Chapter 676: Action Begins (Part 1)

"Looks like you finally set the time."

In the middle of the night, in a space that seemed to be either real or fake, Uchiha Kai and Obito were sitting in it.

Obito had already got all the news, so he took the initiative to run over to find Kai Uchiha. Seriously, this action was really critical, and he didn't want to make any mistakes.

For Konoha, this was a great opportunity for Hokage to clean up the discord in the village.

Those people are going too far. They are opposed to the Shangnin reform, and now they are ignoring the internal stability of Konoha, trying to solve the enemy through violence.

The most terrible thing is that they actually united with the people of Akatsuki's organization. It can be said that this made Minato Naikaze very angry.

Not only was he angry, but even Sarutobi Hizen was angry.

Therefore, this action is also an excellent opportunity for Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Although he has been working with these people, and because of their relationship, he has controlled Konoha for a long time.

But when they used Sarutobi Hiizan as a puppet control, Sarutobi Hiizan began to hesitate, and met Uchiha Kai.

And when they chose to stand on the opposite side of Konoha, Hiruzen Sarutobi no longer hesitated, he knew what to do.

There is nothing he can do, but his son can still get a new opportunity and regain his footing in Konoha. He will not miss this opportunity!

Also for Obito, this is also an opportunity, an opportunity for him to make Xiao's organization stable and obedient!

This guy Nagato has always pretended to be a **** and didn't listen to his own words at all.

Although Obito also knows, Uchiha Madara's set is too nonsense.

But Madara Xin Uchiha's set does not conflict with listening to his own words. This guy always thinks he is the one who leads the world, but in fact this guy is just a pawn.

Since it is a chess piece, then be honest and obedient, this time is to teach him a lesson, let him know that he will only fail if he does not listen to himself!

As for Kai Uchiha, or for those who know the truth of the world, this is also an opportunity.

Uchiha Kai needs to grasp the Akatsuki organization, let it create terrible chaos in the ninja world, and make the ninja world have to unite to face the same enemy.

By the way, let it **** the tail beast and provide chakra to himself and Imai Kenta.

If you want to do all this, you must make the people in this organization your own.

Even if not all of them are their own, there must be core key figures and enough personnel.

Shishui is a person he has reserved, and he will not miss this opportunity.

It can be said that this action is definitely a multi-benefit action, and caution is absolutely necessary, and such an action will never be a simple matter.

Obito was actually a little nervous inside. It was the first time he had participated in such a large-scale project.

In other words, it is a plan that Konoha actually leads and that he also plays an important role.

"Don't act like you're impatient, you're actually very nervous, aren't you?" Uchiha Qi shook his head, and he looked at Obito in front of him with a slight smile: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. questionable."

"I also think it's fine, but as a friendly reminder, those guys will rush into the residential area if they jump over the wall." Obito frowned and said, "So you'd better guard against this in advance, and don't let innocent people be implicated."

"Don't worry, no." Uchiha Qi smiled: "Actually, they can't fix anything at all. I have informed Chuan and Liuying in advance, and together with the Fuyue Patriarch, the three of them will meet. Set up the enchantment so that these guys will not spread the battle."

If you want to prevent the battle from spreading too much, the easiest way is to set up a barrier and block the actions of these guys through the barrier.

In the original book, Orochimaru has done such a thing, the four Hokage have done such a thing, and even Obito has done such a thing.

It has to be said that there are so many examples, Uchiha Kai will not worry about any uncontrollable damage caused by these guys.

As for where they were trapped, it didn't matter. After all, it was the site of Sarutobi, Shimura, Chuanshi, and Mitomon.

Although Uchiha Kai promised that he would not be the executioner.

But there is a prerequisite here, and that is that they do not introduce some unknown and unnecessary factors.

Obviously these members of the Akatsuki organization, they are such a dangerous factor, even Sarutobi Hizan has no way to refute.

And Sarutobi Hizan seems to have expected some things, and he has already made arrangements.

For example, taking people who you can trust to the root, those who should work overtime continue to work overtime, and those who should go to school continue to go to school.

"That's good." Obito breathed a sigh of relief, and then he said, "By the way, are you planning to fight that Nagato there?"

"It's a remote place." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "In the far west of Konoha Village, there is a forest, there is a canyon in this forest, I will practice there, let him find me."

"I see." Obito nodded: "The last question, how many people do you plan to keep?"

"You don't need to stay, you can take them all." Uchiha Qi touched his chin, and then said seriously: "Originally they were just chess pieces, since they have completed their mission, let them continue to complete the next mission. ,do you understand?"

Obito nodded, not leaving any of them means that he can take them all.

This can be regarded as good news, although there are some people here who are really guilty, especially the guy named Feiduan, Obito is very upset with him.

But no matter how unhappy, this guy still has some practical uses.

His unique technique, which is used to deal with some people's pillar strength, is perfectly suitable. Anyway, he can't kill him.

"Okay, I'll be optimistic about these guys." Obito nodded: "So, I'll take you there now?"

"No, I'll just ask Kenta to send me." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "You should be careful not to expose yourself, you know..."

"Someone is waiting for you..."


"So, you made so many things while I was away?"

Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta with a weird look, and the two of them had embarrassed expressions on their faces.

The night before, Uchiha Qi and Obito finished talking about things, and after agreeing on a time, he went to rest early.

Until this morning, he deliberately called this kid Imai Kenta over, obviously to talk to him about these things.

Imai Kenta can be said to be an important part of Uchiha Kai's plan. In dealing with the members of the Akatsuki organization, he must go out and deal with it.

