Chapter 678: Action begins (below)

(The chapter number in the previous chapter is wrong...)

"Naruto, what's the matter, why do you look a little unhappy today?"

Naruto got up and bit a piece of bread with a gloomy face at Minato Namikaze's house, as if he was going to go straight out. His behavior naturally aroused Kushina's dissatisfaction.

And Namikaze Minato also took a look at the probe, then snickered and continued to look down at the newspaper.

There have always been newspapers in the world of Naruto, which is not a strange thing. The newspapers in his hands were founded by the Uchiha clan together with him.

In fact, Namikaze Minato doesn't want to participate in these things, but he also knows that if he only relies on his own income, I am afraid that there are still some problems in supporting the family.

Although Namikaze Minato believes that he can take advantage of many places by virtue of his identity, he obviously won't do it.

It was at this time that Uchiha Qi handed out an olive branch, which was to pull together all the families around Minato Minato Namikaze and create such a newspaper.

On weekdays, this newspaper basically only reports some interesting things, whether it is ninja or ordinary people.

But once there is any problem, relying on the public opinion created by the newspapers can completely guide the people's hearts towards them.

To be honest, there are good and bad things to do.

In order to avoid self-inflation, Namikaze Minato also decided to hand over supervision to all ninjas.

Although those ninjas don't have much share to take, all in all, it's a good choice.

Now this "Konoha Daily" has already spread to the whole country of fire, even some villages in other countries will choose to read these newspapers.

Namikaze Minato is no exception. He likes reading these newspapers very much, especially reading the content of the people's livelihood section, which allows him to know the current situation inside Konoha.

He is also very fortunate to have all the ninjas in Konoha participate in the management, otherwise he might not be able to know the ecological problems inside Konoha so clearly.

"It's nothing, just a little headache."

Naruto bit his bread and dressed in a hurry. Although he wasn't happy, he wouldn't put his emotions on it.

"I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly adjusted the time today, and the exam is going to be held. The key is that this matter is a temporary notice!"

"Exams are just exams, Naruto, you can't even handle exams, right?" Minato Namikaze smiled and put down the newspaper in his hand.

Minato Namikaze didn't think his son would worry about such an exam, even though this kid was a very troublesome member of the school.

But in terms of performance, he still made himself and Kushina look good.

Basically, Naruto can be ranked in the top five or so, it can be said that it is really good, and in terms of actual combat, he can be regarded as the first and second.

It seems that only Fuyue's youngest son, Sasuke Uchiha, can be compared with his own son.

And Namikaze Minato knows how good the relationship between these two boys is.

"I'm not worried about the exam, I just feel a little weird." Naruto passed the clothes on, and took a bite of the bread before saying: "It's not yet time for the exam, why is there another exam for no reason, and still 24/7, really…”

"I don't know the rules in the school either." Minato smiled and shook his head: "Of course, you can ask Iruka."

"Forget it, ask Mr. Iruka..." Naruto shrank his neck when he thought of how he had been thrown by Iruka to stand outside the classroom.

He swore that he had never had such an experience since he was a child, but he didn't mean to blame Iruka in the slightest.

Because he knew that this was for his own good, and he sometimes reflected on himself and found that he was going too far.

And Iruka told himself more than once when teaching himself, first of all, he is a Konoha ninja, and secondly, he is the son of the fourth generation of Naruto.

The order of these two identities cannot be reversed, because once Naruto is reversed, there is no way to get the approval of others.

Naruto didn't know what it all meant at first, but when he ran quietly to find Kai Uchiha, he knew what it all meant.

What Uchiha Kai said to him was also very simple, that is, 'Do you want to be recognized by everyone as Naruto, or do you hope that under the shadow of Captain Minato, only the son of the fourth Hokage will always be remembered by others? ’

Naruto immediately understood the meaning of these words, so he respected Iruka even more.

Although there will always be a little trouble, and then Iruka will be punished from time to time.

But from the beginning to the end, he liked Teacher Iruka very much, and he was also a little afraid of Teacher Iruka in his heart.

It doesn't matter if it's just a normal thing, but if he asks him stupidly about the exam, then Naruto can imagine his fate.

Shaking his head, Naruto didn't dare to think any more, he simply said hello to Minato Minato and Kushina, and he ran out immediately.

"This kid..." Jiuxinai looked at Naruto who rushed out and shook his head: "I don't know who I learned from this eager character."

"I think it's you." Minato said with a smile, "But that's fine, isn't it?"

"Humph!" Kushina rolled her eyes at Minato, and then she sighed slightly: "Hey, such an unusual schedule, Minato, is there something else going to happen?"

"That's it." In the face of his wife's question, Minato didn't hide anything: "It's true that something is going to happen, but strictly speaking, it's not a bad thing."

Minato had 100% confidence in himself, even though he knew that it was wrong to tell her these things in the system.

But just like Naruto, he still had an identity before Naruto's son, that is, a Konoha ninja.

The same is true for Minato, even though he puts Hokage's identity very high, but in parallel with Hokage there are 'a wife's husband' and 'a child's father'.

Minato said in great detail, and Kushina listened very carefully, and soon she understood Minato's intentions.

"So that's the case, no wonder Naruto and the others suddenly want to take a test." Kushina shook his head and said, "Gather all the children and let the security department and Anbu protect them together. In order to avoid any accidents, use the test to let them They gather, no matter which family the children are, you are also well-intentioned."

"Ki said that he is not the executioner, and neither am I." Minato shook his head: "But some people did hinder Konoha's development, especially them..."

"I understand, everything is ready." Kushina interrupted Minato: "At night, are you going there too?"

"Yes, although Kenta is the main attack, I have to watch it. It's better to avoid more casualties." Minato knew what Kushina meant and nodded directly.

