Chapter 686: seize power

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In the Shimura clan's clan, Imai Kenta stood tall on top of a wooden man, surrounded by a wooden dragon with yellow eyes.

Below him, there are a lot of puppet fragments, as well as three people who are embarrassed!

Complete victory, Imai Kenta faced the four people of this Akatsuki organization and won a complete victory!

Although to be precise, there should be only two, Hidean was beheaded by Imai Kenta as soon as he made his move, and Orochimaru was an inner ghost.

What he needs to face seriously is just Scorpion and Jiaodu.

However, these two unfortunate urges to face Imai Kenta's Flying Thunder God must defend for a while, and can only respond.

Naturally, this task was handed over to Kakuto, so the main attack fell on Scorpio. It is conceivable to imagine what kind of pressure Imai Kenta was facing.

To put it bluntly, he didn't feel any embarrassment at all, and he was even considering whether to do something to the Shimura clan!

"Night of the Genocide"? This name was uttered by Uchiha Kai's mouth.

At first, Imai Kenta didn't know what the **** this guy was talking about, but now it seems to be quite interesting, and it seems that it is not impossible to use it in this place.

But Imai Kenta didn't do it in the end, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

Their battle has spread so much, it is impossible not to arouse the awareness of the Shimura clan.

Although the Shimura clan has fallen, there are still many ninjas in it.

They naturally discovered the huge barrier and the terrifying aftermath of the battle, and they couldn't wait to die here or just sit there.

Seriously, according to Kenta Imai's thoughts, these guys are going to be liquidated anyway, and their family is constantly sucking blood from the Senju family.

If that's the case, then just kill it.

It's a pity that the Fourth Hokage-sama doesn't seem to think so.

Imai Kenta has already sensed that the nine-tailed chakra is erupting, and the guys who are visible to the naked eye have the nine-tailed chakra coat.

These chakra coats protect them from running to the exit of the barrier, and they can also be used as identification tools. At least Imai Kenta doesn't dare to shoot casually when he sees this chakra.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kenta Imai turned his gaze to the few people who had failed miserably. He was thinking about one thing.

"Why hasn't the guy who saved people come yet?" Imai Kenta's eyes were cold, but his heart was very active: "If you don't come again, I'm going to kill you."

"It's really amazing, it really deserves to be the current leader of the Thousand Hands Clan." Just as he was thinking wildly, Jiaodu's slightly weak voice suddenly came over: "I'm afraid your level is not weaker than the first Hokage. I've played against the first Hokage Senjujima..."

"Save it, it's your level." Imai Kenta shook his head and shook his head: "If you played against the first Hokage, you wouldn't be able to live until now. Unless he lets you go, otherwise... "

Imai Kenta didn't finish his words, but the disdain was already fully revealed.

Imai Kenta has to admit that this monster with several hearts is indeed more experienced. After all, this guy has found his mark.

But what about being experienced?

Immortal art cooperates with Mu Dun, especially after his yin and yang escapes become more and more proficient, his Mu Dun performance has surpassed that before.

Combining these things, Imai Kenta feels that even if he is not as good as Senju Hasuma, but......

The overall strength should not be too far off, right?

After all, I still have this Flying Thunder God, although it will be more troublesome to find the seeds, but once I use a large-scale wooden escape, there will be my mark everywhere!

Imai Kenta feels that his current Flying Thunder God is already a new development, and it can be regarded as something like Flying Thunder God Enchantment.

As long as he is in the coverage area of ​​his own wood escape, he is definitely the strongest - except for the cubs who can't play time.

This guy in front of him can't even beat himself, and it can even be said that he has no power to fight back at all.

Imai Kenta doesn't think that his use of Mudun can really reach the level of Senju Hashirama, so he can imagine what would happen if this guy really collided with Senju Hashirama who used Mudun.

To put it bluntly, this guy has never really fought head-to-head, right?

