Chapter 663: With soil and water stop (top)

However, it will take time for the ghost lamp full moon to fully exert its own value.

This guy is still in Konoha, and it is said that he is now trying to have a good relationship with Terumi Mei.

As for what he can do, he doesn't care about Uchiha Kai, anyway, he really has no interest in the woman Meimei.

In the original book, he had a good impression of this woman. After all, it was Shuiying. After all, her unique enchanting still left a deep impression on him.

But good luck makes people, he came to this world and almost killed this woman over and over again.

And according to Hyuga Aya's description, this woman seems to have unimaginable hatred for herself.

This was something he never wanted to understand anyway. In his memory, he had only faced her once or twice as 'Uchiha Kai'.

The time she really wanted to kill her was when he was ambushed.

Why did he turn his head? This woman hated herself so much. Could it be that this woman has a sixth sense, guessing that she attacked Wuyin and killed Qing by the way?

"Forget it, 80% of this woman can't reach the height in the original book. I don't believe that there are so many people from the Nara clan helping that guy Manyuki. He can still fail?"

Sitting in the laboratory, Uchiha Qi shook his head disdainfully: "Unless this unlucky bastard, like the original, died inexplicably young, otherwise, this guy really has a high probability of success in participating in the water shadow competition."

Ghost Lantern Full Moon is a relatively unfortunate character in the original work. It is obviously outrageous. One person has almost mastered the use of seven ninja knives.

But it was inexplicable, and there was no specific explanation of what was going on, and the person was already dead.

In the true sense of the game, he was reincarnated by the dirt.

If he died in the Third World War and was killed by Matt Kai's father, Matt Dai, it would make sense. The problem is that when the seven swordsmen of the previous generation were killed, he hadn't gotten the ninja sword yet.

Uchiha Qi doesn't know how many batches of Kirigin's seven knives there are. He doesn't even know when the seven knives of Kirikin were cast.

However, what is certain is that the time when the unfortunate full moon may die is relatively delayed.

As for his younger brother Shuiyue, he was much luckier than him. That kid finally got into the protagonist group and got the ninja sword that he dreamed of.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai was not thinking about these things about the fog.

He still has a lot of problems to solve now, and it is a waste of his time to focus his limited energy on events that do not pay much attention.

For now, for himself, the focus he needs to focus on is basically in two directions.

The first point is the perception of the fusion of yin and yang, and the second point is to use the eye of reincarnation Chakra to convert it into other power attributes.

The first point is that Uchiha Qi has been doing it all the time, but the concept of Yin-Yang fusion is completely different from the actual perception.

He needs time to experience and understand slowly.

Although the second point is more troublesome, he has a certain method in his heart, and now he plans to experiment.

As for other things, basically there are people doing it.

Hyuga Aya needs to be responsible for the improvement of those experimental subjects, and at the same time cooperate with Imai Kenta to help Nohara Rin.

It is Iori's job to explore the bloodline of the Yui family, and Imai Kenta needs to share his insights and understanding of chakra integration.

Originally, neither Uchiha Kai nor Hyuga Aya had any expectations for sharing their insights and understanding. After all, this is a relatively secret thing.

But Imai Kenta finally chose to hand it over, but what I have to say is that his fusion of chakra is indeed the best!

"Maybe it's because of his physique. This guy's fusion curve and fusion integrity are really scary." Recalling the level of this guy's fusion of chakra, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

For Imai Kenta, it seems that after obtaining the secret of the bloodline of the Yui family, it is not too difficult to integrate chakra at all.

Even if only three kinds of fusions are now combined, his fusion is the most stable, and he has completely upgraded Chakra to a balanced state before fusion.

To be honest, if one day this guy does not rely on any chakra mode to create a quest jade, I am afraid that Uchiha Kai will not be surprised at all.

"Balance exists between all things, shouldn't this guy be a balance ninja?"

Shaking his head with a smile, he quickly restrained his emotions.

