Chapter 676: The person who takes Konoha the most

"Too much! You are too much!"

In the conference hall of the Hokage Building, Shimura Xia Mi slammed the table hard, and he looked at Uchiha Fugaku with anger on his face.

Sarutobi Kento was also full of anger, and beside him were the patriarchs of the transfer house and the Mitomon family.

Not only them, but also many people who follow them and can appear in this conference hall have very unusual expressions.

They were either angry or stunned, and many even began to think deeply.

Uchiha Fuyue was attacked, although it would not catch them off guard, after all, this matter had been brewing for so long, and they all knew more or less.

This guy, Uchiha Shisui, is the center of the incident. Uchiha Fuyue has already started to confront the three generations of Hokage half a year ago. They knew that this matter might not be easy.

But they really didn't expect that the power that this incident was brewing up to now would be so exaggerated!

There was almost no sign, Uchiha Fuyue directly put forward his own views at this meeting of Shangnin.

It is not so much an opinion, it is better to say that it is directly fighting against the people of the three generations of Hokage.

He raised the issue that the authority and functions of the root overlap with that of the dark department. At the same time, he raised the issue of the medical department, and finally the issue of some personnel in the finance department!

The three generations of Hokage have been overwhelmed by the four generations of Hokage in recent years, but they can persist mainly because the foundation left by the three generations of Hokage is too rich.

But as the night of the Nine Tails began, they began to go downhill.

The subsequent reform of the Shinobi, as well as the war between Konoha and Yunnin, made them lose the two pillars of Mito Gate Yan and Shun Koharu.

The most terrible thing is this, the two were assassinated by their own root Cheng!

Of course, it's not without good news.

For example, the office reform within the department has made them a little bit more angry.

In addition, the three generations of Hokage also have this high wrist, and they always have these cards in their hands.

Otherwise, they may not be able to hold on!

But it's different now. Uchiha Fuyue directly chooses to do it, and it is their most deadly departments. How can they bear it?

Looking at the gloomy face of the three generations of Hokage, you can see that his current mood is definitely not much better.

Maybe he also knew that Uchiha Fuyue would do it, but it was so precise and deadly that he didn't think of the vain attempt to make them all work hard over the years.

"Excessive?" Uchiha Fuyue glanced at everyone present, and said loudly: "Then please tell me, the three generations of Hokage, who are we going too far? Don't say anything else, can you explain about Uchiha Shisui? I have already investigated the time this kid joined the root, you guys really broke the rules of the game this time!"

Uchiha Fuyue's words silenced everyone present, especially those behind the three generations of Hokage, who seemed extremely silent.

They have always been very covert about the issue of Uchiha Zhishui. After all, the method used by this kid to join is not strictly speaking.

And those of them who are familiar with the root situation are even more troublesome, because the root can't stand the investigation at all.

Almost all the people who have the bloodline limit in the root are coerced and lured!

"I don't think it's necessary for me to report the internal affairs of the roots to you." After a long time, Hiruzen Sarutobi said in a deep voice, "Uchiha Shisui's joining is his own choice. If so, should we make an estimate? , Uchiha Qiqiang broke into the root force?"

"I haven't figured out one thing, and that is why the roots still need to exist." Before Uchiha Fuyue could speak, Uchiha Qi, who was sitting on the side, suddenly said in a deep voice: "Just as Fuyue Patriarch said, The functions and rights of the two departments, the root and the Anbu, are in conflict with each other. Sandaimu, although you are the former Hokage, you are not the current Hokage, so don’t overdo it.”

"Hmph, the root has existed since the second-generation Hokage-sama, and its existence is to accomplish some things that Anbu is not suitable for!" Sarutobi Hiizhan's face became even more gloomy: "You are questioning the second-generation Hokage-sama's decision. ?"

"Why can't the wrong decision be questioned?" Uchiha Qi also had no worries at all, and his tone was still calm: "Could it be that before the launch of the Shangin reform plan, do you think this kind of reform that breaks the tradition is a good thing? Facts have proved that, You guys are so wrong. Besides, it's more powerful to do something to your own people than to do it to people from other villages, right?"

