Chapter 664: With soil and water stop (below)

Konoha Village, the clan of the Uchiha family, it was near night when Uchiha Itachi left the house alone.

This time he went out without calling his younger brother or greeting his parents.

He walked silently towards a training ground. He was very vigilant, using the shadow to move forward to ensure that no one was following him before suddenly speeding up.

This time, he didn't want to be discovered by anyone, whether it was his family or his parents and brothers, especially he didn't want to be discovered by Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Kai, this name has an unimaginable position in Itachi's psychology.

He still remembers the scene he faced with this man when he was young, and he still remembers the man rejecting his father's proposal and refusing to make himself his disciple.

Uchiha Itachi couldn't understand before, but after a conversation with him, Itachi understood a lot.

Everything he did, everything he understood, was so naive and unbearable in this man's eyes.

He didn't even have a high desire to answer his own question.

And the answer he gave, even his own father was extremely recognized.

Itachi still remembers this answer to this day, and he is constantly using the answer given by Uchiha to analyze the wars over the years.

Facts have proved that once there is such a clear answer, many things he couldn't understand before, now he can understand all of them.

Although over time, Itachi also learned a lot about Uchiha Kai's relatively secretive things.

Just like the turmoil that happened in the Uchiha clan that year, almost nothing has nothing to do with him.

Whether it was the fire in the Uchiha Bamboo Forest, or the mutiny in the Security Department, or even the disappearance of the pair of Uchiha brothers, he was vaguely seen!

But no matter what he did, what he did for the whole family, for the whole village, was an incredible change.

Even his father trusted Uchiha Kai to an unimaginable level and didn't care about what he had done.

Not to mention, the Fourth Hokage treats Kai Uchiha as a brother and a friend.

Such a person, Uchiha Itachi would not be able to understand if he put it at 10,000, but now he finds that he can fully understand all of this.

And for Kai Uchiha, who is ruthless in the eyes of outsiders, especially for Mako Uchiha, the most important person of Brother Shisui, it is even more unbearable, and has left an indelible impression on Itachi's heart.

The biggest thought in Uchiha Itachi's heart now is to desire to be recognized by Uchiha Kai in a real sense.

He has been fighting for this, working hard, hoping to make his wish a little bit.

In the same way, he also hopes that Brother Zhishui will also be recognized. After all, Brother Zhishui is the position of those behind him, but he is basically opposite to Uchiha Qi.

Especially now, Shisui brother is still linked to the three generations of Hokage, which Itachi really can't understand.

Tonight, he will see Zhishui alone, he knows a habit of Zhishui.

That is when the task is over, or when the work is completed, he will come to this training ground alone to train alone, no matter when, he will be like this.

Especially now, after his hidden identity is exposed, he will basically not endure Fujiu Hangping with the guidance of Uchiha Kai.

He had more time to train himself, whether it was with Itachi and Sasuke, or he was alone.

"Why are you here, Itachi?"

When Uchiha Itachi came to the training and appeared, as he thought, there was a figure standing there.

This figure was much taller than him, with a short blade on his back, staring at the Uchiha clan in the distance a little dazed.

The figure didn't look at Uchiha Itachi, but he also clearly noticed or saw his younger brother.

"Well, I'm here to find you." Uchiha Itachi nodded, and he slowly approached Shisui: "I knew you would be here."

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Zhishui looked at Itachi with a complicated look, and then his face showed a little complexity: "At this point, I don't think it would be a good choice for you to come out, hurry up. Let's go back."

"Brother Zhishui, I want to know what you think." Itachi shook his head, he had no plans to leave.

"You know, many people in the clan are talking about you now, and you have been excluded from certain meetings because of your close relationship with Lord Sandaime.

But I can tell you that from a few captains of the guard to the vast majority of ninjas below, they are all worried about your choice.

I can even feel that they already have.... bad thoughts about you. "

"Really?" Uchiha Shisui nodded, and he didn't have any surprises.

The Uchiha clan is now more and more united, and the better they perform in Konoha, the more they prove how wrong and unbearable their choice in illusion is.

Shishui knows how much negative effect it will bring after his situation is exposed, or in other words, after being exposed in a concealed manner.

