Chapter 683: Assault (Part 1)

The turbulent time made everything hazy, and the black sphere froze as soon as it took off.

The white blade with unimaginable yin and yang escape, immortality, and the power of Uchiha Kai's unique pupil technique, under the huge gravitational force, quickly went towards the core of the sky star.

In an instant, the heaven and the earth shook, and there was nothing but the blazing white light.

In the roar, there was a loud noise like a crack in the sky, but the sound seemed to be frozen, and it dissipated directly before it could be delivered, and the surroundings became silent as a void.

Just like the sun erupted, all the matter absorbed by the Earthburst star was smashed into pieces, and the rubble was wrapped in flames and fell, but there was no sound at all.

Yes, but it's just a murmur that keeps repeating and disappearing in the chaotic time!

The blazing white light dissipated slightly, Tiandao Payne still stood there expressionless, and the blade that seemed to be fast but slow to fall towards him.

The speed of the blade is so fast that in Nagato's eyes it even surpasses the reaction of the human body, but it seems to be so slow that people can see its direction at a glance.

In such a strange situation, Nagato found that he could not control Tiandao Payne to avoid it.

He seemed to be completely fixed, no matter how he resisted, he couldn't do it at all, he could only watch all this happen!

The blade penetrated the body, the white light dissipated, and Nagato clearly felt that the body belonging to Yahiko had begun to disintegrate rapidly.

The unmatched power was devouring that body frantically in the wind, and he couldn't even resist!

Why? Why is this happening?

Nagato was roaring in his heart, he lost, he lost again!

Once again, he used the six-path immortal to seal the legendary ten tails, but he lost again.

He is a god, he has mastered the eye of reincarnation since he was a child, he has been taught by Jiraiya to learn the properties and changes of the five chakras, and is able to use all of them.

He is destined to lead the ninja world to peace, he is the savior!

But why did he fail in the hands of two Uchihas one after another?

It can be said that the last defeat was in the past. After all, that guy also mastered the eye of reincarnation, and losing to that guy is not so shameful.

But now he has lost again, to a guy who just has a wheel eye.

Although he knew that this Sharinyan had a very high level, and had contact with the guy who claimed to be Madara Uchiha, he also learned that Sharinyan was very special and could be continuously improved.

But no matter how strong you are, there is absolutely no way you can be stronger than Samsara Eye!

"It's over..." Uchiha Qi calmly looked at Tiandao Payne in front of him, and then shook his head: "It seems that the so-called **** is nothing more than that."

"You..." Tiandao Payne's voice was very cold, after all, this is just a corpse, but you can imagine how horrified Nagato was at this time: "How is it possible, how is it possible!"

"Why is it impossible?" Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Reincarnation Eye, it is really strong, but you haven't exerted the power of Samsara Eye at all. Apart from you, I have also seen a pair of Samsara Eye, compared with him. Get up, you are really worthless."

"That guy..." Nagato felt the collapse of Yahiko's body, and he knew that he might not be able to recover the body, because he had lost the ability of Yahiko's body to move: "No wonder, he It will treat you as the only opponent, no wonder!"

"Hmph, the only opponent..." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then his eyes became dangerous: "Forget it, it's enough to talk nonsense with you. I have found your position, Didn't you say that you are a god? I have interrupted your hands and feet now, and the next... is to kill a god!"

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Qi slashed at Tiandao Payne, who had completely lost his ability to move, without hesitation. This knife cut his head straight!

But the next moment, the space was distorted in a strange way, and a kunai shot out of the distorted space, accurately aiming at Uchiha Kai's head and flying.

This made him have to give up the attack on Tiandao Payne, and then the cut jade in his hand blocked the attack of Kunai.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Tiandao Payne.

A guy with a mask, Uchiha Kai just glanced at it, and then stopped simply.

Obito, on the other hand, looked at Uchiha Kai with a dignified look, and at the same time glanced at Tiandao Payne behind him.

This guy's current tragic situation makes him very comfortable, although it is a pity that this is just a clone, but it is not good to want to come to this guy's body.

Sure enough, people who have their own eyes of reincarnation, even if they don't use the eyes of reincarnation, they will be crushed!

"It's you, Rat." Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "I didn't expect you to dare to come to Konoha, this time, don't leave."

"I can come if I want, and I can go if I want to go!" Obito said in a low voice, but then he shook his head: "Unfortunately, today is not the time to fight, the old man still has important things to do, I will let it go today. is you."

"Oh, Rat, have you beat me?" Uchiha Kai shook his head: "I said it, stay here!"

After speaking, he rushed over without the slightest politeness. He and Obito had not discussed it, but he also knew what to do.

It was already agreed that Obito would control Akatsuki's organization, so how to control it?

Very simple, prove Nagato wrong!

What Uchiha Kai has done now has already taught Nagato a lesson, proving that Nagato's coming to Konoha was a mistake.

Not only the lesson this time, but also other people will do something to the members of the Xiao organization to further prove all this.

In addition to proving Nagato wrong, there is one more thing that needs to be shown, and that is the personal strength of this guy Obito.

The reason why the Xiao organization can attract people, in addition to some of their ideas, the more important point is the strength.

The world of ninjas, to put it bluntly, is still stronger and more powerful, especially since they are all rebels in this organization.

If he doesn't have the strength to be feared, how can he make those rebellious guys obey?

In the face of Uchiha Kai, who shot without hesitation, Obito immediately counterattacked. The battle between the two of them seemed so elegant, but it also contained murderous intent.

At the same time, in a cave in Konoha, Hei Jue appeared beside Nagato.

Nagato looked so tired at this time. Although it was much better than the last time, it could be seen that his mood was worse than the last time.

