Chapter 667: It's exciting to think about

Making the peak period more durable is self-evident.

Imai Kenta is not stupid, he can hear these things, combined with the changes in the flow of time that he vaguely sensed just now.

He now guessed what Uchiha Kai did, but after guessing, his mood became more complicated.

He probably knew some things, but he knew and understood these things, and he felt a deep despair.

"You defeated me, and there are four generations of Hokage-sama's Fei Lei Shen. There are even four generations of Raikage guys, relying on..." Imai Kenta swallowed: "Is it the control of time power?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, but I can't deny it." Uchiha Kai nodded: "To deal with people like you who are terrifyingly fast and even use space directly, time is the best way to deal with it. In fact, even if I use Susanoh, I can win too, but why should I be so troublesome?"

To deal with this guy who is good at space ninjutsu, Uchiha Kei has never wanted to take risks.

Susanoh can indeed defend their offensive, but there is no way to do it in counterattack, and he has never been a passive person.

If so, why did he give up using his abilities?

The other party has used space ninjutsu, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to use time ninjutsu by yourself, right?

For a long time, I have practiced against Imai Kenta so many times, plus after fighting with Obito and the pinnacle of Namikaze Minato.

Uchiha Kai has fully realized that the power of time is to restrain those who use the power of space abnormally.

These people use the power of space to ignore factors such as distance and angle, and can attack from any location and anywhere.

But once he slowed them down to the extreme, they were not a threat to him from any position or angle.

All he had to do was turn around, grab them by the neck, and the fight was over!

"It's no wonder that I lost so badly, so that's how it is." Imai Kentai rubbed his head in distress: "I thought that your reaction speed was too fast to surpass the constraints of space, or that you could see the essence of space at all, but I didn't expect that. …”

"You too overestimate me, don't you?" Uchiha Kai said with some amusing: "Seeing through the essence of space, this kind of thing may be able to be transformed to the extreme, but the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel may not work. You and Just like Captain Watergate, they are too arrogant."

After saying this, Uchiha Kai stopped explaining so much.

Showing to this guy the ability that he has hidden for so long is enough for him, and it is impossible for him to reveal his other abilities.

As for whether the Samsara Eye can see through the essence of space, although he is a little hesitant about this, but when he thinks of the ability of 'Huangquan Hirazaka', which is unique to the ultimate Samsara Eye.

Uchiha Qi thinks that maybe when his Samsara Eye is transformed to the extreme, he may be able to have it and see through space.

Space and time, these two forces, no matter which world they are placed in, are probably the top and most difficult to deal with.

Of course, these two forces may be slightly different in the early and mid-term, but in the later stage, it seems that these two forces are at the same height.

Otherwise, there would be no such saying that time and space are not separated from each other.

Uchiha Qi is very lucky. He has mastered the most special time power from the beginning. Although he has always mastered it very poorly, it is not easy to use.

But he survived anyway, and with the characteristics of time, he took down such a difficult opponent as Obito.

Without this ability, I'm afraid he might not be able to deal with Obito so easily.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you guy." Kenta Imai shook his head helplessly, and then he looked at the scroll on the table: "How is this thing sealed? What effect can it have?"

"That's a good question, and I'm looking forward to it." Uchiha Ki nodded, then he picked up the scroll and stuffed it into Imai Kenta's arms: "You happen to be here, give me an experiment. "

"..." Kenta Imai looked at Kai Uchiha in astonishment, and then glanced at the scroll in his hand.

For a moment, he really wanted to throw away the scroll, but considering the behavior of the **** Uchiha Kai, he still did not give action in the end.

Taking this scroll, Imai Kenta carefully felt the changes in his body, and he found that there seemed to be no substantial changes.

Kai Uchiha previously emphasized that the use of yin and yang to cycle, and these forces cannot be sealed too dead.

Its purpose is also very clear, that is, to allow these powers to accompany the scrolls and continuously act on the scroll holders.

But now, it doesn't seem to be of any use at all.

However, Imai Kenta is also very smart. He didn't make a conclusion at will. After all, even if he turned on the immortal mode, he could only feel a little of this power reluctantly.

Whether it really works, it really needs to be evaluated by Uchiha Kai.

This guy is not only the master of these powers, but more importantly, he also has the eye of reincarnation!

"How is it now?" Imai Ken asked too curiously, "I seem to feel....there is no change."

"You do feel that there is no change, but I can tell you responsibly that it works." Uchiha Qi stared at Imai Kenta, and finally said after thinking about it: "However, this effect is very small, because There is something wrong with your sealing technique."

Uchiha Qi did see everything he wanted. Under the action of the eye of reincarnation, he clearly saw that the time flow rate inside Kenta Imai's body had changed.

But as Uchiha Kai said, this effect is very small, so small that it can almost be ignored.

The result of all this is also obvious, that is, Imai Kenta's sealing technique is not quite right, or it is not qualified at all!

In fact, Uchiha Qi can understand, after all, this seal is not an ordinary power, but the most bizarre time power.

Imai Kenta can do this, and it can be said that it has shown its value.

As a whole, Konoha, even if Shin Kuna was asked to complete this matter, may not have performed better than Imai Kenta for the first time.

No, it should be absolutely no better than him, after all, Imai Kenta is a person who can use yin and yang to escape.

"Your sealing technique needs to be improved." After a careful observation, Uchiha Kai said directly: "It is necessary to have such power to overflow more, but it cannot completely leave the scroll, completely detached, this scroll will also Abandoned."

