Chapter 688: The last show (Part 1)

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"Ah, I'm full!"

At Konoha Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto put down a big bowl comfortably, and then patted his stomach.

Yile ramen is definitely his favorite food. If he is not worried about being taught by his mother, maybe this is the kind of food he does not have.

The boss of Yile Ramen is very good, and he has been very kind to himself since he was a child. Naruto can feel that this boss is different from others.

If other people treat me well, it is largely because my father is the fourth Hokage.

Then the uncle in front of him is kind to himself, and he is kind to himself from the bottom of his heart, and there is nothing mixed in it.

Naruto has been smart since he was a child, and his heart is also very pure, and with a good education, he can naturally distinguish a lot of things.

This uncle really treats himself with sincerity, so Naruto likes to be with this uncle very much, and also likes the Ilaku ramen opened by this uncle.

"I'm full, Naruto." Uncle Yile said with a smile: "Then go back quickly, it's not very peaceful today, go back early so your parents don't worry."

"Yeah...." Naruto nodded, and then his eyes couldn't help but look at the scattered fire: "It's really not very calm."

Naruto was also a little helpless in his heart. Today's events seem to be extraordinary no matter how you look at them, but he doesn't know anything.

Although he knew that these things did not need him to worry about at all, even if he asked his parents, they would not tell him.

Even if he wanted to say, 'Even if Master Qi is on the battlefield at my age, it's no big deal to know something. ’

But for the sake of his butt, Naruto decisively pushed the idea away.

Shaking his head, Naruto stretched, then paid the money, stood up and said hello to Uncle Yile, then turned and left.

With his hands folded on the back of his head, Naruto thought as he walked, what happened to Konoha recently.

After thinking about it, it's only about Sasuke's brother.

Moreover, Sasuke also said that the barrier there just now was something unique to their Uchiha clan.

Could it be that this matter really has something to do with the Uchiha family?

Thinking like this, Naruto suddenly saw a figure, sneaking towards the front.

This suddenly made his eyes light up, he had already recognized who that guy was, that was Sasuke!

At this time, this guy is not eating at home, why did he run out?

And looking in this direction, it seems to be heading towards the place of the incident?

Could it be...

Naruto's little face suddenly showed a fox-like smile, and then he kicked his legs and quickly followed.

The tracking skills, Naruto is still relatively good at.

After all, strictly speaking, he is also an honor student at the ninja school, and he has a good grasp of this ability.

It didn't take long for Naruto to quietly follow Sasuke to the scene of the incident. Sure enough, there were more people here, and they seemed to be dealing with some other messy things.

Just seeing the people here, Naruto was so frightened that he didn't dare to show his face.

Because he saw his parents were there!

Not only that, he also saw Kakashi, Imai Kenta and others, even Sasuke's father.

What exactly is going on?

Naruto's question mark, he now only knows that he has some regrets and ran over.

If you are discovered at this moment, then you can imagine that I am afraid that I will inevitably be punished.

To his relief, Sasuke didn't seem to be heading over there, but continued to follow a person out of here.

"It's dangerous and dangerous, but fortunately nothing happened." Naruto patted his little heart, and he found that his heartbeat was a little too fast: "By the way, that guy Sasuke is following, it seems that it is his brother Itachi? What's going on here?"

Naruto was confused, but after thinking about it, he still decided to follow him.

I have to admit that children's curiosity is always the strongest, even if there is a proverb called "curiosity killed the cat".

Naruto thought for a moment and followed decisively, and it didn't take long for them to quietly come to a canyon.

The canyon looked very dark, and Naruto was always panicked by the sounds of wild beasts that came from the Academy and the forest from time to time.

After hesitating for a while, Naruto simply caught up with Sasuke: "Hey, Sasuke, what are you doing here at night?"

"!" To be honest, Sasuke was really taken aback by the sudden appearance of Naruto: "Naruto? Why are you here?"

The environment here is not only Naruto feeling terrified, but even he himself feels terrified.

If it wasn't for the purpose of finding out the truth and finding out what his brother was doing, he swore that he would never come to this ghost place!

But when he took a breath, he suddenly realized a problem, why is this guy Naruto here?

Has he been following him?

When did it start?

And he also discovered something tragically, he was so frightened that he lost his brother!

"Damn it, it's all your fault!" Sasuke suddenly became annoyed: "If you hadn't appeared suddenly, how could I have lost my brother?"

"Lost?" Naruto blinked his big blue eyes, and then asked curiously, "You haven't said why you are here?"

"Shut up!" Sasuke scolded, and then began to carefully look for where his brother was.

This valley....

It seems a little strange, Sasuke has never been to this place before.

However, his brother came in this direction, and the place where he should go should be near here, right?

After thinking for a while, Sasuke simply ran towards the bottom of the valley, and Naruto knew that he might have done something wrong, so he did not say a word, but directly followed Sasuke.

"Why are you following me?"

"Of course, to see what the **** you're up to."

Sasuke shook his head helplessly. He really wanted to drive Naruto away now, but he knew that he might not be able to.

If you have a fight, your brother may find out, and it is not realistic to persuade him directly.

The most important thing is that he is only a seven or eight-year-old kid now. The valley doesn't feel good to him, and he is also a little scared.

So he just shut up and didn't say anything more, he just hoped that this guy would be quiet.

After some time, they finally came to the bottom of the valley.

In this place, there is a river. There are many rivers in Konoha. The ghost knows which unknown river it is.

Just when they just got here, they were surprised to find a figure crawling out of the river.

This figure looked a little terrifying, and immediately made the two little ghosts stay away, and they chose to hide.