The next moment his eyes turned into reincarnation eyes, and blue chakra appeared on his body.

This time, the breath emanating from these chakras is no longer simply hot...


In the Land of Rain, in a building like a ghost face, Obito wearing a patterned mask is talking to Hei Jue.

He had been back in the Land of Rain for some time, but he had gone to some other places to cover up his whereabouts.

Just like the country of wind, and the country of thunder, etc., and finally returned to the country of rain after wandering outside for a month.

Maybe it’s because I don’t like the environment of the Kingdom of Rain. As a person who grew up in Konoha, Obito likes the environment of the Kingdom of Fire even more.

Whether it is the country of water or the country of rain, it is not comfortable for him.

"Is that so? It looks like those Uchiha guys are really interesting." Hei Jue rubbed his chin, and then he fell into a deep thought. The relationship with the guy has dropped to freezing point."

"Yes, that's true." Obito nodded, and then his voice was a bit gloomy: "It is worth mentioning that the Uchiha clan has a boy named Uchiha Shisui, who is valued by Sarutobi Hizan. , is acting as a double agent for Uchiha and Konoha. But it's a pity that this was discovered by Uchiha Kai, and then that guy broke into the root base alone."

"Oh?" Hei Jue looked a little inexplicable: "So what happened to that kid in the end?"

"Uchiha Kai taught him a meal, but..." Obito's voice became even deeper: "That guy has a kaleidoscope, and with in-depth investigation, I found out that the guy also not simple."

What Obito and Kurojue said was about Uchiha Shisui!

Uchiha Qi wanted to put the boy Zhishui into the organization, and Obito would naturally pay attention to this matter.

Although he was not very happy with the guy who wiped out the entire family in the illusion, he also believed in Uchiha Kai's judgment.

Therefore, he needs to do some planning, for example, let the guy Hei Jue know some things first, and then let him solve these problems step by step.

Of course, the most important thing is that after he gets this information, maybe he can follow the opportunity to observe and go to Konoha again.

"Oh!" Hei Jue couldn't help showing a strange expression when he heard Obito's words: "What else is there? Also, does this guy have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?"

"Yes, Uchiha Shisui has kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes. I don't know how to open the eyes, but I can be sure that he does." Obito nodded: "Actually, this guy is joining the Sarutobi Hiizan camp. Uchiha Qi had already discovered it when he was around. This time it was just another chance to attack. I heard that he wanted the position of the Minister of the Medical Department for a long time."

"Take the opportunity to attack? Sarutobi Hiizhan still doesn't know that Uchiha Shisui is not his own at all?" The water guy, after being taught a lesson by Uchiha Qi, still chooses to follow Sarutobi Hiizan?"

"Yes, you guessed it right." Obito nodded: "It can only be said that this guy Uchiha Kai's methods are really getting more and more severe and darker."

Hei Jue couldn't help but glanced at Obito when he heard the words, he couldn't tell whether this guy was praising someone or scolding someone.

But after thinking about it, he felt a little funny, I am afraid that for Obito, there may be both.

The psychological shadow that Uchiha Qi left on Obito, Hei Jue is also relatively clear.

Not once did Obito get a real benefit from Kai Uchiha, and almost every time he failed.

The first time we met in the country of grass, Obito was beaten by Uchiha Kai, and even Uchiha Madara's old nest was burned down.

The second time was the Nine Tails Incident, this guy was almost killed by Uchiha Kai!

Later, in the invisible confrontation in Wuyin Village, he was also completely defeated, and even the control of the fourth generation of water shadows was taken away.

In the end, this guy was honest, but it is conceivable to imagine the extent of his disgust for Uchiha Kai.

In fact, it's not just Obito, I'm afraid Nagato will never have any good impression if he knows the true identity of Uchiha Kai.

After all, Nagato is so proud of himself that he thinks he is a god, and it is absolutely unacceptable to be beaten by Uchiha Kai like that.