"I will go with you."

"Ah? Why?"

"Don't underestimate me, no matter what, I'm the real Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli. Besides, I'll go and watch for help, so that there will be no problems with the barrier, okay!"

"Of course, I was just thinking.... what about Naruto?"

"Naruto? That kid, let him eat ramen by himself, don't think I don't know, when I'm not at home, he's the same as the Chinese New Year!"



In Konoha and its remote forest, Uchiha Kai and Hinata Aya stood on the cliff and stared down.

The snowflakes in the air kept falling. Now that the end of the year is approaching, the weather has become colder and colder, but it is really nothing to the two of them.

The time has come to noon slowly, but the target they were waiting for still did not appear.

But obviously, neither of them is in a hurry, after all, their strength is the biggest reliance, after all, this is Konoha!

"You said, are they afraid to come?" Hyuga Aya looked at the snowflakes in the sky and asked curiously, "Waiting here doesn't seem like a good result."

"It doesn't matter, it's time to come back." Uchiha Qi shook his head indifferently: "I still have confidence in this guy Obito, and don't forget that the kid named Nagato is going to target Uchiha, so right For Uchiha, what will be the biggest blow? Uchiha Fugaku? Or me?"

"Actually, it's the same whether it's you or Uchiha Fugaku, but to say that the one that hits Konoha the most, and at the same time inspires hatred the most, is to kill you." Hyuga Aya thought for a moment before slowly saying: "It seems that you have confidence. Enough."

"Not only that, don't forget what I said on purpose." Uchiha raised his head and smiled and looked at the girl beside him: "I said it in a mysterious Uchiha tone in front of everyone, the only thing that can make me Only Uchiha Kai is interested."

When Konoha and Yunyin went to war, Uchiha Qi personally dispatched to clean up the fourth generation of Raikage and the eight-tailed people Zhuri.

When facing Uchiha Fuyue and the Konoha army, he said this in front of everyone.

Although this sentence was said in a humorous nature, it turned out that the ability of this sentence to attract hatred really exceeded his imagination.

Just look at the performance of that Terumi Mei, and according to Obito's report, Nagato may be resentful towards himself.

In fact, according to Uchiha Kai's original idea, that is to hide as long as he can, and there is no need to put himself in the spotlight.

But at this time, he also felt it was time to show some strength.

After all, he intends to release the eye of reincarnation for everyone to know, what's the big deal to show his power?

But this is a gradual process, after all, what I have done is not clean.

Putting everything out at once is not a good thing for Obito, nor is it a good thing for other villages.

These books reveal that what he did to Wuyin and Yunyin back then was done by himself!

Even if Kai Uchiha wasn't afraid or cared, he didn't want to be so disgusting in the face of those unknown powerful enemies.

Take it slow, when everything becomes normal, his power is almost exposed, and naturally everyone accepts it.

"By the way, in fact, you don't need to come over this time." Uchiha Qi looked at the girl beside him and shook his head: "You are still in the 'fetal movement' period, consolidating your strength is the key, not to mention you think I In the face of such a guy, will it be a miss?"

"Of course I don't think you're going to miss out, but I don't see much during this time, I just want to accompany you more." Hyuga Aya twisted her long hair, her face was still so cold: "If you don't think it's necessary , then I'd better leave."

"No..." Uchiha Qi took Aya Hyuga's hand, and a smile appeared on his face: "I think it's good, it would be better if I changed it to normal, but it's a pity..."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai turned his head to the side, and Hyuga Aya also looked over.

Not far away, six figures slowly emerged from the shadows...


"I'm gone, brother, I will definitely get good grades in the exam!"

"Come on, Sasuke!"

Looking at the back of his brother leaving, Uchiha Itachi showed a smile.

It's just that when this back figure gradually disappeared, his smile gradually disappeared from his face.

Sighing slightly, Itachi walked out of the clan. He always felt uneasy these days, and he didn't know why.

The security department is mobilizing, and Anbu is also mobilizing. Obviously, something big is going to happen.

But unfortunately, he didn't get any orders. So far, he has no task and has been idle at home.

This situation made him feel uncomfortable, and it was the first time he was treated as an outsider.

He wanted to ask his father, but he knew there was no result.

He wanted to ask his teacher, but he knew that his teacher would never reveal anything to him.

He wanted to ask Uchiha Kai, but...

Shaking his head, Itachi feels that everything has been really bad recently.

In addition to this incident, the matter of Brother Zhishui became more and more intense in the family.

It seems that his father does not intend to suppress such emotions, which also leads to the fact that many Uchiha people hate Shishui!

"You traitor, what are you going to do?"

"Step aside."

"Has the family treated you badly? You shameless bastard!"

"My last word, get out of the way."

Just when Itachi was thinking about this in his heart, he suddenly saw three Uchiha ninjas blocking one's way in front of him.

Taking a closer look, he found that the person who was stopped was actually Brother Zhishui!

This made Itachi feel a little surprised, and at the same time he also felt angry, actually at home, are these guys so unscrupulous?

Itachi's face sank, and he immediately walked over there.

It's just that he just left Suddenly he was stunned.

Because he saw that Brother Zhishui actually chose to shoot indifferently, and knocked down one person in a flash.

Then an illusion made the other person end in an instant, and finally he held the only remaining person's neck hanging high in the air with one hand.

This is not like a means to deal with clansmen at all, more like...

No, if they were dealing with the enemy, these people would have died long ago!

Just when Itachi was stunned, Zhishui also seemed to sense the existence of Itachi. He put the last guy down, and as the guy fell heavily to the ground, Zhishui turned around without saying a word.

"Brother Zhishui..." Itachi whispered, and at that moment, he seemed to be aware of Zhishui's eyes...

It seems to be a kaleidoscope writing wheel!


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