Could it be that if you lose a handful of Kuwu from a thousand meters away, it doesn't matter if Kuwufei didn't fly or not, even if it was a fight?

Or maybe it was his grandfather who didn't bother to fight with him at all?

With Kenta Imai's mocking without hesitation, Kakuto's face instantly became extremely ugly.

He wanted to refute something, but suddenly didn't know what to say.

The scorpion on the side looked indifferent, but that was because his body was made of puppets, and he couldn't show any expression at all.

At this time, he was also in a very bad mood. He glanced at Orochimaru who was locked by Mu Dun, Feiduan who was still cursing after his head was cut off, and Jiaodu in front of him.

He knew that this time they really failed miserably to the extreme.


Just when Scorpion was about to say something, the space around him suddenly distorted.

This suddenly made him realize that his rescue team was coming, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's so terrifying, Scorpion thinks silently, this descendant of the Thousand-handed Clan is really terrifying!

Scorpion feels that he has been unlucky recently. The last time he met a terrifying woman who could directly **** his puppet, this time he met a guy whose strength was comparable to the legendary Qianshouzhuma.

Does he feel that he is too unlucky to meet this kind of guy all the time.

However, his luck was also good. The other party didn't have any interest in dealing with him last time, but this time his backup came.

"It seems that the old man is late." Obito walked out of the space, glanced around and said slowly, "Mu Dun, it's really nostalgic."

"Who are you?" Imai Jian raised his brows too much, he had already guessed the identity of the other party, but he still asked very 'rules': "Forget it, it doesn't matter, it seems that you and them are a group, So....."

"You don't have to fight, it's purely a misunderstanding." Obito raised his head and said slowly, "A group of children are disobedient, they have to come here to make trouble, Uchiha Ki has already knocked out the people who took the lead in making trouble, they don't even care. already."

"Is Konoha you come when you want, and leave when you want?" Kenta Imai actually planned to stop, but continued professionally.

"Don't take an inch. Although the old man and Uchiha have started to fight, he has not much strength, but this does not mean that the old man has no spare energy. You can close it when you see it. Anyway, aren't you facing the people behind Sarutobi's death? This chance I gave it to you, don't be too much."

"Really opinionated."

Imai Kenta looked at Obito in front of him, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, he really didn't do it, and seemed to be thinking about whether all this was worthwhile.

Seeing this, Obito unhesitatingly exerted his divine power, and the space was still rippled, and then gradually became distorted.

This kind of distortion covered everyone in Akatsuki's organization, even Feiduan, who was lying on the ground with his head broken.

The space was reversed, and the next moment everyone in Xiao's organization disappeared in front of her eyes.

Imai Ken looked at all this indifferently, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The mission is over, everything is normal...


In a valley more than ten kilometers away from Konoha, Nagato, with the help of Hei Jue, has once again repaired Heaven's Path Payne.

This time, Tiandao Payne didn't have too many problems. The biggest problem was that he absorbed Uchiha Kai's Chakra, which caused some problems with Yahiko's body.

There is no way for such a Chakra Nagato, but Black Jue can.

It took him an afternoon to finally control Tiandao Payne again.

Standing beside Tiandao Payne, Hei Jue looked at the body and nodded, but quickly frowned.

The chakra just now was very strange, including the immortal chakra, the unique chakra of Uchiha Kai, and a small amount of yin and yang escape.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Hei Jue felt that it was no big deal.

After all, that was Kai Uchiha, the most amazing Uchiha he had ever seen after Madara Uchiha.

This guy has always been very weird, his strength is outrageous, and his scheming is also elusive.

If it was in the past, Hei would definitely have to investigate it carefully.

But now, he is too lazy to care about such trivial matters. Since he noticed his mother's Chakra, his center of gravity has begun to shift.

Although Uchiha Kai is weird, his most important thing is his mother, and other things can't be put down temporarily.