It's just that there is one thing that Black must not understand, why Uchiha Kai, a guy who relies on other people's eyes, can burst out such terrifying power, it's a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

However, after thinking about it, Hei Jue felt that he should not focus his energy on that guy, he might as well think about other meaningful things.

Just like the breath passed down from the sky last time, the breath that belongs to his mother alone.

This breath is very important to Hei Jue. It is so important that he doesn't care about Obito or even pays much attention to that guy in Nagato.

If it wasn't for sure that his mother hadn't gotten out of trouble, he would have run away long ago.

"Indeed, relying on such a method to make Sarutobi Hizan more believe in Shisui, this is indeed the method of Uchiha Kai." Hei Jue shook his head silently, he was not thinking about those things: "I'm afraid for Uchiha Kai , Uchiha Shisui is already an abandoned child."

"Oh? What do you say?" Obito was a little surprised, but he knew Uchiha's plan, and on the bright side, Shishui was really an abandoned child.

"Sarutobi Hiizan trusts Shisui more and more, and is also more and more dissatisfied with Uchiha." Hei Jue Old God said: "Then, Uchiha Shisui, who also has a kaleidoscope, will be an excellent tool. A person who takes advantage of the value, then he may give an order by stopping the water, such as..."

"Counterattack Uchiha, or kill Uchiha Kai!" Obito continued Hei Jue's words: "But Shisui is Uchiha Kai's person at all, and naturally he can't accept this plan, so he will tell Uchiha Kai all this. ?"

"I will do this, but don't forget how cruel this guy Uchiha Kai is. Moreover, this guy is suspicious by nature, he cherishes his feathers very much, and his eyes are not his own, so... ..”

"You mean, he will let Shisui turn his back on Sarutobi Hiizan, and... finally even take advantage of this to take Shisui's eyes away?"

"That's right."

A smile appeared on Hei Jue's face, Obito, you have finally grown up.

Indeed, that's what he thought. After all, Uchiha Kai's eyes belong to the brothers Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Yu. This guy has not evolved to the point of eternal eyes at all.

And according to this guy's usual style, I'm afraid that what suits his character is to wait for Sarutobi Hizan and Uchiha Shisui to die before he will appear.

And he will never admit that Uchiha Shisui's order has anything to do with him, so as to put aside his relationship with this matter.

In the end, when Uchiha Shisui died, he would take away Shisui's eyes without hesitation. Every pair of kaleidoscopes is a treasure.

In this way, although a ninja with a kaleidoscope writing wheel will be used, the benefits it reaps can definitely be said to be the biggest!

"It seems that I need to go to Konoha to meet this junior of Uchiha, maybe something interesting will happen." Obito thought for a while, and decisively said: "For example, let this junior join us. "

"It's a good idea, it's really feasible if you operate it properly." Hei Jue also nodded: "Tell me about your plan."

"Not yet, but opportunities such as opportunities can always be seized by taking the initiative to attack." Obito shook his head and pondered for a while before opening his mouth: "However, as a third party, the more disharmony inside Konoha, the worse it will be for us. The better, if we want to realize the plan, it would be better if the entire ninja world is in chaos, after all, our strength is still insufficient."

"Indeed, our current strength is not enough." Hei Jue nodded with satisfaction: "You are much more rational than that guy in Nagato, which reassures me. I want to achieve Madara's goal~www.novelhall. com~ We have to take it step by step, the training in Kiriyin has made you grow well, and I believe that under your leadership, you will definitely succeed."

"Don't say it so nicely, don't you come with me? Don't you find it interesting that kid?"

"I'll stay here and watch Nagato, the ghost knows if he's doing something."

Obito nodded, it was a good thing for him that Hei would never follow.

However, he felt that he should be careful, this guy Hei Jue seems to be a little wrong now.

At least, it is very different from when I first followed myself.

He seemed to focus his attention on other things that Obito didn't know about.

Shaking his head, the Sangou jade with Obito's right eye condensed slightly, ripples appeared in the space, and his figure gradually disappeared.


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