Chapter 682: Blade of Time

Probably because it was already winter, it got dark very early.

The night was like a song, and the Shimura clan was silent.

Since Shimura Danzo's unauthorized experiment was exposed and killed by Uchiha Kai, the night here has been particularly deserted.

The clansmen who live here will not walk outside once it falls into the night, and they are as quiet as a dead place.

But tonight, in the patriarch's mansion, a strange liveliness rippled inside.

The patriarch of the Shimura clan was drinking in it with the swan, Mitomon, and other clan chiefs who followed them.

They are not happy, because Sarutobi Hizan has agreed to their plan!

Although they also know that Uchiha Kai is not so easy to kill, it is impossible for a single Uchiha Shisui to do all this.

But they have helpers, and the group of rebels and forbearances are not simple things, and each of them is difficult to deal with.

With them there, as long as they cooperate with Uchiha Shisui to besiege together, neither Uchiha Kai nor Uchiha Fuyue will survive!

The only thing that disappointed them a little was that Kento Sarutobi didn't come. This guy seemed to be called by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

And this guy doesn't seem to approve of their plan either, because once the plan unfolds and it really kicks in, it won't be a good thing for Konoha!

But they don't care, if they don't fight back, they will really be thrown into the garbage heap of history.

Uchiha Fuyue's speech at the Shangnin meeting obviously did not intend to let them go.

Once those departments are investigated and the roster is published by the root, then they will directly lose a large number of positions within Konoha.

This is a fatal blow to them, who already occupy few seats, especially the seats of important departments!

If Uchiha Kai and the others succeed, then it will not be too easy to clean them up next.

Instead of waiting to die, why not directly resist?

They are not saints. For their own family and their own interests, they have reason to resist!

However, at this moment, Uchiha Shisui has quietly arrived outside the Shimura family's clan.

In addition to him, there are Imai Kenta, Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage, as well as Kakashi and Namikaze Minato, Kushina and others.

Although Uchiha Shisui was really taken aback, although he knew that this mission was very important, he really didn't expect that so many people would come, and all of them had such a high status.

"I'm sorry Shishui, it seems..." Uchiha Chuan couldn't help rubbing the back of his head after seeing Shishui: "We misunderstood you."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for participating in this mission, we wouldn't know..." Uchiha Ryukage also seemed a little distressed.

Although he guessed something, he didn't dare to jump to conclusions until it was confirmed.

And the atmosphere in the entire Uchiha clan was like that, everyone regarded Shisui as a betrayal, and some people even attacked him.

But now he knew that his judgment was correct, that Zhishui was his own person, but he chose a more difficult path.

Namikaze Minato also patted Shishui on the shoulder. The task this time was very important and troublesome, whether it was Shisui or them.

"Okay everyone, don't talk too much." Imai Kenta saw this and interrupted them directly: "Don't forget, we still have a lot of things to do. Lord Hokage..."

"Kenta, this time you are the main attack, and the command authority is also given to you." Before Kenta could finish speaking, Minato Namikaze interrupted him: "Do well, I look forward to your performance."

"Okay, trust me." Imai Ken too smiled, but soon he looked left and right: "What about Kai? Why hasn't he come yet? Could it be that the battle on the other side is dragging it down?"

"I don't think so. Maybe Kai has other things to do, right?" Kakashi thought for a while and said, "After all, Kai has taught that guy a lesson, and this time there won't be any problems."

Kenta Imai could only nod when he heard the words. Indeed, he didn't think Uchiha Kai could have any problems facing that guy.

I had taught others a lesson before, but this time I heard that I didn't plan to use it with all my strength, but there was Hyuga Aya watching there, no matter how much she thought, nothing could possibly go wrong.

I'm afraid this guy and Aya have gone to you and me, right?

Shaking his head, Kenta Imai didn't bother to think too much, and now his lineup is enough.

After all, there is the fourth generation of Hokage, Naikaze Minato, and he can fully believe in the strength of this Hokage-sama.

Even when they were training against each other at that time, he was beaten by Uchiha Qi and was a little powerless to fight back.

