Chapter 685: try

"Do you two know what's wrong?"

"Yes, Iruka-sensei."

"Then go back, such a dangerous technique is not for use on your companions and friends, especially if you are so young, you can't master it at all!"

"Yes, thank you for your hard work, Iruka-sensei."

In Konoha's ninja school, Naruto and Sasuke honestly apologized to Iruka.

The confrontation assessment between the two of them can be said to be the limelight, after all, they can use such a terrible ninjutsu at such a young age.

But the problem is that they are too young, only seven or eight years old, they really haven't mastered the safe use of these techniques.

If it wasn't for Kakashi's sudden appearance, the ghost knows what the two of them would have done.

Of course, the two of them didn't feel very well, and all of them were punished accordingly.

For example, honestly, after the assessment, complete the task assigned by Kakashi - write a review.

It's already past eight o'clock, and the two hungry little guys have finished their review so that they can leave the school.

However, it can be seen that the two of them are not in a good mood. After all, who has been in such a good mood?

"It's all your fault, saying that I know Chidori, but I couldn't help but use the spiral pill." Naruto folded his hands on the back of his head, his face full of depression: "It's over, I'll definitely go back again. I'm going to be taught a lesson by my mother."

"You're too embarrassed to say, if it wasn't for the trick you said, I would have used Chidori?" Sasuke turned his head back and said angrily, but he was also very depressed now: "What an idiot, he didn't even know how to harm people."

"You're an idiot." Naruto rolled his eyes, but soon he sighed: "But one thing is better than you, you may be scolded when you go home, and I may have to wait until tomorrow. "

"Master Qi said that you can't take fifty steps to laugh at a hundred steps." Sasuke pursed his lips: "Sooner or later, can you avoid today and tomorrow?"

Said so, but Sasuke's eyes are still a little envious. Although he knows it is wrong to think this way, it is a day to hide.

In addition to teaching the two of them a lesson just now, Kakashi also informed Naruto that he was going to eat by himself tonight.

Because neither Namikaze Minato nor Kushina was keeping an eye on him, the corner of his mouth lit up when he thought of this Naruto, but soon his face collapsed again.

"I'd rather be scolded tonight, maybe tomorrow will be fine. But if I'm taught a lesson tomorrow, it might be a day." Naruto rubbed his head in annoyance, but he quickly patted himself. His face: "Yo Xi, tomorrow will be very uncomfortable, so treat yourself tonight! Sasuke, let's have fun together? I'll treat you!"

"I don't want it, I'll just go back..." Sasuke was stunned as he spoke, his eyes staring into the distance.

Naruto looked over involuntarily when he saw this situation, and the next moment his expression changed slightly.

Because in the distance, there was a fiery red in the dark sky. Is this a fire?

No, if a fire can't be so peaceful, then what is this thing?

Naruto thought for a moment and seemed to think of something.

After all, he is Kushina's son. Even if he doesn't like sealing techniques, enchantments and the like that much, he has been in touch with him more or less.

"That's... a barrier?" Naruto asked uncertainly.

"Well, it's an enchantment." Compared with Naruto, Sasuke seemed a little more dignified: "That's the Uchiha flame formation, it's our family's secret technique, but why does it appear there... Is it out? What's the matter?"

"How about? Let's go take a look?"

"That's not good?"

"Will you go, Sasuke?"



The battle between Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Obito was not as explosive as he imagined.

However, these two people completely brought the characteristics of the Uchiha family's writing wheel to the fullest.

When Uchiha Qi directly swung the knife away, Obito pulled out a black stick in an instant. This black stick is the same as that used by Payne, and they are all condensed by yin and yang.

He didn't use the chain, facing Uchiha Kai's ninja sword, using the chain didn't have any special effect at all.

They are indeed acting, but even acting must be qualified, right?

When the ninja sword and the long stick were staggered, little sparks flashed in the air, and the next moment the two of them started to fight in close quarters.

Both of them were wearing black clothes, but their movements were exceptionally graceful, and their movements were so coordinated.

A swing of the knife, every punch, and the use of every technique are all so skillful.

"It seems that you have grown up as a rat?" Uchiha lifted the knife with soil, glanced at Tiandao Payne, and suddenly said: "At least, you can bring me a lot this time. fun."

"Junior, you are still so arrogant." Obito also swept around, and then in his harsh words, he did not hide the killing intent in his eyes: "For this old man, this is just to restore strength."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi sneered, and the next moment his ninja sword burst into thunder: "Yin-yang escape · Lanqie!"

The light of thunder and lightning instantly covered the entire blade, and Lei Dun's morphological changes were made perfect by his use.

In order to avoid Lanqie, Uchiha Obito jumped high, and the next moment his expression changed slightly.

Because Uchiha Qi didn't know when he appeared behind him, Qiuyu bloomed with a black arc, and stabbed directly in the cold light.

Blood splashed, Uchiha Obito was pierced by a knife, the whole person fell heavily on the ground under the force, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Boring, do you really think I can't see?" Killing Obito's Kai, his eyes picked up slightly.

The next moment he swings the knife again, and this time his speed is amazing!

However, with one wave, Obito was not affected at all.

The ninja knife passed through him, Obito's body was slightly sideways, and when it completely deviates from the scope of the ninja knife, his black stick stabbed Uchiha Kai without hesitation!

Pfft, the black stick pierced through Uchiha Kai's body, but Obito frowned slightly, but in an instant he began to seal.

"Fire escape, bursting wind and dancing!"

"Yin-Yang Escape - Impatiens Technique!"

The two flames converged in the sky, and in just a moment, they completely turned into black flames. Obviously, Uchiha Kai's yin and yang escape was more powerful.

However, Obito was not greatly affected. His body suddenly passed through the sea of ​​fire, and quietly appeared behind Uchiha Kai.