But he didn't care either, what he did in the illusion made him feel a huge sense of guilt.

Therefore, no matter what he said or thought, it had no effect on Zhishui, and even Zhishui took it for granted.

"Brother Shisui, this situation will really not have any good results for you." Itachi stared at Uchiha Shisui, his expression was unusually determined: "Look back, don't be delusional built by the three generations of Hokage-sama. Deceived, didn't you always hope that Konoha and the family can develop harmoniously, and hope that both parties will be very good? Isn't that the case now, why do you still..."

"Itachi, I know my choice, don't say it anymore." Uchiha Shisui shook his head, he stared at the Uchiha clan in the distance and sighed slightly: "Many things are not what you think. People will Relying on your own knowledge and understanding, and being bound by these things all the time, and calling them reality. And so are you now…”

"Then I will try my best to make Big Brother Zhishui see all of this!"

Before Uchiha Shisui could finish speaking, Uchiha Itachi interrupted all this, and his eyes showed a touch of scarlet.

"With my eyes that can see everything clearly!"


Uchiha Zhishui sighed slightly, he turned his head to look at the pair of three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes, and finally he said softly: "The eyes you are proud of, in fact, can't see through me at all, take a good rest, Itachi ,perhaps....."

As soon as Shishui's voice fell, Uchiha Itachi felt that his body froze, and an unstoppable exhaustion flooded into his heart.

He knows that this is probably an illusion, but he has no imagination at all. Why is this illusion so terrifying?

Sangouyu's writing wheel eye has reached the pinnacle of ordinary writing wheel eye, but even so, he seems to have no way to resist all this!

The feeling of drowsiness came upon him, and in a moment he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"Sorry, Itachi, there are some things I really can't tell you casually." Shishui looked at Uchiha Itachi, who had fallen asleep on the ground, and finally shook his head: "Also, is it time for you to come out after watching it for so long."

Suddenly, Uchiha Zhishui raised his head, and the four-cornered kaleidoscope in his eye sockets spun slightly: "Peeping is not a good style."

"Very sharp and slow, little guy."

With a low sound, the space in front of Zhishui was slightly rippling, but after a while, a figure slowly walked out of the ripples in this space.

"When we meet for the first time, don't make the atmosphere so tense. You're right, Shishui."

Shishui didn't speak, he just stared at the guy in front of him.

He couldn't understand how the guy in front of him came out of the void.

Moreover, the dress in front of him and this guy also made Zhishui frown.

This is a mysterious man in a black robe, with a vague aura that makes it difficult to lock on. The mysterious man wears a hood on his head, except that he can see a yellow mask on his chin by the moonlight.

This kind of dressing can't help but make him think of something, and that is about that mysterious organization!

"You know me, but I don't know you." Zhi Shui's voice was unusually indifferent: "Who are you, and your eyes, are you from that mysterious organization?"

"This question, why don't you guess it yourself?" Obito nodded casually: "Perhaps, you can guess the answer you want."

"Answer my question." Zhi Shui said in a deep voice again, the kaleidoscope writing wheel staring at each other's every move, trying to find the right time to shoot.

"Nice eyes, a kaleidoscope is indeed a pair of terrifying eyes, but this is not the upper limit." Obito's voice seemed to be a little joking: "Forget it, it doesn't matter, you will know it in the future. Moreover, the current junior, It's too much of a vigilance."

Speaking of this, Obito then reached out and took off the hood on his head, revealing the patterned mask, only a hole in the right eye, in which the three-hooked jade writing wheel eye is clearly visible.

A strange power bloomed in Obito's body, and he looked at Uchiha Shisui, who had been alert to the extreme, and showed a little mockery at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't like the guy in front of him, not at all, so he didn't plan to reveal anything to this guy.

In addition, although he felt that Hei Jue was a little strange, the strangeness did not dispel Obito's vigilance against him, and he was still guarding against this guy.

"Introduce myself, I'm Madara Uchiha..."

Obito raised his head slightly and said a name softly, but before he finished speaking, a cold light suddenly appeared!

The moment the other party took off his hood and opened his mouth, Uchiha Shisui made a bold move, and the Shinobi knife drew a cold glow in the moonlight.


