Chapter 675: script

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, snowflakes slowly floated again in the sky.

Uchiha Qi slowly walked down the street, feeling the thriving atmosphere in Konoha, he couldn't help showing a slight smile, and then slowly walked towards a pub.

Although he never intended to develop Konoha so well, even when he was on the battlefield, he didn't think about being Konoha's rebellion.

But after so long in development, as his plans continued to succeed, everything changed.

Today's Konoha, it can be considered that he has invested a lot of effort.

The Namikaze Minato family was saved, and the implementation of various reforms prevented Konoha from experiencing the darkest moments in the original work.

Even Yun Ren still came, but it did not cause any damage to Konoha at all.

Today's Konoha can be said to have entered the pinnacle of the ninja world under the leadership of Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato, and can be regarded as the strongest village in the world.

All Konoha residents live happily. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the foundation of their lives. Konoha has given them a stable life, so that they are not lacking in this aspect.

Even for the ninjas, Konoha gave them greater respect, and even the part of the ninja gave them a higher social status.

How can such a change make the residents of Konoha unhappy?

Although it is an unintentional move, but no matter what, Konoha is his Konoha, as long as he wants, he can really dominate the village!

Walking slowly into the tavern, Uchiha Kai smiled and nodded to the attendant who came to receive him.

Smiling is the most basic etiquette.

In fact, he doesn't like to laugh at strangers, but like Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, wearing a mask has become his instinct.

Although according to his current status and strength, he does not need such performance, but his state of mind is different, and his methods are also different.

In the face of strangers, he can also maintain a smile.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

Following the attendant into the deepest single room in the tavern, after the attendant closed the door, Uchiha Kai gently greeted the figure who was already sitting on the seat.

That's right, what Uchiha Qi wants to see is Sarutobi Hizen, and there is another person here besides him, and this person is Uchiha Shisui!

Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded at Uchiha Kai, then poured him a pot of warm wine himself, and then motioned Uchiha to take a seat.

"I didn't expect to meet you at this place." Uchiha Qi directly sat in the seat, glanced at Shisui who was silent and shook his head gently: "This tavern is your Sarutobi clan. of?"

"Yes, but it doesn't count." Sarutobi Hizan said calmly: "This is an estate that someone gave me a long time ago. I didn't want it at first, but I know that if I don't, I'm afraid there will be some trouble, or It will cause anxiety in some people, and I have to accept it."

"I didn't question you about these things, after all, Uchiha also has his own industry." Uchiha Qi said flatly.

It is not surprising that each ninja family has its own interests.

Especially the ninja family, they need more industries to maintain the expenses of the whole family.

But it's also very good to be sure of this, at least he doesn't need to worry about his conspiracy with Hiruzen Sarutobi being discovered by some unrelated people inexplicably.

His relationship with Sarutobi Hiizhan cannot be exposed, and once a lot of things are exposed, it will be in vain.

Whether it's him or Sarutobi Hipsan, especially Sarutobi Hipsan, he is waiting for his son to benefit from it.

"I came to you this time, and there are indeed some important things to talk about." Sarutobi Hizan took a sip of warm wine, and then sighed: "Shimura... They didn't know how to find some... ..a more powerful guy."

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows: "The Shimura family? Now their patriarch seems to be Shimura Xia Mi? I heard that this guy is similar in character to Danzo, is Danzo's nephew?"

"Yes, that's him." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded: "Danzo dedicated his life to...his dream, so he has no descendants. In his family, his nephew Shimura Xia Mi is his favorite junior, although he did not join the roots under his deliberate guidance, but in essence he is the agent of Danzo in the family."

Uchiha Kai nodded, this operation is normal.

This guy Danzo is not Sarutobi Hiizan, and Danzo does have no descendants.

I am afraid that for him, women will only affect his pursuit of dreams, and will also affect the speed of his seal.

However, the desire for control has reached his level, and he will never let go of the control of his own family.

