Chapter 674: It's time for activity 1

In a forest outside Konoha Village, eight people dressed in red clouds on a black background are gathering together, and they seem to be discussing something.

"This time, our task is to make the interior of Konoha chaotic." Nagato said, controlling Yahiko's body that had been repaired by himself: "This time the task is very complicated and very troublesome, but I believe everyone knows it. I can feel it. But as long as we plan, I think everything can be done.”

Xiao Nan stood beside him without saying a word, looking like a sculpture.

In fact, she didn't approve of such a plan at all, because in her opinion, the mission they were going to carry out this time was too dangerous.

Infiltrating Konoha, and attacking Uchiha and the three generations of Hokage, such an approach was unimaginable to her.

Konoha is not a weak Konoha, even if she knows Nagato's strength is extraordinary, they also have a very deep hatred for Konoha.

But shooting Konoha, especially now, is really not a very good idea.

Even if they didn't plan to really destroy Konoha, once exposed, it would be really troublesome.

Not only Xiao Nan, but several other people seem to be very indifferent, but their hearts are also reluctant to provoke the current Konoha.

Not to mention anything else, Konoha is now really powerful and terrifying as a ninja!

Four generations of Hokage, this man's deterrent power has been unforgettable since the third war.

In addition to this, there is Uchiha Fuyue. Originally, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan did not perform too dazzlingly.

But with his performance in the Konoha Jiuwei incident, people have to recognize his ability.

Then in the battle between Konoha and Yun Ren, this guy's performance was even more amazing.

He will face the fourth Raikage alone and break one of his hands. Few people can achieve such a record!

In addition to these two people, there is another character who makes them feel more headaches, that is Kai Uchiha!

Originally, their performance against Uchiha Kai was limited to the Battle of Kamabashi Bridge, which ended the Three Wars, and the performance in the Nine Tails Incident.

Seriously, if it was just that, I'm afraid they wouldn't think so much.

But as they joined the Akatsuki organization, they learned a lot of interesting things, for example, the Nine-Tails incident was actually done by one of them.

And the guy who did all this was actually defeated by Uchiha Kai head-on!

In addition, there are events in the country of the vortex a few years ago. Uchiha Kai faced the patriarchs of the five big families alone, and then he beheaded all the opponents cleanly!

This kind of thing, even if they do it, they definitely don't think they can do it.

Of the five patriarchs who died, which one did not have great military exploits, and which one did not have blood on his hands?

The results of it?

All dead, Uchiha Kai appeared in the public eye once again intact!

Even before or after they joined the Akatsuki organization, they went to the place where Kai Uchiha and the five patriarchs fought.

The landscape of that place has been completely rewritten, and even the cracks that shattered like an abyss, they could clearly distinguish that it was man-made at all.

It's a **** out there!

The only conclusion they came to was that if they collided with Kai Uchiha, they might die!

"Do you have any other questions?"

Nagato found that after he had finished speaking, these people seemed to be a little lack of interest, which made them frown.

There are not too many people in Xiao's organization now, and two or two teams can make up four groups of people.

He and Xiaonan can be counted as a group, and the man who calls himself Madara Uchiha and the black and white creature can also be grouped together.

In addition, there are the newly added Orochimaru, and the scorpion who has joined them long ago to form a group.

In the end, it was a group made up of the undead Kouto and the undead named Hidean.

For this mission, Nagato decided to act in person. Although he did not bring the six clones together, he would definitely use it once he entered the battle!

He and Xiao Nan are in charge of dealing with Uchiha. The **** guy was from Uchiha last time. He will not forget this.

And Orochimaru, Scorpion, and Kaoru and Hidean will deal with the people from the three generations of Hokage.

If necessary, they will even assist the guy named Shisui Uchiha to clean up the three generations of Hokage together.

As for the guy who calls himself Madara Uchiha, and the plant that is good at gathering intelligence....

Just let them watch, these two guys are very opposed to this mission.

But Nagato didn't care. The information about Uchiha Shisui was provided by them. Although it was the best according to their method, Nagato didn't believe them from the beginning!

The Akatsuki organization was founded by him and Yahiko, and the will they insist was not what they thought. They...

They are not all the way people at all, even if they did teach themselves a lot of things.

"What about the retreat plan?" After a long time, Jiaodu asked directly: "Everyone knows that this guy Uchiha Kai is definitely not a good character to deal with. If there is no retreat plan..."

"I think Mr. Madara will solve this trouble for us." Nagato controlled Yahiko and said directly: "Mr. Madara is very good at space ninjutsu, there will be absolutely no problem for him to take us away."

"What if I didn't wait for this guy's support?" Scorpion's voice was still so indifferent.

He has completely replaced his body now, and he may relatively agree with this mission plan. After all, his previous puppet was destroyed by Hyuga Aya.

He had to get some necessary battles, so that he could quickly adapt to the power of these new puppets, and check their pros and cons to make a series of moves.

"If he didn't come, it wouldn't be easy." Hidean said with a smile at this time: "Then attack the civilian area, don't forget, Uchiha Kai is Konoha's ninja, no matter how powerful he is, he will also Don't you dare to fight in Konoha? As long as you drag, I think..."

Having said that, Feiduan didn't say more, but his words made the other people except Orochimaru also nodded.

Although they don't like this guy so much, after all, this guy's performance is very average whether it is ninjutsu or taijutsu.

If it weren't for his immortality and that special secret technique, I'm afraid this guy's level would not make them feel jealous at all.

But I have to admit that although this guy's ninja literacy is not very good, there is no problem with his thinking.

