Chapter 666: time seal

Uchiha Itachi devoted himself to teaching Sasuke to learn Chidori. Although this is a bit against the operation, I am afraid that even if Kakashi knows about it, he will not say much.

After all, Itachi is his favorite disciple, and Sasuke seems to be one of the more gifted children of the Uchiha family.

And as Uchiha Itachi said, the Chidori technique is most suitable for the Uchiha family to use.

However, there is also a premise here, that is, the user must open the writing wheel.

This guy Sasuke didn't turn on the Sharingan. Strictly speaking, this technique was not practical for him, but no one would think that this kid couldn't even turn on the Sharingan.

These things are not clear to Uchiha Kai. If he knew, he might have supported it.

Kakashi didn't really put a lot of effort into the development of Chidori, probably because his own combat mode had already taken shape, and his development was completely based on the combination of swordsmanship.

He still remembered that he kept researching new ones, and handed over the Chidori-derived techniques to Uchiha Kai.

But it is a pity that for Uchiha Kai, the technique of Lanqi is almost enough.

If Sasuke conducts a new generation of Chidori's research and development, it will be purely technically modified, and Uchiha Kai will definitely agree with it.

But he didn't know these things. In addition to developing the Chakra mode of the eye of reincarnation, he almost forgot that he had a task.

That is to study the development of his pupil technique, especially since he once had a certain idea, but he very much hopes to realize it.

"I said, why do you want this kind of scroll that can seal?" In the underground laboratory, Imai Kenta looked at Kai Uchiha curiously: "You know, this thing is not cheap, I still find someone It's coming to the scientific research department."

"Please, if this thing is really developed, it will be a good thing for us." Uchiha Qi glanced at the guy next to him, and he said with some displeasure: "Of course, if you don't want to provide these things , I can give the money. When the research and development is successful, you can find a way to get it from me. "

"Qi, you are really stingy." Imai Kenta showed a little contempt on his face: "You don't even know what experiment you are going to do, how do I know what you think. Also, these things don't mean anything to me. It's nothing, don't forget the background of Qianshou in Konoha."

"Yes, yes, I know." Uchiha Qi didn't bother to talk to him so much: "Be quiet, I'm thinking about what I'm going to do."

What Imai Kenta said is really okay, the Qianshou family's heritage in Konoha is still rich and terrifying.

Many things in this laboratory were initially provided by Uchiha Fuyue.

But after Imai Kenta revealed his identity, it was basically him and Uchiha Fugaku who provided these things together.

Simple things Uchiha Tomiya can get, don't need so much trouble.

But once it involves something that is relatively difficult to get, and may be investigated, it is when Imai Kenta takes a shot.

For example, the scroll that Uchiha Qi is currently holding, the scroll that can seal the art is very expensive.

This kind of scroll is not as simple as simply sealing the chakra, but stably sealing the chakra that has been arranged in this scroll.

This kind of seal can be said to be very dangerous. If it is not handled properly, it may lead to the direct eruption of the spell including the seal.

Therefore, this kind of scroll is very complicated in terms of production process and material selection.

And because of the technique sealed in the scroll, its outbreak is almost imperceptible, and it can be directly attacked to death by a ninja without any defense.

Therefore, this kind of scroll is also relatively strictly controlled, and this kind of thing can cause unimaginable destructive power even for ordinary people.

However, in terms of control, there is no way to resist such things as rights. Kenta Imai not only has a family background, but also has a lot of rights.

Minister of Mission, this is no joke.

Of course, he is now the head of the task department, and he can only be responsible for keeping records.

This job was originally from Aya Hyuga. If someone chooses Kai Uchiha, he will definitely not let this guy come, because this guy's mouth is too broken, and sometimes it is really a headache.

Hyuga Aya really has something to do today, and she is now one of the most powerful people in the Hyuga clan.

Of course, she might not care too much about this herself, but she does have other things to deal with.

She is the teacher of Neji Hyuga and Hinata Hinata - originally Hinata Hinata didn't need her to teach, but since they opened the reincarnation eye and Tenseigan and returned from the moon, Hyuga Hizu made this decision.

It seems that the school is on holiday today, and Hyuga Aya naturally needs to teach these two little guys well.

"You didn't even think about what to do, so you asked me for a scroll?" Imai Kenta's mouth twitched: "Please, can Aya stand you?"

"Shut up, don't disturb my thoughts." Uchiha Kai glared at Imai Kenta, and then his eyes instantly turned into Samsara eyes.

Seeing these eyes, Imai Kenta instantly calmed down.

Even the eyes are about to be used, so does it mean that what Uchiha Kai is going to do this time has something to do with his eyes?

Imai Kenta guessed right, but Uchiha Kei didn't know and didn't care what he was thinking.

In fact, Uchiha Qi has already thought about what to do. He really intends to develop his eyes well, but in the process of development, he also has some other ideas.

For example, it appeared very early, whether it is possible to extract the power of special properties such as 'time stop', 'time acceleration' and 'time deceleration'.

And seal it up, and finally act on itself!

This kind of thinking is considered an attempt, since he can restore his left eye to its peak state through the "retrospect of time" of his right eye.

Or when he restored his chakra to a relatively peak level, he began to think about these things.

The ability to go back in time can be used to reverse time.

Then if it is stuck in the stage of reversing money, and it just slows down time, then if it is acting on itself...

This idea is very bold, and it is also very crazy, but once it succeeds, it is completely conceivable how terrifying it will be.

It's not that Kai Uchiha didn't think about it, whether he should strip out his own technique of "Staying in Time", and then act on him.

But as the power of his eyes improved, he had realized that if he did this, it was likely to bring about great negative effects.