But no matter whether it was Sarutobi Hidden, Koharu, or Mito Menyan, they did not serve as the family patriarch while holding important positions.

Therefore, Danzo does not intend to break this precedent, so what's wrong with cultivating a person who is close to you, whom you like and can control, and use it to control the family?

Sarutobi Hizan did the same thing, for example, Sarutobi Kento was the one he pushed to the front to control the family.

In fact, even if it is Uchiha Kai, in fact, the operation in essence is similar to them.

It's just that this guy Uchiha Fuyue has a very good relationship with him, and they have the same purpose and interests.

"Is Shimura Xia Mi looking for some more powerful guys? I probably know." Uchiha Qi thought for a while, then nodded: "Actually, a group of people entered Konoha very early, and I already knew them. exists."

"Oh?" Sarutobi Hidden was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but sighed: "As expected of the Minister of the Security Department, the whole Konoha is probably under your watch, right?"

"Don't say it so ugly, in fact, you should be glad that you have left." Uchiha Qi sighed faintly: "You know, those people, but the guy who released the nine tails was an organization. That alone is an excellent reason to do it."

"It's them?" Sarutobi Hiizhan's face changed slightly, and then he looked at Shisui.

Zhi Shui's face was also a little inexplicable, he really didn't know about this!

The guy who docked with him has always been the guy who called himself Madara Uchiha, and he has never seen other people.

And recently, he has not been in contact with the guy who claims to be Uchiha Madara, and he has no information channels in this regard.

It can be said that Shishui is really at a loss now, and he has no idea what the enemy is thinking and what to do, which is deadly for a ninja!

"You don't need to look at him, he doesn't know anything at all, a person who hasn't joined the organization, the ghost knows what his position is, especially..." Uchiha Qi also picked up the sake in his hand and sipped it lightly. One bite: "Some things haven't happened yet, and no one can be sure whether these things will go as expected."

"It's my problem, I'm too impatient." Sarutobi Hizan immediately understood something, and he nodded: "So what are we going to do now? Let's start directly?"

"It's really about to start." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Since we've come in, then we have to do something. I really want to thank them for coming in, otherwise..."

"We don't know how long it will take to find a reason..."


"It seems that this time is interesting."

In the patriarch's mansion of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Fuyue looked at Uchiha Kai in front of him with some amusing.

It was almost evening, probably because it was already winter, it was getting dark earlier, and the snowflakes were constantly falling, and the whole Konoha seemed to be covered with a thick layer of silver.

But the two of them sat on the quilt in the courtyard of the mansion, chatting while making tea.

Uchiha Fuyue really felt very interesting. He has been thinking about when the water stop will start.

But they didn't expect that someone was more anxious than them.

Originally, Uchiha Fuyue felt that he could no longer hold back, because the dissatisfaction within the clan was really skyrocketing.

Although this kid Zhishui is innocent, he is carrying an unimaginable black pot, a black pot that he can't explain for him at all.

But before the time of the outbreak, Uchiha Fuyue could only keep suppressing such emotions, waiting for the beginning of all this.

Fortunately, the time has finally come.

Xiao organization, this name is a bit unfamiliar to him, but in fact it is not so unfamiliar.

Maybe it would be better to call this organization a mysterious organization. After all, Uchiha Kai used the name of this organization to do things.

One of those guys, what they did in Konoha can be said to be outraged by people and gods, and their entry into Konoha naturally gave them a reason to do it.


"We use this reason to start, will it have any effect on Shishui?" Uchiha Fuyue couldn't help but ask with some worry after he was happy: "Nominally, Shishui is our abandoned son, but what he does No matter how you look at it, what you do is biased towards Konoha. I don't want this child to get into any trouble because of this."

"It's not a problem, because essentially they're not involved."

Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "Shishui worked for the three generations of Hokage, but because of the relationship between the three generations of Hokage and you, he got into a tangle.

