Chapter 687: track

"Really, what are you doing?"

Sasuke returned home depressed. He was led by Naruto, and the two of them ran to the barrier together.

However, it turns out that there is no way for them to get close to there at all, even if one of them is the son of the fourth Hokage and the son of the Uchiha clan chief.

But they didn't have the qualifications to participate in this matter at all. They just got close when they were stopped by Jun Uchiha and the people from the security department.

Shaking his head helplessly, Sasuke felt really unlucky today.

After an inexplicable exam, they fought ninjutsu with Naruto right away. As a result, the two were caught by Kakashi and wrote a review for most of the day. In the evening, they saw the unique barrier of the Uchiha clan.

Finally, when he returned home, he was stunned to find that his father was not at home.

This is really inexplicable. Today is inexplicable all day, which makes Sasuke feel a little helpless.

He knew that there were actually a lot of things happening at home, at school, and even in the village.

But because of his age, he couldn't get in touch with these things at all.

Look at your two older brothers, don't they have all kinds of tasks to do every day?

Sasuke was thinking, it would be nice if he could grow up earlier, if nothing else, at least it would be nice to get out of the ninja school earlier.

But it is a pity that he has no choice, and now he really does not support early graduation.

"Forget it, there are still about five years left, and I will graduate too." Sasuke comforted himself, but soon he noticed something: "Mom, where is brother going?"

"Itachi?" Mikoto was serving dinner when she heard the words and looked out: "I remember he was resting today, but he seems to have gone out in the morning, and he hasn't seen anyone since."

"Is that so?" Sasuke thought for a while, then stood up: "Then I'll go find him."

"Go, let him come over for dinner later." Mikoto thought for a while, nodded and said.

After Sasuke said that he knew, he turned his head and walked out.

Although he didn't know where his brother was, he thought he'd better go back to his room and take a look.

Walking slowly towards the room, suddenly, Sasuke felt a little dizzy, and then he walked towards a training ground almost unintentionally.

When he woke up, he was stunned to find that his brother was standing in front of him, and he had no idea what was going on.

But Sasuke didn't bother to think about it, or he subconsciously ignored these things, and he didn't even have the idea to think about them.

He only knew that he had come to his brother's side now.

Shaking his head, Sasuke walked forward slowly, he already recognized where this place was.

This is the venue where the three brothers have been training, and it is no wonder that my brother is also here.

"Sasuke?" Although Itachi stared into the distance a little uneasy, but he was still an excellent ninja. He had already noticed the person behind him: "Why did you come here?"

"I'm here to find my brother to go back to eat..." Sasuke touched his nose and said, and then he slowly walked to Itachi's side, and also looked into the distance: "That's our family's enchantment ninjutsu. Right? Why in that place..."

"Don't ask, these things may be secret, and..." Itachi interrupted Sasuke: "Go back, I want to go and see."

"Brother..." Sasuke frowned and took a step forward.

"Go back." Itachi suddenly stretched out his hand, and then flicked Sasuke's head: "Sorry, I can't take you there this time, next time."

After speaking, Itachi jumped up and ran towards the distance.

Sasuke rubbed his forehead, watching Itachi's gradually disappearing figure, Sasuke thought for a while, and finally made a decision with gritted teeth.

He's going to follow him over there!

He was really curious now what was going on.

My father was not here today, my brother went to investigate again, and Zhishui's brother was nowhere to be found.

Obviously what happened today, Naruto has noticed it, how could he not notice it?

"Be careful, don't be discovered by your brother." Sasuke muttered softly, then jumped up and quietly followed.

What Sasuke didn't know was that in the shadows, a pair of scarlet eyes were watching them...



Continuous explosions came out, and a figure quickly disappeared into the dark woods in the chaotic situation, making it difficult to track.

Sarutobi Asma led the guards and quickly chased to the edge of the forest, then stopped one by one.

They all had a lot of wounds on their bodies, but their expressions were relatively angry, because they couldn't forget what they had just seen.

They were just patrolling normally, but when they found out that the Shimura clan had formed a barrier, they came over immediately.