But that kind of destructive power, that kind of strength, is absolutely enough to face these members of the Akatsuki organization.

What's more, after more than half a year, Imai Kenta himself has made great progress. He doesn't believe that this Hokage-sama will stay where he is.

"Okay, since that's the case..." Imai Kenta said directly: "Lord Hokage, support me with you Kakashi. Captain Chuan, Captain Liuying, you are in charge of the barrier, and Chief Fuyue is already there. One side is ready, Kushina Chunin is in charge of assisting you. Shishui..."

"Yes." Shi Qing answered quietly.

"Your mission is very simple, that is to kill those guys on the list." Imai Kenta handed Shisui a list: "Your luck is good, they are all in the patriarch's mansion. But your luck is not good either, Because the dead servants of those guys also followed, and there are many guards in the patriarch's mansion. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Zhi Shui nodded: "Leave it to me."

"That's good... let's do it!"



Uchiha Qi looked at Tiandao Payne in front of him dumbfounded. The guy in front of him was still Yahiko's corpse, his expression was dull and indifferent, and his eyes didn't have any look at all.

But such a guy really surprised Kai Uchiha, because he actually absorbed his chakra!

Absorbing chakra is the ability of Hungry Ghost Realm, Uchiha Qi was too troublesome to directly kill all Payne clones except Tiandao at one time.

To be reasonable, being beaten like that by himself, what he needs to face is only a guy who can only use Shen Luo Tianzheng, Vientiane Tianyin, and open the 'super large' and use the magic dragon and nine seals with the ten-tailed body.

But at this moment, this guy actually gave himself such a hand, and absorbed the chakra he released without hesitation, which really made him a little unexpected.

Suddenly, Uchiha thought of something, and his eyes turned to those white arms again.

"Is it Bai Jue's cell?" Uchiha Qi thought silently.

"Yahiko's body can't bear such a powerful force at all, and the last time I met me, I burned the avatar's arm directly.

As a result, in order to repair Yahiko's body, he unexpectedly brought in white cells as an enhancement?

It's a bit interesting, I'm afraid that's why this body can withstand more, right? "

Uchiha Kai was a little dumb, and Nagato was stunned.

In the face of Uchiha Kai's knife, he almost subconsciously controlled Tiandao Payne's body to resist.

If he doesn't resist and cuts off his head directly, then it is conceivable how broken his heart will be, and how sad Xiao Nan will be.

It's no big deal to break a hand. You can find a way to connect it. The body is completely damaged, and it may not even be able to get it back. That's the thing that Nagato can't accept the most.

It's just that his heart was full of anger. Seeing that Yahiko's body was about to be damaged twice in his hands, he really slapped him in the face.

Therefore, when he tried to catch the ninja sword, he used the power of Hungry Ghost Dao unconsciously.

However, this time he was blinded, and he could clearly feel that the Chakra belonging to Uchiha Kai entered Yahiko's body.

That terrifying destructive power was also consumed at this moment.

Just absorbing these chakras suddenly made Yahiko's body change a little bit.

The quality of those chakras is unbelievable, and they have a very special power in them!

This power is difficult to control, and it almost made Yahiko's body out of control, but Nagato doesn't care about this now.

He was very excited. In addition to saving Yahiko's body, there was one more thing that made him happy.

That is, can you use Yahiko's body to display more of the power of other Payne?

Thinking of this, Nagato controlled Tiandao Payne to throw away the ninja sword in his hand, ignoring Uchiha Qishun's call to cut off a few of his fingers, and he quickly formed the seal again.

"Although it's just an attempt, since it's okay to be a hungry ghost, then..."

In an instant, the seal was completed, Tiandao Payne touched the ground with one hand, a huge psychic formation appeared, a double-headed dog with reincarnation eyes and a huge strange bird appeared.

This scene surprised Nagato. Of course, he also noticed that Yahiko's body was becoming more and more difficult to control, and there were even some signs of collapse.

Obviously, this body is not perfect, of course, it may also be caused by the absorption of Uchiha Kina's special chakra.

"Then kill you quickly!"

In the roar of the beast, the two-headed dog with the ability to split has rushed towards Uchiha.