If he is forced to go directly into the civilian area and flee, no matter how strong Uchiha Kai is, he will not be able to make a big move!

Orochimaru looked at everything with a smile, he never made a sound, just like Obito and that Hei Jue.

Knowing the power of Uchiha Kai at this stage, he did not expect any of these actions at all, and he even handed over the information to Uchiha Kai long ago.

Shaking his head indifferently, Orochimaru turned his attention to the guy who called himself Payne.

The eyes of reincarnation, such magical eyes in this world, turned out not to be possessed by ordinary people.

No wonder this guy smells like a corpse. It turns out that this guy is not a human at all, just a manipulated puppet.

Shaking his head disdainfully, Orochimaru recalled that noon, Uchiha Kai's pair of scarlet reincarnation eyes.

Thinking of these eyes, Orochimaru felt even more excited.

Sure enough, it is no wonder that the deity chose Uchiha Kai, because he really has the ability to become one of them!

And he knew something interesting even more, that is, Samsara Eye needs to be constantly evolved in order to obtain it!

"It's just a used waste, and it's ridiculous to think of himself as a god." Orochimaru turned his eyes to Payne, and thought silently in his heart: "However, I just don't know who gave him these eyes. Well, forget it, no matter who it is, its purpose is probably just to treat him as a pawn. Forget it, what do you think about, I still have a lot of tasks to do..."

Orochimaru does have a lot of tasks to deal with. Although he didn't tell Uchiha Kai too much about his attitude, it is clear that this guy will not let his labor force go easily.

He now has a very important task, and that is to find a way to create a technique similar to that of a caged bird, which can protect the eyes from being stolen by outsiders, but is also different from a technique in which the caged bird cannot be controlled.

It was troublesome, but not impossible, so Orochimaru accepted the task.

"After this operation is over, go back and think about it."

Orochimaru thought silently, and then he left here with Scorpion, Feiduan and Jiaodu.

Nagato and Konan also quickly left here. The two of them had different tasks from the others. In the end, Obito and Heijue were left behind.

Strictly speaking, the two of them will not directly participate in this operation, but one of their abilities can provide specific information, while the other can lead people to evacuate.

Naturally, you don't need to do anything with the soil to go in now. Orochimaru is enough anyway.

At least in their opinion, this is also an opportunity for Orochimaru to show himself, and it is also an opportunity to avenge him.

Orochimaru left, but on the bright side, he left because he was forced to be exposed because he participated in the first-generation experiment conducted by Danzo.

But they won't believe this nonsense. Is it possible that Danzo has more power than the three generations of Hokage?

And Hokage's reputation can't be smeared, Orochimaru is naturally a suitable backer!

"It seems that they are going to make a big move this time." Hei Jue looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help shaking his head: "I suddenly regret that I didn't tell them about Uchiha Kai's information."

"It's not necessary, it's better to let them learn a lesson." Obito said plainly: "Just keep an eye on them, I'm going to see Shishui."

"Tell me, how many people will they leave alive this time?" Hei never had any objection, but he asked curiously: "Fourth Hokage, Uchiha Fu, Kakashi, tsk tsk, and Uchiha Guys like Kai exist..."

"I'll bring them all out. The big deal is that I'll face Uchiha Kai in person." Zhishui glanced at Hei Jue indifferently: "Finally, as a friendly reminder, don't talk to me about Kakashi..."

"This Kakashi is just a false existence. In the future, in my world, there will be a more real Kakashi! As for his eyes, let him keep..."


"Is it interesting, these people seem to be unable to bear it."

In the bamboo forest of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, Uchiha Kai looked at Obito in front of him and couldn't help showing a smile.

Before, Orochimaru quietly ran over to report the letter, and now Obito came to look for him again. It can be said that the current Xiao organization is really infiltrated by himself.

As long as it is handled well, and when the water stops and the ghost sharks are sent in one after another, the entire Xiao organization can be counted as his own.

As Orochimaru said, Nagato does plan to sneak into Konoha and make some small moves himself, so that Konoha is at least not as united as he is now.

But with Nagato's IQ, I'm afraid he really wouldn't have thought that Konoha was not a group of harmony, and the reason why it seemed to be united was that one side lost.

No one would explain this to him, but these guys came over to cause trouble, which gave Uchiha Kai some ideas.

"Perhaps I've been low-key for too long. Although there are some obvious achievements, people will always think that I can't." Uchiha Qi said faintly: "Although your efforts will be later, but this I might have to do it myself one time."

"Oh? Who are you going to deal with? Nagato?" Obito blinked, and he asked curiously, "Are you going to use the Eye of Samsara to deal with him directly?"

"No, the last time I fought with him, I used Samsara's eyes. Since he didn't tell you, it means that this guy has some thoughts in his heart." Uchiha Kai smiled: "This time, I will use Uchiha Kai's. It's good to play with him, but I can't let him really come to Uchiha."

"I understand, I will give him a piece of information, you have chosen the location." Obito instantly understood what Kai Uchiha meant.

Probably because I have worked with this guy for six or seven years Obito is more familiar with Uchiha Kai's approach.

In the same way, he also recognized Uchiha Kai's approach very much, although he did not take Akatsuki's organization in his eyes at all, and at the same time he was somewhat sympathetic to Nagato.

But in any case, Uchiha Qi wants the Akatsuki organization to unite the ninja world, so the obedient Akatsuki organization is still necessary. Nagato is not obedient, then find a way to make him obedient!

"By the way, what about the others? Orochimaru, Jiaodu, Scorpion, and an immortal Feiduan. How do you plan to deal with them?"

"Someone will handle them, no need to worry."

"That's fine, don't kill me, okay?"



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