"You're asking too much." Although Imai Kenta's face was full of displeasure, he didn't even reject Uchiha's words: "I see, it takes time to improve the sealing technique, so be mentally prepared. Also, The specific effect of your scroll should not only make the peak period last longer, right? You want to live longer!"

"Of course, who doesn't want to live longer?" Uchiha Qi didn't intend to deny Imai Kenta's meaning at all: "Improve it well, your sealing technique is not up to the standard."

"Hmph, you go to the ninja world to find out, how many people are there who know how to escape from yin and yang and are good at sealing?" Imai Kenta threw the scroll in his hand, and a look of pride appeared on his face.

But the next moment, his expression changed.

Because a crack suddenly appeared on the scroll in his hand, the crack was not serious, but it looked like it was caused by too long storage time.

Kenta Imai looked a little dumbfounded at this situation. Could it be that he just tossed it a couple of times and ended up like this?

Shouldn't it?

Could it be that his sealing technique is really bad, causing the power to leak out too much?

"Hey, this question... shouldn't be my problem, right?" Imai Kenta asked cautiously, he was really worried now.

"It doesn't matter what yours is, it's the material." Uchiha Qi glanced at the scroll, and immediately knew what was going on: "Although the material of this scroll carries other powers, such as ninjutsu, it is enough. It is used. But the power to carry time is still a little worse. It seems that we still need to find some new materials."

The power of time is really too weird, and no one can figure this out.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are reincarnations that a normal person needs to experience, but all of this is accomplished under the influence of time.

Time is the most irresistible force, and one of the most terrifying forces in this world.

Although the power of the pupil technique that Uchiha unsealed and entered slowed down the flow of time, the problem was that these powers disturbed the time of the scroll itself.

Therefore, the scroll was forced to form a strange hedge, causing it to age rapidly. As a result, Uchiha Kai himself had no choice.

Unless Kenta Imai can improve his sealing technique to the extreme, it will not affect the time power itself, and at the same time, it can also separate the sealed power and the carrier.

But this kind of thing, let's think about it, at least Imai Kenta doesn't need to think about it now, he probably won't be able to do it all.

"In general, this experiment was considered a success, but it was also considered a failure." Uchiha Qi touched his chin, looked at the scroll in his hand and muttered silently: "Materials and sealing techniques are all unqualified, solve one of them. Item, maybe it will get better."

"Well, there's nothing I can do if I'm not qualified, I'll mobilize the people in my family to help you find the materials you need when they go out on a mission." Kenta Imai spread his hands helplessly: "By the way, put what you need. Make a list of materials, otherwise I can't do anything about it."

"Sorry, shouldn't you solve this matter?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment, then looked at Imai Kenta inexplicably: "I know the material of a ghost, even this scroll in your hand, I I only know that it is regulated, and I don't know anything else. If you ask me to make a list, it is better for me to find Orochimaru and ask him to help."

"You bastard..." Imai Kenta held his face in one hand, looking like he was completely defeated: "Damn, I'm afraid only Aya can stand you. Forget it, I'll deal with it, by the way, What are you going to do with this thing?"

With that said, Kenta Imai handed the scroll in his hand to Kai Uchiha. He doesn't dare to throw this thing around casually now.

The ghost knows if he pushes hard or not, this thing will completely break.

The power of time, Uchiha Kai may not be afraid, but he can't.

Seeing this scroll aging so fast, Imai Kenta was really worried that this thing would break directly, causing the power inside to infect himself, and then in a blink of an eye he would become a dying old man with a very short life.

Uchiha Qi took over the scroll, looking at himself, this is not a failure, but it is definitely not a successful experimental product, and he is also thinking about how to deal with it.

Direct destruction may be the best choice, but if it is destroyed like this, then there is no way to detect a lot of data.

Even if this thing has some damage now, it does not mean that it has no sustainable value, such as...

"Put it down to Nohara Rin's place." Uchiha Qi thought for a moment, then suddenly revealed a smile: "Anyway, Nohara Rin's consciousness has collapsed now, but her body has recovered, so it's a pity that such a good experimental body doesn't need to be used. already."

"Isn't it? You smoke other people's chakra when you die, and you still use it for experiments when you survive?" Imai Kenta looked at Uchiha Kai with a look of astonishment: "You guy, is it not a human thing, you Absolutely nothing?"

"I think you've done more things than me, right?" Uchiha Kei didn't even bother to pay attention to Imai Kenta, he said disdainfully, "A light bulb of your wattage is really necessary. Woolen cloth."

Imai Kenta suddenly shut up, he didn't dare to argue with Uchiha Kai on this matter.

Whether intentional or unintentional, he did destroy a lot of good things for Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

Seeing Imai Kenta's deflated appearance Uchiha Kai's mood suddenly improved a lot, and then he walked directly to the room where Nohara Rin was stored.

Since this scroll doesn't want to be destroyed, let's just experiment with Nohara Rin.

Although this woman has not been able to wake up yet, her body has recovered very well.

However, a good recovery also has certain disadvantages, that is, if she does not move her body for a long time, the sequelae such as muscle atrophy caused by it, it is really not a good thing.

So put this scroll with her, if everything is the same as Uchiha Kai thought, then she will not have such sequelae.

Even if her body couldn't grow at all because of this, at least it was much better than being abolished, right?

"What's more, when this woman wakes up to see Kakashi and Obito after a few years, these two guys have grown into adults, isn't it exciting to think about..."


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