely make a choice without hesitation.

In fact, it is.

"So, this negotiation will take time, and the final exchange may have to wait until the summer, isn't it?"

In the Hokage office, Uchiha Qi sat beside him and said with a bit of boredom that he had just attended a meeting and preliminary talks with representatives of Kirikin.

"Indeed." Nara Shikaku nodded, looking at the report in his hand and said, "Although Kirigakura is willing to pay a relatively large price, it is clear that they will also take care of it. Moreover, so many For the exchange of matter, I am afraid they need to give them time to collect it?"

Uchiha Qi couldn't help but nodded when he heard this, indeed, it's true that Kirigakushi is absolutely willing to exchange.

But the problem is that everything has to have a degree, and Kiriyuki has to carefully consider whether what Konoha wants is more than what they think.

And even if the talks are really done, a lot of things will take time to sort out and collect. After these messy things are dealt with, I am afraid it will already be summer.

Negotiation is an art, and so is compromise sometimes, but when the two are combined, the art is not only time-consuming, but labor-intensive.

"Then take it slow, I'm afraid there is no way to worry about this kind of thing." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said, "It's just some guys, I'm afraid I can't wait."

"Is it Terumi Mei? Or the ghost full moon?" Minato Namikaze sat in his seat and asked curiously: "By the way, the guy on the ghost shark announced that he was dead, what are you going to do with him? Besides, I I heard that he has a good bond with Konoha."

Uchiha Kai never planned to hide the ghost shark's matter. Of course, the objects he didn't hide were limited to the top executives of Konoha, and they were also high-level executives who had the same position as himself.

After all, this guy is an outsider, and the Wugakude department he once belonged to is also special. He used to be a member of the Wugakuan Department.

Everyone who has experienced Anbu has never been the target of how to play and deal with it. Even if Kei Uchiha believes in him, there will always be some different voices, big and small.

This kind of thing is normal, and Uchiha Kai will not think about making everyone recognize him.

Back then, when I killed Uchiha Shen by myself, and cooperated with Uchiha Fuyue to drag the entire Uchiha in his hand, it was not the same that the whole family also had many other voices.

But so what?

If he couldn't even accept such a voice, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is now.

The current situation seems to be similar, and Uchiha Kai will naturally not react badly because of some different voices.

"The performance of the ghost shark is really good, but I have better plans. He may enter a certain organization, the Akatsuki organization." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said directly.

"Are you organized by Akatsuki? You asked him to assist...." Minato Nami said and stopped here, because there are other people in the office: "I see, this is also his assessment, as long as After passing the assessment, I will definitely let him stay in Konoha safely."

"Then I'll thank you for him." Uchiha Qi smiled: "The ghost shark is not a big problem, I believe him. As for the guy who can't wait, it's the full moon, he has learned so much from us. , and also got some agreement from us, he couldn't help but want to go back and show his grand plans."

"Does he want to be Suiko?" Minato Namifeng smiled, but soon his face became serious: "If that's the case, then we naturally have to fully support him, but this matter is still up to us. You handle it."

"Of course, I'll take care of it."

"If he really becomes Shuiying, it's probably a good thing for us..."


If the ghost lamp full moon can really be a water shadow, then this is definitely a joyous thing.

Especially for Konoha, after experiencing the substantial benefits brought to Konoha by Obito's actual control of Kiriyin Village, even Namikaze Minato would have a hard time rejecting such an idea.

Maybe he won't intervene in the internal situation of Wuyin Village, not even during the Obito period.

But as long as Full Moon's transformation of Kiriyin is close to Konoha and imitates Konoha, then this is the greatest value for him.

He has not changed his original intention, and he has always hoped that the entire ninja world can be peaceful.

At this point, he seems to see hope now, even if this 'hope' is very different from what he expected.

Because of relying on external uncertain risk factors, forcing the Ninja villages of the five major countries to unite, in his opinion, it is always too expensive and dangerous.

But one thing he has to admit is that this is indeed a good plan and a plan worth considering.

In fact, what he prefers is to play a role similar to the ghost lamp full moon. After learning Konoha, it will be better to implement it in his own village.