"How do you feel?" Hei Jue shook his head, then looked at the body of this Tiandao Payne: "Control it, no problem, right?"

"It's not bad, but it needs to be repaired after going back." Nagato controlled Payne and said, "These white things..."

"Don't think about it, it's gone." Hei Jue knew what Nagato meant, and interrupted him immediately: "You made it very difficult for me and Mr. Ban to be disappointed this time. Calculate the time, they should be back too, do a good job. Get ready."

"Hmph." Nagato snorted coldly, but he didn't forget what Hei Jue said before.

Subconsciously, he wanted to refute, he did fail, but it does not mean that everyone will fail, as long as the other side succeeds...

However, before he could speak, the space distorted for a while, followed by five people.

Except for the guy who claimed to be Uchiha Madara, these five people looked a little better, and the others looked unusually embarrassed!

Feiduan's head has been broken, and there is only a heart left in the corners, and the scorpion has also exposed its true body, and Orochimaru's chakra has bottomed out.

It is completely conceivable what kind of fierce battle they went through in between!

Seeing this scene, Nagato's heart began to sink, this is definitely not a scene he wants to see.

Because this scene has completely explained one thing, that is his plan, and his leadership has completely failed!

Taking a deep breath, Nagato controlled Tiandao Payne to look at the guy wearing the mask.

The fight between this guy and Uchiha Kai just now, he didn't see it later.

But in the end he left that space with Kai Uchiha and left with Yahiko's body, which he still remembered.

This guy has been against this plan of his and has been coaching behind the scenes, or asking himself to do something.

Nagato didn't want to pay attention to this guy at all, but at this moment, he realized that some things were really beyond his control.

This action has proved that this guy is right and he is wrong!

"It seems that this time the operation is very unsuccessful." Obito looked at the silent crowd, and suddenly said in a mocking tone: "Penn was almost killed by Uchiha Qi, and you guys were almost killed too. It's really interesting to be killed by Imai Kenta."

"What are you trying to say?" Although Nagato knew what Obito meant, he was still trying to struggle.

He is not greedy for power, never has, all he cares about is this Xiao organization.

The name of the Akatsuki organization actually means dawn. The original purpose was to bring peace to his country. This organization was founded by Yahiko, Xiaonan and him.

All he cares about is this organization, and he will use this organization to fulfill Yahiko's dream.

But now it seemed that everything was about to change, and everything was changing in a direction beyond his control.

"It's very simple, you are very unqualified." Obito didn't give Nagato any face, he turned and stared at Nagato, his tone was unusually indifferent: "I told you, don't provoke Konoha, if you don't listen, take a look How tall are you now!"

"I..." Nagato opened his mouth to argue, but the next moment he was interrupted.

"Shut up." Obito's voice was unusually indifferent: "I told you back then that if you listen to me, you can make the world peaceful, but if you didn't listen, Yahiko died. Later, you found out and began to listen to me, and the Akatsuki organization started. Growing up. Now what? You think your wings are hard, to put it bluntly, without me, you are a fool who can accomplish nothing!"

"Enough!" Xiao Nan couldn't take it anymore, she stepped forward and stood in front of Payne: "Don't forget This organization is ours! Moreover, Nagato is the head of this organization ."

"Really?" Obito looked at Xiao Nan meaningfully: "A disobedient opinion will lead everyone to the end of death? What peace is there to create? There are two choices, one is to be more honest in the future, the other... I... Now take your Samsara Eye in person!"

When the voice fell, Obito exuded his own chakra, and at that moment, his writing wheel began to turn slightly.

Hei Jue looked at Obito dumbly. He really didn't expect this kid to be so sharp, but after thinking about it, he walked directly behind Obito.

Orochimaru licked his tongue, and then walked behind him.

Scorpion and Jiao both looked at each other, and also walked slowly behind Obito.

For a time, the atmosphere in this valley became more solemn, and a silent depression burst out in the valley...
