Chapter 691: last drop

What happened to the Shimura clan was something no one could have imagined.

What is even more unexpected is that the person who does this is actually Uchiha Shisui!

It is completely conceivable that after getting this result, what kind of shock broke out in the whole Konoha.

Uchiha Shisui is a genius of the Uchiha family, but this genius is a betrayal.

He and Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyake are not the same at all. He has always been affiliated with the roots of the three generations of Hokage.

And according to the intelligence of all parties, this guy has been brainwashed very seriously.

Even though Uchiha Fuyue came forward to have a violent conflict between him and the three generations of Hokage, but this guy was completely nothing, and continued to hang out with the three generations of Hokage.

But what they never expected is that the turn of events is often the most unexpected.

Uchiha Shisui actually turned his head and killed all of Shimura, Chuan, and Mitomon's patriarchs, as well as the family patriarchs who followed them!

This is good, it can be said that this is simply embarking on a road that has never been imagined.

The most interesting thing is that, according to the people in the security department and Hyuga, they discovered that a mysterious organization had quietly entered Konoha and had connections with the Shimura clan!

According to this information, after thinking of the barrier that night and the death of Uchiha Shisui...

Connected, they feel as if everything is connected!

Within the Shimura clan, there are so many clan chiefs gathered together.

Obviously they are not for celebration, or they are discussing something, and they are combining with those mysterious organizations, so it can be seen that they are conspiring something.

It is a pity that no one knows what they are conspiring, because history is written by the victors. As for how to write them, just watch the fun.

But they know one thing, and that is that the three generations of Hokage will be completely unlucky this time.

No matter what Uchiha Shisui did, or Shimura's connection with the mysterious organization, the three generations of Hokage's political career have basically been sentenced to death.

These two groups of people are all people who were killed by Sarutobi!

It's not that they haven't considered whether Uchiha Shisui will be the one arranged by Uchiha Kai.

After all, after this series of things were done, it was obviously the four generations of Hokage who benefited from it, especially when the Jōnin meeting was held, and the position of the minister of the medical department of the three generations of Hokage was revoked.

It is completely conceivable that after withdrawing from the medical department, I am afraid that it will gradually start to be implicated, right?

And Uchiha Kai also took the opportunity to put forward his own ideas, he proposed to let Hyuga Aya come to compete for the position of the Minister of the Medical Department!

Hyuga Aya is a member of the Hyuga Clan, and is also a very, very special existence in the Hyuga Clan.

She is an extremely high-ranking person in the Hyuga clan now, and the Hyuga clan is close to the four generations of Hokage in an all-round way.

If you want qualifications, Hyuga Aya is enough!

After all, she has been in the security department for so long, and she has been with Uchiha Kai all the time. She is probably more familiar with the operation and execution of the department than anyone else.

If you want strength, Hyuga Aya is also enough. No one will doubt the ability of this woman, especially when she killed Hyuga Zonghyun with her own hands in the Hyuga incident.

In addition to not knowing what her medical level is, in other respects, she is a perfect existence.

But the problem is, if this woman is really elected, it can be seen as a huge victory for Uchiha Kai.

It can even be seen as a sign that Uchiha Qi completely covered the sky with Konoha!

Look at the current Konoha, how many high-level executives are related to Uchiha Kai, or simply Uchiha Kai brought it out and brought it up?

The four generations of Hokage wave Feng Shui, it is said that they had a close relationship with Uchiha Kai before they took office. They had a good relationship when they were still the captains of the superior and the subordinate.

Anbu Minister Hatake Kakashi, although he is a disciple of the fourth Hokage.

But he became the Minister of Anbu is Uchiha Kai, and according to himself, Uchiha Kai is his friend and also his life mentor.

The head of the mission department, Kenta Imai, is the real talker of the Senju family. This guy once worked in the security department, and he is also teammates with Kei Uchiha, and they have an extremely close relationship to this day.