"Who is this person?" Naruto asked in a low voice, but soon he seemed to know: "This is... your brother Shishui?"

"Well." Sasuke frowned: "Yes, just why is he here, and..."

Suddenly, Sasuke was speechless, because he saw Shishui quickly put on a pair of eyes.

At the same time, the space around Zhishui began to distort, a figure emerged from it, and the two little ghosts were even more frightened.

It's just that when they heard the conversation between the two, they broke out in cold sweat.

If Naruto hadn't covered Sasuke's mouth, I'm afraid this guy would have screamed...


In the darkness, it took Uchiha Itachi about ten minutes to reach a cliff on the bank of a river.

This is the place where I once pursued the true meaning of life and thought that life had no meaning and chose to jump off the cliff.

And here is where he and Zhishui first got to know each other.

He had a hunch, as if he knew that Zhishui would be here, although he didn't know why he had such a feeling, but he somehow believed in such a feeling.

Sure enough, when he came here, he clearly saw a figure sitting cross-legged on the edge of the cliff, quietly watching the passage of the river.

"You're here, Itachi." It was Uchiha Shisui's voice, he said softly, standing up slowly and turning around.

Itachi wanted to reply, but the words that came to his mouth were abruptly swallowed back.

The first thing that catches his eye is Zhishui's tightly closed right eye, the blood and tears have not dried up until now, and there are also several wounds on his body.

"Brother Zhishui...what's the matter with your eyes?" Uchiha Itachi asked subconsciously, his face was horrified.

It can be seen that Shishui has experienced quite a tragic battle, but who can hurt him to such an extent.

In his memory, Brother Zhishui has always been very powerful, especially he still remembers the pair of eyes he seemed to have seen this morning.

That is the most powerful eye of the Uchiha family, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

Suddenly, Itachi seemed to think of something, Uchiha Kai!

Lord Qi personally dispatched, and only he can do this!

Just why...

"Don't worry, I'm fine for now." Shishui chuckled, as if he knew what Itachi was thinking, he shook his head and said in a low voice, "It's Uchiha Kai..."

"What the **** is going on!" Itachi couldn't help at this moment, and he asked loudly, "Why is this happening?"

"Itachi, listen to me, I don't have much time." Zhi Shui shook his head, his voice sounded a little weak, but he was unusually firm: "I'm actually an abandoned son, I am Uchiha Kai's abandoned son.

Many years ago, he put me under the three generations of Hokage, that is, the root.

Because he has to deal with the three generations of Hokage, he needs to clear the faction of the entire three generations of Hokage. Only in this way can he truly master Konoha! "

"Master... Konoha..." Itachi's body couldn't help shaking.

He knew how terrifying Uchiha Kai's power in Konoha was!

Almost all the members of the entire four generations of Hokage have a deep relationship with him, even Lord Hokage.

It's just that he can't understand why Uchiha Kaito has come this far, isn't he still satisfied?

Uchiha Kai.... what kind of person is he?

Is he a person who bears the dark for Konoha, or is he a... refined egoist?

"Ah, master Konoha." When Zhishui said this, he was a little apologetic in his heart, but he knew that he could only follow the script: "I am the spy he arranged to collect evidence of the three generations of Hokage factions, but I didn't expect, Something happened."

"What...what." Itachi swallowed, feeling that his cold sweat was already breaking out.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye." Zhi Shui said indifferently: "I think you also know the power of these eyes, which made Kai Uchiha and your father. The power of these eyes is unmatched. But among these There is a key, and that is that these eyes are cursed."

"Once it is used for too long, the pupil power in the eyes can't keep up, then the eyes will be sealed.

From ancient times to the present, these eyes have made countless members of the Uchiha clan, and these eyes have also ruined them.

Kai Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel was opened eight or nine years ago, and his eyes have now come to an end.

His current status and strength all come from these eyes, so he made a decision. "

Zhi Shui took a deep breath, he had already memorized this script.

To be honest, he was in a cold sweat after reading this script, let alone this guy Itachi.

He asked Uchiha Kai if the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye was the end, and when Uchiha Kai showed the reincarnation eye, he knew that he thought too much.

Shaking his head, Shishui continued: "Therefore, Uchiha Kai made a decision to deliberately reveal my identity."

"I was his subordinate, but I was serving at the root, and he exposed me was equivalent to taking the whole root from the bottom of the pot.

I belong to Kai Uchiha after all, and the way I join the roots.....

After that, use your father to declare war with the three generations of Hokage, forcing him to think about himself and the people behind him.

Therefore, the three generations of Hokage gave me an order. He knew that I had a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and was the only person who could deal with Uchiha Kai. He wanted me to kill Uchiha Kai!

Hehe, I am from Uchiha Kai, how can I carry out this mission?

Similarly, Uchiha Kai also gave me a task.

Kill the supporters behind the three generations of Hokage and make him completely alone. "

"I accepted the assignment and there is no turning back for me.

However, when I finished this task, Uchiha Kai came, he arranged Uchiha Flame World to trap me, and at this time he also exposed his ambitions.

He wants my eyes, and he needs new eyes to help him maintain his current strength and status!

I'm no match for him but he also had problems with his eyes, which allowed me to run out, but..."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Shisui sighed, the empty eye socket seemed to be telling Uchiha Itachi what happened!

Itachi's body kept shaking, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

Everything he knew, everything he knew, was so dark and so hopeless.

Kai Uchiha, the person he respects so much, could actually be such a person.

My closest brother was actually forced to this point by this person!

Uchiha Itachi feels that his world has collapsed...


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