It's a pity that people like Ghost Lantern Manyue are still in the minority, not to mention this guy is not a sure win, and he is not without opponents.

His opponent, if there is no accident, will be the Terumi Mei who was caught with him in Konoha.

This woman has a good talent, she has a double boundary of blood, and she also has the support of Yuan Shi.

It can be seen that Master Yuan attaches great importance to her, and even trains her as a successor.

It might even be cultivated as a shadow!

Therefore, this woman is probably the biggest competitor of Ghost Lantern Moon Moon, and even a potential competitor will give people a headache.

That's right, Ghost Lantern Moon is indeed from the Ghost Lantern family, his family has huge influence, and this guy still maintains a secret connection with Konoha.

But the power of Yuan Shi must not be underestimated. This guy can assemble a large number of ninjas to mutiny. It is true that under the control of Obito, the fourth generation of water shadows has provoked public anger.

But his personal charm, means and influence have definitely reached a frowning level.

In the original book, this guy turned Wuyin Village into a "Shadowless Village", and you can see how terrifying his control over Wuyin is.

However, this matter is not worth the trouble of Uchiha. After all, as a Konoha ninja, he will not easily interfere in other countries' affairs.

However, if the ghost lamp full moon explained in his contact with him that the master teacher would interfere with it, it would seriously affect his competitiveness.

Then Uchiha Kei doesn't mind letting this old guy go to the Pure Land in advance to meet the mist ninjas who were killed by him.

"There are always a lot of troublesome things, but I am afraid there will be no less substantial benefits." After Uchiha Qi left the Hokage office, he walked towards the Uchiha clan while thinking silently: " It is also time to plan what this guy Man Yue should do when he goes back, some secret practices."

It is very much in Konoha's interest that the ghost lamp full moon becomes a water shadow, so although Uchiha Kai is his "connector", in fact, he does not need to plan too many things.

First of all, Man Yue himself may not necessarily act according to the plan, because what kind of situation is in Kiriyuki, only after he returns can he make the most accurate judgment.

Secondly, these things do not necessarily need to worry about Uchiha Qi, but Konoha has a large number of ninjas from Nara.

Even if these guys are not as good as Lu Jiu, they can definitely achieve incredible results when a group of them are put together to work together on these things.

Think back to the original Nara Kajo. When this guy joined the security department, he knew who he was.

But now, this guy is almost sitting at the highest position in the administrative office of the Security Department, although he has participated in the Yunyin War, and there are some negotiations between Uchiha Kei and Nara Shikahisa.

But it is undeniable that this guy's actual ability is indeed worthy of recognition.

In the security department, it's really impossible to get along just by messing around. If you don't have real talent and real learning, you may be eliminated from this department long ago.

Not only him, but there are many other characters in the Nara family. They may be unknown now because they don't have a platform and opportunity to show themselves.

Now Uchiha Qi has given them such a chance, even if it is not very glorious, but it is definitely better than before.

With their cooperation and planning, Uchiha Qi only needs to provide a general idea, and they can definitely give the most suitable course of action for the current situation of the ghost lamp full moon.

Therefore, he doesn't need to think about these things, but is thinking about letting Ghost Lantern Moon do something more interesting and more in line with his personal interests.

For example, the chakra of the six tails!

This guy Yugao should have not betrayed Wuyin and ran away by now, and he has not bit off his teacher's head yet.

Even the age of this guy may not even be twenty years old.

According to Uchiha Kai's memory this guy has become a human pillar force when he was young, and he didn't see this kid when he attacked Kiriyin.

Now that so many years have passed, this kid should be sixteen or seventeen years old. Although it is a lot difficult to deal with, it may not be a big problem for Ghost Lantern Full Moon.

This guy's tailed beast Chakra, Uchiha Kai has been looking forward to.

Although it can be obtained by relying on the collection of those guys from Nagato, but now the full moon is going to go back, so why didn't he try this opportunity?

"I now have three-tailed, eight-tailed and nine-tailed chakras, and I still lack six types of chakras." Uchiha Qi thought silently: "And Kenta's chakra only has nine-tailed chakras, so this six-tailed chakra, no matter what the right He's still very important to me."

"This is also a test for the full moon. I would like to see how he got these chakras..."


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