Chapter 689: open eyes

"It looks like it's going well."

In the forest not far from the cliff, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku stood on a big tree.

The two of them stared at the pair of brothers in the distance, watching their performance.

To be honest, Uchiha Kai watched it with relish, but Uchiha Fugaku felt unusually uncomfortable.

Having read the 'script', he naturally knew that Shishui was going to tell Itachi something.

It is rude to say that these things are really destroying Uchiha Itachi's belief, which is destroying his worldview!

Vicious, dark, and unimaginable words once again appeared in Uchiha Fuyue's mind.

But in the end, he could only sigh slightly, because it was all for his children, and it wasn't that they wouldn't tell them the truth in the end.

Closing his eyes, Uchiha Fuyue didn't want to watch at all. He recalled the pain and despair when he opened the kaleidoscope, which was really unacceptable.

"Hopefully, Itachi can bear it." Uchiha Fuyue said softly: "Seriously, the script you wrote is really too much."

"Excessive?" Uchiha Qi shook his head with a smile: "Perhaps, in fact, you and I both know that what is needed to truly open the kaleidoscope is not killing the people closest to you, right?"

"You said that stone tablet again?" Uchiha Fuyue thought for a while: "Indeed, I don't think it is necessary. You and I have never done this, so..."

"Don't say anything wrong, do you think this kind of thing can go wrong?" Uchiha Kai shook his head and interrupted Uchiha Fuyue's reverie: "I am more inclined, someone changed this stone tablet. As for who, I I don't know, but I asked you to investigate."

Someone changed the content of the stone tablet?

Uchiha Fuyue frowned a little tighter, which seemed to be a good explanation, otherwise why would there be such a terrible record on the stone tablet?

But the question is, who actually does it?

What is the purpose?

Behind all this, it seems that it is not simple at all.

However, Uchiha Fuyue is not a fool, and his eyes can see a lot of things. After some explanations from Uchiha Kai, he seems to have some answers now.

"What do you mean, Kaguya Otsutsuki?" Uchiha Fuyue asked in a low voice, "Someone wants..."

"Well, don't talk about it." Uchiha Qi interrupted him: "I asked someone to investigate this matter."

"Is that guy?" Uchiha Fuyue suddenly thought of Obito, but soon he thought of something: "He is also the protagonist, why is he not here? Wait, he won't be hiding somewhere to watch secretly? Except Is there anyone other than him?"

"Indeed, he just hid and watched until it was time for him to appear." Uchiha Qi smiled: "As for whether there are other people, I'm not sure if the people around him will be there. But I can be sure. , Aya is also watching."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai turned his head and looked into the distance.

After obtaining the Immortal Mode, his perception became very powerful, and he could naturally feel a gaze looking at them.

No need to think about it at all, this person must be Hyuga Aya.

She didn't follow because Uchiha didn't let him, but Uchiha didn't let him, so she had no other way?

Shaking his head helplessly, Uchiha Kai turned his gaze to Uchiha Shisui again.


Shishui gasped, and he stared at Itachi, looking at Itachi's expression, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Such a feeling, he had experienced, was so desperate, so unacceptable.

But Kaleidoscope Shakers must go through this step. According to Master Qi, this is a spiritual experience that transcends oneself.

Although this kind of spiritual experience makes people desperate to the extreme, but such an experience can also burst out the ultimate power.

When you really fall into the most despair, what you think and think in your heart may become the power you desire.

Shisui was also curious about what kind of power it would get if Itachi really succeeded.

However, no matter what kind of power he gets, he may not be able to see it.

I hope Lord Qi can explain it clearly in time, otherwise, it may cause unimaginable misunderstandings.

I also hope that Itachi can succeed, otherwise the price is too great.

Taking a deep breath, Shishui continued, "So, Itachi, I'll give you my last eye now."

"What?" Itachi was still a little dazed at the moment, he said almost unconsciously, but he quickly reacted: "Brother Zhishui, you..."

"Listen to me, this eye contains my strongest power, I have nowhere to go, but you are different." Shishui said, and stretched his hand to his eye socket: "You and Sasuke He is the most talented clan I have ever seen, a ninja better than me, Sasuke is still young, don't tell him this, and don't provoke Kai Uchiha. Be safe and secure, and live the life you changed."

The voice fell, and Shishui's eyes slammed down at the moment when Zhishui had been promoted.

It was very painful, no matter how many times he experienced such pain, he would feel extremely uncomfortable.

But now Zhishui doesn't care about that anymore, and now this eye is not his own.

He panted and said, "Take it, this is the last thing I can leave for you."

He smiled, handed the writing wheel in his hand to Itachi, and then patted his shoulder encouragingly, stepping back step by step.

"Zhishui... What do you want to do?" Itachi saw Zhishui's movement as soon as he held his still warm eyes, and wanted to step forward and pull him.

Uchiha Shishui flexibly avoided, even without his eyes, his hearing was still sensitive.

The sound of the rushing river came, Uchiha Shisui stood on a rock on the edge of the cliff, and looked at Itachi with such a smile: "The rest is left to you, and, don't avenge me, pretend Do not know anything. Work hard to get the approval of Uchiha Kai, only in this way can you continue to work hard to achieve your dreams. And I..."

Uchiha Itachi looked at him with pain on his face, and his eyes were already shedding tears: "I understand what you said, but why, why did you make such a decision, only by living can there be hope, only by living can Find a way to solve these problems, why? Why!"