Although Uchiha Kai was a little surprised, he did not lose his mind.

Yahiko's body is equipped with a white arm. Although it is beyond his expectations, it is not unacceptable to be able to play such a level.

The two-headed dog was beheaded with one knife, but the next moment the guy split apart again.

The giant monster bird in the sky rushed towards him, he dodged directly, and then slashed with a knife, and the bird split apart violently.

"It's really troublesome."

Uchiha Kai looked at the bigger and bigger monsters, he couldn't help shaking his head, he inserted Qiyu back into his waist, and then he quickly formed the seal, and the surging chakra began to surge frantically.

"Forget it, just right, I also want to try my other techniques, since that's the case..."

"Immortal, Yin-Yang Escape, Fire Extinguishing!"

The black flames with immortal chakra and yin and yang escape instantly spewed out of his mouth, and the hot flames swept away, just like the sky!

Amaterasu is an inextinguishable flame, but this flame is obviously not.

But the problem is, after the enhancement of the Immortal Technique Chakra and Yin Yang Dun, I am afraid that this technique is no weaker than Amaterasu in terms of quality!

The dark flames covered the split monsters, the flames were raging, and the roars of pain were issued in the mouths of the monsters.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

With a loud roar, the figure of Tiandao Payne suddenly appeared in the distance.

There is also a transparent animal phantom next to him, which looks like a lizard, and he himself is standing in the lizard's mouth.

A powerful repulsion force appeared, and suddenly the sand and stones flew away, the forest trembled under the powerful force, and countless ancient trees were destroyed by the middle.

Those pitch-black flames were like Amaterasu, and they were directly bounced around, and the entire forest was raging with flames for a while.

The next moment, Payne suddenly rushed in front of Kai Uchiha, and a black long stick appeared in his hand and stabbed directly at Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Qi sneered, he didn't draw a knife, but reached out and grabbed the black long stick of this guy.

This long stick is condensed by yin and yang, and other people will be injured if they don't die, but he won't.

But soon, he understood what this guy meant.

The chameleon hiding behind him suddenly appeared, sticking out his tongue to restrain Uchiha Kai.

Tiandao Payne clasped his hands lightly, and the next moment his left hand wanted to press his abdomen.

Are you planning to use the power of the human world?

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha Kai had instantly seen Payne's attack route, dodged his left hand and kicked him in the stomach.

Tiandao Payne took this kick and flew out, but soon he stabilized his figure, and Uchiha Qi's blade also came!

This time, Nagato didn't choose to resist, and a madness appeared on his face.

Tiandao Payne, who had just landed in the distance, clasped his hands together, and a dark chakra light emerged from his palm, and was then thrown into the sky.

The indescribable gravitational force came, the whole earth rumbled, and countless rocks and trees were sucked up with the lake water, approaching the chakra light in the center.

"Earth Blast!"

There was no hesitation, just like the last time he faced that mysterious Uchiha.

At that time, he was also suppressed so miserably, and that guy kept chasing and beating him.

In a helpless situation, Nagato tried his best to display the Earth Blast Star.

This time the situation is somewhat similar. Although he was also beaten by Uchiha Qiqiu, he found that Yahiko's body could no longer support it.

If the battle is not resolved quickly, then it is very likely that he really cannot resolve the battle.

He found that Yahiko's body could be further strengthened, and he could use his power to a greater extent, and he already knew how to do it.

He needs to solve this battle in order to complete this project well.

In the same way, the last time I faced the mysterious Uchiha, I failed completely after using this move This time I was so valued by the mysterious Uchiha and only regarded him as an opponent. The person, Nagato wants to see what the virtue and ability of this Uchiha Kai is!

"The only one who can fight against the eye of reincarnation is the eye of reincarnation! Go to hell, you bastard!"

With Nagato's roar, the black ball in the sky became more attractive.

Uchiha Qi looked indifferently at everything that seemed to be similar, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Then, his eyes slowly turned again, and his hand touched his ninja sword.

In that case...  

The blade was unsheathed, and the power of fear began to spread, and time seemed to become chaotic at this moment!

"Blade of Time!"


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