"What nonsense!"

"Am I talking nonsense, show us the basic action report. Also, arbitrarily inducing the children of the family and forcibly brainwashing them into your own people, the second generation Hokage-sama dare not dare to do this. Do it, Sandaimu!"

Uchiha Kai's words were very serious, and these words directly silenced Hiruzen Sarutobi.

And as Uchiha Kai's voice fell, the eyes of many patriarchs changed slightly.

The ninjas in their family, especially the young ninjas, have disappeared more or less, and at first they thought it was Orochimaru.

But now they have to seriously think about it, is it possible that their children were actually absorbed by the root?

But they dare not say this kind of thing, after all, they don't have the evidence directly like Uchiha.

Without evidence, it's definitely not a good thing to randomly suspect a previous Hokage, especially since they must never make such a thing public.

Even if it is made public, someone must be found to take the blame.

Seriously, they have already thought about who will take the blame. Isn't that Shimura Danzo, who has been dead for an unknown time and full of evil deeds, the best?

Now they are really looking forward to it, Uchiha Kai and Sarutobi Hizan, the two people standing at the pinnacle of Konoha, are fighting against each other.

In particular, they hope that Uchiha Qi can win, so that they may get the basic roster.

The family patriarchs who can enter here are thinking about these things one by one, but Minato Namikaze, Zhuludie, and Kakashi and others have not thought about these things.

Because they all know the whole story, especially Namikaze Minato knows that the three generations of Hokage are now more "cooperating with the show"!

Uchiha Qi had told him these things a long time ago, and of course he knew what it all meant.

But he didn't say anything. All he had to do now was to wait, wait for the time for all this to be ripe, and wait for Uchiha to start their actions.

Looking at the three generations of Hokage who had been silent, Minato Namikaze sighed slightly, he knew what to say now, so that this farce would stop first.

"Let's do it first, this is not a place for the two of you to quarrel." Minato Namikaze said flatly: "Ki, three generations of Hokage-sama, we already know about the two of you. But let's stop here today. Next time."

"I don't care, after all..." Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyue looked at each other, and then he nodded indifferently: "Justice is in the hearts of the people."

"The old man doesn't matter." The three generations of Hokage said directly and indifferently: "The old man is also worthy of his heart, after all..."

"Everything the old man does is for Konoha!"


After the meeting was over, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not return to the roots, but returned to the clan of the Sarutobi clan.

Along with him are Kento Sarutobi, Natsuya Shimura, and the patriarchs of various large and small families who have come together with Hijen Sarutobi.

Although many of them are not qualified to participate in that meeting, they are not stupid, and they are more or less clear about the final result of that meeting.

This made them fearful and full of resentment at the same time, the **** fourth-generation Hokage, and the **** Uchiha!

If it wasn't for them, how could he be in the current situation?

Of course, they are also very resentful of the three generations of Hokage in their hearts. If it wasn't for the choice of the three generations of Hokage, how could it be possible that Namifeng Minato was born?

At the same time, how could there be a hateful guy like Uchiha Kai, who climbed all the way from the bottom to this position?

Of course, they only dare to complain in their hearts. After all, there is a precedent for Orochimaru, and they can't blame too many things.

"Okay, I won't say much about this situation now." Sarutobi Hizan said indifferently: "If you have any thoughts, please tell me directly."

"We can't sit still!" Shimura Xia Mi said angrily, although he does not serve in the root, but he is a member of the finance department.

Even if he is not a high-level leader, his current position can bring some hope to his family.

Once Uchiha's **** conspiracy succeeds, it can be said that his family is completely over!

Although there are still many ninjas in the same family, they are now serving in various departments.

But with the death of Danzo, the power of the three generations of Hokage has been weakened, and there are really not many left for them.

Following Shimura Xia Mi's opening, the patriarchs of many clans immediately echoed their voices. Obviously, they were very much in favor of Shimura Xia Mi's proposal.