They were the first people to come here, and naturally they also bumped into Uchiha Shisui.

They still shudder at the thought of the room full of corpses, and Uchiha Shisui actually killed so many people.

Even though those guys are political enemies, they are all Konoha ninjas!

"Captain, what should I do now?" a member of the security department asked in a low voice.

"Let's close the team." Sarutobi Asma looked at the forest in front of him, and finally shook his head: "Let's report these things."

"It's a pity, that guy was not caught." Another member of the security department said bitterly.

"It's okay, the Shimura clan is still fighting." Sarutobi Asma didn't say much, he turned and left here: "I'm afraid there are still many battles waiting for us."

After speaking, Asma Sarutobi turned his head and left. Although the other members of his team were a little helpless, they still followed.

Uchiha Zhishui glanced at the back, Uchiha's flame formation, he knew this technique, how could he not recognize it?

He didn't take Asma and the others to heart, all he knew now was that it was probably the Fourth Hokage-sama and the others, who were taking action against the Akatsuki organization that entered the village, right?

Shishui doesn't know what the final result will be, because he has no chance to contact him at all, and his current state is not very good.

That dead servant is really too difficult to deal with, because they don't have any human appearance at all.

Cold, not afraid of death, he is fighting Zhishui with a life-for-life attitude.

No matter how strong Zhishui was, he would still suffer a bit in the face of such an attack.

Until now, he still remembered that he used illusion to make a dead servant into a trance, but unfortunately he was intercepted by others before he could make up for it.

When he faced the guy again, Zhi Shui was stunned to find that the guy had seen his arm!

"Just to wake up, in such an extreme way..." Zhi Shui took a deep breath and touched the wound on his lower abdomen, he couldn't help but bared his teeth: "It really hurts, these guys... ...forget it, the mission is completed."

Shishui had already completed his mission. After he had dealt with the eight dead servants, he quickly entered the patriarch's room.

He was lucky, maybe the guys were too confident. They believed that their deadpool could solve the problem, or they believed in the combat power of Akatsuki's organization, so they didn't escape.

Even if they felt the fluctuations of the battle and saw the barrier rising from the sky, they still waited there steadily.

Shishui didn't give them a chance. Those Dead Servants are indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, they have nothing to do with these guys who have been swallowed up by power and have almost lost their ninja abilities.

These guys are not Danzo. According to Uchiha Kai, Danzo has good skills even when he is old.

Shishui was actually guarding against this, but when he actually started, he found that these guys were much easier to deal with than he thought.

As for Asma and the others, they were only here to accumulate merit, and they could not pose any threat to Shishui.

Shaking his head, Zhishui continued to walk forward, killing those guys, he can say that he has completely completed his mission.

But this task is only a part, he has other tasks to do.

Just after walking a few steps, he suddenly saw a person standing there in the direction he was heading.

Seeing this figure, Zhishui breathed a sigh of relief, then accelerated and rushed up, stopping steadily beside this person.

"Master Kai."

Zhishui half-knelt on the ground, completely ignoring the wound on his body and the fact that he couldn't tell whether it was his own or the enemy's blood.

"It's a good performance." Uchiha turned his head to look at Shishui, and then put a hand on him: "You didn't disappoint me, Shishui."

As he spoke, a yang-dun force immediately exerted its effect on Zhishui's body, and he recovered immediately, who had a lot of injuries on his body.

Although Uchiha Qi is not very skilled in the use of Yang Dun, he has mastered this power, and it is no problem to use it simply.

Especially if you simply use this power to heal other people's injuries.

In the original book, Naruto can easily do it. Although he is not as good as Liudao Naruto, Zhishui's injury is not as serious as that of Akai.

"Thank you, Lord Qi." Zhi Shui naturally felt the change in his body, and he whispered immediately.

"It's nothing, you need a better state to meet the next thing." Uchiha Qi shook his head lightly.

"I'll ask you one last time, are you ready? Leave Konoha, carry sins, be with a group of sinful people, and even they are the people you most want to kill. You can't come back for a few years or even ten years, even if you meet Everyone in Konoha may have to attack, and be careful to expose yourself."