If nothing else, whether it will completely solidify itself is a huge problem.

He had no way of forgetting that when he used Time Station on Yuchi Uchiha, that guy was using Amaterasu against him.

As a result, at that moment, he was completely gouged out by his own eyes, and he also suffered an unimaginable backlash.

"As for the other negative effects, I'm not sure, but there will be more or less. So..."

Uchiha Kai closed his left eye slightly, and the circles of reincarnation in his right eye looked extraordinarily weird.

"Let's be pragmatic. It's unrealistic for me to completely freeze time. It's not that I have no room for improvement. In this case, let the flow of time slow down, although I can't be sure of some things..."

What Uchiha Kei can't be sure of is actually the same as how the body reacts when the 'time stop' effect acts on the body.

Slowing down the flow of time is the consumption of the body itself, or it is completely trapped in the slowed down time.

But now Uchiha Kai doesn't want to think so much anymore. After he makes it, he will think about these messy things.

Thinking of this, the chakra bursting out of his right eye was even bigger, and time seemed to be completely messed up around him!

"Can you seal the power I am generating now?" Uchiha Kai still stared at the scroll on the table, his voice was very calm, but at the same time it seemed very ethereal: "To match your immortal mode, I will These forces are pressed into the scroll, hurry up and speak."

"What the **** are you doing?" Imai Kenta frowned. He now feels that the situation is very bad, and an inexplicable suffocation makes him uncomfortable.

But he also turned on the immortal mode for the first time, and then said: "I'm not sure, because...damn, what are you doing, why...why do I feel...time Not quite right? What's going on here?"

Feel the sequence of time?

Uchiha Qi glanced at Imai Kenta in surprise, and he was really surprised by this guy's perception.

But after thinking about it carefully, he knew what was going on.

Usually, when you use it yourself, you directly wrap this power around people or act on yourself, and you won't let this power be exposed.

But now it is different. He has completely exposed this power and made it completely collide with the normal time sequence.

Therefore, Imai Kenta can feel it, and the time seems to be a little wrong now.

But he can only feel this step at most, and I'm afraid he can't do anything further.

After all, he is not Kai Uchiha, and he really has no way to completely "see" the flow of time, let alone control it.

Shaking his head, after Uchiha Kai knew that his power would not be seen by anyone at will, he directly focused his energy on his current work.

Yin and Yang escaped in his body and began to surge wildly, and the immortal mode was directly activated at this moment.

Uchiha Kai has been staring at these forces, and under the dual perception of the immortal mode and the reincarnation eye, he can clearly grasp every context of these invisible forces.

With his constant control, finally, these scattered forces were completely brought together by him, and then all of them were pressed on the scroll of this chapter with his movements!

"Right now, use your sealing technique!" Uchiha Kai shouted immediately, but soon he realized something: "Don't seal it completely, use yin-yang escape to make it circulate faster."

"Really, you have a lot of troubles." Imai Ken too quickly followed, and he seriously began to consider Uchiha Kai's request.

Cooperate with yin and yang to seal these strange powers?

This is also a huge challenge for Imai Kenta, because he has never tried anything like this before.

But not trying it doesn't mean he won't, and it doesn't mean he can't use it.

Taking a deep breath, Imai Kenta folded his hands together, and the vigorous chakra spread out from his body instantly.

As far as the amount of chakra is concerned, I am afraid that this guy is not inferior to Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

Before the transformation of the two, Imai Kenta's Chakra was the best among the three of them.

However, the amount of chakra is only the amount of chakra, which does not completely represent the strength that a person can exert, and can only be used as a relatively good reference.

But having such a huge chakra also proves that Imai Kenta is terrible.

With his chakra bursting out, his mind has quickly filtered out what kind of seal he wants to use.

"Although it's the first time I've used it, I hope it's ok." After the chakra that Jingta has condensed to a certain level, he immediately stretched out his hand and pressed it on the center of the scroll: "Yin-Yang Escape, Gossip Seal!"

With his angry shout, those strange powers began to slowly dissipate.

But obviously, this is not enough, his chakra quality seems to be unable to compare with those strange powers.

Uchiha Kai couldn't help but raised his brows when he saw this scene, and then his eyes moved slightly, and his eyes suddenly appeared blue.

Slightly mobilized his own yin and yang escape, and the next moment he brought the Chakra of Samsara Eye to transfer these powers to the scroll.

He is using his own power to help Imai Kenta's seal complete the mission.

Perhaps because of the addition of his power, Imai Kenta's seal began to take effect.

The inexplicable feeling that time was being cut gradually disappeared, and the surrounding time seemed to return to calm at this moment.

Only this guy, Imai Kenta, was gasping for breath. He was soaked all over, and his face was pale, as if he had experienced something terrible that made him suffocate.

"It's done?" After a long time, Kenta Imai asked, "What the **** is going on here, why do I feel that way? You know, at that moment, I felt that I.... It's like being slowed down, but everything around is extremely normal. That feeling is terrible."

"Don't blame it, because once this power is exposed, it will inevitably cause some fluctuations." Uchiha didn't care, he explained while staring at the scroll: "The first time we went to the moon, didn't you? Do you feel something weird?"

"Strange phenomenon..." Imai Ken was too stunned for a moment, and the next moment he seemed to remember something: "Damn, I thought it was my illusion, or that Aya's ancestor did it... That's you...your strength is..."

"It can be understood like this, but no matter what kind of power there is a price, you don't dare to use it if you don't realize it." Uchiha Qi said casually: "Well, let's not talk about this problem, after all, this is mine. secret."

"That's right, who has some secrets inside. But what exactly are you trying to do with this experiment?"

"Me? I want to try it out. Can I use some special methods to make my peak period more durable..."


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