Sarutobi Hizan looked at them silently, sighing inwardly.

These people were the supporters behind him at the beginning. Whether it was the ninja's provision, the assistance in political demands, or the supply of money, it can be said that his success cannot be separated from them.

but now....

Sarutobi Hizan felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he still said calmly: "Since you can't sit still, I think you have some preparations, don't you?"

"That's right!" Shimura Xia Mi nodded, and then his face became a little mysterious: "You know, we recruited some powerful ninjas, although they are all rebellious... but it doesn't matter, as long as When the crunch comes, I believe they can make a huge difference."

Relying on those people, do you do it in Konoha...

Sarutobi Hizan sighed inwardly, but he didn't say anything, he wanted to see how many people would disappoint him.

These people have completely forgotten Konoha for their own interests. In their opinion, Konoha is theirs, and their desire for Konoha is completely taken for granted.

Even if what they are doing now is likely to cause huge damage to Konoha, they are obviously willing to spare!

"Lord Hokage, do this..." At this moment, Kento Sarutobi frowned: "Doing this may cause civil unrest in the village..."

"Now is not the time to pay attention to this!" Shimura Xia Mi directly interrupted Kento Sarutobi, his face was extremely gloomy and said: "Everyone, now is the juncture of our life and death. The past suppression, coupled with the current Everything now is given to us by them, all we have to do is to take revenge on Uchiha! The village is always our village!"

"Yeah! Lord Hokage, it's time to make up your mind!"

"Three generations of adults, we have reached this step now, and we have retreated to the point where we cannot retreat. If we go further, we will surely perish!"

"Three Hokage-sama..."

The three generations of Hokage looked at these people, and their hearts were already indifferent to the point where they could no longer be added. Only when they looked at Sarutobi Kento, they felt relieved.

He was the only one who remembered the village, and he was the only one who raised objections.

It is completely conceivable that once this incident really happens without knowing all the information in advance, how much impact it will have on the village!

Sarutobi Hizan has never been perfect, he also has a lot of dark sides, but one thing he has not changed is that he always puts the village first!

"I understand." Sarutobi Hiizan stood up directly, and then he became extremely firm: "If that's the case, then do what you think! I will let Uchiha Shisui dispatch, he After all, he is a member of Uchiha."

"We, let Uchiha pay the price they should pay!"



"It seems that everything is about to start." Standing on the Hokage Rock, Uchiha Qi said calmly.

Standing beside him are Uchiha Fuyue, Namikaze Minato, Kakashi and others. They are all insiders and executors of this operation!

To be honest, although the situation came to this point, although it was not beyond their expectations, it really made them sigh.

But no matter what, after this operation, I am afraid Konoha has also cleaned up a lot, right?

"Yeah." Uchiha Fuyue sighed: "It's really about to start, and suddenly I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Kai, to be honest, I have a headache." Kakashi suddenly asked, "They have endured for so long, why did they decide to do it now?"

"Because they know they can't escape."

Uchiha Kai said calmly, he looked at Kakashi, and then said with a smile.

"Uchiha Shisui's publicity, although I did it on purpose, although I didn't think about it at first, but don't miss it if you encounter it.

And at that time, I also made a decision.

When Shisui is made public, it will cause the Xueji family to be vigilant. Even Uchiha and the others can absorb it, so who else can't they absorb it? "

"Breaching the rules of the game will naturally be backlashed.

Once Captain Watergate asks them to feature a flowering roster, then they're completely doomed, that's one of them.

As for the second, it is because they feel that they have enough ability, Xiao organization, which is the organization that Lin Lun is in.

They have the assistance of those people, which gives them a certain confidence, that's why they do it. "

"Is that so?" Kakashi nodded slightly: "But, aren't they worried that this will affect the village?"

"That's why the three generations of Hokage chose to help us." Uchiha Qi smiled: "Although the three generations of Hokage are not very good with this person, he has a very obvious characteristic..."

"That's why he is real, the one who thinks Konoha the most..."


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