In the end, due to a fierce quarrel between you and the three generations of Hokage, plus my internal pressure on Konoha, he gave an order angrily, then ensure Konoha's interests and kill us.

Shishui was dissatisfied with this task, and did not want the family to fight in the village, and finally chose to kill some of the people behind the three generations of Hokage..."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai paused for a while, then took a sip from the teacup in his hand.

Uchiha Fuyue listened carefully, and it took him a long time before he began to ask: "It's a good start, so what's next?"

"Next, we will appear." Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "We found that there are Xiao organizations... No, we don't know them, we found that mysterious people entered Konoha, so I went to them.

Likewise, the Guards were dispatched, and the Joint Missions together, and I was in charge of dealing with a group of people, the most troublesome group.

At the same time, the four generations of Hokage and Kenta will deal with another group, and Asma Sarutobi, as a member of the security department, will also participate in it..."

"In the end, you defeated them, while Sarutobi Asma stopped Shisui."

Before Uchiha Qi finished speaking, Uchiha Fuyue seemed to understand: "Then, Shisui was seriously injured, met with Itachi and Sasuke, and finally jumped into the river in front of them to fake death, the first important step of the potential plan. Finally. You and I come out, make decisions based on how the situation develops, and... assist Shishui to get into that mysterious organization?"

Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he once again gave himself a cup of tea and took a sip.

Uchiha Fuyue guessed the whole picture of his plan, and he was not surprised at all.

After all, they have cooperated for so many years, Uchiha Fuyue understands himself, which is also a very normal thing.

Although Uchiha Kai has always felt that the plan is unreliable and must be adjusted according to the actual situation.

But without a plan, how do you know what your goals are?

"That's about it, that's why I said that the two actually don't have much connection." Uchiha Kai put down the cup in his hand, and then sighed slightly: "Of course, if I insist on the connection, that is, I attacked him, Hoping to rob him of his eyes, but luckily he escaped or was rescued by someone."

"So, Shishui is considered dead, right?" Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "This child, it's a pity."

"It's a pity that you can't do anything about it. After all, he believed in Danzo's nonsense back then, and what roots did he add to it, from that moment on..."

Uchiha Kai's voice became a little indifferent: "For me, he is actually dead. I didn't make him follow Danzo, I just gave him a chance. He can grasp this now. Chances are, then in the future he will still be Konoha's ninja, and these things are not impossible to clean up."

"I hope so." Uchiha Fuyue is also reluctant to talk about this topic.

Glancing at Kai Uchiha sitting in front of him, he still sighed inwardly.

This guy Uchiha Kai, even after working with him for so many years, he still feels that this person is very dangerous.

However, such a danger is still within his acceptance. Although he still remembers what Uchiha Shen said to him back then, many things are not the same as what Uchiha Shen thought.

At least for now, Uchiha Shen guessed a little right, but he also guessed a lot wrong.

Turning his head, Uchiha Fuyue looked at the pond beside him.

Probably because it was snowing, the water in the pond had frozen slightly, but the swimming fish raised in it could still be seen moving.

Inexplicably, he seemed to think of something He asked softly, "Qijun, do you remember the first time we met?"

"Meeting for the first time?" Uchiha Qi glanced at Uchiha Fuyue, and soon he thought of something: "Remember, at that time you still wanted me to be a member of your camp."

"Yeah, time flies. Although you did become one of my men at the time, you were actually using me..." Uchiha Fuyue said calmly: "Of course, I don't blame you, After all, I'm using you too. But I'm not talking about this, do you remember what I told you about the fish in the pond and the person watching the fish?"

"I remember, the memory is still fresh." Uchiha Qi nodded: "You have always hoped that you could jump out of this pond and become a member of the fish sitting on the shore. But before you, you couldn't jump out of this pond at all. Ye is also in this pond."

"What about now?"

"Now, although we are still in the pond of Konoha, we are also sitting above this pond, fish watchers..."


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