Because Uchiha Qi was worried that he would not be able to catch up with the time, after all, he did not plan to use the Samsara Eye to deal with that guy Nagato.

Not because he was conceited, but because he had absolute certainty.

He had a deep understanding of the last battle with Nagato. If it wasn't for the fact that he was teasing, and that he deliberately concealed his identity, he was unfamiliar with Samsara Eye and worried about overturning.

I'm afraid that time he will not use the eye of reincarnation, but use the normal combat state to deal with it.

But it was precisely because of that battle that he understood the strength of Nagato's battle.

You know, Uchiha Kai recorded this guy's abilities in his diary, so he didn't worry about these intelligence issues.

It's just that fighting in a normal state will lengthen his fighting time, and the battle location he chooses is in a valley far from the bustling area of ​​Konoha.

Doing so can prevent Konoha from being damaged, allowing him to use it with confidence.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the distance is too far, so that he has no way to help in time.

Therefore, he needs the strength of Imai Kenta. This guy has not fully shown his strength yet, and he also needs a chance to show himself.

Of course, even without Kenta Imai, I'm afraid Minato Namikaze can easily do it with the nine-tailed chakra mode.

But Imai Kenta also needs to hone, and Namikaze Minato is used more as a last resort.

In fact, there are some things that Kai Uchiha doesn't dare to say, because in his thoughts, Aya Hyuga is the most suitable performer for this mission.

But Naihe Aya is currently in a period of fetal movement. During this period, her strength is not stable, and it is difficult to say whether there will be signs of fetal movement during the battle.

Similarly, in order to avoid Hyuga Aya worrying about these things, Uchiha Kai did not explain these things to her.

But what he never expected was that when he and Imai Kenta were talking about the details of the mission early in the morning, the door was blocked by Hyuga Aya.

"It's not too much, it's just a normal operation." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said quickly: "Didn't you always know about the water stop?"

"Yeah, I know." Hyuga Aya nodded, then frowned: "But all I know is the information from half a year ago, and I don't know anything recently."

"It doesn't mean that you are in the fetal movement period. For our children, you need peace of mind to raise the baby..."

Uchiha Kai laughed and made a joke, but when he noticed that Hyuga Aya's face was not quite right, he immediately retorted.

"Okay, no kidding. All in all, it's not a big deal and nothing to worry about."

"Really?" Hyuga Aya's cold face showed some doubts, but soon she was too lazy to worry about these things.

"Tell me about your plan, to be honest, if I hadn't found out that Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryuuko were not there today, and even Hyuga Nisaki was calling together the members of the security department of the Hyuga clan, I didn't expect that today would be a start. day."

Although Hyuga Aya has been focusing on her Tenseisen recently, even though she was reminded by Uchiha Kai for her 22nd birthday, but after all, she has been working in the security department.

Therefore, there are still many things that she can know and perceive.

She is very clear about the confrontation between the three generations of Hokage and Uchiha Kai, this is a signal, especially she knows what the three generations of Hokage's choice is now.

But she didn't quite understand the others, and she didn't even know how to get to this point.

Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta looked at each other, and finally Uchiha Kai decided to explain it himself.

With his explanation, Hyuga Aya probably figured out the development of these things, the choices of all parties, and the benefits that all parties can obtain, which made her shake her head.

Is this a little event that doesn't need to be taken to heart?

This is probably related to Uchiha Kai, Konoha, and even the entire ninja world.

"Did you decide to deal with that Nagato yourself without using the Samsara Eye?" Hyuga Aya frowned, "Are you sure? That guy, I'm afraid he will use all his power this time?"

"Don't worry, I really didn't pay attention to that guy." Uchiha Qi nodded casually: "You know, I won't make fun of my life, although it's troublesome, but I'm sure to get him, even Give him a hard lesson!"

"That's good, by the way, how did your experiments go?"

"It's on hold for the time being, but there has been relatively good progress, and it will be reopened when this matter is over."

"Okay, I see. But this time, I'll go with you, no problem?"


"Need a reason?"


In one of the hidden valleys in Konoha Village, Nagato's body is firmly held on the outsider golem.

He looked weak, but his mental state was exceptionally good.

Through Orochimaru's understanding of Konoha, these people did not waste any time to enter Konoha, but his mission was different from others.

All he has to do is attack Uchiha, use his greatest strength to attack Uchiha!

He has always been curious, what kind of person is Kai Uchiha, who is so valued by Uchiha who mysteriously defeated him.

That mysterious Uchiha has reincarnation eyes, which makes him unacceptable. He has completely regarded that guy as an old enemy.

Therefore, Nagato has to try the person that that guy values, no matter what, he doesn't believe that he can't even deal with a Uchiha Kai.

In particular, the body of his Heavenly Dao Payne has been repaired and replaced with some interesting things.

Suddenly, Nagato's brows furrowed, because the space in front of him suddenly became abnormally distorted He knew what this meant, it was the guy who called himself Madara Uchiha.

Nagato doesn't have any good feelings for this guy, because this guy has been against himself this time, he is against the authority of God!

But it doesn't matter, the Akatsuki organization is Nagato's organization. With the eye of reincarnation, he can make his people take action. This proves that he is the real leader, and this organization belongs to him!

"What's the matter?" When Obito's figure completely emerged from the space, Nagato asked indifferently: "Why did you come to me if you didn't look at the people from Orochimaru?"

"Because, I found an interesting person." Obito said in a deep voice, "I think you will be interested."


"Ki Uchiha, how is it, are you interested?"


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