"Master Qi, even if I say I don't want to, you won't let me go?" Zhi Shui suddenly showed a smile: "I have come this far, I think I have fully demonstrated my determination, don't worry. Alright, Lord Qi, I will finish it all."

"Then, I'll leave it to you next." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then slowly said, "Go, Itachi will know everything about you. But before that, you need to complete one more thing."

Having said that, Uchiha Qi took out a scroll from his ninja bag, and also some medical disinfection items.

These things have been prepared for a long time. If you want Uchiha Itachi to believe all this, then it is natural to be realistic.

To achieve this level of fidelity, it is natural to do all the preparations.

To this end, Uchiha Fuyue paid a big price. In order to avoid Uchiha Itachi's awareness, he even took out his own kaleidoscope.

"There is the patriarch's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "You take off your own eyes and put one on. If the other is empty, just say..."

"Master Qi took it away, I'm just the abandoned son of Master Qi." Zhi Shui nodded wisely: "I know what to do."

"Very well, then I look forward to your performance."


Itachi was very fast, and in the dark, he ran all the way to the place where the barrier was, and it took about ten minutes to get there.

What he didn't expect was that this place was completely taken over by the Anbu and the Security Department, and he didn't have any chance to go in at all.


He also saw the figure of his father here!

What exactly is going on?

Itachi frowned and thought, he really didn't understand what was going on.

However, Itachi is very smart, especially since he has been in Anbu for so long, he naturally knows how to mix in and get information.

His luck was good. This time, whether it was the Security Department or Anbu, there were many members of the Uchiha clan.

Coupled with the fact that he has a wheel eye, what he has to do is very simple.

He lurked quietly, and soon he chose the target to attack. This guy is also a team leader, and he is also from the Uchiha clan.

So he deliberately caught the guy's attention and let him come alone to find out. When a Uchiha Anbu walked over with a frown, Itachi suddenly appeared beside him.

"Captain Itachi?" The Anbu of the Uchiha clan was stunned for a moment: "Why are you here?"

"Something happened, come and have a look." Itachi said calmly: "What the **** is going on?"

"Sorry, it's better for you to ask Kakashi-sama about this." The Anbu shook his head and directly refused to answer.

"Really..." Itachi nodded: "I understand, sorry..."

As soon as the words fell, Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye suddenly burst out with incredible power.

This Uchiha clan's Anbu didn't react at all, and he probably didn't expect Uchiha Itachi to suddenly act.

In just an instant, he was controlled by the illusion, and then he was hit on the neck and passed out.

Itachi took a deep breath and immediately changed into this Anbu costume. Everything seemed so simple, so simple that he didn't even think of it himself.

After doing all this, he slowly walked towards the place where Uchiha's group of people gathered.

It was just when he got close, his expression changed.

"This guy Zhishui is really ruthless, he actually killed the entire Shimura clan."

"Yeah, originally I thought he was a traitor, but I didn't expect that he refused the order of the root and directly attacked the people behind the three generations of Hokage. It's incredible, but this time the trouble is also big, so many people died... ..”

"Isn't that right, even Hokage-sama was dispatched, and even let us set up the enchantment, but it is a pity that he still escaped."

"It doesn't matter, he can't escape. Although I support his approach, all the ninjas he killed were Konoha's ninjas. This matter has already been dispatched by Lord Qi, I'm afraid..."

Shishui refused the mission of the roots? what task?

Did you kill the Shimura clan by rejecting this quest? The whole clan was killed?

Are they all Konoha's ninjas? Master Qi is out?

The news made Itachi feel dizzy and even gave him the illusion of suffocation.

Uchiha started, and what this means is self-evident.

He has no idea how strong Uchiha Kai is, but he knows how strong his father is.

But his father bluntly stated many times that he was not an opponent of Uchiha Kai at all.

"Master Qi is dispatched, then Brother Zhishui..." Itachi's body trembled a little: "What the **** is going on?"

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and he immediately turned to leave.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, Uchiha Fuyue suddenly turned his head to look over, and finally sighed slightly...


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