"Sorry, it won't work this time." Shishui shook his head, his voice was low and slow: "No way, I'm already going to die. With my current injuries, I can't leave Konoha, and I killed all the Shimura clan. , No one can justify me, Uchiha Kai has completely abandoned me, I have only one identity, that is Uchiha traitor who follows the three generations of Hokage. I have no choice, I just hope you can still remember..... "

"I'm not a traitor, I didn't betray Uchiha, I didn't betray Konoha, remember that I'm a Konoha ninja, for me, that's enough..."

Shishui said slowly, and his footsteps stepped backwards again.

Suddenly, his entire figure fell suddenly, and then quickly disappeared into the darkness. With a thud, the sound of rushing water covered everything, but Uchiha Shisui was no longer there.

Itachi was lying on the rock, staring at the rapids in the dark night, but couldn't find Shishui's figure, the water was too fast.

Tears poured out of his eyes silently, and the grief in his heart almost poured out of his heart. Uchiha Itachi sat weakly on the rock and cried silently.

There was no cry, but the tears couldn't be stopped. The brother Zhishui who was like a brother and also a teacher and friend left, and the brother Zhishui, who was regarded as a goal by him, left forever.

Leaving only one of his eyes, and a truth that will never be revealed.

Uchiha Itachi felt heart-piercing pain for the first time, it was the pain of losing his brother, it was the pain of breaking his own cognition and worldview.

Even if he is as calm as him, his mind is blank at this time, unable to think about anything.

Suddenly, a gloomy chakra appeared along with his violently fluctuating emotions.

This extremely cold chakra began to brew in his eyes, and Sangouyu's eyes turned frantically, gradually turning into a three-sided sickle and shuriken pattern.

A powerful pupil power was continuously transmitted from the eyes to the body, which was completely unexplained before.

Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes in pain, he could feel the situation in his eyes, but there was no joy in his heart.

"This is..." A tear of blood flowed down the corner of his eyes along with him: "Is Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye... at such a time... is it really a cursed fate?"

"Brother Zhishui... Since I already know the truth, how can you let me see you with such sins at ease? Kai Uchiha... Even if you cover the sky with only one hand, I will I will also find a way to cut off your hand!"

"Dreams are good, but the way you talk is really stupid."



Zhishui crawled out of the river, and he felt really tired now, especially the pain in his eyes that he couldn't resist at all.

Taking a deep breath, Zhishui quickly put his hand into his ninja bag, even if he didn't have eyes, he knew where his ninja bag was.

Taking out the scroll, Uchiha Shishui quickly formed the seal, and then took out a pair of eyeballs blindly.

Quickly using Uchiha's special technique, he stuffed the eyeball into his eye socket.

In just a moment, this eye was connected with Zhishui's nerve under the action of the technique. In his eyes, everything changed from darkness to light, and he could see everything around him.

Taking a deep breath, Zhi Shui quickly put the other eye on it. After one scene is finished, he still needs to go to the second scene.

The feeling of rushing to the field is tiring and helpless, but Zhishui is also a qualified ninja.

To be honest, every qualified elite ninja is a top actor.

"I don't know how Itachi is now, should....Is it okay?" Zhi Shui wiped away the blood and tears from the corners of his eyes, then slowly stood up.

The location where he jumped was carefully calculated, and it was absolutely impossible to hit the stone.

Even when he fell into the water, he threw a kunai in a special case to break the tension on the water surface.

Looking down at himself, although the clothes were tattered, there were no scars at all, and the blood stains on his body had been washed away by the river water long ago.

It's just that he didn't have time to think about it, and the space beside him began to distort.

"You're here?" Zhi Shui said indifferently, "I thought you didn't plan to come."

"After dealing with some things, you Konoha are really alert enough, I didn't expect those guys to be discovered long ago." Obito's voice was still low and hoarse: "But it's good to deal with them, otherwise I won't have a chance to see them. It's such an interesting scene."

"It's really a mouse that likes to hide in the stinky ditch." Zhishui frowned, but he didn't panic after considering all this: "Uchiha Kai treats me like that, if there is no other preparation, then Does it seem like I'm being too bullying?"

"Also, as an abandoned son, you believed him so much, but you got this result." Obito seemed to understand Shishui very well, and said casually: "This result is really hard to accept, so are you ready? Come with me to rearrange the world, let's reshape the world!"

Shishui looked at this madman-like guy, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Shaking his head, Zhishui quickly calmed himself down. Although he felt a little nauseous, he still knew very well that it was better not to annoy this guy for now.

Thinking of this, Zhishui nodded directly, but just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed.

As a member of the root, he naturally has a fairly good detection ability.

He has already noticed that there are two little guys hiding not far away. The most important thing is that these two little guys are actually the sons of the fourth Hokage and Sasuke!

How is this going? Why is Sasuke here? Shouldn't he be on it?

Also, why is that kid Naruto here?

In the end what happened?

All this is not as expected!

What's even worse is that there is a **** terrorist by his side, if he finds out...

"Let's go." Zhishui didn't want to get involved too much, he said directly: "If you stay for too long, the people of Konoha will find out."

"Indeed, if you stay too long, you will be found." Obito nodded, and then he said calmly as if on purpose, "But before leaving, shouldn't we clean up some mice?"

Saying , his eyes turned to where Naruto and Sasuke were hiding, and his actions made Shisui even more frightened.

In just a moment, he has calmed down, he can't panic now, he has to calm down.

"I'm going to you, but I can tell you responsibly, it's better to pretend not to notice." Zhishui's expression was indifferent to the extreme: "Moreover, I also need one of them to help me brew my eyes, otherwise... ."

"Sure enough, you are still growing." Obito didn't dare to do anything at all, he just frightened Shishui, turned around and said directly, "Let's go, if you don't want to clean up these mice."

"Ah, let's go." Zhi Shui nodded, and finally he took a deep look at this village and everything here.

Then turn around and leave with Obito...


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