If the security department was in the last Hyuga Aya, then it can be said that one-third or more of the high-level executives belong to Uchiha Kai.

In addition to this identity, Hyuga Aya represents not only the Hyuga clan, but also has a more important identity in the eyes of others, that is Uchiha Kai's girlfriend.

Although the two of them are not engaged, but judging from the seriousness and loyalty of the ninja to their relationship, I am afraid that the two are not far from that step.

It is completely conceivable, what a terrible thing this would be, and even many people began to doubt the idea of ​​Uchiha Kai.

"Really, if I really want to be Hokage, will it be so troublesome?" In Hokage's office, Uchiha Kai said helplessly: "By formal means, just make some promises. It's like I don't have a chance. , I just don't want to waste it here, so what?"

"This question is really not that easy to answer." Minato Namikaze was also a little helpless. He knew that the purpose of others was probably to worry about something bad happening to Konoha, but he couldn't say too much.

He does know what Uchiha Kai thinks, but that doesn't mean others know it too.

Shaking his head, Namikaze Minato didn't intend to worry about this issue, he said directly: "By the way, Kai, what's going on with Naruto? Why does he know that Shisui is still alive?"

"It can only be said that some accidents and unexpected things happened." Speaking of this problem, Uchiha Qi himself was quite helpless.

Everything went so smoothly originally, Uchiha Shisui killed the heads of interest groups, was rounded up by Sarutobi Asma, and then fled the scene, disguised and deceived Uchiha Itachi.

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi ran to find Shisui under the guidance of his shadow clone, while Sasuke followed Itachi and would not be found.

At this point, Uchiha Kai naturally untied the shadow clone, and the ghost knew that the development of things would completely deviate from his expectations.

Originally, he thought that it was to let Shisui and Sasuke meet in the future, causing Sasuke's hatred and finally pretending to kill Shisui, Uchiha Kai told the so-called "truth" to stimulate Sasuke.

Everything was going well, but it turned out that Sasuke met a Naruto on the way.

Aya Hyuga saw everything. According to her, Naruto directly disturbed Sasuke because Naruto was afraid, which caused Sasuke to be embarrassed, so that they ran to the bottom of the canyon.

Then, the two of them witnessed Uchiha Shisui's betrayal with their own eyes. If Naruto hadn't stopped him, Sasuke would have run out and confronted him.

In the face of this situation, Uchiha Qi is really angry and funny, although the result is not bad, but he really did not expect to pull Naruto into it inexplicably.

Can only say that Indra and Asura are not separated?

"Hey, it's our fault, let Naruto stay at home alone." Minato Minato is not an unreasonable person, he also said helplessly: "This kid is really worrying, I hope it won't affect it. to you."

"It won't affect it, and..." Uchiha Kai smiled: "It seems that the relationship between these two boys has become better."

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time." Minato Namifeng smiled and said, "Now that the water-stopping matter has been dealt with, what's next? Are you really going to push Aya up from the medical department? Also, I remember that the ghost shark seems to be you too. One of the plans?"

"The medical department let you go, and it's a good deal for the Hyuga clan." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Of course, if you have a better choice, Captain Minato, I may support it, because I will reserve my opinion. .As for the ghost shark..."

"He's going to act too."


"Jizhu, you did well today."

"Thank you for the guidance of Big Brother Ghost Shark, let's eat barbecue tonight!"

On the street of Konoha, the ghost shark took a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy to stroll under the sunset, and they seemed so harmonious.

In one year, the ghost shark spent a whole year teaching Jizhu. During this year, the ghost shark watched the child grow up, and he also met the requirements of the ghost shark more and more.

And the relationship between them is getting better and better, and the most important thing is that the relationship between the ghost shark and Yoshitake's sister Yami is also getting closer.

It's just that the ghost shark is very restrained. He has not forgotten his mission. He still has a very important task to do.