And Uchiha Kai's reaction speed was also bizarre, and the two started a new battle once again.

When the surrounding space was distorted, the two disappeared at the same time.

Nagato controlled Payne to watch, and Hei Jue was watching through Bai Jue, and it was through this kind of watching that Nagato felt a sense of despair.

Is the battle like you just now really considered a battle?

It seems that apart from using the power of the Samsara Eye, he has not caused any trouble to that Uchiha Kai!

But looking at this guy who calls himself Madara Uchiha, he didn't use any weird power from the beginning, just the collision of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu can actually achieve unimaginable effects!

just now....

"Where did they go?" Nagato asked with a frown. Although he was still exhausted, he recovered a lot with the help of the ten-tailed body.

"It's Mr. Madara's technique, space ninjutsu." Hei Jue frowned, but he still explained in a low voice: "It seems that the two of them are going to work hard."

"Is that so..." Nagato's mouth moved, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He felt a headache now, such a fiasco he never imagined, but it happened.

Now he is a little confused. Could it be that...even without the Eye of Samsara, can anyone defeat the Eye of Samsara?

This Uchiha Kai seems to be fine, and the guy who calls himself Madara Uchiha seems to be fine too...


"Is your performance good? I'm still worried that you won't be able to react." In the Kamui space, Uchiha Kai looked at Obito who had put down his weapon and couldn't help but smile and said: "And you have indeed improved a lot from before, basics. combat power."

"It's not just basic combat power, right?" Obito raised his eyebrows, and then simply took off his mask: "If it was before, I'm afraid I still don't know what you think, now I'm just listening to you and watching you. performance, you know what you're going to do."

"So, do you admit that you were a fool before?" Uchiha Qi heard the words and couldn't help but ask directly.

As a result, Obito's face suddenly became a little embarrassed when he said this.

Does this count as being scolded by others?

Shaking his head helplessly, Obito felt that it would be better for him not to tell this guy these messy things, anyway, he was at a loss anyway.

Obito sometimes really finds out that this guy Uchiha Kai is really bad, whether it is his character or his way of doing things.

"Forget it, don't talk about this." Obito shook his head: "You guy, you don't praise people, what should I do next?"

"Before this, I have a question." Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "That guy named Nagato, what happened to his avatar of the Heavenly Dao Payne? His arm seems to be the same as yours?"

"Well, that guy Hei Jue did it." Obito didn't hide the slightest bit: "If Nagato wants to repair the corpse, let Hei Jue think of a way. And this guy Hei Jue is wondering if he can improve Nagato's combat effectiveness. , put Bai Jue's arm on the corpse. But he was still guarding Nagato, but I made a mistake with this information, and I only found out later."

Uchiha Ki nodded, and it was normal for Obito to not know what Hei Jue and Nagato did in private.

Probably because he knew about this action, Hei Jue made such an arrangement temporarily.

But Hei Jue obviously knew that Nagato didn't trust him at all, so he put Bai Jue's body on Yahiko's corpse.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to put it directly on Nagato's body?

But the same thought of putting it on Nagato's body, Uchiha Kai couldn't help shaking his head, he didn't want his opponent to hang up inexplicably in the opposite direction.

"Staring at them, Bai Jue's body is very useful, especially for manipulating the Samsara Eye." Uchiha Qi thought and said directly: "And you, you have to continue to improve, the future will be very troublesome."

"I know, I'm also working hard." Obito spread his hands: "But, seriously, you don't want me to evolve a reincarnation eye, right?"

"I think it's not impossible, but I'm afraid you can't do it." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "But in other aspects, it's not impossible. The Chakra of the tailed beast, and the control of Yin and Yang escape, you can do it. try it."

In the original work, Obito crossed to the level of the six realms, relying on the three powers of the ten tails, the yin and yang escape, and the eye of reincarnation.

Of course, the main event is the ten tails, but he is relying on his own will to forcefully control the ten tails.

Now, this possibility is almost gone, not to mention ten tails, even the Samsara Eye may not be used by him.

You must know that the reincarnation eye is Uchiha Madara's, and Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye has truly experienced the cycle of life and death, and has gathered the power of Indra and Asura to this point.

Uchiha Kai's reincarnation eye is a lot worse than his.

Sometimes it's not that Kai Uchiha didn't think about it, whether to grab those eyes and find a way to extract the power inside.

But after he mastered the eye of reincarnation, he knew that the Chakra in the eye of reincarnation actually belonged to the eye of reincarnation.

It is unlikely that the Chakra of Indra and Asura can be extracted from it.

Even if it is possible, the wasted time and experience is not what he is willing to pay.

What's more, the new generation of Indra and Asura was by his side, why did he want to go farther and sabotage his own plan by the way?

Without those messy things, there is only one way to improve Obito, starting with the Yin-Yang Escape and the Tailed Beast Chakra.

He may not be able to advance in the eye of reincarnation, and he may not be able to reach the level of Six Paths in the original book.

But this does not mean that Obito can't do it, as long as he masters the yin and yang escape, coupled with the rational use of the tailed beast Chakra, with his divine power, it will definitely be an unimaginable place!

"This is for you ." Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi directly took out a scroll and gave it to Obito: "Learn by yourself, you have the foundation, and it shouldn't be difficult to master."

"What is this?" Obito took the scroll, then opened it and glanced at it: "Yin-yang escape? Did you summarize and modify it?"

"No, it's completed." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "Hei Jue is guarding you, so what he gave you is not complete. I have completed these things in other ways. Study hard, you know. Yet?"

"Well, I understand." Obito nodded seriously: "So what's next?"

"Go save people, I'm afraid they will be killed soon, and I..."

"Naturally, it's time to complete my next plan."


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