Hei Jue naturally knew what was going on with this guy, but at this moment he was too lazy to say anything.

"Retreat, you have already failed." Hei Jue's hoarse and repressed voice sounded in Nagato's ear: "You can't lose your eyes yet, Mr. Madara has lost most of his fighting power after all, he can't drag it too far. Long."

"Humph!" Nagato snorted coldly and wanted to refute, but just as he opened his mouth, he realized that he didn't seem to know what to say.

"Don't make senseless resistance, and I will tell you responsibly that your appearance means that other people may also be exposed." Hei said with disdain: "If you want to die, then hand over your eyes, if you don't want to die If you still want to see the new world, then shut up."

"It's okay for you to stop!" Xiao Nan couldn't see it anymore, and she retorted directly: "Anyway, even if Nagato fails, he is the leader of Akatsuki's organization?"

"Leader, hehe..."

"What do you mean?"

"I have already told you clearly, don't provoke Konoha easily, even if you are hiding, you will reveal yourself. You yourself know that it is not suitable to reveal it now. But what? Do you think that after this mission, you still have the prestige of the leader? ?"


The moonlight is desolate, it is only six or seven o'clock, but the moonlight has already illuminated the earth, and the falling snowflakes look so poignant.

Uchiha Shisui slowly walked towards the Shimura clan's patriarch's mansion, and he didn't see anyone along the way.

This is a good thing for him, he is indeed here to kill, but his goal is very clear, he does not want to hurt innocent people.

Suddenly, Uchiha Shisui glanced to the left, and in the dark shadows, three Shimura ninjas were hiding.

This is already the patriarch's mansion, and Zhishui knows that there must be terrifying protection here.

Although this family has lost its former glory with Danzo's death, the necessary protection will still be there.

When the three ninjas saw him, they were immediately puzzled.

They naturally knew that Uchiha Shisui had joined their camp, but it was the first time this kid came to the Shimura clan, which made him feel a little inexplicable.

Fortunately, after Danzang's death, the Shimura clan lost the spirit and focus they had in the past after seven or eight years.

In the era of Danzo, when they discovered Uchiha Shisui, they would never consider whether this guy was their own. They would definitely do it directly.

"Uchiha Shisui? How did you get here..."

One of Shimura's ninjas at the front made a sound, but his voice was hoarse as soon as he opened his mouth.

The scarlet Sangou jade looked so terrifying in his eyes. He lowered his head and looked at the short blade that pierced his heart in disbelief. The blood flowed along the short blade, dripping drop by drop.

He wanted to say something, but couldn't make any sound, and at the last glance, only Uchiha Shisui's cold face.


The unnamed Shimura Ninja fell, so suddenly, he didn't expect it, and neither did his companions.

Isn't Uchiha Shisui his own?

Although it's a little weird to appear here, but it's not going to shoot directly, right?

But the moment they saw their companions fall to the ground, the other two ninjas reacted instantly, the long sword behind them started, and angrily looked at Uchiha Shisui and shot at the same time.

It's a pity that they are facing Uchiha Shisui, who has opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

The two sides staggered, and it took only a second before and after, and there was not even the sound of chirping of weapons.

Two Shimura clan ninjas fell to the ground with disbelieving expressions, each with a bloodstain on their necks, and the blood slowly spilled out.

After killing these three people, Zhishui did not have the slightest fluctuation in his heart. He watched the three dead Zhishui walk straight forward and entered the mansion of the Shimura clan chief.

With his entry, the entire mansion soon underwent extraordinary changes.

That kind of **** smell, then kill the enemy directly at the door, if they can't notice it, they can really die!

Eight ninjas, or he was a dead servant, their breath was cold, like dead people.

Zhishui saw that the appearance of these eight people was not a big surprise, and he was ready to attack the patriarch's mansion directly.

Shaking the Ninja sword, which was still dripping blood, the kaleidoscope in Zhishui's eyes began to slowly rotate, and a little green chakra appeared on his body.

Without any nonsense, Zhishui rushed up the next moment...


"The water stop has already entered, and the battle has already begun."

At the gate of the Shimura clan, Hinata was watching everything with open eyes, and Kenta Imai nodded immediately upon hearing this.

It was very smooth, even though this kid Zhishui was strong in his opinion, that was the case.

Eight or nine years ago, Kenta Imai might still have to worry about whether he was an opponent, but now he really doesn't worry about a pair of kaleidoscopes.

But having such a pair of kaleidoscopes to deal with the people of the Shimura clan is quite enough.

"Very good, since he started fighting there, it will naturally attract the attention of those guys." Imai Kenta said slowly: "Now raise the barrier, I have found them, I want to go in."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Kenta-kun." Minato Minato Nakaze nodded, "Kakashi and I will support you at any time."

"No problem, Hokage-sama." Imai Kenta smiled, and then quickly ran towards the Shimura clan.

Namikaze Minato looked at Imai Kenta's back, and then his eyes turned to Uchihagawa.

It takes four people to arrange the barrier and needs to be completed in four different directions, and only Uchihagawa is in his direction.

Uchihagawa nodded, and then fired a signal bomb directly, and the chakra of his hands suddenly surged out.

In an instant, a flame-like enchantment appeared in the dark night.

This barrier completely covers the entire Shimura clan, and no one can enter this area at will, and it is also impossible for anyone to leave easily.

When everything was ready, Minato Namikaze glanced at his wife, and then walked in with Kakashi.

It is true that they will not shoot directly, but once Imai Ken is too troublesome, or the damage caused by the enemy is too great, then they will never let the enemy be arrogant.

This is Konoha, if it is not required for the mission, this may even be their burial place...


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