A few days ago, something like that happened to Konoha, and the Oni Shark who was Anbu naturally followed Kakashi to the scene.

Of course he knew what it all meant.

It seems that I am afraid that I will also enter that organization. If they enter Konoha so blatantly, Master Qi will not let them go.

As he was walking, the ghost shark suddenly noticed something, and he looked up without a trace.

Sure enough, on a roof not far away, a shadow was standing there, his eyes were so scarlet.

Seeing this scene, the ghost shark already knew what was going to happen.

He slowed down and patted Ji Zhu on the shoulder, then said with a smile: "Ji Zhu, you go back first, I still have some things to do."

"Ah? Brother Ghost Shark, didn't we agree to go eat barbecue?" Jizhu asked strangely, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, there are indeed some very important things to do." The ghost shark nodded: "Listen to Yoshitake, in the future, you must listen carefully to the words you lead the team, and wait for you to become a chunin and other chunin. When forming a team, you must seriously consider the strength of your teammates. Protecting yourself is the key. Once there is an extremely dangerous situation, you... Forget it, in short, you must protect yourself, understand?"

"Uh, Big Brother Ghost Shark..." Ji Zhu looked at the Ghost Shark in confusion, he didn't know why the Ghost Shark suddenly mentioned this to himself.

"Listen carefully, Jizhu." Ghost Shark shook his head, and then continued: "You are a qualified ninja now, but you don't know everything, you must think about your family. Also, be more filial to your parents, Listen more to your sister...remember..."

The ghost shark said a lot, and he completely said everything he knew.

Although Jizhu looked stunned, he honestly listened to what the ghost shark said, but at this time, Jizhu seemed to have a premonition, he felt as if the ghost shark was going to leave them.

But just as such an idea appeared in his mind, he shook his head and threw it out.

Brother Ghost Shark is staying well in Konoha, why did he leave?

"Have you all remembered?" After a long time, the ghost shark finished all the words he wanted to say, and he looked at Ji Zhu seriously.

"I already remembered." Ji Zhu said with a smile: "Even if you don't remember, you can ask Big Brother Ghost Shark for advice in the future."

"Jizhu, I'm not joking with you, there are some things you must keep in mind." The ghost shark's face fell, and this appearance made Jizhu a little scared.

"Brother Ghost Shark, do you have a mission..." After a long time, Ji Zhu slowly asked.

"I don't have a mission, I just feel it. Go home, Yoshitake, don't let the uncles and the others, and Yami wait for a long time."

"Is that so... see you tomorrow?"


Looking at the back of Jizhu turned and left, the ghost shark dodged and left the place.

When he appeared again, he was already on a roof.

Looking at the shadow in front of him, the ghost shark took a deep breath and walked over, then half-knelt on the ground.

"Master Qi." Ghost Shark said in a low voice.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye?" Hei Ying turned around and revealed his face. He asked softly, "I left this time, but I don't know when I came back."

"No need, Lord Qi." Ghost Shark shook his head: "Instead of hurting and leaving, it's better to leave quietly, and Lord Qi hasn't finished speaking, not only does he not know when he will return, but also does not know whether he will return or not. come."

"I will be back." Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then he made a seal.

The next moment the space around him began to distort, and a guy wearing a black robe and a weird mask appeared beside them. UU reading www.

Seeing the appearance of this person, the pupils of the ghost shark's eyes dilated slightly, but he did not speak.

This guy, the ghost shark knows, because he also did a mission with this guy back then!

The most important thing is that this guy slapped himself and the years hard at the beginning, but when he saw the familiar people, the ghost shark was still a little relieved.

"He is your contact person." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "Follow him in the future, go."

"I understand, Lord Kai." The ghost shark stood up and bowed respectfully to Kai Uchiha.

Turning around, the ghost shark reached Obito's side, turned his head, and his eyes fell into the distance.

There is where he lives, and there are people in his heart.

Under the moonlight, his shadow was pulled extremely long...