Nothing happened, Uchiha Obito, who was wearing a mask, turned around calmly, and Sangouyu's writing wheel eyes looked at Shishui without emotion.

"Such small actions are meaningless. I have no malicious intentions here. If you insist on pushing me to the opposite side, I'm afraid you will regret your decision for the rest of your life."

The moonlight fell on him, coupled with the words in his grasp, giving Zhishui an unprecedented pressure.

Shishui stared at the guy in front of him, he was thinking, thinking about how he should do it.

He didn't forget that Uchiha Kai planned to let himself join this organization, but he also needed to confirm some things.

He remembered that Uchiha Kai had said that he still had his own people in this organization, but he was not quite sure who this own person was.

Moreover, if the other party comes to him like this, if he doesn't do something he should do, then it is the most unreasonable.

"In this case, the first step in our communication is always to be open and honest. You just said that you are Madara Uchiha. Sorry, I can't believe this kind of thing."

Shishui shook his head, the ninja sword in his hand still maintained a fighting posture.

"It's not just me, any normal person can't believe it. If there is no malice, take off the mask from your face first."

"Idiot Uchiha junior, I didn't expect you to live in your own narrow world like those mediocre people. Everyone said that Uchiha Madara died, but what is the truth..."

Obito's voice became deeper and deeper, and the playful gesture became more and more obvious.

"People always take their ignorance as the truth, because they don't understand, I hope you understand that I am Madara Uchiha, this does not need to be proved by you, and now, it is not that I want to cooperate with you and fall into crisis It's on your side."

"Are you in crisis?" Shishui stared at Obito, and his mind suddenly moved.

He knew it was an opportunity, a rare opportunity.

Uchiha Kai's plan is to cooperate with Sarutobi Risho to kill those who hinder the development of Konoha and have some identities at the same time.

After doing it yourself, it is absolutely impossible to stay in Konoha, at least not currently.

Therefore, there is a latent plan, and a latent plan is accompanied by a latent plan.

This guy came to find himself, obviously he already knew some things in Konoha, and then deduced some interesting things.

How interesting these things are, Shishui is not sure about his guess, he needs to 'cooperate' with the other party.

"Even if you are Madara Uchiha, why did you find me?" Shishui thought of this and said directly.

"It's very simple, because you're afraid that you can't protect yourself now."

Obito shook his head, he still maintained that tone, and this attitude was completely learned from Uchiha Kai.

"As a person of Kai Uchiha, and also a member of the root of the three generations of Hokage, your exposure has no one to explain anything to you. This shows that you may have become an abandoned child."

"Abandoned son?" Zhi Shui's face was a little weird, but he didn't say much, but asked directly: "And then?"

"As an abandoned child, you will definitely be used by Uchiha Kai, such as..." Obito also learned to soften his voice: "Let you kill the three generations of Hokage, or those behind the three generations of Hokage. The person who hindered Kai Uchiha. You are three generations of people, no one knows that you are actually Kai Uchiha, then in the end you will bear everything. Also, your eyes are kaleidoscopes of writing round eyes..."

Speaking of this, Obito put his hands around his chest, raised his head slightly, and the low and soft voice sounded again.

"Having these eyes, I am afraid that according to the degree of greed of Uchiha Kai, he will never miss it. Moreover, it will be a poor **** who cleans up his dissidents and bears sins for him. Your death will never have any value, Even your eyes will be his..."

"Enough!" Zhi Shui frowned and shouted angrily Can't accept the reality? Hehe, it's really sad, but that's right. If you believe it easily, it's not worth my attention. It's getting late. Today's conversation will stop here for the time being. "

Obito shook his head slightly, took out Hei Jue's theory and said that this is enough.

The scarlet writing wheel began to turn slightly, and his body began to twist.

"But there are some things I need to remind you that your situation has reached the brink of a cliff.

Not only you, but even the world is on the brink of a cliff. If you are stuck in a corner, come to me for help.

In addition, if you have time, you can go to the underground of Uchiha Shrine.

The stone tablet left by the Six Paths Immortal may give you some different inspirations..."


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